Why attack Syria ? Money--what else ?

Of course the lackeys in Europe want us to. Their leadership is fully aware of what is at stake in Eurasia. When was the last time you saw the French itch for fight like this?
What else?

obama supports al quaeda and Assad is kicking al quaeda ass.
When do you expect Obama to loan some drones to Assad?

"...this is one of the really frustrating things for the United States. It's because, as you point out, they have been carrying out several air and drone strikes. They have killed people like Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born cleric there in Yemen. They killed AQAP's number two.

"And yet what we have seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that AQAP has gone from a group of about 200 to 300 people on Christmas Day 2009 to, according to the U.S. State Department, more than a few thousand fighters today."

Yemen Scholar Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Have Driven al-Qaida Membership | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 6, 2013 | PBS

What's the one factor of production an Empire addicted to war can't afford a shortage of?
What else?

obama supports al quaeda and Assad is kicking al quaeda ass.
When do you expect Obama to loan some drones to Assad?

"...this is one of the really frustrating things for the United States. It's because, as you point out, they have been carrying out several air and drone strikes. They have killed people like Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born cleric there in Yemen. They killed AQAP's number two.

"And yet what we have seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that AQAP has gone from a group of about 200 to 300 people on Christmas Day 2009 to, according to the U.S. State Department, more than a few thousand fighters today."

Yemen Scholar Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Have Driven al-Qaida Membership | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 6, 2013 | PBS

What's the one factor of production an Empire addicted to war can't afford a shortage of?

Of course, some people might say I am wrong...George Will chimes in on attacking Syria because other countries want us to;

“Some people believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, the Loch Ness monster — others believe in the international community. It’s a fiction,” Will declared on ABC’s This Week.
Will's Words of Wisdom | National Review Online

So there must be some other reason?
Of course, some people might say I am wrong...George Will chimes in on attacking Syria because other countries want us to;

“Some people believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, the Loch Ness monster — others believe in the international community. It’s a fiction,” Will declared on ABC’s This Week.
Will's Words of Wisdom | National Review Online

So there must be some other reason?
George seemed to imply Iran "watching deadlines and red lines" was that other reason.
Have you ever known George to reject a war he's not personally involved in?
"Money. What else?"

Ummmmm.... fun?

We've grown so accustomed to kicking Militant Muslim ass that it's becoming a national pasttime, like baseball?
Of course, some people might say I am wrong...George Will chimes in on attacking Syria because other countries want us to;

“Some people believe in the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, the Loch Ness monster — others believe in the international community. It’s a fiction,” Will declared on ABC’s This Week.
Will's Words of Wisdom | National Review Online

So there must be some other reason?

It sure as hell isn't the fact that any gas was used. I hope they kill of that propaganda and try something else. It's boring.
The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

70 years and counting, this comes as news:eusa_eh:
What else?

obama supports al quaeda and Assad is kicking al quaeda ass.
When do you expect Obama to loan some drones to Assad?

"...this is one of the really frustrating things for the United States. It's because, as you point out, they have been carrying out several air and drone strikes. They have killed people like Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born cleric there in Yemen. They killed AQAP's number two.

"And yet what we have seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that AQAP has gone from a group of about 200 to 300 people on Christmas Day 2009 to, according to the U.S. State Department, more than a few thousand fighters today."

Yemen Scholar Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Have Driven al-Qaida Membership | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 6, 2013 | PBS

What's the one factor of production an Empire addicted to war can't afford a shortage of?

What empire are you alluding to George?
The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

70 years and counting, this comes as news:eusa_eh:

It's only news because we have a host of media and government sources claiming we are attacking them because of WMDs.
The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

70 years and counting, this comes as news:eusa_eh:

It's only news because we have a host of media and government sources claiming we are attacking them because of WMDs.

Attacking who?I don't understand what that has to do with the last two quotes its been going on since the end of World War II ,I mean come on dude.
It's not news to me. I understand how the world works, but the American sheep do not so you have to tell them that it ain't go nuttin' ta do wit nerve gas. But if they want to risk WWIII because of sum WMD then fine. They really don't have any control over it anyway since the executive branch authorizes wars illegally.
At least we can all agree that the WMD ruse is just that--a ruse. We are watching Israel and America throw it's weight around. No wonder people hate us.

The victims of a recent gas attack were part of a "ruse"?

I think I was listening to Fox--the inference there may be a decision soon. Some sort of coalition approach was thought to be likely.

Strategic use of drones, no fly zones and not too different from Iraq--which 'nobody' wants to do again.

So here we go--and what repercussions can be expected?

<But on Sunday, the White House seemed to take a harder line, dismissing the Syrian promise of possible access by United Nations inspectors. That raised at least the possibility that a strike on Syrian targets would come soon, perhaps using cruise missiles fired from ships off shore.

Mr. Obama spoke on Sunday with the French president, Francois Hollande, and the White House said they had expressed &#8220;grave concern&#8221; about the reported Syrian chemical attack and &#8220;discussed possible responses by the international community.&#8221; Mr. Obama had spoken on Saturday to the British prime minister, David Cameron.

Those discussions, officials said, were aimed at gauging whether Britain and France are on the same page as the United States, given that they could be part of an international coalition carrying out strikes against Syria.>
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