Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

The millionaire socialist telling other rich people they have to give up their money.
Some millionaires release their tax returns.

Others don't.

Which one do you believe pays their fair share?
Trump is the very definition of capitalist. Sanders is the definition of rich,elite socialist, do as I say not as I do. I bet money that Sanders uses everything he can to keep as much as he can just like everyone else.
Trump makes no bones about his love for mansions while Bernie decries them yet hides in one
"da rich" anyone want to define "da rich"? is da Pope "da rich"
Is Obama "da rich" is NYC mayor Diblasio "da rich" ? is
"minister" Farakhan "da rich"? Is AOC who cries POVERTY on a $174,000.00
salary DA POOR? Am I da rich?
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?

Bernie is going to kiss Biden’s ass, just like he did for Hillary. Because in the end he is a shill for the left.
Bernie is a Communist so he has no class to start with.
Yet another assfuck Trumpette who does not know that a democratic socialist is.

Any Democrat has\ more class than Gropper Donnie.
Bernie is a marxist who has glorified every communist dictator in the 20th Century

with the possible exception of stalin who was already widely disgraced within the communist movement by the time sanders reached adulthood
Didn't Trump hang out & praise despots like Putin, Kim Duterte?
Bernie is a Communist so he has no class to start with.
Yet another assfuck Trumpette who does not know that a democratic socialist is.

Any Democrat has\ more class than Gropper Donnie.
Bernie is a marxist who has glorified every communist dictator in the 20th Century

with the possible exception of stalin who was already widely disgraced within the communist movement by the time sanders reached adulthood
Didn't Trump hang out & praise despots like Putin, Kim Duterte?
Trump is just doing his job as our highest diplomat

if bernie were president he would have pretend to get along with non communist leaders
lol Secretary of State of what? Bernie won't come anywhere near a win on the first ballot and in a brokered convention, it will be a choice between Biden holding on to Obama's tattered shirt tales or Bloomberg waving his billions around.
With three months of primaries left on the 2020 calendar, it's too early to anoint Corporate Joe.

He has proven time and time again over the past five decades he will put his foot in his mouth at the worst possible time, and he also has his share of scandals waiting to be reexamined

Joe Biden Is the Forrest Gump of the Democratic Party’s Rightward Turn

"Biden emerged from his 1990 reelection slightly bruised by a scandal that showed yet again the peril of his and the rest of the party’s increasing reliance on big-money donors.

"During his earlier presidential run, Biden had forged a friendship with David L. Paul, a Florida-based savings-and-loan executive and major Democratic fundraiser known to lend his private jet to politicians.

"Paul, his family, and his company’s foundation had given generously to Biden, a fact seized on by his Republican opponent in the wake of the ongoing savings-and-loan crisis and after CenTrust, the bank Paul founded, which regulators charged he had used as 'his own piggy bank,' collapsed, costing taxpayers more than $1 billion."
Both Biden and Sanders are terrible candidates neither is competent to be president, but the only thing the Democrats care about is winning the election so they will be voting for the one who they believe has the best chance of winning no matter how terrible a president he might be.
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?

Bernie is going to kiss Biden’s ass, just like he did for Hillary. Because in the end he is a shill for the left.
Bernie is going to kiss Biden’s ass, just like he did for Hillary. Because in the end he is a shill for the left.

Bernie honored his promise in 2016 to support the Democratic nominee even under suspect circumstances.

If Biden wins a majority or even a plurality of delegates, I think Bernie will endorse him at the convention. If that doesn't happen and super-delegates make the decision, he may not support Corporate Joe.

2016 Delegate Count and Primary Results
"da rich" anyone want to define "da rich"? is da Pope "da rich"
Is Obama "da rich" is NYC mayor Diblasio "da rich" ? is
"minister" Farakhan "da rich"? Is AOC who cries POVERTY on a $174,000.00
salary DA POOR? Am I da rich?
How do you kill snakes?

Cut off their heads.
Last edited:
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?

Bernie is going to kiss Biden’s ass, just like he did for Hillary. Because in the end he is a shill for the left.
Bernie is going to kiss Biden’s ass, just like he did for Hillary. Because in the end he is a shill for the left.

Bernie honored his promise in 2016 to support the Democratic nominee even under suspect circumstances.

If Biden wins a majority or even a plurality of delegates, I think Bernie will endorse him at the convention. If that doesn't happen and super-delegates make the decision, he may not support Corporate Joe.

2016 Delegate Count and Primary Results

Bernie already basically endorsed Biden this week. He said he is a good man and a friend, and he will not attack him. He’s taking the knee to his newly anointed king.
"da rich" anyone want to define "da rich"? is da Pope "da rich"
Is Obama "da rich" is NYC mayor Diblasio "da rich" ? is
"minister" Farakhan "da rich"? Is AOC who cries POVERTY on a $174,000.00
salary DA POOR? Am I da rich?
How do you kill snakes?

Cut off their heads.

If you don’t like those rich families, don’t buy their goods and services. How hard is that?
You want to steal all their money, what about all those people that work for them? They can just go on welfare I guess?
Trump is the very definition of capitalist. Sanders is the definition of rich,elite socialist, do as I say not as I do. I bet money that Sanders uses everything he can to keep as much as he can just like everyone else.
Trump comes from a long line of crony capitalists who build massive fortunes by defrauding customers and vendors and cheating government out of as much tax revenue as possible.

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"The president has long sold himself as a self-made billionaire, but a Times investigation found that he received at least $413 million in today’s dollars from his father’s real estate empire, much of it through tax dodges in the 1990s."
I agree, they should have lined up all the Party members and shot them.
What about Wall Street capitalists?

Summers Hated in Russia for His 1990s Record

"April 3—Academician Sergei Glazyev's book Genocide: Russia and the New World Order (English edition, EIR: 1999) documented the devastation of living standards and industrial capacity in Russia during the 1990s, under the liberal reforms implemented during the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin.

"While nailing the role of the International Monetary Fund in that process, Glazyev mentioned few names of individuals.

"After all, the book was written only five years after Yeltsin deployed the Russian Army to crush the elected Russian Parliament, which had resisted the IMF-mandated privatization policy.

"A notable exception was Larry Summers, who today heads President Obama's National Economic Council. Glazyev wrote about the August 1998 collapse of the Russian short-term government bond (GKO) pyramid..."
"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

Totally absurd of course. Under our Christian Republican capitalist system Bezos for example is richest because he cared about our interests and satisfied them more than any other human being on earth.
Of course he was wrong. At least among us in the American heartland. Just because someone thinks they are elite, they get neither antagonism or support from the average John Q Twelvepack out there.
Aristotle wrote once oligarchs seize power, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution.

Are you saying there's another option?
Of course he was wrong. At least among us in the American heartland. Just because someone thinks they are elite, they get neither antagonism or support from the average John Q Twelvepack out there.
Aristotle wrote once oligarchs seize power, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution.

Are you saying there's another option?
Too much government power allows the wealthy to wield it to oppress.

It all goes back to giving too much power to government. GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM.

To Government: The cause...and solution to...all of life's problems.


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