Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Boo Hoo..The Trump supporters deserved it
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?
Depends and the people that commit the "bad" behavior decide.
Okay, so if KKK wannabes flip off black drivers as they pass and yell the N word at them, it's cool because they believe the targets "deserve it"? I don't buy it.
You dont have to buy it. Your buy in regarding the concept is irrelevant. People do things they think are right and just. To the KKK wannabes it would be cool.
What matters, though, is you are cool with the idea that bad behavior is justified. It is not.

Boo Hoo..The Trump supporters deserved it
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?

Nope bit that's the bar Trump supporters set. Apparently violence is ok if someone erks your nerves.

I don't agree with that but again, the Trump supporters have given the green light on that. The results aren't surprising.
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?
Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

Because it is for the most part harmless. No deaths, few injuries and minimal property damage make for interesting news stories. Compared with the constant threat from terrorists that actually kill people and the occasional mass murders these incidents are predictable and just pablum to focus on.
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Neocons are just Fabian Socialist lite...simply different sides of the same coin and working towards the same goal...holy fuck, Bush allowed Teddy Kennedy to be the lead in writing "No child left behind". I know of what I speak and I have absolutely NO respect for the neocons whatsoever. They can't fool me. I know what the end game is and it's as plain as the nose on my face. Don't even try and fucking tell me that I don't what I do. Did I ever say that demcrats were the only ones that have kept this debt slavery system in place? Both political parties are bought and paid for. They have enough to keep any meaningful legislation from passing. It's all a dog and pony show but Wilson and FDR whether intentionally or just because they were duped played a HUGE part in why we are at this place. JFK was the last of the great leaders and he was a democrat so you can't accuse me of being biased. I know a very great deal and you apparently don't. Fuck political parties...they are utterly worthless when it comes to what is the best interest of us.
Boo Hoo..The Trump supporters deserved it
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?
Depends and the people that commit the "bad" behavior decide.
Okay, so if KKK wannabes flip off black drivers as they pass and yell the N word at them, it's cool because they believe the targets "deserve it"? I don't buy it.
You dont have to buy it. Your buy in regarding the concept is irrelevant. People do things they think are right and just. To the KKK wannabes it would be cool.
What matters, though, is you are cool with the idea that bad behavior is justified. It is not.
Says who? If its you I already know you are no authority so your opinion has been tossed into the bit bucket.

Boo Hoo..The Trump supporters deserved it
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?

Nope bit that's the bar Trump supporters set. Apparently violence is ok if someone erks your nerves.

I don't agree with that but again, the Trump supporters have given the green light on that. The results aren't surprising.
Now, to be fair to Trump supporters, the anti's are deliberately going to rallies and provoking conflict. Thus, we can safely say that if they were to stay away from Trump rallies, they wouldn't get involved in violent conflict with Trump supporters. Amazing how that works.
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?
Depends and the people that commit the "bad" behavior decide.
Okay, so if KKK wannabes flip off black drivers as they pass and yell the N word at them, it's cool because they believe the targets "deserve it"? I don't buy it.
You dont have to buy it. Your buy in regarding the concept is irrelevant. People do things they think are right and just. To the KKK wannabes it would be cool.
What matters, though, is you are cool with the idea that bad behavior is justified. It is not.
Says who? If its you I already know you are no authority so your opinion has been tossed into the bit bucket.
You have already stated that bad behavior can be justified. I'm just working with what you put out there.
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.
Conversation? Wake up those days r over.

Yep, The right spent weeks telling us all types of reasons why violence was ok. So the media isnt shocked

What violence?

Sorry, you need to start from months ago. Hit me when you catch up

So I missed all the riots outside the hildabeasts rallies?

You missed a lot, Only you know the answer.

Boo Hoo..The Trump supporters deserved it
Are you saying that bad behavior is acceptable if the target "deserved it"? And who gets to decide if they did?

Nope bit that's the bar Trump supporters set. Apparently violence is ok if someone erks your nerves.

