Why aren’t we seeing people fleeing the Republican Party?

I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.
It's the economy, stupid
short term gains at long term costs. Selling our future for gains today?
Again you really are clueless, the stimulus package was just that, except it was worse than anyone thought and had no gains. Trump's already made better trade deals and brought mfg back, and he made it look easy...…..
Our stimulus package is adding to the national debt like no other. The money we are putting in our pocket, our children will be paying for in the future.

The manufacturing jobs that were brought back in the first couple of years under Trump are already starting to be lost. This is happening in a growing economy. Manufacturing has limited potential for growth in the future. Automation is a bigger problem than moving jobs offshore.

We just got the latest sign the US is losing manufacturing jobs — the opposite of what Trump's trade wars were supposed to accomplish | Markets Insider
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion
It's the economy, stupid
short term gains at long term costs. Selling our future for gains today?
Again you really are clueless, the stimulus package was just that, except it was worse than anyone thought and had no gains. Trump's already made better trade deals and brought mfg back, and he made it look easy...…..
Our stimulus package is adding to the national debt like no other. The money we are putting in our pocket, our children will be paying for in the future.

The manufacturing jobs that were brought back in the first couple of years under Trump are already starting to be lost. This is happening in a growing economy. Manufacturing has limited potential for growth in the future. Automation is a bigger problem than moving jobs offshore.

We just got the latest sign the US is losing manufacturing jobs — the opposite of what Trump's trade wars were supposed to accomplish | Markets Insider
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion

Well it's our money...….we take in how much? It's a spending issue......so stop spending money.
Automation is a problem, but there are always new jobs...….but the fact that he is bringing them back, shows that others who said it couldn't be done were full of shit

Manufacturing jobs are 'tough to fill' and stand out as the weak spot in the employment picture

It’s not that the jobs aren’t there: There were still 477,000 open positions as of October, down less than 5% from the year-ago level, according to the Labor Department’s most recent data.
nstead, it’s more a case where the manufacturers themselves are having a harder time filling positions. The hire rate was down more than 18% as the industry struggles with a skills gap and a slowdown amid the pressure of the U.S.-China tariff battle.

That battle is now over. And we need more technical training and less 4 year college....
'Why aren’t we seeing people fleeing the Republican Party?'

And go WHERE?

Someone sleep through:

...the last 4 disastrous years of the Democratic party, the House Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.......

...the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history...

...Schiff standing before the Senate to declare they proved their Impeachment case but aren't ready to present that case / justification for Impeaching the President because they don't have any evidence or witnesses...

Schiff's closing arguments in which he actually declares Trump is going to sell Alaska to the Russians.....

'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 1.0: 2016' and 'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 2.0: The Iowa Caucus Disaster'?

What is amazing is the Republican party is losing members under Trump. They are fleeing

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

That is a fine example of shit reporting.

It opens with a shocking claim, then wanders off topic for several paragraphs, before coming back to the shocking claim, which it turns out, is that BOTH parties are losing memberships to independents.

Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

How about his bullying ways separating us from our allies for one

How?, he has a great relationship with Borris and Benjamin. People now respect us. He's honest and upfront with them, I think we would all prefer that.

He also gives them his expectations and sometimes they don't like it, but it is what it is, they do it.

Look at Iran, you guys predicted WW3, they said nah....theylet us in advance they were sending missiles, why? Because, they wanted to save face but they know they cant get away with attacking us with Trump in office, he will hit them back harder and they don't want any.

And our allies know we have their back, Trump doesn't play back room games, he tells you upfront, even on the phone calls to Mexico and Australia that have leaked show that. He runs it like a CEO. Have you ever been in a board room? Those meetings are brutal at times, because money is at stake, and people need to be held accountable.

