Why Benghazi Matters

Please provide the evidence Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening.

Thank you.


Yeah, because if he can't prove that Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening, then the 14 days of complete lies by the administration don't matter!

Obama is the only guy who could have done anything. Our military doesn't just run off and do as it pleases. They need orders. OBVIOUSLY they either didn't get them or the orders were disobeyed. There's no other explanation.

You know nothing of how the military works. Do you think every military action requires Presidential approval? Are you really that stupid?

The military has rules of engagement which direct their actions.

Go outside into the real world and ask the first ten people you meet if they know wtf you are all talking about,


Done, and most think Obama screwed the pooch on Libya.

Yeah, they don't know the details, but they know that our Ambassador is dead, and that Obama lied.

Not only did Obama and the Administration lie about this being a "spontaneous attack" by protestors over a video they compounded the idiocy by apologizing to the Muslim world for the video.

Bottom line they had to. Considering they'd been pushing the narrative that AQ was dead and Obama was to get all the credit.

This messed up their world for true.
It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

Nonsense. If the story is false, no one will remember in a week.

I seeeee...

So it is okay to make shit up, because no one will remember! What a fantastic moral code these liars live by. This explains so much.

And that will make Obama come out a winner. That's how Unconservatives pulling shit out of their ass do so much damage.



I don't think so.

The lie campaign against Romney criticizing the Fiat announcement to move Jeep to China is more damaging..

The DNC press will say nothing of Benghazi.

But you just said no one will remember a lie next week. Make up your mind!

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


You realize the emails are confirmed, right? Obama knew it was a terrorist attack within two hours, and chose to lie to America.

That has NOTHING to do with the FABRICATION that Obama SAT AND WATCHED STEVENS DIE and did nothing.

Shameless fabrication of his last moments on Earth.

Yeah, because if he can't prove that Obama sat and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening, then the 14 days of complete lies by the administration don't matter!

Obama is the only guy who could have done anything. Our military doesn't just run off and do as it pleases. They need orders. OBVIOUSLY they either didn't get them or the orders were disobeyed. There's no other explanation.

You know nothing of how the military works. Do you think every military action requires Presidential approval? Are you really that stupid?

The military has rules of engagement which direct their actions.


What I'd like to know is when is it not risky to rescue Americans under attack? You see this was Panetta's whole defense of this situation of just leaving them to die.

That it was too risky to rescue them.

So is it ok to send in troops to rescue Americans under attack by by Grade 1 students? Or under attack by gerbils?

Because those case scenarios wouldn't be risky for a rescue team?
He made the claim. I want to see his evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

Fact is, that if his claim is true, it furthers the damage to Obama. If it isn't, it does nothing to change the coverup by the administration.

It's a lose/lose for Obama.

It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

And that will make Obama come out a winner. That's how Unconservatives pulling shit out of their ass do so much damage.

Otherwise, he made that shit up. Simple as that.


I don't see anything new on emails on Fox, but I'll wait to see what get's posted.

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


The FACTS are that those guys are dead. The FACTS are that there wasn't enough security, not even after it was requested, and even not in caution of the anniversary of 9/11. The FACTS are that for nearly two weeks, this administration spent their time talking about a youtube video when it's been proved that they KNEW this was a terrorist attack. The FACTS are no help came when the annex was under attack, even though everyone admits that communications never broke down and that there was real time video. The FACTS are that if Obama really did whatever possible to save those guys, SOMEBODY would've showed up, because there were assets near enough to get there.

So, either he didn't give that order or that order was disobeyed. But he's not telling us which when obviously he could if he wanted to. Which means... he doesn't want to.
That has NOTHING to do with the FABRICATION that Obama SAT AND WATCHED STEVENS DIE and did nothing.

The indication is there was a Predator on station over the action. IF this is true.

- Did the Situation Room have the Predator feed ? I think the answer is the capability is proven to be there (OBL raid) and most likely.

- Did aid or counter-fire ever arrive on scene in Benghazi ? The answer is no.

The next line of rational and responsible questioning is what was the status of in theater deployable assets and their top-down response to any requests for aid.

Very simple.
It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

Nonsense. If the story is false, no one will remember in a week.

And that will make Obama come out a winner. That's how Unconservatives pulling shit out of their ass do so much damage.



I don't think so.

The lie campaign against Romney criticizing the Fiat announcement to move Jeep to China is more damaging..

The DNC press will say nothing of Benghazi.

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


You realize the emails are confirmed, right? Obama knew it was a terrorist attack within two hours, and chose to lie to America. Yes, the DNC press and the administration have done what they can to spin it, but the fact is that Obama, Biden, Clinton, Rice, and Carney, deliberately and callously lied to the American people, blaming some obscure YouTube video with 11 hits, for what they KNEW to be a well planned Al Qaeda attack.

