Why Benghazi Matters


Obviously you haven't been keeping up. On September 11, 2012 within minutes of a discussion with the Pentagon/White House and being told to 'Stand Down' General Carter Ham was relieved of duty.

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AFRICOM Commander GEN Carter Ham relieved of duty for wanting to help our Ambassador to Libya.
The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow.
Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.

The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.

I've been keeping up, but so far those allegations have not been substantiated.

Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was also relieved of command mid-deployment which is rare (understatement). From the AP:

WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Navy said Saturday it is replacing the admiral in command of an aircraft carrier strike group in the Middle East, pending the outcome of an internal investigation into undisclosed allegations of inappropriate judgment...

One theory is that GEN Ham asked the Stennis strike group for assistance with intelligence and military response in the face of a "do not assist" order and that Admiral Gaouette attempted to follow through on GEN Ham's requests for assistance for the men in Benghazi. Another theory is that Gaouette was also part of a military coup. I think that's ridiculous and not in the cards with our GO's (and you would see an entirely different reaction that just relief of command).

It's hard to say what is truth and what is fiction right now. This is all speculation for the moment. And some of these rumors might have been started to ensure that the truth doesn't come out until after the election.

Are the two removals related?

Are Ham and Gaouette fall out from a cover up of Benghazi?
Dinesh D'Souza put together the only rational treatise on Obama that I've seen. Rejecting the bullshit of the birthers and those claiming Obama is a Muslim, D'Souza provides a well researched and factual look at Obama. That you trash him is just an example of your lack of rational thought.

Was that before or after he lied about banging a married chick while still being married to his wife while holding himself up as a moral compass?

Yeah, you should definately listen to him..............
I just think that you 2016 and World Nut Daily folks are pretty fucked up individuals who want to obtain and retain power.

Dinesh D'Souza put together the only rational treatise on Obama that I've seen. Rejecting the bullshit of the birthers and those claiming Obama is a Muslim, D'Souza provides a well researched and factual look at Obama. That you trash him is just an example of your lack of rational thought.

Ha! Something we agree on.

I don't know why I watched that film, but I did. I was expecting a looney tune birther flick, but it turned out to be a fascinating and fairly objective film.

I think subjective people will get subjective opinions out of it, but they are just writing their own prejudices onto the film.

While I do not agree entirely with all the conclusions D'Souza reached, the film is certainly one that is worth watching and reflecting on. It provides an interesting perspective from which to observe Obama, and explains much.

Lindsey Graham on Fox now.. Stating this President should have closed the Consulate, having had NUMEROUS warnings, even from our own Ambassador begging for security and this President left our people for dead, targets. A total failure of Leadership, an Administration trying desperately to ride out the election clock, refusing to answer all questions posed by the Oversight Committee in direct violation of the Constitution which gives CONGRESS oversight so this kind of shit doesn't happen. I've said it all along.. "You can run but you can't hide." Obama will LOSE this election BIG and all of his dirty lies will surface.. Liberals prove they cannot be trusted to govern, PERIOD.. Their constituents are ZOMBIES who don't care about the truth any longer which makes them entirely useless and worthless in the critical balance of holding our leaders accountable.
There sure are a lot of standards being created over this matter. It will be fun watching a Republican president trying to live up to them.

People inventing a complete fabrication the President was watching during the attack. All kinds of armchair quarterbacking over what should and should not have been done before, during, and after the attack.

Good stuff.

obama just gave a speech where he said that al quaeda was decimated. He doesn't think of Libya as a failure but a success.
obama just gave a speech where he said that al quaeda was decimated. He doesn't think of Libya as a failure but a success.

I saw it on Fox.. in the same breath he claimed to be bi-partisan. ROFLMAO!! Does this serial liar think people don't remmeber his infamous, "I WON?!"

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Community Organizer is going home .. where he belongs-- THUGVILLE - Chicagoland
obama just gave a speech where he said that al quaeda was decimated. He doesn't think of Libya as a failure but a success.

I saw it on Fox.. in the same breath he claimed to be bi-partisan. ROFLMAO!! Does this serial liar think people don't remmeber his infamous, "I WON?!"

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Community Organizer is going home .. where he belongs-- THUGVILLE - Chicagoland

Come on.

Let's bet on it. :lol:

I'll bet that Barack will be president # 45.

I am also willing to bet that you will tell us how you never liked Rmoney anyway.
obama just gave a speech where he said that al quaeda was decimated. He doesn't think of Libya as a failure but a success.

I saw it on Fox.. in the same breath he claimed to be bi-partisan. ROFLMAO!! Does this serial liar think people don't remmeber his infamous, "I WON?!"

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Community Organizer is going home .. where he belongs-- THUGVILLE - Chicagoland

Come on.

Let's bet on it. :lol:

I'll bet that Barack will be president # 45.

