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Why Benghazi Matters

:lol: Yeah, that's certainly fair and balanced reporting.


And I'm not a democrat or a liberal. I just hate idiots.

You're a partisan hack and an Obamabot. You have zero integrity and will say anything that you think will further the power of the democratic party.

This article you posted makes a bunch of baseless claims and then calls for Obama's removal at the end. :lol:

You're a paranoid fear monger who's living in a world of delusion.
it's a matter of national security why would they release details about it? Four people died in a clusterfuck in a shit hole country. I'm confused how this event is Obama's fault. Did Obama arm and encourage the terrorists?

You know this how?

Even your own neo-cons are saying this argument is stupid.

Ok, you've established yourself firmly as a partisan hack who will say any stupid thing it takes to defend a failure of a president.

Have fun with that, i'll waste no more time with you.


So, I'm guessing you can't answer the questions so in your little shill mind you have to dismiss it. Okay, go on with your bullshit propaganda, no one is really listening anymore anyway.

Obama did blame the attacks on a spur of the moment uprising over a movie trailer that up to that point, nobody even heard of. It is clear that he knew otherwise at the time he said that as it is also clear he, or someone in the admin, left our people unprotected and they are now dead.

If it were Barrack Obama (R).... you'd be shitting yourselves over this and it would be on the 24/7 news cycle.
When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

Obama says in a speech Tuesday Sept. 25 before the U.N. General Assembly that "there are no words that excuse the killing of innocent" and "no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."...the video "is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well."

What sucks is that it is an indictment on his administration
Ok, you've established yourself firmly as a partisan hack who will say any stupid thing it takes to defend a failure of a president.

Have fun with that, i'll waste no more time with you.


So, I'm guessing you can't answer the questions so in your little shill mind you have to dismiss it. Okay, go on with your bullshit propaganda, no one is really listening anymore anyway.

Obama did blame the attacks on a spur of the moment uprising over a movie trailer that up to that point, nobody even heard of. It is clear that he knew otherwise at the time he said that as it is also clear he, or someone in the admin, left our people unprotected and they are now dead.

If it were Barrack Obama (R).... you'd be shitting yourselves over this and it would be on the 24/7 news cycle.

At the time, how do we know that's not what happened? There's not enough information right now to make an intelligent judgement on this whole thing. However, what's irritating is the right wing has picked up this event and put it into it's spin cycle so now it's just an utter clusterfuck where one side is screaming bloody murder regardless of facts and the other side is just confused.

And if this happened to a Republican president I would think the same thing. A shitty riot in a shitty county on the other side of the world is not an indictment on the President.
Ok, you've established yourself firmly as a partisan hack who will say any stupid thing it takes to defend a failure of a president.

Have fun with that, i'll waste no more time with you.


So, I'm guessing you can't answer the questions so in your little shill mind you have to dismiss it. Okay, go on with your bullshit propaganda, no one is really listening anymore anyway.

Obama did blame the attacks on a spur of the moment uprising over a movie trailer that up to that point, nobody even heard of. It is clear that he knew otherwise at the time he said that as it is also clear he, or someone in the admin, left our people unprotected and they are now dead.

If it were Barrack Obama (R).... you'd be shitting yourselves over this and it would be on the 24/7 news cycle.


All it takes is the minimum of intelligence, and a minimum of searching to put two and two together. The lefties won't even attempt it. they will say any stupid thing to avoid having to admit that they are wrong or admit that their beloved ruler could do anything wrong.
This article you posted makes a bunch of baseless claims and then calls for Obama's removal at the end. :lol:

The article is from left-leaning Forbes, and is well documented.

You're a paranoid fear monger who's living in a world of delusion.

You're a partisan hack who will say anything to protect Obama and promote your shameful party.

{Contrary to his boast, Mr. Obama did not single out Benghazi as an act of terrorism in his Sept. 12 Rose Garden statement. He referred to it as an “attack” and to the perpetrators as “killers.” He then said, “We reject all efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others,” an obvious reference to the YouTube video to which he alluded as the motive for the mayhem. Later he said, “No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation,” but this was in the context of Sept. 11, 2001, and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It wasn’t a direct reference to Benghazi. The presidential proclamation on Benghazi, issued the same day, made no reference to terrorism. That evening, however, Undersecretary of State Patrick F. Kennedy, whose portfolio includes overseas facilities and operations, called Benghazi a terrorist attack in a private conference call with congressional staff.

On Sept. 14, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney claimed the spate of Mideast unrest, including the Benghazi assault, was “in response to a video that Muslims find offensive.” He avoided calling those who attacked the Benghazi consulate terrorists, referring instead to “assailants” and “attackers.” The same day, Mr. Obama attended the transfer-of-remains ceremony for the Benghazi fallen and made no reference to terrorism in his remarks. In his weekly address on Sept. 15, Mr. Obama made much of the denigration of Islam and angry mobs but said nothing of terrorism. On Sept. 16, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice was dispatched to the Sunday talk-show circuit to state authoritatively that the attacks were “spontaneous — not premeditated” and “in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.”}

EDITORIAL: Obama's Benghazi lie - Washington Times
Please BooBoo, answer THIS!!

Boo cares that Benghazi has hurt Obama in the polls.

Beyond that, well....