The only people that don't like him are the charletons that aren't used to being held accountable. Look at NATO, our allies are carrying more of the weight, why has no other President insisted on it before? Because it's an unwritten globalist rule that we have to pay for it, and Trump said nope...…..
The ramblings of a Trump minion whose small brain has been Trump Washed and he will never have contact with reality again.
Trump is their messiah, their life, their reason for being. What is going to happen when Trump is no longer President?
Nah bro, but he is awesome. He did lie about one thing, I'm not tired of winning...….even though he wins everything, he's got to keep on winning.....the next 4 will be better than the last 4!
It all depends on how you define winning. Most of Trump supporters are losers so they have a very skewed definition of winning. Trump defines winning based on two variables money and power. He has won by his definition in the first term. Those who define winning strictly by the increase in money and power are losers.

Talk about projection.....that's all the left believes.....it's why they love DC and want more power and money there......thanks for exposing your bullshit. Trump doesn't attack the little people, you lefties do that. He never called a large group of people deplorable or rubes (like your boy Rick Wilson). So stop putting your idiocy on us.....we like freedom and want less money and power in DC.....you do not...….you must like getting embarassed

You seem a little shook.
'Why aren’t we seeing people fleeing the Republican Party?'

And go WHERE?

Someone sleep through:

...the last 4 disastrous years of the Democratic party, the House Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.......

...the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history...

...Schiff standing before the Senate to declare they proved their Impeachment case but aren't ready to present that case / justification for Impeaching the President because they don't have any evidence or witnesses...

Schiff's closing arguments in which he actually declares Trump is going to sell Alaska to the Russians.....

'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 1.0: 2016' and 'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 2.0: The Iowa Caucus Disaster'?

What is amazing is the Republican party is losing members under Trump. They are fleeing

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

That is a fine example of shit reporting.

It opens with a shocking claim, then wanders off topic for several paragraphs, before coming back to the shocking claim, which it turns out, is that BOTH parties are losing memberships to independents.

Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.
I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
'Why aren’t we seeing people fleeing the Republican Party?'

And go WHERE?

Someone sleep through:

...the last 4 disastrous years of the Democratic party, the House Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses.......

...the fastest rush to Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment case in US history...

...Schiff standing before the Senate to declare they proved their Impeachment case but aren't ready to present that case / justification for Impeaching the President because they don't have any evidence or witnesses...

Schiff's closing arguments in which he actually declares Trump is going to sell Alaska to the Russians.....

'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 1.0: 2016' and 'Hillary and the DNC's rigging of the Democratic Party Primaries 2.0: The Iowa Caucus Disaster'?

What is amazing is the Republican party is losing members under Trump. They are fleeing

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

That is a fine example of shit reporting.

It opens with a shocking claim, then wanders off topic for several paragraphs, before coming back to the shocking claim, which it turns out, is that BOTH parties are losing memberships to independents.

Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.

Considering the massive and insane propaganda campaign being waged against them?

It is not surprising.
I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
Read what I said.
I said border security has been improving since 2007 and provided stats. I am not against border security.
I want jobs but look at the stats. To create jobs with tax cuts our debt is sky rocketing. This year will be close to double the debt of the last year of the Obama Presidency.
I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
Read what I said.
I said border security has been improving since 2007 and provided stats. I am not against border security.
I want jobs but look at the stats. To create jobs with tax cuts our debt is sky rocketing. This year will be close to double the debt of the last year of the Obama Presidency.

You don't get to make hysterical rants about "Nazis" and then walk it back to discussing debt, without admitting that you were just talking shit, just one post ago.
What is amazing is the Republican party is losing members under Trump. They are fleeing

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

That is a fine example of shit reporting.

It opens with a shocking claim, then wanders off topic for several paragraphs, before coming back to the shocking claim, which it turns out, is that BOTH parties are losing memberships to independents.

Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.

Considering the massive and insane propaganda campaign being waged against them?

