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Why Benghazi Matters

This mess in Libya points out the flaw in Republican foreign policy.

Lets not forget who put Kadaffi in power, its not that long ago we put a few of these dictators into a position of power. Its no wonder this part of the world is a tender box.

So ya, Libya does matter. It shows the mistakes we have made over the decades. Think about it, if Libya was not our little science project in the past, maybe we would not have a dead American hero.

Any well educated, well read American is not going to pin this on Obama as this mess made in Libya has been in motion for decades.

My main question to the Obama admin is WTF was an American even doing in Libya. Its not exactly that safest place to be. However, im my eyes, Libya is small potatoes compared to Iraq. The debt collected in Iraq is and will be a true hit to nation security.

Typical left wing deflection devoid of facts or logic. As to Iraq, our objective SHOULD have been to establish a permanent base (Status of Forces Agreement) to keep Iran in check. Instead, we have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory.

OOOOHHHH..., that hurt's. It's apparent the righties are beside themselves with worry, Benghazi isn't taking and Mitt just shot himself in the foot. :D
Not. Benghazi matters because it proves how much of an incompetent fool obamaturd and anyone who believes him is. Idiot.

The only thing Americans care about Re:benghazi is the how the Reps are trying to make political hay out of deaths and they're disgusted. What's more important is the economy and Mitt's willingness to lie about what's happening. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. Happy retirement, Mitt. :D
OOOOHHHH..., that hurt's. It's apparent the righties are beside themselves with worry, Benghazi isn't taking and Mitt just shot himself in the foot. :D
Not. Benghazi matters because it proves how much of an incompetent fool obamaturd and anyone who believes him is. Idiot.

The only thing Americans care about Re:benghazi is the how the Reps are trying to make political hay out of deaths and they're disgusted. What's more important is the economy and Mitt's willingness to lie about what's happening. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. Happy retirement, Mitt. :D
The only thing TRUE Americans care about is the fact that obamaturd and his admin sat there and watched and refused to do anything while the attack was happening and then LIED about the fact they knew and tried to blame a video when the blame is on obamaturds shoulders. IDIOT!!!!!!!!!
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Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (ret.) is a former senior intelligence officer and the New York Times bestselling author of Operation "DARK HEART: Spycraft an Special Operations on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – And The Path to Victory." He is the Director of External Communications for the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (CADS) and Senior Advisor on the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security.

To live and die in Benghazi, Libya without leadership from America | Fox News

What is it like to spend your last moments on earth fighting for your life?

To have devoted your life, and your life's work, to a great nation -- to serve it well and honorably -- and serve for it with courage and distinction, to all come down to a last, frantic few seconds, spent defending you and your fellow Americans and call for the cavalry to come help, and no cavalry comes--and you die.

This is what the two former Navy SEALs, under the employment of CIA, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, faced in their final moments in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

This is what we now stand for now, as a nation? To have invested billions in intelligence and special operations forces to hang back, play it safe?

To have general officers serve NOT as "Monday morning quarterbacks" but as "Monday morning apologists" for the WH saying "it was just too hard" or "the uncertainty was a key factor" - are you kidding me? Conventional thinking obtains you conventional (and in this case tragic) results - four dead Americans.

The request for help was sent by these brave, now dead, men - at least three times. The answer was "no".

Someone made the decision to not send help. Who?

The decision would have been that of one man - the president.

There was a similar decision profile in October 1983, regarding a little place known as Grenada.

There was a tense meeting in the White House situation room of President Reagan's cabinet. After a short debate on the issues, Reagan called for a vote to use military force to rescue the Americans.

Only three of his cabinet voted to yes to take action...SecDef Cap Weinberger voted no. One of the three "yes" votes was Ronald Reagan.

I am told he said something to the effect "Gentlemen, I appreciate your vote - but unfortunately, my vote counts more than yours - we are going". And we went.

Operation Urgent Fury was born - and over a six hour (that is right six hour) planning process, the first U.S. forces arrived in Grenada - lead by the US Marine Corps and the Army's Rangers and 82nd Airborne.

There was huge uncertainty...
There was also a lack of intelligence...

Oh, yeah- and President Reagan did not even inform our closest ally, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, of the invasion. Grenada was a British protectorate. He apologized later.

The students were rescued, preventing another hostage crisis similar to the one that had hobbled the Carter Administration.

Reagan... Presidential

Obama...coward or inept... take your pick.
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Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.
Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.

So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

All so very true. :clap2:
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

I think the right has overplayed its hand on this one. The American people can recognize the cynical usage of death for poltical gain when they see it. They're a lot more likely to take the word of Panetta, Powell and Rice than any number of ultra-CON blowhards.

Thank you for proving #5.

You beat me to it.
I think the right has overplayed its hand on this one. The American people can recognize the cynical usage of death for poltical gain when they see it. They're a lot more likely to take the word of Panetta, Powell and Rice than any number of ultra-CON blowhards.

Thank you for proving #5.

