Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

sure he’s not a billionaire but he has far more than the shoeless snowflakes who expect him to pay off their college loans
Since Bernie wasn't burdened by thousands of dollars in student debt, he found it much easier to acquire $2.5 million over a fifty years of working.

Not even aspiring ambulance chasering slip and fall lawyers can be that stupid

if she signed up for a government loan that carries rent-to-own high interest rates she has been snookered by obama and deserves to pay through the nose
Ummmm, it's the berne bros who are saying they are going to destroy things and hurt people.

No, I don't recall Bernie Bros saying they want chaos or to split families up, want immigrant to die or throw their children into cages. Man up and own it.

Then I suggest you google them. They threatened to destroy Milwaukee if they don't get their way.

They are typical infants.

Both of you fucking idiots are childish.

I am not threatening to harm people like you and your berne bros.

Only infants and morons do that.

I'll let you choose which you are.

Broke Loser said Mexico should blow through Mexico like a wildfire. He started a thread on it. Here is your chance to tell him to fuck off:

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You see shit like this everyday on this board. I don't see that coming from the left on quite a routine basis.

I'm not part of either group. I think Trump and his supporters are toxic. I think die hard Bernie supporters are also toxic. They both lack self esteem and awareness.

Then you haven't bothered to open your eyes. There are extremist assholes from both sides of the political spectrum. They should be ostracized by the reasonable people, and for the most part they are on the right side.

The left though tends to either rationalize what they propose or remain silent.
Bernie better drop to his knees and start praying that Warren drops out and endorses him before the Michigan primary. If not, and he loses Michigan, it's likely over for him.
if she signed up for a government loan that carries rent-to-own high interest rates she has been snookered by obama and deserves to pay through the nose
Why would you think Obama is less committed to ruling class prosperity than Trump or Biden?

Saddling a generation with millions of dollars in student debt slows GDP growth, depresses home sales, and complicates saving for retirement.

The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? - CounterPunch.org

"Capitalism has continued the rule of an elite, arguably the most powerful in history and committed to an economic system that knows no boundaries, depends on endless production and consumption (non-stop growth on a finite planet), and now threatens global environmental destruction.

"For millennia landed elites everywhere confronted peasants from whose labor they lived and grew relatively wealthy.

"Today’s big capitalist elites, however, now exploit a global working class whose origins we have just discussed, and whose labor has resulted in the creation of a class of billionaires for the first time in history."
if she signed up for a government loan that carries rent-to-own high interest rates she has been snookered by obama and deserves to pay through the nose
Why would you think Obama is less committed to ruling class prosperity than Trump or Biden?

Saddling a generation with millions of dollars in student debt slows GDP growth, depresses home sales, and complicates saving for retirement.

The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? - CounterPunch.org

"Capitalism has continued the rule of an elite, arguably the most powerful in history and committed to an economic system that knows no boundaries, depends on endless production and consumption (non-stop growth on a finite planet), and now threatens global environmental destruction.

"For millennia landed elites everywhere confronted peasants from whose labor they lived and grew relatively wealthy.

"Today’s big capitalist elites, however, now exploit a global working class whose origins we have just discussed, and whose labor has resulted in the creation of a class of billionaires for the first time in history."
Georgie keeps cutting and pasting from fringe sites. Stupid little parasite that he is. How about an original thought or two? Sanders is done with a capital “D” as is his odd Socialist movement. Sucks to be you.
if she signed up for a government loan that carries rent-to-own high interest rates she has been snookered by obama and deserves to pay through the nose
Why would you think Obama is less committed to ruling class prosperity than Trump or Biden?

Saddling a generation with millions of dollars in student debt slows GDP growth, depresses home sales, and complicates saving for retirement.

The Long History of Elite Rule: What Will It Take To End It? - CounterPunch.org

"Capitalism has continued the rule of an elite, arguably the most powerful in history and committed to an economic system that knows no boundaries, depends on endless production and consumption (non-stop growth on a finite planet), and now threatens global environmental destruction.

"For millennia landed elites everywhere confronted peasants from whose labor they lived and grew relatively wealthy.

"Today’s big capitalist elites, however, now exploit a global working class whose origins we have just discussed, and whose labor has resulted in the creation of a class of billionaires for the first time in history."
Obama engaged in socialist economic policy when used government to take over the student loan program

if snowflakes have any complaints seen them to him

President Obama's horrible, terrible legacy on student loans
As a shareholder, you're free to vote for or against issues that come up at the annual meeting.

As an employee, you don't own any shares.
Employees create the wealth shareholders vote on. As Adam Smith said: "The property which every man has in his own labor...is the original foundation of all other property."

