Why Benghazi Matters

Sure you know about it. The LSM broadcasted it till news of the Administrations less than truthfull claims came out.

Then it kinda, sorta dried up on every station except FOX.

Wonder why that is??
Obama was on the grassy knoll and probably smoked on the Hindenberg too....

Very funny, very funny..... I heard that Obama's family was responsible for selling the first African slaves to the English to be shipped to America too.
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

Bush manged to get re-elected with his failure to protect US citizens on 9/11/2001
Bush managed to get re-elected with extensive mismanagement of the war on terror to invade a nation under false pretense, and cost the US taxpayers trillions and thousands of deaths of US soldiers, and you talk about partisan support of a democrat?
Well those four dead Americans are no half truth.

I do suppose that if the POTUS gave the order for them to be saved that order would have been carried out.

Don't you??

As reported on every network. What is missing from the reputable ones are the half-bake lies like we hear from you Faux viewers.
Ummm, I'll take that as a "No, we've only got Faux telling us what the truth is"!


The embarrassing thing for the "journalists" of the Main Stream Media is that Fox News is the only news outlet reporting on the murder of our Ambassador and the three others. How can this be a "non-story" unless you're so in the tank for Barack Obama that you're willing to put blinders on and ignore what's right in front of your face?

Funny I never listen to or watch what they call news on Faux and I've known about the 4 Americans killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi since the day it happened? You must mean that since the other networks aren't allowing monday morning quaterbacks to endlessly speculate 24/7 about how badly the Obama administration handled the attack and aftermath then yeah I'm sure they're sooooo embarrassed. :eusa_whistle:

Oh, you mean initially questioning the reasons for the attack is Monday morning quarterbacking, especially when your "Dear One" can't keep the lie together? First it was a mob riot for nearly a week, then the partial truth that it was a coordinated attack by al-Qaeda terrorist with heavy machine guns, mortars and RPG's. Now through "Monday Morning" investigation we are finding that Obama and company were aware of the impending attack told to them by one of the victims of the attack. So according to you that August confrence was the decision point that the lives of the thirty people was not worth beefing up the security with Marines and in fact the decision was made to reduce whatever security assets they had further. Good logic. Sounds more like a decision Hitler would have made when his troops were surrounded
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Four Americans died in Libya, but the intention was that ALL of them should die, There were 30 people there, all condemned by obama to death. Two brave men defied orders and went to get the consulate personnel out. They got out all but two, one of which was Ambassador Stevens. Had Woods and Dougherty been successful and escaped with the two embassy personnel, they would undoubtably have been court martialed for violating the president's direct orders.

Why was it so important to this royal regime that 30 people die? What was the purpose?

My understanding is somewhere the calculation was made that losing up to 30 people by letting the minimal forces handle it internally was better than taking the risk of sending in more reinforcements officially, and either something going wrong and failing, or more opposition being riled up and escalating this into a greater scale war. I am guessing the people in charge decided it was better to "cap the losses," and deal with the aftermath through a formal investigation in peace time rather than try to resolve this in wartime.

I would not want to make that call either.

But in any case, the brave men and women who gave their lives and suffered for this attack, bought us time and freedom to proceed with our civil procedures instead of possibly inciting a war that could easily cost more and taken more years to resolve than this will.

I think we should give thanks and credit to them, and use our freedom to make peace in their honor, as they paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to have such privilege as Americans.

Making that call is Obama's JOB. That's the job he's running for again. He's spent nearly two billion in two elections to get it. And.... he made the wrong call.

This wasn't a situation where a war would be started that didn't already exist. The cable Catherine Herridge reported on yesterday says that there are terrorist strongholds all over eastern Libya and gaining strength. This was discussed almost a month before the 9/11 attack. In order to prevent Libya from sliding into a terrorist state post-revolution, the local populace has to have the courage to stand up to these terrorists. What Obama did was to discourage those good citizens who don't want to be living under the thumbs of jihadist zealotry. Psychologically, even a high-speed flyover would've proved that the good guys can get back-up in a matter of hours. It likely would've broken off the attack as well.

All Obama accomplished was to encourage more violence and tumult.
Go outside into the real world and ask the first ten people you meet if they know wtf you are all talking about,


Done, and most think Obama screwed the pooch on Libya.

Yeah, they don't know the details, but they know that our Ambassador is dead, and that Obama lied.

