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Why Benghazi Matters

This mess in Libya points out the flaw in Republican foreign policy.

Lets not forget who put Kadaffi in power, its not that long ago we put a few of these dictators into a position of power. Its no wonder this part of the world is a tender box.

So ya, Libya does matter. It shows the mistakes we have made over the decades. Think about it, if Libya was not our little science project in the past, maybe we would not have a dead American hero.

Any well educated, well read American is not going to pin this on Obama as this mess made in Libya has been in motion for decades.

My main question to the Obama admin is WTF was an American even doing in Libya. Its not exactly that safest place to be. However, im my eyes, Libya is small potatoes compared to Iraq. The debt collected in Iraq is and will be a true hit to nation security.

You use a LOT of drugs, don't you?
Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.

So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?

Faux News has a habit of picking their talking points out of context of the larger picture. Like showing a businessman a short clip of a President speech saying "If you've got a business......you didn't build that" and then asking the businessman "Does that bother you?" So I'll wait until more facts are released. Since their looniest are on this story like flies on shit I'm betting it's not getting much traction.
You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

I guess the thought has never crossed your mind that it is the President that is 'retarded'...

And can you please give us a list of these 'retarded' attacks?

Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.
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You know if the right-wing could stop crying and actually pick some relevant things to attack the President on instead of all these utterly retarded attacks that just drown each other out, they might actually have a reasonable argument.

I guess the thought has never crossed your mind that it is the President that is 'retarded'...

And can you please give us a list of these 'retarded' attacks?

Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?
I guess the thought has never crossed your mind that it is the President that is 'retarded'...

And can you please give us a list of these 'retarded' attacks?

Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.
I guess the thought has never crossed your mind that it is the President that is 'retarded'...

And can you please give us a list of these 'retarded' attacks?

Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

^^^^^^^^^^^^Point, Set, Match^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Of course Benhgazi matters. All terrorist attacks matter and we need to punish the terrorists responsible. However to Faux News the dead Americans don't really matter all that much, all that matters is to try and use their deaths as a political tool against the President. Just like they tried to do with that ATF gun walking program.

"Watergate! It's Obama's Watergate" they try and equivocate. But they've been doing that for 4 years now.......they are so much like the "Boy who cried Wolfe", it's pathetic.

So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?

Faux News has a habit of picking their talking points out of context of the larger picture. Like showing a businessman a short clip of a President speech saying "If you've got a business......you didn't build that" and then asking the businessman "Does that bother you?" So I'll wait until more facts are released. Since their looniest are on this story like flies on shit I'm betting it's not getting much traction.

That doesn't answer the question. If it comes out that Obama was in the situation room and knew that Americans, under attack, were requesting help and he did nothing, are you going to have a problem with that?
Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

How do you know this is not an indictment on Obama's administration? The American public hasn't been given any facts from this WhiteHouse. It has been 7 weeks and all we're getting out of the WhiteHouse is that they don't know what happened. And if they truly don't know what happened after 7 weeks, does that not scream incompetence?
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Birth Certificate
Obama's gonna shut down the intrawebz!!!

This is just off the top of my head. A lot of it is just a blur because it seems like every quarter there's some new retarded talking point.

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

He lied when he told the American people that it was because of the movie. Then he agaiin lied when he told the middle east that it was because of the movie. He lied to cover his ineffectual ass.
Is Bush was in the White house right now, and this had happened exactly like this, there isn't a libtard in the country that would not be calling for his head.
So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

How do you know this is not an indictment on Obama's administration? The American public hasn't been given any facts from this WhiteHouse. It has been 7 weeks and all we're getting out of the WhiteHouse is that they don't know what happened. And if they truly don't know what happened after 7 weeks, does that no scream incompetence?

it's a matter of national security why would they release details about it? Four people died in a clusterfuck in a shit hole country. I'm confused how this event is Obama's fault. Did Obama arm and encourage the terrorists?

So the deaths of 4 people and obama's lie about it are nothing more than those trivial things?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

He lied when he told the American people that it was because of the movie. Then he agaiin lied when he told the middle east that it was because of the movie. He lied to cover his ineffectual ass.

You know this how?

Even your own neo-cons are saying this argument is stupid.
The righty sheep acted just as badly with Fast & Furious, and we know how that turned out. See "The Boy who Cried Wolf." Most people now correctly assume that FOX and the Republicans lie about everything.

That's why no one is paying any attention to this latest phony-outrage routine. That really flusters the righties. They fell hard for the conspiracy, and they can't understand why the rest of the country hasn't fallen for it too. They simply don't get that most of America isn't as gullible as they are.
When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

The question isn't "when did Obama lie about it," you already know the answer.

Benghazi: Four Americans Died, Obama Lied, And The Press Complied - Forbes

The question is why you continue to lie?

But we already know, you hold party above country and have zero integrity.

:lol: Yeah, that's certainly fair and balanced reporting.

