Why Aren’t We Having a National Conversation About Leftist Violence?

How can we ever forget this? this was a group of your elected so called: leaders. showing the little people what POWER they have over you. and you fell right into the meme of BLAMING your fellow citizens for heaping abuse on those elitist asses. they know who they control and it's their base of voters.

Stephanie is a brainless maroon but what about the rest of you RWNJ traitors?

EXACTLY what is wrong with this photo?

EXACTLY where is the "violence"?

Is there even one of you who knows where and when the photo was taken?
How can we ever forget this? this was a group of your elected so called: leaders. showing the little people what POWER they have over you. and you fell right into the meme of BLAMING your fellow citizens for heaping abuse on those elitist asses. they know who they control and it's their base of voters.

Stephanie is a brainless maroon but what about the rest of you RWNJ traitors?

EXACTLY what is wrong with this photo?

EXACTLY where is the "violence"?

Is there even one of you who knows where and when the photo was taken?
Dont you see that Black guy trying to talk to the white woman and she is obviously ignoring and laughing at him because he is Black? The white guy on the right is reaching into his pocket to pull a knife out.
How can we ever forget this? this was a group of your elected so called: leaders. showing the little people what POWER they have over you. and you fell right into the meme of BLAMING your fellow citizens for heaping abuse on those elitist asses. they know who they control and it's their base of voters.

Stephanie is a brainless maroon but what about the rest of you RWNJ traitors?

EXACTLY what is wrong with this photo?

EXACTLY where is the "violence"?

Is there even one of you who knows where and when the photo was taken?
Dont you see that Black guy trying to talk to the white woman and she is obviously ignoring and laughing at him because he is Black? The white guy on the right is reaching into his pocket to pull a knife out.

Yeah, that was probably Stefunny's big concern too.

I notice that not one RWNJ traitor can say what is wrong with this photo.

As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
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Providing healthcare for 13 million "little people" is abusing them

Problem is, you didn't provide healthcare for 13 million. Started out, you were going to provide healthcare for 50 million people... now it's dwindled down to 13 million and that's still a LIE. What you did was sign a bunch of people up for Medicare and Medicaid (which they could have done already) and socked a great big fat tax on anyone who doesn't carry insurance. Oh... and you increased premiums by 140-400% on everybody and lost about 20% of our doctors. Now, when you DO have to go get healthcare, you WAIT... and WAIT... and WAIT!

But hey... that's alright... you see, because the "statistics" are going to show how marvelous things are with the quality of care. People who are strong enough to survive the grueling wait to be cared for... well, not much can kill them... so you have a much lower mortality rate! ....Just like in all those other countries!
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Very astute post.........100% correct. No worries.......at the end of the day, when push comes to shove they'll take their bats and balls and go home. We'll end up getting to a point where this lefty faggoty-ass protesting bs gets an on the scene pushback by people who will end up saying "enough".....then its game over.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Hey Bucs.....wanna laugh your ass off?? Laughed so hard I damn near pissed my pants.....:lmao:

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As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.
Which is your favorite? The little Latinos screaming fuck you or the biggest
Ass waver ever?

I was partial to the little beaners.
It really sends a message.....that helps Trump and really hammers home his point.
And we already know about the fat ass idiots.
How can we ever forget this? this was a group of your elected so called: leaders. showing the little people what POWER they have over you. and you fell right into the meme of BLAMING your fellow citizens for heaping abuse on those elitist asses. they know who they control and it's their base of voters.

Providing healthcare for 13 million "little people" is abusing them

What about the 150 million that have to pay for it?
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.
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Look for libs to become even more extreme and violent once Trump officially becomes the nominee.
Not me. I have been hoping for Trump to get the GOP nomination every since he announced his candidacy. This is going to be must see TV! :laugh:

Yeah...the riots are going to be so entertaining.
Riots? I was talking about the debates when Trump tells his opponent he is fired instead of answering the question. posed.
I can't stand it when people start a sentence with, "We need to have a conversation about [insert latest social rage].". It's BS. Nobody wants to have a conversation about anything. Yes I'm looking at Liberals here.
But left wing companies such as the shit stink coffee seller Starbucks instructs its employees to get in the faces of customers about "needing" to have a conversation about the liberal cause( whine) du jour...Fuck 'em
Yeah... it's funny... Someone comes on campus and says we 'need to put an end to partial birth abortions' and they need special counseling and safe spaces and coloring books and snickers bars... the very same twits show up at these protests hocking luggies on people and turning over cop cars. Amazing how they go from needing to be coddled and protected from violence to inciting and instigating violence of their own.
Meanwhile liberals claim to be more highly educated and more intelligent than conservatives.
In reality. most millenial liberals are nothing more than coddled spoiled brats that at the slightest hint of the word "no" or any disappointment, throw temper tantrums that rival tornadic storms.
As much as I despise the neocons, I despise what passes for the left 10 times as much. I have yet to come across a pseudo liberal that didn't have his or her head so far up their ass that they could tell you what they had for dinner last week. They are petulant as hell while suffering from an over-inflated sense of self that goes right along with the arrested development issues that they also suffer from. The end justifies the means and they will use any and every dirty trick there is to get their way. The globalists that want to put a one world communist system in place has not had a better pawn than the Fabian socialists that took over the demcrat party for good in 1980. They are frustrated with the slow progress and behind schedule because of good people that have caught onto the scam and are pushing back. People better wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.

Such gemreat general platitudes and strawmen in this post. He just attributes every bad behavior to that of "liberals" as an excuse.

I know a lot of things and I have spent a lot of time learning and researching the things I know so I have very little patience for the stupid fucks of the world. We don't have REAL liberals anymore that believe that the individual has unalienable rights and that "gubermint" has limitations to it's power. What we have now are Fabian socialists in charge setting the narrative and their minions have been brainwashed into thinking that it's all about collectivism and that the state is god.....and if you think I am wrong, do a little research about the curriculum that is "Common Core" or as I call it "Communist Core" and then come back and tell me I am wrong. I doubt you could even handle the truth about what has been done to not only us but the rest of the world with this debt slavery system all designed to crash on cue with the same pieces of shit that caused this chaos that will step in with the solution that will be even more oppressive. You haven't seen hard times, but they are coming unless people wake up. Don't step into the fray with me unless you have something to bring to the table because I am all out of "I give a shit" when it comes to sparing feelings. I get invited to talk to groups of people as to what we are facing. I have worked my ass off to be a good speaker and lay out what I have learned in order to arouse some intellectual curiosity.

Awesome! As soon as you're asked for specifics you cite common core, a system promoted by Jeb Bush, a Republican. Funny also that you blame the entire debt system on liberals as if republicans are against it. Good job.

I do what I do here and in other forums to share what I have sacrificed a lot of time to learn because I care about people. You haven't seen the things that I have. You haven't watched little kids trying to play street hockey in a poverty ridden section of a city like Detroit with their roads full of pot holes trying their best to be happy. I doubt that you have ever bought dinner randomly for someone that had nothing and see their eyes well up in tears because such a small gesture is unheard of these days. I have been there and I have seen it and I will keep fighting for those that don't have a voice or don't understand how to articulate what is going on. I did the heavy lifting and I still do it each and every fucking day trying to make sense of it all so enter at your own risk.

Save all that, yiu don't know me and u don't know you, I'm interested in the facts and so far you blame the fact of common core on liberals while pretending JEB must be a liberal. Lol

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