Not only did Obama and the Administration lie about this being a "spontaneous attack" by protestors over a video they compounded the idiocy by apologizing to the Muslim world for the video.

Bottom line they had to. Considering they'd been pushing the narrative that AQ was dead and Obama was to get all the credit.

This messed up their world for true.

that's how this is being spun?


The CIA and Defense Dept, and everyone else is in on it?

Conspiracy thread
Why Benghazi Doesn't Matter To Most Americans

Most Americans are worried about jobs and the economy which are improving. Most Americans do not watch FOX News or hang out on the world wide web looking for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good.

Most Americans know no crime was committed by any Americans here. The President did not attack the US Consulate in Libya.

So why do people who watch FOX News and hang out on the world wide web look for issues to attack the President on in order to make Romney look good, even if it means breaking the compact we have on sticking together when attacked by enemies of America? I don't think these people are evil. I think they're misguided and locked in a bubble where a Noise Machine in the Echo chamber of their world has them programmed to stay paranoid, alarmed, and angry.

It's not 1984 in America -- It's A Brave New World


It's not 1984 in America -- It's A Brave New World


jesus christ! The wingnuts are saying the Admin lied so they wouldn't look weak on terrorism?


CIA rushed to save diplomats as Libya attack was underway - The Washington Post

The CIA rushed security operatives to an American diplomatic compound in Libya within 25 minutes after it had come under attack and played a more central role in the effort to fend off a night-long siege than has been publicly acknowledged, U.S. intelligence officials said Thursday.

The agency mobilized the evacuation effort, took control of an unarmed U.S. military drone to map possible escape routes, dispatched an emergency security team from Tripoli, the capital, and chartered aircraft that ultimately carried surviving U.S. personnel to safety on Sept. 12, U.S. officials said.
Nevada’s Biggest Paper: Obama 'Unworthy Commander-in-Chief' After Benghazi

Nevada’s largest newspaper blasted President Barack Obama in a blistering editorial on Thursday about the Benghazi attacks in which four Americans died, calling him an “unworthy commander-in-chief.”

Obama, who holds a small lead in Nevada, which has six electoral votes, was taken to task by the Las Vegas Review-Journal for his handling of the Benghazi, Libya attacks in an editorial headlined, “Benghazi blunder: Obama unworthy commander-in-chief.”

Read more on Newsmax.com: Nevada’s Biggest Paper: Obama 'Unworthy Commander-in-Chief' After Benghazi
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
How is getting this OBL and other top tier, middle, and lower tier AQ operatives, using drones in a liberal manner, and actively fighting the famed 'war on terror' by this Administration called "apeasement"? :lol:

The guy has a neo-con foreign policy you all should love him!
He just let 4 Americans be sacrificed to avoid riling up the Muslim Brotherhood. And if a couple of guys hadn't disobeyed orders, 30 Americans would be dead.

Tell me that's not appeasement. Lie to me.

Prove to me that he actually gave the order not to engage the enemy. We both don't know what happened, all you are working off of is a combination of 'leaks' and conjecture by conservative talking heads who are doing this solely as a way to attack him. They should be ashamed of themselves to try to use this incident and tragedy as a political football.
Better people discuss this issue than have it swept under the rug to avoid the charge of incompetence.
You don't know if that General was relieved from duty because he didn't act any more than it was because he wanted to act and didn't follow orders from his chain of command. The President was friends with the Ambassador, I think that the incident needs to be investigated by a bi-partisan panel. I think and know that someone DID drop the ball on this one.
I believe people who were there over this lying White House.
If you people want to give the President all of the 'credit' for this incident, it's pretty hypocritical of you to not want to give him the 'credit' and distance him away from getting OBL.
And the reverse holds true for you.

Unless that's different. Somehow.
You know, we had ICBMs too. How come the administration didn't use the?

Incompetence! Treason! Yeeeaaarrrrgghhhhh!

it's rather amusing watching the lunatics from the right wing jump the shark.

They are a bunch of loons, one even used a video game to show the capabilities of a gunship! This is the fantasy land these dolts live in!!! :lol:
At least we don't believe it was about a years-old YouTube video. Talk about fantasy...
it's rather amusing watching the lunatics from the right wing jump the shark.

They are a bunch of loons, one even used a video game to show the capabilities of a gunship! This is the fantasy land these dolts live in!!! :lol:
At least we don't believe it was about a years-old YouTube video. Talk about fantasy...

