Why attack Syria ? Money--what else ?

The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

The road to Tehran runs through Damascus.

BTW, Iran and Syria have a mutual defense pact signed in 2005. Therefore, bombing the stuffing out of SYRIA will be easy, but the ensuing consequences will lead to going straight at Iran, which will be much, much harder.

This is correct. Israel is about to hit Iran's nuke's sites and wants the Hezbollah rocketeers who would retalitate silenced.....I'M ALL FOR IT. Why should they have thousands of missles pound down on them because we don't have the moxie to end Iran's dreams of nuclear blackmail. This shit has to stop, sooner the better.
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here is the most operative sentence in the article.

In his first comments on Syria since the alleged chemical attack, Obama said the U.S. is still trying to find out what happened.

to me that means--'a decision is being made and when we are ready we will let you know'?

that's fine--considering what happened 'the last time' we had to make a similar decision--good to go in 'together'--??US, UK and France--maybe one or 2 others. Aussies are good--not certain of their capabilities --I hope the red phone is busy--contacting anyone who can pitch in.

here is the most operative sentence in the article.

In his first comments on Syria since the alleged chemical attack, Obama said the U.S. is still trying to find out what happened.

to me that means--'a decision is being made and when we are ready we will let you know'?

that's fine--considering what happened 'the last time' we had to make a similar decision--good to go in 'together'--??US, UK and France--maybe one or 2 others. Aussies are good--not certain of their capabilities --I hope the red phone is busy--contacting anyone who can pitch in.

We're stalling until everything fits. I notice no one is bothering with the UN :lol:
Typical false flag attack by the FSA to force Barry Hussein to act or eat his words.

not really sure I understand.

For at least a year things have been developing.

Do you not understand what a false flag attack is? It's where you make a case for war by pinning the atrocity on the other side.

The only thing that has developed is that the FSA is getting it's US backed, terrorist ass kicked and everyone is in a panic, so now some full on retard in Syria decided it would be fun to lob some chem at civilians so the western media could shovel that nonsense down the throats of even fuller on retards back in the states just so that Barry the Puppet, and his puppet masters can get their war plan back on track.
here is the most operative sentence in the article.

to me that means--'a decision is being made and when we are ready we will let you know'?

that's fine--considering what happened 'the last time' we had to make a similar decision--good to go in 'together'--??US, UK and France--maybe one or 2 others. Aussies are good--not certain of their capabilities --I hope the red phone is busy--contacting anyone who can pitch in.

We're stalling until everything fits. I notice no one is bothering with the UN :lol:

it is better that way. agreed.
Were not going to attack Syria at least not in any major way the sad reality is Assad staying in power is the best of the lousy outcomes we could have in Syria at this point.

I hope you're right but Israel wants to attack Iran so badly.
Typical false flag attack by the FSA to force Barry Hussein to act or eat his words.

not really sure I understand.

For at least a year things have been developing.

Do you not understand what a false flag attack is? It's where you make a case for war by pinning the atrocity on the other side.

The only thing that has developed is that the FSA is getting it's US backed, terrorist ass kicked and everyone is in a panic, so now some full on retard in Syria decided it would be fun to lob some chem at civilians so the western media could shovel that nonsense down the throats of even fuller on retards back in the states just so that Barry the Puppet, and his puppet masters can get their war plan back on track.

I should be embarassed and am annoyed with myself.

I don't know what 'FSA' is for one thing--I can grasp the idea that some form of manipulation is involved.
eta: Free Syrian Army --ok.
I thought we were on the brink last spring and others said--'Calm down' and I haven't kept up.

I know Russia and China will not be pleased for one thing and yet lives are being lost and egregious acts committed.
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What else?

obama supports al quaeda and Assad is kicking al quaeda ass.
When do you expect Obama to loan some drones to Assad?

"...this is one of the really frustrating things for the United States. It's because, as you point out, they have been carrying out several air and drone strikes. They have killed people like Anwar al-Awlaki, the American-born cleric there in Yemen. They killed AQAP's number two.

"And yet what we have seen over the past three-and-a-half years is that AQAP has gone from a group of about 200 to 300 people on Christmas Day 2009 to, according to the U.S. State Department, more than a few thousand fighters today."

Yemen Scholar Says U.S. Drone Strikes May Have Driven al-Qaida Membership | PBS NewsHour | Aug. 6, 2013 | PBS

What's the one factor of production an Empire addicted to war can't afford a shortage of?