This crosses into Nixon territory, there is no excuse, none at all.

Have you seen this?


October 31, 2012

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The American people deserve to know all the facts surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, that resulted in the murder of four Americans—including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Unfortunately, you and your senior administration officials have not been forthcoming in providing answers to the many questions that have emerged.

On October 9, 2012, we sent a letter to the senior intelligence officials in your administration in an effort to obtain answers to these questions. More than three weeks have passed, and we still have not received a response. To make matters worse, since that original letter, we sent several subsequent letters to you or to your senior administration officials asking a number of questions, and we have failed to receive a single letter in response.

The American people and their representatives in Congress need to understand what you knew about the Benghazi terrorist attack and when you knew it. We also have a right to know what steps you and your administration took—or failed to take—before, during, and after the terrorist attack to protect American lives.

Rest is at the link. They're pissed off and rightfully so.

Senators Again Urge Obama to Answer Key Questions about Benghazi Attack | The Weekly Standard
It it isn't true, then the big losers are the nutters who made that shit up. Their integrity is shot forever.

Nonsense. If the story is false, no one will remember in a week.



I don't think so.

The lie campaign against Romney criticizing the Fiat announcement to move Jeep to China is more damaging..

The DNC press will say nothing of Benghazi.

That is EXACTLY what everyone should be doing. Waiting for the FACTS.

What a shameful way to treat the dead. Making up complete fabrications about their final moments. Not a shred of decency in the lot of them.

Jesus wept.


You realize the emails are confirmed, right? Obama knew it was a terrorist attack within two hours, and chose to lie to America. Yes, the DNC press and the administration have done what they can to spin it, but the fact is that Obama, Biden, Clinton, Rice, and Carney, deliberately and callously lied to the American people, blaming some obscure YouTube video with 11 hits, for what they KNEW to be a well planned Al Qaeda attack.

This crosses into Nixon territory, there is no excuse, none at all.

Have you seen this?


October 31, 2012

President Barack Obama

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

The American people deserve to know all the facts surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, that resulted in the murder of four Americans—including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Unfortunately, you and your senior administration officials have not been forthcoming in providing answers to the many questions that have emerged.

On October 9, 2012, we sent a letter to the senior intelligence officials in your administration in an effort to obtain answers to these questions. More than three weeks have passed, and we still have not received a response. To make matters worse, since that original letter, we sent several subsequent letters to you or to your senior administration officials asking a number of questions, and we have failed to receive a single letter in response.

The American people and their representatives in Congress need to understand what you knew about the Benghazi terrorist attack and when you knew it. We also have a right to know what steps you and your administration took—or failed to take—before, during, and after the terrorist attack to protect American lives.

Rest is at the link. They're pissed off and rightfully so.

Senators Again Urge Obama to Answer Key Questions about Benghazi Attack | The Weekly Standard

What is the deadline in the letter? There is an ongoing investigation regarding this situation.

The following is an assessment from someone who served there.

"Eric Allan Nordstrom, Regional Security Officer, Tripoli, Libya from September 21,
2011-July 26, 2012
At the request of Chairman Issa, and the Committee On Oversight & Government
Hearing on Security Failures in Benghazi, Tripoli on September 11, 2012
10 October 2012​

Let me say a word about the evening of September 11th. The ferocity and intensity of the attack was nothing that we had seen in Libya, or that I had seen in my time in the Diplomatic Security Service. Having an extra foot of wall, or an extra-half dozen guards or agents would not have enabled us to respond to that kind of assault. I’m concerned that this attack will signal a new security-reality, just as the 1984 Beirut attack did for the Marines; the 1998 East Africa bombings did for the State Department, and 9/11 for the whole country. It is critical that we balance the risk-mitigation with the needs of our diplomats to do their job, in dangerous and uncertain places. The answer cannot be to operate from a bunker.

It was my understanding and the understanding of my successor that TDY staffing levels in Tripoli would be reduced as our bodyguard unit expanded. When I departed on July 26, 2012, the mission had the following DS staffing: 3 permanent RSOs, 4 TDY Hight Trained field office DS agents, 4 MSD DS Agents focused on bodyguard training, 16 local Libyan bodyguards, and 3 TDY DS agents in Benghazi. The 16 member SST was scheduled for a phased departure by mid-August. Finally, there was on-going planning to retain 6 of the 16 SST members in Libya to engage in more traditional bilateral Department of Defense training activities with the Libyan Ministry of Defense.

I’m confident that the committee will conclude that Department of State, Diplomatic Security Service, and Mission Libya officers conducted themselves professionally and with careful attention to managing people and budgets in a way that reflects the gravity of their task. I’m proud of the work that our team accomplished in Libya under extraordinarily difficult circumstances."


