Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
The OP is not sympathetic to leftist causes. Did you forget the OP in your wild claim?
How many times do you see national media figures calling for national conversations on liberal violence? That is the point. If you can show me repeated such calls, I will be glad to admit I was not aware of them.
Why would they do that when the violence is all on the right side? To be honest I hate watching the news so I dont see much violence from either side unless someone sends me a video or I see it mentioned on here.
So we agree there is no call for a national conversation on leftist violence, as the OP states.
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
So being there is the newest excuse for violence. Got it, let me just add that one to the list also while you cry about liberal violence as being inexcusable.
I'll say these three things for the record:

1. Violence from Trump supporters at Trump rallies is inexcusable. Just record the haters being haters.
2. Violence from anti-Trump haters at Trump rallies is inexcusable. Just stay away from the rally if you can't control your hatred.
3. Deliberately going to a Trump rally and inciting violence is not only inexcusable, it makes you look like a moron.

Not to put too fine a point on it, if there were no agitators at the rallies, there would be no violence at the rallies, it's really kind of basic and easy for even children to understand.

Agitation is not an excuse for violence. Unless you're like a snarling animal who doesnt know how to handle things you dont like without violence. I like how you said its inexcusable them provided an excuse *wink wink* I get cha
I resemble that remark except i know how to handle things without violence but I just prefer to use violence in some cases.
Then would you say you "deserved it" when you get thumped?
Probably not. I would just say the consequences of my actions caused me to get thumped.
Same thing.
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
Didnt Tom Cruise make a movie about that? This isnt the movies.
How many times do you see national media figures calling for national conversations on liberal violence? That is the point. If you can show me repeated such calls, I will be glad to admit I was not aware of them.
Why would they do that when the violence is all on the right side? To be honest I hate watching the news so I dont see much violence from either side unless someone sends me a video or I see it mentioned on here.
So we agree there is no call for a national conversation on leftist violence, as the OP states.
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
You made the claim.
I'll say these three things for the record:

1. Violence from Trump supporters at Trump rallies is inexcusable. Just record the haters being haters.
2. Violence from anti-Trump haters at Trump rallies is inexcusable. Just stay away from the rally if you can't control your hatred.
3. Deliberately going to a Trump rally and inciting violence is not only inexcusable, it makes you look like a moron.

Not to put too fine a point on it, if there were no agitators at the rallies, there would be no violence at the rallies, it's really kind of basic and easy for even children to understand.

Agitation is not an excuse for violence. Unless you're like a snarling animal who doesnt know how to handle things you dont like without violence. I like how you said its inexcusable them provided an excuse *wink wink* I get cha
I resemble that remark except i know how to handle things without violence but I just prefer to use violence in some cases.
Then would you say you "deserved it" when you get thumped?
Probably not. I would just say the consequences of my actions caused me to get thumped.
Same thing.
Only if you are not educated enough to understand the difference.
Why would they do that when the violence is all on the right side? To be honest I hate watching the news so I dont see much violence from either side unless someone sends me a video or I see it mentioned on here.
So we agree there is no call for a national conversation on leftist violence, as the OP states.
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
You made the claim.
Nope. Just repeating documented history.
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
Didnt Tom Cruise make a movie about that? This isnt the movies.
Nope, this is real life, where real people get hurt for real. When leftists loot and riot, real people lose businesses and property. Real people get hurt.
Who send 8-10 yr old kids out to yell FU ar strangers? Leftist think this is good?
I suspect it is just as good as people pulling their kids out of church on sunday to stand on street corners with Yes on H8 signs.
I can't stand it when people start a sentence with, "We need to have a conversation about [insert latest social rage].". It's BS. Nobody wants to have a conversation about anything. Yes I'm looking at Liberals here.
But left wing companies such as the shit stink coffee seller Starbucks instructs its employees to get in the faces of customers about "needing" to have a conversation about the liberal cause( whine) du jour...Fuck 'em
Oh really? Give us a link to those kinds of things happening.
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Why r u righties allowing this, is there not a set of balls amongst u?
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
Didnt Tom Cruise make a movie about that? This isnt the movies.
Nope, this is real life, where real people get hurt for real. When leftists loot and riot, real people lose businesses and property. Real people get hurt.
Looting isnt a thought crime. Are you getting confused?
So we agree there is no call for a national conversation on leftist violence, as the OP states.
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
You made the claim.
Nope. Just repeating documented history.
IOW, you're hoping everyone will just accept your oft-repeated claim without you divulging your sources for discussion.
It's ok when Liberals do it.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
Didnt Tom Cruise make a movie about that? This isnt the movies.
Nope, this is real life, where real people get hurt for real. When leftists loot and riot, real people lose businesses and property. Real people get hurt.
Looting isnt a thought crime. Are you getting confused?
Intolerance of intolerance is, however.
I resemble that remark except i know how to handle things without violence but I just prefer to use violence in some cases.
Then would you say you "deserved it" when you get thumped?
Probably not. I would just say the consequences of my actions caused me to get thumped.
Same thing.
Only if you are not educated enough to understand the difference.
Of course. The one represents you taking responsibility for your actions, the other sounds like you were just a pa
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
You made the claim.
Nope. Just repeating documented history.
IOW, you're hoping everyone will just accept your oft-repeated claim without you divulging your sources for discussion.
Nope. If you need clarification read history. Its not my job to spoon feed you.
Intolerance of intolerance is no vice.
Down that road lies thought crimes.
Didnt Tom Cruise make a movie about that? This isnt the movies.
Nope, this is real life, where real people get hurt for real. When leftists loot and riot, real people lose businesses and property. Real people get hurt.
Looting isnt a thought crime. Are you getting confused?
Intolerance of intolerance is, however.
Intolerance of intolerance is not a thought crime either.
Nope. Plenty of people claim there is leftist violence but the facts are that its the righties with the violence problem Always has been and always will be since the founding of this country.
Except you have provided no evidence of such.
Its not up to me to provide evidence. What made you think it was?
You made the claim.
Nope. Just repeating documented history.
IOW, you're hoping everyone will just accept your oft-repeated claim without you divulging your sources for discussion.
Yes me saying "caused" a thumping is taking responsibility.
An honest "national conversation" about ANYTHING would require both sides of an issue, at some point, to look in the mirror and address their own misdeeds.