What empire are you alluding to George?
The one Polk started, why do you ask?

"American imperialism is the economic, military, and cultural influence of the United States on other countries. The concept of an American Empire was first popularized during the presidency of James K. Polk who led the United States into the Mexican–American War of 1846, and the eventual annexation of California and other western territories via the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the Gadsden purchase.[3][4]"

American imperialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
here is the most operative sentence in the article.

to me that means--'a decision is being made and when we are ready we will let you know'?

that's fine--considering what happened 'the last time' we had to make a similar decision--good to go in 'together'--??US, UK and France--maybe one or 2 others. Aussies are good--not certain of their capabilities --I hope the red phone is busy--contacting anyone who can pitch in.

We're stalling until everything fits. I notice no one is bothering with the UN :lol:

That's because you don't research what you say.

Horrific video we must show you
Syria agrees to let U.N. investigate
World reacts to alleged chemical attack
Obama's Syria problem

U.S. officials: Tissue samples were collected

A second U.S. official told CNN Sunday that tissue samples were collected from the scene in the hours and days after the August 21 attack.

The official says the evidence was "collected by multiple international sources" and was being analyzed in secure locations. The official would not say how the samples were collected or specify where the analysis was taking place.

These developments came as a top Syrian official told CNN on Sunday that the government would allow U.N. inspectors full access to any site of a suspected chemical weapons attack.
U.S. official: Almost no doubt Assad regime used chemical weapons - CNN.com

The U.N. secretary-general's office said inspectors hope to begin their investigation Monday at the suspected chemical attack site. The Syrian government has agreed to cease all hostilities as long as the U.N. inspectors are on the ground. Before Sunday, U.N. inspectors in Syria attempting to gather information were not allowed to visit the site of the recent attack.
to me that means--'a decision is being made and when we are ready we will let you know'?

that's fine--considering what happened 'the last time' we had to make a similar decision--good to go in 'together'--??US, UK and France--maybe one or 2 others. Aussies are good--not certain of their capabilities --I hope the red phone is busy--contacting anyone who can pitch in.

We're stalling until everything fits. I notice no one is bothering with the UN :lol:

That's because you don't research what you say.

Horrific video we must show you
Syria agrees to let U.N. investigate
World reacts to alleged chemical attack
Obama's Syria problem

U.S. officials: Tissue samples were collected

A second U.S. official told CNN Sunday that tissue samples were collected from the scene in the hours and days after the August 21 attack.

The official says the evidence was "collected by multiple international sources" and was being analyzed in secure locations. The official would not say how the samples were collected or specify where the analysis was taking place.

These developments came as a top Syrian official told CNN on Sunday that the government would allow U.N. inspectors full access to any site of a suspected chemical weapons attack.
U.S. official: Almost no doubt Assad regime used chemical weapons - CNN.com

The U.N. secretary-general's office said inspectors hope to begin their investigation Monday at the suspected chemical attack site. The Syrian government has agreed to cease all hostilities as long as the U.N. inspectors are on the ground. Before Sunday, U.N. inspectors in Syria attempting to gather information were not allowed to visit the site of the recent attack.

ALMOST no doubt :eusa_whistle:
Typical false flag attack by the FSA to force Barry Hussein to act or eat his words.

not really sure I understand.

For at least a year things have been developing.

Do you not understand what a false flag attack is? It's where you make a case for war by pinning the atrocity on the other side.

The only thing that has developed is that the FSA is getting it's US backed, terrorist ass kicked and everyone is in a panic, so now some full on retard in Syria decided it would be fun to lob some chem at civilians so the western media could shovel that nonsense down the throats of even fuller on retards back in the states just so that Barry the Puppet, and his puppet masters can get their war plan back on track.

Wrong again, as usual.

The administration has rebuffed calls for a stronger military aid response, opting to push for a political solution and provide humanitarian, logistical and limited weaponry and other hardware.

Syrian activists: Videos show chemical weapons used

A chief problem has been identifying those rebels the United States would happily deal with vs elements said to be militants, including some with ties to al Qaeda.

"Syria today is not about choosing between two sides but rather about choosing one among many sides," Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey wrote this week to Rep. Eliot Engel of New York.

"It is my belief that the side we choose must be ready to promote their interests and ours when the balance shifts in their favor. Today, they are not," he said in the August 19 letter.

Mistrust between U.S., Syrian rebels hinders military aid - CNN.com

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