I want answers as well. Whether Obama or Romney Obama is the next president, it does not matter who is this situation cannot happen again.
Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.

So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?

I would like to hear from the actual people involved that they were asking for help and were turned down. I would like to hear from the actual people involved they were told to stand down, and who told them to stand down. Then I would like to know where the order to stand down originated.

I would like to hear any evidence Obama was personally involved.


Fuck off, G, the guys asking for the help are all DEAD!

The commanding General of AFRICOM was relieved of duty when he disobeyed a direct order to 'stand down'. Now who do you know with THAT power that isn't up to their neck in this Administration?
Rumors of General Officers Arrested, Relieved, or Resigning in Protest​


We’ve received many emails over the last week or so from readers asking us to get to the bottom of this situation/rumors du jour…I’m not sure that we can actually do that quickly, but here is what we’ve been hearing…

First of all, over the last week there have been many reports that the AFRICOM commander, GEN Carter Ham, had been arrested by his second in command and relieved of command. The reasoning in several articles from journalists and bloggers is that GEN Ham was ready to violate a do-not-assist order with regards to Benghazi. I would think that there are too many people who would know about this that could keep an event like that as quiet as it seems to have been kept.

GEN Ham, with 42 years under his belt, could actually retire TOMORROW, and we should see what he has to say when he retires. Since the announcement of his being replaced, GEN Ham has been seen speaking at several functions. Hardly the position of someone who was arrested for insubordination…or as some are suggesting, the leader of a coup. But it is possible that he was removed for violating orders in a manner without arrest.

On back channel, there has been talk that GEN Ham is actually being relieved for another mission – one that was denied airspace access by a sovereign nation, and that GEN Ham intentionally violated airspace rules/laws in order to complete a mission (not Benghazi). There is also talk that GEN Ham is resigning in disgust of the chain of command – literally, with the Commander in Chief – and that he is trying to do so as apolitically as possible (and Ham is seen as being one of “the President’s guys”). One would think that someone would wait for an election just days away to be over before resigning in protest (because you might have a new CinC), but who knows? On Monday, GEN Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared that GEN Ham’s departure was part of a planned rotation in the works since July. Hhmmm…

Then, we have an up and coming Rear Admiral being relieved of command of the Stennis carrier group. This is significant as it is not due to conduct unbecoming, personal conduct, or for incompetence, but for “inappropriate leadership judgment“. What?!
Admiral Charles M. Gaouette was relieved of command mid-deployment which is rare (understatement). From the AP:Navy replaces admiral leading Mideast strike group - FederalNewsRadio.com
Read more:
BLACKFIVE: Rumors of General Officers Arrested, Relieved, or Resigning in Protest
Idiot foreigner sticking your nose in our business....they were CIA or working for the CIA, thus were in contact with people in the CIA in VA. :eusa_whistle:

There goes your theory they didn't have the right to call back for help....

Just a query.
If Woods and the others were working for a private security firm, who were they in contact with on the radio when they were calling for help?

Obviously you haven't been keeping up. On September 11, 2012 within minutes of a discussion with the Pentagon/White House and being told to 'Stand Down' General Carter Ham was relieved of duty.

Read more:
AFRICOM Commander GEN Carter Ham relieved of duty for wanting to help our Ambassador to Libya.
The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow.
Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.

The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.
Military leaders in Germany and DC aren't going to standby and keep quiet over this bullshit.

Obamination will be trashed in the media once these people are retired. He has no authority over telling people to not tell the truth.

Obviously you haven't been keeping up. On September 11, 2012 within minutes of a discussion with the Pentagon/White House and being told to 'Stand Down' General Carter Ham was relieved of duty.

Read more:
AFRICOM Commander GEN Carter Ham relieved of duty for wanting to help our Ambassador to Libya.
The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow.
Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.

The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.

I've been keeping up, but so far those allegations have not been substantiated.

Thousands of Guardsmen are activated for Sandy | Foreign Policy
There was enough speculation about Ham that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Marty Dempsey, traveling in Israel, also issued a statement: "The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command due to events in Benghazi, Libya on 11 September 2012 is absolutely false," the statement attributed to Dempsey said. "General Ham's departure is part of a routine succession planning that has been going on since July. He continues to serve in AFRICOM with my complete confidence."

Thousands of Guardsmen are activated for Sandy | Foreign Policy
There was enough speculation about Ham that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Marty Dempsey, traveling in Israel, also issued a statement: "The speculation that General Carter Ham is departing Africa Command due to events in Benghazi, Libya on 11 September 2012 is absolutely false," the statement attributed to Dempsey said. "General Ham's departure is part of a routine succession planning that has been going on since July. He continues to serve in AFRICOM with my complete confidence."

Color me "surprised"! :lol:

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