I don't agree with that but again, the Trump supporters have given the green light on that. The results aren't surprising.
Now, to be fair to Trump supporters, the anti's are deliberately going to rallies and provoking conflict. Thus, we can safely say that if they were to stay away from Trump rallies, they wouldn't get involved in violent conflict with Trump supporters. Amazing how that works.

So being there is the newest excuse for violence. Got it, let me just add that one to the list also while you cry about liberal violence as being inexcusable.
Did I ever say that demcrats were the only ones that have kept this debt slavery system in place? Both political parties are bought and paid for.

Once confronted with your bullshit about liberals and debt then you are forced to reverse and say "Oh I MEANT everyone! I just forgot to mention them until you brought it up".

So either you were lying or lying by omission. OR you suddenly remembered lol
's BS. Nobody wants to have a conversation about anything. Yes I'm looking at Liberals here.

Look at the indoctrinated millennials. Chalk upsets them.
Soros pays blacks to burn down Ferguson. And he pays for Democrats to cause civil disruption. They are the stupids, paid for by the evils...

Let me see YOU converse intelligently with the Bullshit posted by ram it.

Or do you agree with that post?
If so, I think you can figure out why no one has a conversation with you or those like you.

What is there to say to that happy horseshit?
Did I ever say that demcrats were the only ones that have kept this debt slavery system in place? Both political parties are bought and paid for.

Once confronted with your bullshit about liberals and debt then you are forced to reverse and say "Oh I MEANT everyone! I just forgot to mention them until you brought it up".

So either you were lying or lying by omission. OR you suddenly remembered lol

Neocons were late to the party and it was the last hold out until it was co-opted. The global elites have used liberalism like a crack whore for social engineering which drew attention away from the men behind the curtain. The communist movement hasn't had a better ally than the left. The very people that your kind claims to have such disdain for are the ones that have used the liberals because their plan is to have a totalitarian, communist one world government with them running it all and we definitely have the liberals to "thank" for it.
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

Stop being a lying POS.....never said that at all.
Depends and the people that commit the "bad" behavior decide.
Okay, so if KKK wannabes flip off black drivers as they pass and yell the N word at them, it's cool because they believe the targets "deserve it"? I don't buy it.
You dont have to buy it. Your buy in regarding the concept is irrelevant. People do things they think are right and just. To the KKK wannabes it would be cool.
What matters, though, is you are cool with the idea that bad behavior is justified. It is not.
Says who? If its you I already know you are no authority so your opinion has been tossed into the bit bucket.
You have already stated that bad behavior can be justified. I'm just working with what you put out there.
I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your assertion that its not justified. No one came to you for judgement. People justify things all the time that others would consider "bad". I had someone tell me that beating a persons ass for calling me a name is not justified. I laughed at them.
Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

Another liberal who keeps on bringing up RINOs...
Have you been asleep since the midterms?

RINO's? Thats funny because in the post above he thought Jeb was a liberal. You should let him know.

Stop being a lying POS.....never said that at all.

Yeah yeah, we know. You go on a tirade about Awful liberals and then come back with "I MEANT Republicans TOO!" Suuure you did sparky
Did I ever say that demcrats were the only ones that have kept this debt slavery system in place? Both political parties are bought and paid for.

Once confronted with your bullshit about liberals and debt then you are forced to reverse and say "Oh I MEANT everyone! I just forgot to mention them until you brought it up".

So either you were lying or lying by omission. OR you suddenly remembered lol

Neocons were late to the party and it was the last hold out until it was co-opted. The global elites have used liberalism like a crack whore for social engineering which drew attention away from the men behind the curtain. The communist movement hasn't had a better ally than the left. The very people that your kind claims to have such disdain for are the ones that have used the liberals because their plan is to have a totalitarian, communist one world government with them running it all and we definitely have the liberals to "thank" for it.

Does this fucking guy respond to anything specific ever?

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