And I'm not a democrat or a liberal. I just hate idiots.
So you don't care if those on the ground were asking for help and that help was denied? That doesn't bother you?

Faux News has a habit of picking their talking points out of context of the larger picture. Like showing a businessman a short clip of a President speech saying "If you've got a business......you didn't build that" and then asking the businessman "Does that bother you?" So I'll wait until more facts are released. Since their looniest are on this story like flies on shit I'm betting it's not getting much traction.

That doesn't answer the question. If it comes out that Obama was in the situation room and knew that Americans, under attack, were requesting help and he did nothing, are you going to have a problem with that?

If is the most powerful word in the universe.

Following a pair of denials by the CIA and the National Security Council to a Fox News story published Friday, the Pentagon has come under scrutiny for its response to the assault on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. However, in a statement to The Atlantic Wire, a senior defense official says the Pentagon never rejected requests for military intervention in Benghazi. Not only that, the official said no such requests were ever made.

"The Pentagon took action by moving personnel and assets in the region shortly after it learned of the attack on the Benghazi consulate," said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. "There was no request made for military intervention in Benghazi. To be successful, such an operation, if requested, would have required solid information about what was happening on the ground. Such clarity just wasn't available as the attack was unfolding."

The statement follows a loud outcry from conservative critics in wake of a report by Fox News that armed CIA operatives near the U.S. compound in Benghazi were repeatedly told to "stand down" after asking for permission to assist on the night of Sept. 11. According to Fox News national security reporter Jennifer Griffin, former Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods was part of a CIA outfit one mile away from the U.S. compound housing Ambassador Chris Stevens. "When he and others heard the shots fired, they informed their higher-ups at the annex to tell them what they were hearing and requested permission to go to the consulate and help out," reported Griffin. "They were told to 'stand down,' ... Soon after, they were again told to 'stand down.'" The report also said that repeated requests for outside military backup were denied.

But the report did not say who denied those requests. Was it the CIA? The Pentagon? The White House? Critics of the administration want to know in their efforts to assign blame for the tragedy. On Monday morning, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough asked that very question to President Obama who said the matter was still under investigation and he couldn't give further comment. "If we find out we that there was a big breakdown, and somebody didn't do their job, they'll be held accountable," he said. Meanwhile, the agencies involved with the Benghazi attack have been issuing independent denials.

Pentagon Denies Fox News Benghazi Report - Global - The Atlantic Wire

Yep if there was really a wolfe attacking that boy this time......opps, guess not!
The righty sheep acted just as badly with Fast & Furious, and we know how that turned out. See "The Boy who Cried Wolf." Most people now correctly assume that FOX and the Republicans lie about everything.

That's why no one is paying any attention to this latest phony-outrage routine. That really flusters the righties. They fell hard for the conspiracy, and they can't understand why the rest of the country hasn't fallen for it too. They simply don't get that most of America isn't as gullible as they are.

You just summed up what I'm trying to say perfectly. Thank you. :eusa_clap:
When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

How do you know this is not an indictment on Obama's administration? The American public hasn't been given any facts from this WhiteHouse. It has been 7 weeks and all we're getting out of the WhiteHouse is that they don't know what happened. And if they truly don't know what happened after 7 weeks, does that no scream incompetence?

it's a matter of national security why would they release details about it? Four people died in a clusterfuck in a shit hole country. I'm confused how this event is Obama's fault. Did Obama arm and encourage the terrorists?

When did he lie about it? And again, it sucks that they died but it's not an indictment on his administration like the right wing is trying to make it out to be.

He lied when he told the American people that it was because of the movie. Then he agaiin lied when he told the middle east that it was because of the movie. He lied to cover his ineffectual ass.

You know this how?

Even your own neo-cons are saying this argument is stupid.

Ok, you've established yourself firmly as a partisan hack who will say any stupid thing it takes to defend a failure of a president.

Have fun with that, i'll waste no more time with you.

How do you know this is not an indictment on Obama's administration? The American public hasn't been given any facts from this WhiteHouse. It has been 7 weeks and all we're getting out of the WhiteHouse is that they don't know what happened. And if they truly don't know what happened after 7 weeks, does that no scream incompetence?

it's a matter of national security why would they release details about it? Four people died in a clusterfuck in a shit hole country. I'm confused how this event is Obama's fault. Did Obama arm and encourage the terrorists?

He lied when he told the American people that it was because of the movie. Then he agaiin lied when he told the middle east that it was because of the movie. He lied to cover his ineffectual ass.

You know this how?

Even your own neo-cons are saying this argument is stupid.

Ok, you've established yourself firmly as a partisan hack who will say any stupid thing it takes to defend a failure of a president.

Have fun with that, i'll waste no more time with you.


So, I'm guessing you can't answer the questions so in your little shill mind you have to dismiss it. Okay, go on with your bullshit propaganda, no one is really listening anymore anyway. I can't wait for the next big scandal you people cook up. Oh god, Obama ate all the mashed potatoes at thanksgiving... FUCKING TREASON!
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