I am also willing to bet that you will tell us how you never liked Rmoney anyway.

an electorial college win can hardly be called a mandate
I saw it on Fox.. in the same breath he claimed to be bi-partisan. ROFLMAO!! Does this serial liar think people don't remmeber his infamous, "I WON?!"

Obama to GOP: ‘I Won’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

The Community Organizer is going home .. where he belongs-- THUGVILLE - Chicagoland

Come on.

Let's bet on it. :lol:

I'll bet that Barack will be president # 45.

I am also willing to bet that you will tell us how you never liked Rmoney anyway.

an electorial college win can hardly be called a mandate

Oh, I am not saying that.

He will win both, the likely hood of him winning one and not the other is from 1% ~ 7%, depending on the CI calculated. The popular vote will be by a slim margin, the electoral vote will be the polar opposite, a landslide.
Former Libyan PM: Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment Resulted in Benghazi

Former Libyan PM: Obama's 'Mission Accomplished' Moment Resulted in Benghazi

Did Barack Obama have a "Mission Accomplished" moment with dreadful consequences in Libya? Libya's former Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril believes he did.

And just as many Democrats say Bush made a premature call after the sacking of Baghdad and the toppling of the Hussein regime, so too the former Libyan PM says Obama counted his eggs before they hatched.

Jibril has "accused the United States and its NATO allies of high-tailing it out of [Libya] as soon as dictator Moammar Gadhafi was disposed a year ago." He says the quick departure created "a power vacuum" that has allowed radicals, like those who attacked the Benghazi consulate, to strengthen their numbers and flourish.
Leaks, Lies, Libya...Lack of Leadership​

YouTube ^
October 27, 2012

"Former Special Ops officers from four separate branches of the military have joined ranks for one specific purpose -- to remove Barack Obama from office."

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hMdCAGANiE&feature=youtu.be]Leaks, Lies, Libya...Lack of Leadership (Help us Promote This Video - Donate Today) - YouTube[/ame]

(Excerpt) Read more at youtube.com ...
Four Americans died in Libya, but the intention was that ALL of them should die, There were 30 people there, all condemned by obama to death. Two brave men defied orders and went to get the consulate personnel out. They got out all but two, one of which was Ambassador Stevens. Had Woods and Dougherty been successful and escaped with the two embassy personnel, they would undoubtably have been court martialed for violating the president's direct orders.

Why was it so important to this royal regime that 30 people die? What was the purpose?
Four Americans died in Libya, but the intention was that ALL of them should die, There were 30 people there, all condemned by obama to death. Two brave men defied orders and went to get the consulate personnel out. They got out all but two, one of which was Ambassador Stevens. Had Woods and Dougherty been successful and escaped with the two embassy personnel, they would undoubtably have been court martialed for violating the president's direct orders.

Why was it so important to this royal regime that 30 people die? What was the purpose?

Those questions are exactly what Obama and his cronies are desperately trying to avoid answering before the election. Then there's those on these boards in concert with Oblamer that pooh hoo the facts. Oblamer chose to go to sleep and go to Vegas rather than save those attacked in Ben Ghazi. Then Oblamer relieved an Admiral and a General on the spot because they refused to abandon Americans. They know Oblamer has sold out America for political and election reasons.
Leaks, Lies, Libya...Lack of Leadership​

YouTube ^
October 27, 2012

"Former Special Ops officers from four separate branches of the military have joined ranks for one specific purpose -- to remove Barack Obama from office."

Leaks, Lies, Libya...Lack of Leadership (Help us Promote This Video - Donate Today) - YouTube

(Excerpt) Read more at youtube.com ...

Can you please get a transcript of the video? I can't see or hear it. And I'm out of rep, but thanks for putting this out there.
Former AG Mukasey: Obama Knows What Happened In Benghazi, He Owes The American People The Truth​

Former AG Mukasey: Obama Knows What Happened In Benghazi, He Owes The American People The Truth | Flopping Aces
Ace @ Ace of Spades HQ:

Before the election.

There are three parts to this scandal: Before, During, and After.

Before, Stevens and others were begging for more security. Three weeks before the attack, Stevens warned that an attack was coming from the groups which did wind up attacking the base and killing him.

During, two brave former SEALs went to the consulate’s rescue and begged for air support to help them disperse attackers. Who would have run like cockroaches had a single jet fighter roared at them.

The Administration ordered possible rescuers to stand down.

After, the Administration lied repeatedly about every element of the attack. Obama’s current stance is that he cannot answer questions about what he himself knew and what he himself ordered until an “investigation” is concluded.

He needs an investigation into his own actions and knowledge? I think Steve Hayes put it like this: Obama is currently claiming he won’t know he knew until he finds an email telling him what he knew.

Obama knows what happened. He doesn’t need an investigation to determine what he ordered or what he knew.

He only needs an investigation to discover what he can be provento have ordered or known.

Right now, he’s just not answering questions. Someone with the Truth on his side does not have to avoid answers.

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