It's a principle even greedy, ignorant clowns can wrap their minds around: efficiency is best served when gains go to those who create the wealth.
sure he’s not a billionaire but he has far more than the shoeless snowflakes who expect him to pay off their college loans
Since Bernie wasn't burdened by thousands of dollars in student debt, he found it much easier to acquire $2.5 million over a fifty years of working.
View attachment 310438
Not even aspiring ambulance chasering slip and fall lawyers can be that stupid

if she signed up for a government loan that carries rent-to-own high interest rates she has been snookered by obama and deserves to pay through the nose

And that's probably a liberal arts degree.
Bernie is a Communist so he has no class to start with.
Yet another assfuck Trumpette who does not know that a democratic socialist is.

Any Democrat has\ more class than Gropper Donnie.
Bernie is a marxist who has glorified every communist dictator in the 20th Century

with the possible exception of stalin who was already widely disgraced within the communist movement by the time sanders reached adulthood
Works a lot better than your choice.
Your choice?

Goods and services can be distributed based on need and not on the profit motive. Of course, that would exterminate the billionaire class and many of their useful idiots.
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about your bullshit religious arguments.

Again, let's go back to a time before money.

Does the no-hunting lazy ass piece of shit pre-historic man get to eat some of the diligent hunter's food? Is that a right?

When lazy-ass fucktard tries to take some of diligent hunter's food by force, it is an act of war, justifying deadly violence.

How is it any different when such theft comes at the hands of government?

Your worthless commie asses are declaring war on useful people.

Do you see why we want to kill you fuckers?

Kill a commie for mommy!

The millionaire socialist telling other rich people they have to give up their money.
Some millionaires release their tax returns.

Others don't.

Which one do you believe pays their fair share?
The one the IRS audits and finds improper exemptions.

I think we can all agree that it is not the one who has been audited every year for the past 20 years and still comes out clean. I am pretty sure that's the very definition of paying one's fair share.

Trump has his faults. Tax fraud is not one of them.

Yeah, I don't give a fuck about your bullshit religious arguments.

Again, let's go back to a time before money.

Does the no-hunting lazy ass piece of shit pre-historic man get to eat some of the diligent hunter's food? Is that a right?

When lazy-ass fucktard tries to take some of diligent hunter's food by force, it is an act of war, justifying deadly violence.

How is it any different when such theft comes at the hands of government?

Your worthless commie asses are declaring war on useful people.

Do you see why we want to kill you fuckers?

Kill a commie for mommy!


Bootney, I think if you express even more vulgarity and vitriol, you will convert more readers to your enlightened way of thinking. Profanity and bitter language are metiers of the Left. Why do you adopt and use them? It brings you down to their level, in the cesspool.
As a shareholder, you're free to vote for or against issues that come up at the annual meeting.

As an employee, you don't own any shares.
Employees create the wealth shareholders vote on. As Adam Smith said: "The property which every man has in his own labor...is the original foundation of all other property."

It's a principle even greedy, ignorant clowns can wrap their minds around: efficiency is best served when gains go to those who create the wealth.

Employees create the wealth shareholders vote on.

And they were paid wages when they did.

Want more? Save your money and become a shareholder.

It's a principle even greedy, ignorant clowns can wrap their minds around: efficiency is best served when gains go to those who create the wealth.

Cuba and Venezuela must be very efficient.
Works a lot better than your choice.
Your choice?

Goods and services can be distributed based on need and not on the profit motive. Of course, that would exterminate the billionaire class and many of their useful idiots.
Goods and services can be distributed based on need and not on the profit motive

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh loser?
Yeah, I don't give a fuck about your bullshit religious arguments.

Again, let's go back to a time before money.

Does the no-hunting lazy ass piece of shit pre-historic man get to eat some of the diligent hunter's food? Is that a right?

When lazy-ass fucktard tries to take some of diligent hunter's food by force, it is an act of war, justifying deadly violence.

How is it any different when such theft comes at the hands of government?

Your worthless commie asses are declaring war on useful people.

Do you see why we want to kill you fuckers?

Kill a commie for mommy!


Bootney, I think if you express even more vulgarity and vitriol, you will convert more readers to your enlightened way of thinking. Profanity and bitter language are metiers of the Left. Why do you adopt and use them? It brings you down to their level, in the cesspool.
There is no such thing as natural vulgarity. It is synthetic to the core. Somebody had to assign a "vulgar" label to certain words. It is all manufactured by the same types of people who try to control language with PC rules.

assign a class of "bad" words and applying that standard to all is one of the most authoritarian actions I can think of.

So, do you follow my reasoning?

With that said:
Shit, piss, cuuunt'** fuck, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits.

**NOTE: USMB operators subscribe to the same form of language control on the word cuuuunt.

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