Why Benghazi Matters

He owes the families of the victims a shitload. More than anyone could even comprehend. He had marines an hour away, 2 aircraft bases within an hour and gun-ships ready to go(least what I read). Watched the shit from the fuckin situation room. He is a scumbag piece of shit. If I was President them men might still be alive and that platoon of terrorists would be DEAD!
So according to the Left wing detractors on this board, unless we have a video of Barack Oblamer handling a RPK and spraying ther Consulate nothing is true. Talk about total ignorant oblivion of the Progressive Left. It's obvious that Oblamer gave specific orders to abandon Stevens and the thirty odd people there. Why else would Oblamer relieve two high ranking officers from duty who questioned his decision? Hmm, I wonder if he'll have them hung for disobedience?
Catherine Herridge: State Department Culpable in Death of Ambassador & Three Americans (Video)​

by Jim Hoft
October 31, 2012

FOX News foreign policy analyst Catherine Herridge told Greta Van Susteren Wednesday, “From what I see the State Department has culpability in the death of the US Ambassador and three Americans.” The warnings to the State Department were: ** Specific …

View Video Link: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dGd4_2mt9c]Catherine Herridge: From What I See State Department Has Culpability in Death of Ambassador - YouTube[/ame]

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Classified August Cable Signed By Ambassador Stevens Warned Benghazi Consulate Couldn’t Withstand ‘Coordinated Attack’​

by Jim Hoft
October 31, 2012

A classified cable on August 15 warned the Obama Administration that the Benghazi consulate could not withstand a “coordinated attack.” The cable was signed by Ambassador Chris Stevens who was later murdered on 9-11. There were four previous Islamist attacks …

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I think the real question, if this is true is more over what a GUNSHIP would do..

Vaporize the entire embassy, with our people in it?

No, where did you get such a stupid idea?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJjRQLbiEyg]Call of duty 4 - AC130 - YouTube[/ame]

Standard Disclaimer: Yes, it's from COD4, but well demonstrates how this thing works.

so then... you MISSED the clips of how they ACTUALLY work... you know... live fire?

they don't work like COD.

Video games are very lifelike in the GOP mind.
Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

You don't seem to know how bullets flying from a vulcan cannon work. Or the secondary explosions, invading another nation's airspace with a war plane, etc...

Tell me, was invading another country's airspace considered when the Seals were going after Bin Laden? And please, don't make lame excuses for why those brave Seals in Libya didn't get back up. The U.S. could have sent a low flying fighter plane just for the noise and it would have helped. And I believe our military could certainly have hit their target with a lot of collateral damage.

You really want to start talking about Bin Laden again?

Wow, is Romney this poor a candidate that you're still trying to make points with Benghazzi?
Four Americans died in Libya, but the intention was that ALL of them should die, There were 30 people there, all condemned by obama to death. Two brave men defied orders and went to get the consulate personnel out. They got out all but two, one of which was Ambassador Stevens. Had Woods and Dougherty been successful and escaped with the two embassy personnel, they would undoubtably have been court martialed for violating the president's direct orders.

Why was it so important to this royal regime that 30 people die? What was the purpose?

My understanding is somewhere the calculation was made that losing up to 30 people by letting the minimal forces handle it internally was better than taking the risk of sending in more reinforcements officially, and either something going wrong and failing, or more opposition being riled up and escalating this into a greater scale war. I am guessing the people in charge decided it was better to "cap the losses," and deal with the aftermath through a formal investigation in peace time rather than try to resolve this in wartime.

I would not want to make that call either.

But in any case, the brave men and women who gave their lives and suffered for this attack, bought us time and freedom to proceed with our civil procedures instead of possibly inciting a war that could easily cost more and taken more years to resolve than this will.

I think we should give thanks and credit to them, and use our freedom to make peace in their honor, as they paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to have such privilege as Americans.
So you got anything from a reliable news source about Benghazi?

Like what? ABC? NBC? PMSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Please the MSM is so in the tank for Obama it is pathetic.... spare us.

Ummm, I'll take that as a "No, we've only got Faux telling us what the truth is"!


Hmmm. Is Fox telling us what the truth is, or are they allowing the truth like 'sunshine' to disinfect the lies, deflections, and denials of the Left?
So you got anything from a reliable news source about Benghazi?

Like what? ABC? NBC? PMSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Please the MSM is so in the tank for Obama it is pathetic.... spare us.

Ummm, I'll take that as a "No, we've only got Faux telling us what the truth is"!


The embarrassing thing for the "journalists" of the Main Stream Media is that Fox News is the only news outlet reporting on the murder of our Ambassador and the three others. How can this be a "non-story" unless you're so in the tank for Barack Obama that you're willing to put blinders on and ignore what's right in front of your face?
Like what? ABC? NBC? PMSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Please the MSM is so in the tank for Obama it is pathetic.... spare us.

Ummm, I'll take that as a "No, we've only got Faux telling us what the truth is"!


Hmmm. Is Fox telling us what the truth is, or are they allowing the truth like 'sunshine' to disinfect the lies, deflections, and denials of the Left?

Nope, Faux is not News. They are at the forefront of the rabid rights echo chamber, designed to whip up emotional support for their cause based on half truths and lies.
Well those four dead Americans are no half truth.

I do suppose that if the POTUS gave the order for them to be saved that order would have been carried out.

Don't you??
Like what? ABC? NBC? PMSNBC? CNN? PBS?

Please the MSM is so in the tank for Obama it is pathetic.... spare us.

Ummm, I'll take that as a "No, we've only got Faux telling us what the truth is"!


The embarrassing thing for the "journalists" of the Main Stream Media is that Fox News is the only news outlet reporting on the murder of our Ambassador and the three others. How can this be a "non-story" unless you're so in the tank for Barack Obama that you're willing to put blinders on and ignore what's right in front of your face?

Funny I never listen to or watch what they call news on Faux and I've known about the 4 Americans killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi since the day it happened? You must mean that since the other networks aren't allowing monday morning quaterbacks to endlessly speculate 24/7 about how badly the Obama administration handled the attack and aftermath then yeah I'm sure they're sooooo embarrassed. :eusa_whistle:

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