It's not like ALL OVER the area, people were getting all SUPER mad about that same years-old youtube video. I mean, if THAT happened, it'd almost be like such a story in the same region would be, plausible or something.
It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
As I believe I've already said, there are no secondary explosions from Vulcan rounds. They're kinetic-kill, not explosive.

There would be secondaries had they been used to take out the mortar that killed Woods.
Sources: Key task force not convened during Benghazi consulate attack

Sources: Key task force not convened during Benghazi consulate attack - CBS News

CBS News has learned that during the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi, the Obama Administration did not convene its top interagency counterterrorism resource: the Counterterrorism Security Group, (CSG).

"The CSG is the one group that's supposed to know what resources every agency has. They know of multiple options and have the ability to coordinate counterterrorism assets across all the agencies," a high-ranking government official told CBS News. "They were not allowed to do their job. They were not called upon."

Obama didn't do shit to help our men. Obama has lied and flip floped. He needs to go.
Ben Ghazi: The Drip-Drip-Drip​

By: -Jake Tapper, Mary Bruce, Devin Dwyer and Dana Hughes
The Benghazi Drip-Drip-Drip - ABC News

The State Department’s comment to Fox: “An independent board is conducting a thorough review of the assault on our post in Benghazi. Once we have the board’s comprehensive account of what happened, findings and recommendations, we can fully address these matters.”

It was the exact same statement given to ABC News earlier in the month about a different revelation.

This afternoon, journalists Harald Doornbos and Jenan Moussa in Foreign Policy Magazine reported that when they arrived at the compound in Benghazi on October 26 they found “several ash-strewn documents beneath rubble in the looted Tactical Operations Center, one of the four main buildings of the partially destroyed compound. Some of the documents — such as an email from Stevens to his political officer in Benghazi and a flight itinerary sent to Sean Smith, a U.S. diplomat slain in the attack — are clearly marked as State Department correspondence. Others are unsigned printouts of messages to local and national Libyan authorities. The two unsigned draft letters are both dated Sept. 11 and express strong fears about the security situation at the compound on what would turn out to be a tragic day. They also indicate that Stevens and his team had officially requested additional security at the Benghazi compound for his visit — and that they apparently did not feel it was being provided.”

A Sept. 11 missive to the head of the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that on that morning, “one of our diligent guards made a troubling report. Near our main gate, a member of the police force was seen in the upper level of a building across from our compound. It is reported that this person was photographing the inside of the U.S. special mission and furthermore that this person was part of the police unit sent to protect the mission. The police car stationed where this event occurred was number 322.”

On Air Force One today, White House press secretary Jay Carney was asked by ABC News how closely the President is reading and following the media reports about what went wrong in Benghazi.

“Is he engaged in the investigation and receiving updates on the investigation, or is he waiting until it’s complete?” ABC News’ Devin Dwyer asked.

Carney noted that since the “investigations are being conducted by both the FBI and the Accountability Review Board” the president himself “is not participating in the investigation. He is anticipating results that show us exactly what happened, who was responsible and what lessons we can learn from it in terms of how we ensure that it never happens again.”

The White House press secretary – who has not held a full-fledged briefing with the White House press corps since October 12 – said that the president “expects the investigations to be rigorous. He is extremely focused on making sure that we find exactly what happened and who was responsible, and tracking down those who were responsible and bringing them to justice.”
You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...

Tell me, was invading another country's airspace considered when the Seals were going after Bin Laden? And please, don't make lame excuses for why those brave Seals in Libya didn't get back up. The U.S. could have sent a low flying fighter plane just for the noise and it would have helped. And I believe our military could certainly have hit their target with a lot of collateral damage.

You really want to start talking about Bin Laden again?

Wow, is Romney this poor a candidate that you're still trying to make points with Benghazzi?
There is no rational way that Benghazi cannot be considered a failure in leadership.

But of course, Obama supporters aren't that rational.
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Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...
As I believe I've already said, there are no secondary explosions from Vulcan rounds. They're kinetic-kill, not explosive.

There would be secondaries had they been used to take out the mortar that killed Woods.

The point about the Gau-12 is the inherent inaccuracy, as shown in the video with rounds peppering in the general vicinity. Also, you're wrong on the explosion part- it can fire HEI and API. Pretty sure you can see the little explosions in the videos.

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