The only reason Faux tried this false story is to try and Swift-boat the President. Most normal people are aware of this tactic. Looks like it didn't work. Not even close. The poll numbers on foriegn policy seem to be increasing for the President.
Why the AC130s were grounded: Obama didn’t want voters to find out that he had armed the jihadists with SAMs​
[Reader Post]

By: Alec Rawls

It’s simple logic. In Libya there is only one possible threat to an AC130 gunship: surface to air missiles. Thus this is the only way Panetta wasn’t lying when he said that it was lack of information about the threat environment that kept him from sending defenders into “harm’s way” in Benghazi. He must have been afraid that the jihadists were lying in wait with surface to air missiles, and he had good reason to suspect such a ploy.

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Why the AC130s were grounded: Obama didn’t want voters to find out that he had armed the jihadists with SAMs [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces
The righty sheep acted just as badly with Fast & Furious, and we know how that turned out. See "The Boy who Cried Wolf." Most people now correctly assume that FOX and the Republicans lie about everything.

That's why no one is paying any attention to this latest phony-outrage routine. That really flusters the righties. They fell hard for the conspiracy, and they can't understand why the rest of the country hasn't fallen for it too. They simply don't get that most of America isn't as gullible as they are.

If you think F&F is a dead issue you're not thinking.

Executive Privilege can be revoked by the Court, and the truth WILL come out.

And what LEGITIMATE purpose is there for EP? It's use has very limited parameters...
When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

Obama says in a speech Tuesday Sept. 25 before the U.N. General Assembly that "there are no words that excuse the killing of innocent" and "no video that justifies an attack on an embassy."...the video "is an insult not only to Muslims, but to America as well."

What sucks is that it is an indictment on his administration

The only conclusions that can be drawn are:

1. The obama administration is appallingly incompetent.
2. Obama was in "cover your ass" mode.
Well it seems we're at an empasse here. I don't think there's enough information available to make an intelligent evaluation of the situation nor do I see a reason to attack the President over this. You people are jumping up and down in outrage on the latest right wing anti-Obama trend that'll be replaced in a few weeks by some new outrage.
The only reason Faux tried this false story is to try and Swift-boat the President. Most normal people are aware of this tactic. Looks like it didn't work. Not even close. The poll numbers on foriegn policy seem to be increasing for the President.

So then, you don't give a fuck about Obama's lies or incompetence, only about your party winning?

And the poll numbers show WHAT?

WH2012: General
1. It demonstrates the failure of our appeasement towards hostile Muslim countries.

2. It demonstrates the unconscionable elevation of politics over protection of American citizens.

3. It demonstrates pervasive corruption/coverup throughout the Executive Branch of our government.

4. It demonstrates the pervasive corruption of journalism in our mainstream media.

5. It demonstrates the corruption of political partisans who support their candidate no matter what harm is done to their country.

Which of course is bullshit.

Letting Gaddafi off for Lockerbie..by paying blood money is what the Bush administration did in Libya.

Going after Gaddafi when he was threatening genocide is what the Obama administration did.
Well it seems we're at an empasse here. I don't think there's enough information available to make an intelligent evaluation of the situation nor do I see a reason to attack the President over this. You people are jumping up and down in outrage on the latest right wing anti-Obama trend that'll be replaced in a few weeks by some new outrage.

Did you ever think that outrages are caused by the outrageous?
If it were Barrack Obama (R).... you'd be shitting yourselves over this and it would be on the 24/7 news cycle.

History says you're full of crap. Embassy attacks happened under Bush, several times. The Democrats never had a meltdown over it.

Remember, we here on the left are not like you. We refuse to tapdance on American corpses for political gain. That sort of vile hypocritical behavior is solely displayed by Republicans. Like the old Soviet Communists, modern American Republicans are only loyal to their party, not their country.
Well it seems we're at an empasse here. I don't think there's enough information available to make an intelligent evaluation of the situation nor do I see a reason to attack the President over this. You people are jumping up and down in outrage on the latest right wing anti-Obama trend that'll be replaced in a few weeks by some new outrage.

In other words, I like the lies don't confuse me with facts
Which of course is bullshit.

Letting Gaddafi off for Lockerbie..by paying blood money is what the Bush administration did in Libya.

Going after Gaddafi when he was threatening genocide is what the Obama administration did.

The lies you hacks tell....

{At least 100 people have died after USA planes bombed targets in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, and the Benghazi region.

Around 66 American jets, some of them flying from British bases launched an attack at around 0100hrs on Monday.

The White House spokesman, Larry Speakes, has said that the strike was directed at key military sites but reports suggest that missiles also hit Bin Ashur, a densely populated suburb in the capital.

Colonel Muamar Gaddafi residential compound took a direct hit that killed Hanna Gaddafi, the adopted baby daughter of the Libyan leader.

President Reagan has justified the attacks by accusing Libya of direct responsibility for terrorism aimed at America, such as the bombing of La Belle discoteque in West Berlin 10 days ago. }

BBC ON THIS DAY | 15 | 1986: US launches air strikes on Libya
The one piece of information that would explain everything​
[Reader Post]

By: DrJohn

When you listen to Jennifer Griffin describe a plea from the Americans at the consulate one thing stands out

“Where the blank is the Spectre?”

THE Spectre. Not “air support.” THE Spectre. Not “a” Spectre. “THE” Spectre.

A Spectre gunship was expected.

Thus here’s the one piece of information which would explain everything.

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The one piece of information that would explain everything [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces

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