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Why Benghazi Matters

I think the real question, if this is true is more over what a GUNSHIP would do..

Vaporize the entire embassy, with our people in it?

It's crazy to bring this up because, again, using this aircraft to disperse a crowd is a bit like dropping the A-bomb.

In the first place, the plane doesn't do dives and precision bombing; it circles the "target" making a counter-clockwise circle so the crew can focus it's fire on the target to the left of the aircraft. The circle it makes is large since the plane's stall speed is 100 knots--it always has to be going 100 knots or higher. Imagine trying to do donuts in the K-mart parking lot at 100mph; pretty big circle.

Anyway, the target is terrorists so it's not as if there is a big target to hit and since terrorists usually don't wear signs saying "terrorists" our crew at night would be firing at anything standing up.

The armaments include a 105mm cannon which would ruin the day of anything it touches but more than likely the weapon of choice would be the 20 and 40 mm guns.


Sort of like using a shotgun to get rid of a fly.

It's an asinine topic.

It's not like there were 5 or 10 terrorists. From what I understand there were 100 to 150 attacking and there wasn't anyone else around because bullets were flying. So if it's considered asinine in your opinion, obviously you've never been in a firefight. BTW terrorist have a bad habit of bunching up, that's why it was estimated that the ex-Seals cut down 50 to 60 of them. Now if Spooky had been around they would taken out the mortar that did so much damage and more.

FACT CHECK: Did the Navy Seals who died in the Benghazi attacks kill 60 jihadis? - WeCheck: The People's Fact Check that anyone can edit

to date, there are no Verifiable sources that state that the ex-seals took out 50-60 attackers.

I find it unlikely. COULD be true.. but nothing that is fact checked and valid. (It's mostly on blogs and chat threads, not surprisingly.
I've seen film of the semi-consulate with no bullet holes. I think it was RPGs and a fire. Later mortars at the safe house. But carry on with the Pub dupe insanity...
Does anyone really think the truth will come out.

Hell. Barry pulled EP on FF and I wouldn't be a big surprised if he does the same here.

The truth NEVER comes out on conservative talk radio. That much I do know.

I don't listen to talk radio so I don't know either.

If Barry covered Holders ass on FF its a good bet he'll cover his own on Libya.

I'm surprised it he hasn't done by now.

Of course that would look pretty bad when your running for that second term. You know. Using EP so no one can get at the truth. Not very sound. Never mind.
When your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail
Obama's favored tool is appeasement.

How has that worked historically?

How is getting this OBL and other top tier, middle, and lower tier AQ operatives, using drones in a liberal manner, and actively fighting the famed 'war on terror' by this Administration called "apeasement"? :lol:

The guy has a neo-con foreign policy you all should love him!
He just let 4 Americans be sacrificed to avoid riling up the Muslim Brotherhood. And if a couple of guys hadn't disobeyed orders, 30 Americans would be dead.

Tell me that's not appeasement. Lie to me.
I think the real question, if this is true is more over what a GUNSHIP would do..

Vaporize the entire embassy, with our people in it?

It's crazy to bring this up because, again, using this aircraft to disperse a crowd is a bit like dropping the A-bomb.

In the first place, the plane doesn't do dives and precision bombing; it circles the "target" making a counter-clockwise circle so the crew can focus it's fire on the target to the left of the aircraft. The circle it makes is large since the plane's stall speed is 100 knots--it always has to be going 100 knots or higher. Imagine trying to do donuts in the K-mart parking lot at 100mph; pretty big circle.

Anyway, the target is terrorists so it's not as if there is a big target to hit and since terrorists usually don't wear signs saying "terrorists" our crew at night would be firing at anything standing up.

The armaments include a 105mm cannon which would ruin the day of anything it touches but more than likely the weapon of choice would be the 20 and 40 mm guns.


Sort of like using a shotgun to get rid of a fly.

It's an asinine topic.

It's not like there were 5 or 10 terrorists. From what I understand there were 100 to 150 attacking and there wasn't anyone else around because bullets were flying. So if it's considered asinine in your opinion, obviously you've never been in a firefight. BTW terrorist have a bad habit of bunching up, that's why it was estimated that the ex-Seals cut down 50 to 60 of them. Now if Spooky had been around they would taken out the mortar that did so much damage and more.

If there are people in Miami or Atlanta or NYC protesting outside of a foreign country's consulate, would you be okay with them sending combat aircraft into our airspace?
It's not a precision firing plane in ground support.

AC-130H Spectre Gunship engages probable SA-3 missiles - YouTube

I counted 13 to 14 off target impacts on the ground before they hit the target.

And here's the smaller guns. the 25 mm.

AC-130 Shooting the 25mm Over Najaf, Iraq - YouTube

Great for carpeting an area with shells... not so good if you don't know where the friendlies are. The spread pattern is larger than the buildings.

With each passing day, we see Conservistan taking shape, do we not?
I'd bet you could get them to say we should be flying these missions over our southern border.
Obama's incompetence continues to kill Americans. He is a dangerous buffoon. Without having to worry about reelection, can anyone even imagine the disaster he would be in a second term?