It is not surprising.
The "propaganda' campaign is nothing more than reporting what Trump does.
Grab women by the pussy
There are good people on both sides at a Nazi rally
5 children, 3 marriages, many affairs, sex with a porn star while married with a 1 year old
Firing staff member when they do not agree with him
Continual lies. Forcing the parks department to say largest inauguration crowd when it was not. Telling NOAA to report a possible hurricane in Alabama to cover a false statement he made.
on and on and on
That is a fine example of shit reporting.

It opens with a shocking claim, then wanders off topic for several paragraphs, before coming back to the shocking claim, which it turns out, is that BOTH parties are losing memberships to independents.

Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.

Considering the massive and insane propaganda campaign being waged against them?

It is not surprising.
The "propaganda' campaign is nothing more than reporting what Trump does.
Grab women by the pussy

He specified, "they let you", so all he said was that women are more attracted to men who are rich and famous.

That you try to gin that up to some type of scandal is just the type of massive and insane propaganda that I meant.

The rest of your list, is just as much of you being bat shit crazy and dishonest.
I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
Read what I said.
I said border security has been improving since 2007 and provided stats. I am not against border security.
I want jobs but look at the stats. To create jobs with tax cuts our debt is sky rocketing. This year will be close to double the debt of the last year of the Obama Presidency.

You don't get to make hysterical rants about "Nazis" and then walk it back to discussing debt, without admitting that you were just talking shit, just one post ago.
No you brought in the economy and the border. You said Trump is giving voice to many people.
I agreed. Some of those people he is giving voice to like no other President are WHITE SUPREMACISTS and NAZIS.

White Supremacist and Nazi groups are endorsing Trump FACT.

The economy and the border are separate issues.
Is it FAKE news that the Democrats are losing members? Are they actually gaining members.
Or is it only fake news that the Republican's are losing members?
Be specific on what is fake news.

It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.

Considering the massive and insane propaganda campaign being waged against them?

It is not surprising.
The "propaganda' campaign is nothing more than reporting what Trump does.
Grab women by the pussy

He specified, "they let you", so all he said was that women are more attracted to men who are rich and famous.

That you try to gin that up to some type of scandal is just the type of massive and insane propaganda that I meant.

The rest of your list, is just as much of you being bat shit crazy and dishonest.
PLEASE, you cannot be this stupid.
How would he know women let people like him grab their pussy unless he did it.
It has come out he has done much more than grab pussy , of other women, while married.
I understand what has been and is happening, normal everyday people now have a voice, a person that isn't afraid to say or tweet what's on his mind, which most people have been conditioned, or afraid, to say in public. A person that is getting the job done, keeping his promises, fighting against the entrenched bureaucracy that possess a sense of elitist superiority and entitlement over the people that pay their wages. The Trump phenomenon has been a long time coming and is the direct result of Dim's, Republicans, and Rhino's treatment of hard working normal everyday Americans that cherish their freedom and love their country. You kick a dog long enough and it will rip your leg off!
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
Read what I said.
I said border security has been improving since 2007 and provided stats. I am not against border security.
I want jobs but look at the stats. To create jobs with tax cuts our debt is sky rocketing. This year will be close to double the debt of the last year of the Obama Presidency.

You don't get to make hysterical rants about "Nazis" and then walk it back to discussing debt, without admitting that you were just talking shit, just one post ago.
No you brought in the economy and the border. You said Trump is giving voice to many people.
I agreed. Some of those people he is giving voice to like no other President are WHITE SUPREMACISTS and NAZIS.

White Supremacist and Nazi groups are endorsing Trump FACT.

The economy and the border are separate issues.

The people that Trump gave a voice to, are the working class whites of the Rust Belt, which is why Trump won the Rust Belt states that no one thought he could.

THat you can't admit that, and have to smear them by trying to conflate them with Nazis, is you being a prick.
It is Fake News to put out this news with a headline that implies the GOP is losing support because of Trump, when this is a bi-partisan issue that predates Trump by several years.

It is surprising when a party wins the Presidency and has the power they would be losing membership.
But is was in response to a post that said Republicans were not losing members.