Romney's Jeeps-to-China lie fits #5 better than anything Obama's done. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. :clap2:

People died needlessly you partisan hack moron!
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer (ret.) is a former senior intelligence officer and the New York Times bestselling author of Operation "DARK HEART: Spycraft an Special Operations on the Frontlines of Afghanistan – And The Path to Victory." He is the Director of External Communications for the Center for Advanced Defense Studies (CADS) and Senior Advisor on the Congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security.

To live and die in Benghazi, Libya without leadership from America | Fox News

What is it like to spend your last moments on earth fighting for your life?

To have devoted your life, and your life's work, to a great nation -- to serve it well and honorably -- and serve for it with courage and distinction, to all come down to a last, frantic few seconds, spent defending you and your fellow Americans and call for the cavalry to come help, and no cavalry comes--and you die.

This is what the two former Navy SEALs, under the employment of CIA, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, faced in their final moments in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

There was a similar decision profile in October 1983, regarding a little place known as Grenada.

There was a tense meeting in the White House situation room of President Reagan's cabinet. After a short debate on the issues, Reagan called for a vote to use military force to rescue the Americans.

Only three of his cabinet voted to yes to take action...SecDef Cap Weinberger voted no. One of the three "yes" votes was Ronald Reagan.

I am told he said something to the effect "Gentlemen, I appreciate your vote - but unfortunately, my vote counts more than yours - we are going". And we went.

Operation Urgent Fury was born - and over a six hour (that is right six hour) planning process, the first U.S. forces arrived in Grenada - lead by the US Marine Corps and the Army's Rangers and 82nd Airborne.

There was huge uncertainty...
There was also a lack of intelligence...

Oh, yeah- and President Reagan did not even inform our closest ally, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, of the invasion. Grenada was a British protectorate. He apologized later.

The students were rescued, preventing another hostage crisis similar to the one that had hobbled the Carter Administration.

Reagan... Presidential

Obama...coward or inept... take your pick.

Cut-n-Run Ronnie Raygun? Presidential? The hell you say!

The shipments were personally approved by Reagan in apparent contravention of the Export Administration Act, which prohibits the sale of U.S.-made arms to countries that support terrorism. Reagan himself put Iran on the "terrorist" list in 1981

Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.

So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?

Please BooBoo, answer THIS!!
You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Unworthy of response^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Unworthy of response^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And yet you still did.

Seriously though, this whole Benghazi thing is going to be like every other bullshit thing out of the right-wing in the last four years. The right-wing will scream and bitch about it trying to get everyone's attention. Then when they realize no one cares, they'll move to screaming and bitching about the next inconsequential thing. Four Americans died in a shit hole country that hates Americans. These things happen and will continue to happen. C'est la vie.
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

I think the right has overplayed its hand on this one. The American people can recognize the cynical usage of death for poltical gain when they see it. They're a lot more likely to take the word of Panetta, Powell and Rice than any number of ultra-CON blowhards.

Oh I don't think the right has overplayed anything.

If anything the lefts willingness to defend Barry and his fuckup State Department are overplayed. Hell. He sent all his minions out trying to convince everyone it was a demonstration, not a terrorist attack. He also tried to blame it on a video that no one ever heard of. He told Tyson Woods Dad that the maker would be prosecuted. Jesus.

Hell. He obviously thinks we are all dumb as dirt and he's pretty much hoisted himself on his own petard.

I've heard loads of comments on this issue and everyone of them condems Barry and his State Department for the way the whole thing was handled.

Loads of sorrow over the needless deaths of 4 Americans and absolute disgust over the fact that there was nothing done to aide them.
You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

So you are saying that the deaths of 4 people, while obama and his staff watched and did nothing, and then obama's lie to the public is perfectly fine and nothing worth bringing up? is that what you mean?
You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

I guess the thought has never crossed your mind that it is the President that is 'retarded'...

And can you please give us a list of these 'retarded' attacks?
Romney's Jeeps-to-China lie fits #5 better than anything Obama's done. Kiss Ohio and Michigan good-bye. :clap2:

{Fiat is in “very detailed conversations” with its Chinese partner, Guangzhou Automobile Group Co. (2238), about making Jeeps in the world’s largest auto market, said Mike Manley, chief operating officer of Fiat and Chrysler in Asia. Chrysler hasn’t built Jeeps there since before Fiat took control in 2009.

“The volume opportunity for us is very significant,” Manley, who is also president of the Jeep brand, said in an interview at Chrysler’s Auburn Hills, Michigan, headquarters. “We’re reviewing the opportunities within existing capacity” as well as “should we be localizing the entire Jeep portfolio or some of the Jeep portfolio.”

Chrysler, which entered an alliance with Turin, Italy-based Fiat as part of its U.S. government-backed bankruptcy, is relying on growth in China to counter weakness in Europe’s auto market. The automaker is targeting 500,000 annual sales outside North America by 2014, more than triple its overseas deliveries in 2009. }

Fiat Says Jeep Output May Return to China as Demand Rises - Bloomberg

Sergio Marchionne, an Obama supporter (duh, Obama handed him a billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money,) directly contradicted his Jeep brand president. We call it "backtracking when busted."

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