Why Benghazi Matters

Please provide the evidence Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening.

Thank you.


Yeah, because if he can't prove that Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening, then the 14 days of complete lies by the administration don't matter!

He made the claim. I want to see his evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Otherwise, he made that shit up. Simple as that.

No one cares about Libya. It's a fox news issue

You're right... They care about the Americans that died there, and the Obama administration lying to the American people about a video to cover up acts of Terrorism.
He made the claim. I want to see his evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Fact is, that if his claim is true, it furthers the damage to Obama. If it isn't, it does nothing to change the coverup by the administration.

It's a lose/lose for Obama.

Otherwise, he made that shit up. Simple as that.


I don't see anything new on emails on Fox, but I'll wait to see what get's posted.
No one cares about Libya. It's a fox news issue

You're right... They care about the Americans that died there, and the Obama administration lying to the American people about a video to cover up acts of Terrorism.

no they don't. once you step away from the computer console it all makes sense.

being stuck on stupid is all you are
He made the claim. I want to see his evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Fact is, that if his claim is true, it furthers the damage to Obama. If it isn't, it does nothing to change the coverup by the administration.

It's a lose/lose for Obama.

Otherwise, he made that shit up. Simple as that.


I don't see anything new on emails on Fox, but I'll wait to see what get's posted.

It's a lunatic lunacy for the right wing nutso-sphere
Just a query.
If Woods and the others were working for a private security firm, who were they in contact with on the radio when they were calling for help?
He made the claim. I want to see his evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Fact is, that if his claim is true, it furthers the damage to Obama. If it isn't, it does nothing to change the coverup by the administration.

It's a lose/lose for Obama.

It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

And that will make Obama come out a winner. That's how Unconservatives pulling shit out of their ass do so much damage.

Otherwise, he made that shit up. Simple as that.


I don't see anything new on emails on Fox, but I'll wait to see what get's posted.

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.

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No one cares about Libya. It's a fox news issue

You're right... They care about the Americans that died there, and the Obama administration lying to the American people about a video to cover up acts of Terrorism.

no they don't. once you step away from the computer console it all makes sense.

being stuck on stupid is all you are

You Obama fluffers will never argue rationally, you're a fucking moron if you think the President and his administration lying to the American people is a non-issue.
Benghazi is a nonissue this election and the president's handling of this disaster is more than he needed to clinch the 2nd term. Romney acts completely lost/clueless all of a sudden.

Dear HT: if this indicates Obama's strategy (to avoid early intervention, wait until after it is over, then do accountability afterwards) we are in deep trouble!

I was hoping to work with fellow Democrats to save a national historic site from destruction.
I live in a district with 8 remaining African American historic churches, built by Freed Slaves as the only landmark of its kind in the entire country. But the Democrat administration seems to follow this same protocol of waiting until AFTER the damage is done, and then saying it's too late, there is nothing they can do. There is not enough proactive commitment to protect national interests in advance while we had the chance, only damage assessment afterwards.

If the Democrats are too afraid to take chances of stirring things or overstepping bounds,
and prefer to wait until after the damage is done, this explains why I am getting nowhere.

Also, HT if you plan to vote Democrat, are YOU willing to pay the damages and debts incurred by the Democrat party and leadership in cases like this?

I wonder how much of this passive or negligent decision-making strategy is at the expense of others, and that is why it keeps happening! If the cost of such negligence was borne by the Parties who make them, would there be more incentive to change strategies? Or to delegate authority to people willing to make the tough calls, in order to prevent the risk of incurring irreparable costs afterwards? How can you accept responsibilities of office, or VOTE for these people, and then not take responsibility for the policies and decisions?
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (ret.) is a former senior intelligence officer and the New York Times bestselling author of Operation "DARK HEART: Spycraft an Special Operations on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – And The Path to Victory." He is the Director of External Communications for the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (CADS) and Senior Advisor on the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security.

To live and die in Benghazi, Libya without leadership from America | Fox News

There was huge uncertainty...
There was also a lack of intelligence...

Oh, yeah- and President Reagan did not even inform our closest ally, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, of the invasion. Grenada was a British protectorate. He apologized later.

The students were rescued, preventing another hostage crisis similar to the one that had hobbled the Carter Administration.

Reagan... Presidential

Obama...coward or inept... take your pick.

Please provide the evidence Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening.

Thank you.


As far as I've read, Obama slept thru it. That important fundraiser in Vegas was the next day.

There is no doubt whatsoever that Panetta made the decision not to send in troops to rescue them because it was too risky.

I've put up his direct quote from a press conference in other posts.

So, yes. They let them die.
Please provide the evidence Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening.

Thank you.


Yeah, because if he can't prove that Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening, then the 14 days of complete lies by the administration don't matter!

Obama is the only guy who could have done anything. Our military doesn't just run off and do as it pleases. They need orders. OBVIOUSLY they either didn't get them or the orders were disobeyed. There's no other explanation.
It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

Nonsense. If the story is false, no one will remember in a week.

And that will make Obama come out a winner. That's how Unconservatives pulling shit out of their ass do so much damage.



I don't think so.

The lie campaign against Romney criticizing the Fiat announcement to move Jeep to China is more damaging..

The DNC press will say nothing of Benghazi.

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


You realize the emails are confirmed, right? Obama knew it was a terrorist attack within two hours, and chose to lie to America. Yes, the DNC press and the administration have done what they can to spin it, but the fact is that Obama, Biden, Clinton, Rice, and Carney, deliberately and callously lied to the American people, blaming some obscure YouTube video with 11 hits, for what they KNEW to be a well planned Al Qaeda attack.

This crosses into Nixon territory, there is no excuse, none at all.
That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


Dear G5000: You should see the interview with Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods.
Instead of the President sharing words of comfort to the father, which wasn't happening anyway, this father used this opportunity to try to counsel the President. He knew Obama "was not at peace" and he urged him to make sure he is right with God and "change his direction" to be at peace. That's how the father of one of the Navy Seals "exploited" this issue - to help the President spiritually - it was deeply touching.
I can see how that man fathered a Navy Seal who would put his own life down for others.
This father, in his grief, was more thankful for the peace of mind he has from God, and wanted to share that with the President. He cared more for the President's soul he saw was suffering, than for his own bereavement he was trusting to God. Just beautiful and pure.

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