Considering the massive and insane propaganda campaign being waged against them?

It is not surprising.
The "propaganda' campaign is nothing more than reporting what Trump does.
Grab women by the pussy

He specified, "they let you", so all he said was that women are more attracted to men who are rich and famous.

That you try to gin that up to some type of scandal is just the type of massive and insane propaganda that I meant.

The rest of your list, is just as much of you being bat shit crazy and dishonest.
PLEASE, you cannot be this stupid.
How would he know women let people like him grab their pussy unless he did it.
It has come out he has done much more than grab pussy , of other women, while married.

At a guess, he slept around a lot AND observed his rich and famous peers, sleeping around a lot.

That you lefties have gotten in the habit of mass producing bullshit accusations, is not to your credit and have nothing to do with Trump, nor are they relevant or credible.
I think it’s safe to say democrats have a problem.
27 percent of Americans are affiliated with the GOP.

27 percent of Americans are affiliated with the Dems.

And you say the Dems have a problem. :lol:

45 percent of Americans are Independent. That pretty much sums up the problems in BOTH parties.

I an now an Independent myself. After a lifetime membership in the GOP, I quit the party after Trump was elected.

Party Affiliation
Trump has given a voice to many who have been silenced by our society; white supremacists, misogynists, Nazis, anti-semites, blatantly rich old white guys that discriminate against everything that does not put a dollar in their pocket, all the rats of our society.

Trump ran primarily on jobs and border security. That you try to gin that into some sort of racist or far right movement, is you being hysterical.
Read what I said.
I said border security has been improving since 2007 and provided stats. I am not against border security.
I want jobs but look at the stats. To create jobs with tax cuts our debt is sky rocketing. This year will be close to double the debt of the last year of the Obama Presidency.

You don't get to make hysterical rants about "Nazis" and then walk it back to discussing debt, without admitting that you were just talking shit, just one post ago.
No you brought in the economy and the border. You said Trump is giving voice to many people.
I agreed. Some of those people he is giving voice to like no other President are WHITE SUPREMACISTS and NAZIS.

White Supremacist and Nazi groups are endorsing Trump FACT.

The economy and the border are separate issues.

The people that Trump gave a voice to, are the working class whites of the Rust Belt, which is why Trump won the Rust Belt states that no one thought he could.

THat you can't admit that, and have to smear them by trying to conflate them with Nazis, is you being a prick.
Trump has given voice to many, including Nazis and White Supremacists.
I am not saying all people he has given voice to are Nazis and White Supremacists.

I agree that Trump's campaign identified that the Democrats were ignoring a large group of working or former working people in the mid-west. Many of those white.
The Democrats brag about helping all in need; immigrants, minorities, the disabled etc. They said we are in need, also why are they not helping us?
An accurate observation.
To take the presidency the Democrats have to start helping those people. But they do not have to help the Nazi's etc.

Trump has no shame. The mid-west hard working people were worthy. But he has no morals, so anybody that would back him he would back; white supremacists.
Trump measures the worth of a group based on what they can do for him, not what he can do for them.

He lies and cheats to get what he can in the short term without regard for longterm. It will be the same for the midwest demographic.He will kick them aside when their worth declines.

Ask many of his loyal staff he has kicked to the road when they challenged him or he did not need anymore. Talk to his wives. It is how he treats everyone.
I think it’s safe to say democrats have a problem.
27 percent of Americans are affiliated with the GOP.

27 percent of Americans are affiliated with the Dems.

And you say the Dems have a problem. :lol:

45 percent of Americans are Independent. That pretty much sums up the problems in BOTH parties.

I an now an Independent myself. After a lifetime membership in the GOP, I quit the party after Trump was elected.

Party Affiliation
I too am an independent. Trump supporters feel everyone that is ant-Trump is a Democrat. I would say a majority of anti-Trump people ARE NOT Democrats.

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