Why attack Syria ? Money--what else ?

Syrian Girl - Syrian Demographics An Intro

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQMZcFhk2xQ]Syrian Girl - Syrian Demographics An Intro - YouTube[/ame]
That would be the list Wesley told us about in 2003 when his book was about to hit the stores:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.'" [147]

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol:and he looks like to the ass he is. He got 1 out of 7 and the 1 when it was obvious we had issues with saddam....brilliant:rolleyes:

is there a statute of limitation on what he heard ?

ole Wesley is a self serving opportunist almost on par with old colon, I mean colin powell.

he was is/was anti gop era ( but not until he didn't get a call back from rove to kiss his ring) , and his riff was applicable then , BUT heres the thing, bush by virtue of soft power and careful if even to some extent subservient political machinations ( ala the lockerbie settlments gig) maneuvered Qaddafi into giving up his pursuit of a nuclear weapon. so clarkes prophecy is pure 100% unadulterated BS. So really, he was 1 for 7....:lol:
The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

The road to Tehran runs through Damascus.

BTW, Iran and Syria have a mutual defense pact signed in 2005. Therefore, bombing the stuffing out of SYRIA will be easy, but the ensuing consequences will lead to going straight at Iran, which will be much, much harder.

But is interrupted by the country of Iraq. Or, these days, Kurdistan.

Can Iraq prevent Iranians from crossing their country? They are supposed to be our democratic-loving friends (well, that's what George told us), plus they are Sunni, while Iranians are filthy Shiite (Or is it the Sunni who are filthy? So hard to keep up).
Found: Samantha Power in Ireland during urgent Syria meeting, sources say | Fox News

this was a topic a few days ago.

<But Richard Grenell, a former U.N. spokesman under the George W. Bush administration, questioned how someone who had been on the job just 19 days could miss the session. Grenell told Fox News that her absence at this meeting could "scar her career."

The State Department was also unusually coy about Power's whereabouts when asked on Thursday.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki declined, twice, to say where Power was during Wednesday's meeting. "I don't have any more details for you," she said.

Asked again, Psaki said: "She had a previously scheduled trip. I don't think I need to go into more detail from here."

Meanwhile, the administration is looking into the chemical attack allegations, and Reuters reported late Friday that U.S. intelligence agencies have made a "preliminary assessment" that the Assad government did use chemical weapons this week. >

I suppose I am not too upset. More concerned that calls to the red phone are being answered. As long as 'we are ready'-whatever that means.

No comments from G. W. Bush.
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Chickenhawk In Chump, Warmonger Black Jimmy --- ready to launch another one of his illegal wars from the 7th tee.
:lol:and he looks like to the ass he is. He got 1 out of 7 and the 1 when it was obvious we had issues with saddam....brilliant:rolleyes:

is there a statute of limitation on what he heard ?

ole Wesley is a self serving opportunist almost on par with old colon, I mean colin powell.

he was is/was anti gop era ( but not until he didn't get a call back from rove to kiss his ring) , and his riff was applicable then , BUT heres the thing, bush by virtue of soft power and careful if even to some extent subservient political machinations ( ala the lockerbie settlments gig) maneuvered Qaddafi into giving up his pursuit of a nuclear weapon. so clarkes prophecy is pure 100% unadulterated BS. So really, he was 1 for 7....:lol:

That's actually a good point. He was eating out of our hand.
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Sixty-eight years after WWII, the Euros are back on their feet again, in most respects...

And they've been living under the American Umbrella for most of that time, investing in infrastructure for themselves, while we've been beating our plowshares into swords...

It's our turn to take a break, and their turn to pick up the slack...

Syria is in the Euros' back yard...

Let the Euros handle this one, if they want...

Hell, turn the Israelis loose on 'em, for all I care...

Otherwise, with respect to the Syrians...

Fuck 'em... let 'em rot... let 'em slaughter each other from now 'til the end of time.

Not our problem.

Unless the Rooskies and Iranians jump-in with both feet.

What a brilliant, humane, and forward-looking attitude. Let someone else worry about it ~ that approach has always worked out so well historically...
bush by virtue of soft power and careful if even to some extent subservient political machinations ( ala the lockerbie settlments gig) maneuvered Qaddafi into giving up his pursuit of a nuclear weapon.

"Soft power"? Watching saddam's regime crushed in short order after the Taliban were swiftly overthrown and realizing that President Bush wasn't all talk (like our current CIC) and that the crazy Americans WILL come in and fuck up your party if you piss us off enough is "soft power"?
Obama - complicit in the chemical attacks launched twice

He provided guns, money troops and training to these savage murderers.

Obama is a blood soaked monster, a vampire feeding on the blood of women and children.

All liberals are complicit.
Doubt it. Syria is on the list. Has nothing to do with Assad.
That would be the list Wesley told us about in 2003 when his book was about to hit the stores:

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan.'" [147]

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:lol:and he looks like to the ass he is. He got 2 out of 7 and the 1 when it was obvious we had issues with saddam and the other a decade later....brilliant:rolleyes:
Except Iraq wasn't obvious to the vast majority of Americans in November 2001.
Afghanistan was, remember?
Seven sovereign states didn't fall to US terrorism in five years, but the remaining four are under severe attack from the US and its settler-colonialist ally Israel.
Because they were in on a plot to get rid of the USD PETRODOLLRS?

As was Momar Khodaffi, and Saddam Hussein, as I recall.

No nation, no president who threatens the BANKSTERS is going to get away with it.
The answer is simple: China, Russia, the U.S. it's lackeys are fighting over Eurasia. Can't get there without the big prize Iran. Bombing the shit out of Syria and supporting terrorists to achieve that goal is much easier than going straight at Iran. That's all it is.

70 years and counting, this comes as news:eusa_eh:

More than 70 years............. Persia!! I thought the Greeks took care of them awhile ago, 650 BC. Darn it, why don't things we do STAY done?
CNN International, today 8/26

If the claims that Syria used chemical weapons prove true, a speedy response will be needed to prevent another such attack, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said.

Hagel's comments Friday came after a senior Defense Department official told CNN that military planners have updated Syrian target lists.

And it was disclosed that a fourth U.S. ship armed with cruise missiles has arrived in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

I wonder if they will hit the gas storage site? Cruise missiles have pinpoint accuracy, as we remember from the wonderful videos shown during Clinton's Serbian war: four missiles going into four windows of the Chinese Embassy. And that missile neatly hitting the engine of a moving train.

If they hit the gas storage, wouldn't it blow up and around? I'd think people would want to get away from that area. Then WE'll be gassing people..........hmmmmmmmm.........

But if they don't, if they hit the presidential palace or something, won't either the rebels or Assad troops just use gas again? How to stop use of gas?

I guess just hit Syria with Cruise missiles whenever there is use of gas: they might get the idea eventually. Slow learners, but maybe eventually.

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