I never thought I would see the day when so called Americans felt the absolute need to LIE, PROPAGANDIZE, and cover up the truth when it comes to dead Americans. It's the sickest thing I've witnessed yet. It's further proof that liberalism is sheer evil and has no place in a society where the rules of law APPLY TO EVERYONE..It's bad enough that we have a LIAR President but his stooge lemmings are literally insane with crazed lust for this man.. anything to cover up for him.. It's breathtaking in it's entirety. These are so called Americans NO ONE can trust and you can bet your last dollar that if the day ever comes where gubmint asks Zombies like these to turn in fellow citizens who don't agree with them, these Zombies have a knife ready and waiting. They have ZERO loyalty for Americans and are true to one thing alone - LIBERALISM, their religion.
For reference to the topic:

Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." In many nations, it is also often considered treason to attempt or conspire to overthrow the government, even if no foreign country is aiding or involved by such an endeavour.
Treason - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt, Libya, Syria and now Iran

That's not the legal definition of treason as defined by our laws.

This isn't a video game where an AC-130 can pinpoint and shoot and not kill any civi's People are honestly really shortsighted.

Funny argument. My brother actually develops guidance systems for such things. According to him, put the most accurate kicker in the nfl on the 30 yard line and him on other side of the nation with his rockets and he will put more through the goalposts than the kicker.

Now you always run the risk of someone getting killed by friendly fire, but you underestimate how precise our targeting systems are.


Holy fuck this is painful.
It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

You're an Obamabot, ergo none too bright; but can you offer links showing all of the murders of foreign diplomats perpetrated by Americans while those diplomats were in consulates withing the boarders of the continental United States? In fact, can you show ANY act of violence?


So you are just lying for Obama?

Obviously you'll lie for him, would you die for him?
It's obvious that the Ambassador and the three men assassinated on September 11, 2012 mean very little to you and especially the fact that they were abandoned and refused aid three times by your dear leader. Then there's the fact that General Carter Ham was relieved of duty immediately after refusing to abandon the people in Ben Ghazi

What matters to Phoenixops is his party obtaining power then retaining power.

The middle and right don't understand the left. The right operates on principle. There are certain ideals that drive the right; freedom of speech, the protection of innocent life, safeguarding the right of people to defend themselves, the right to freely negotiate deals with other free people, etc. The right seeks people and parties that support the principles they hold.

The right stumbles in thinking that the left is the same as them, but just with different principle. But the right is wrong about the left, the left has no principles. They have loyalty to party - period. Right or wrong are defined by party goals, and can change in an instant to meet with party objectives. The left is utterly and completely free of any hint of integrity, they are not encumbered by notions of morality or honor - only party matters. Leftists will say or do anything to promote the party. Some think that exposing Obama for a liar and a fool will sway the left - it won't. Gauxtohell and Candycorn already know that Obama lied and betrayed these men - they just don't happen to give a fuck - they serve the party, they have ZERO integrity. If Obama raped and murdered a 6 year old boy on national TV, they would be scrambling to spin it so that damage to the party was minimized.

The left doesn't give a fuck about facts, they serve the party.
I think the real question, if this is true is more over what a GUNSHIP would do..

Vaporize the entire embassy, with our people in it?

No, where did you get such a stupid idea?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJjRQLbiEyg]Call of duty 4 - AC130 - YouTube[/ame]

Standard Disclaimer: Yes, it's from COD4, but well demonstrates how this thing works.
It's obvious that the Ambassador and the three men assassinated on September 11, 2012 mean very little to you and especially the fact that they were abandoned and refused aid three times by your dear leader. Then there's the fact that General Carter Ham was relieved of duty immediately after refusing to abandon the people in Ben Ghazi

What matters to Phoenixops is his party obtaining power then retaining power.

The middle and right don't understand the left. The right operates on principle. There are certain ideals that drive the right; freedom of speech, the protection of innocent life, safeguarding the right of people to defend themselves, the right to freely negotiate deals with other free people, etc. The right seeks people and parties that support the principles they hold.

The right stumbles in thinking that the left is the same as them, but just with different principle. But the right is wrong about the left, the left has no principles. They have loyalty to party - period. Right or wrong are defined by party goals, and can change in an instant to meet with party objectives. The left is utterly and completely free of any hint of integrity, they are not encumbered by notions of morality or honor - only party matters. Leftists will say or do anything to promote the party. Some think that exposing Obama for a liar and a fool will sway the left - it won't. Gauxtohell and Candycorn already know that Obama lied and betrayed these men - they just don't happen to give a fuck - they serve the party, they have ZERO integrity. If Obama raped and murdered a 6 year old boy on national TV, they would be scrambling to spin it so that damage to the party was minimized.

The left doesn't give a fuck about facts, they serve the party.

I hesitate to bring it up because it's such an idiotic argument that we'd strafe the crowd outside of our consulate with a gunship in the middle of the night. Needless to say, employing the AC-130 would have done much more damage than what was done, resulting in more deaths, much more angst directed at the US, and a much more perilous situation for the entire region.

Uh-huh...because in the liberal mind the lives of terrorists are more important than the lives of Americans.

It is very possible that the AC 130 Gunship would have taken several lives of persons of many nationalities not to mention all hell breaking loose in every capitol of the Islamic world. And I suppose you'd be fine with a country with embassies and consulates here here sending in close air combat support anytime there is a protest outside of their consulate/facilities here?

Let me guess, you think we play by different rules than they do, right?

Ty Woods had painted the target. A gunship would not have been strafing the crowd. Why must you try to obfuscate the facts? The "fog of war" argument died the moment that news came out that our guys were in radio contact with superiors. Our fighters on the ground were telling what was going on and where help was needed. Obama and his administration as well as their cohorts in the media are trying to bury this story because it's shows that Obama is not competent to be CinC.

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