Does anyone expect that to happen right now? Really?
Why isn't it? Because the lamestream medias are Biased.


Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

If a mob of conservatives attempted to shut down a major Hillary Clinton event, as rioters did the other day during a Donald Trump event, America would be thrust into an insufferable national dialogue about the growing violent tendencies of the Right to crush debate. There would be a flood of anxious op-ed pieces and cable news roundtables featuring chin-stroking pundits contemplating the future of discourse in America. No one would be spared.

And you better believe every conservative politician in the country would be asked to comment on this bloodcurdling development.

Do you, sir, feel that your own rhetoric about immigration and guns has somehow contributed to this ugly trend we’re seeing?

Does the GOP need to soften its tone on abortion to stop this kind of violence from happening in the future?

You might remember that, during the 2009-2010 Obamacare debates, every false and exaggerated claim about Tea Party violence induced a thousand wringing hands to grapple over the fascistic tendencies and ugly underbelly of conservatism.

You might remember the Democratic leadership in Congress decrying “acts of violence” against House members in concerted effort to create the perception that bloodshed was imminent. You will no doubt remember the fake bravery of Nancy Pelosi and friends carrying a gavel across big crowds of wholly peaceful people protesting leftist health care policy as if they were facing down Orval Faubus.

The media was happy to portray the peaceful Tea Party as a movement surreptitiously driven by racism without a shred of proof outside its opposition to Barack Obama. You will remember Paul Krugman blaming peaceful assembly and free speech for an insane person’s “assassination” attempt against Kathleen Gifford, and Ezra Klein lamenting how scary things get when conservatives oppose liberal doctrine. Every shooting in America necessitates a thorough investigation into political proclivities of the perpetrator. Is he angry at the president? Did he ever register as a Republican? Is he fond of the Confederate flag? But only when the facts mesh with the helpful narrative do we hear about it.

all of the article here:
Why No National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

It's ok when Liberals do it.
Why r u righties allowing this, is there not a set of balls amongst u?

Only when they can attack someone who isnt looking or when the police are working with them. THEN they are the BALLSIEST Sum bitches around.
I can't stand it when people start a sentence with, "We need to have a conversation about [insert latest social rage].". It's BS. Nobody wants to have a conversation about anything. Yes I'm looking at Liberals here.
But left wing companies such as the shit stink coffee seller Starbucks instructs its employees to get in the faces of customers about "needing" to have a conversation about the liberal cause( whine) du jour...Fuck 'em
Oh really? Give us a link to those kinds of things happening.
Are you really unaware of Starbuck's doing that? They instructed their baristas to do it for a while until the backlash knocked the feet out from under them.

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