Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

I've read both and that statement about a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us is correct with respect to the writings of both men

Class conflict - Wikipedia

"Although Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) led the United States as president from 1801–1809 and is considered one of the founding fathers, he died with immense amounts of debt.

"Regarding the interaction between social classes, he wrote,

"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.

"Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere.

"Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep.

"I do not exaggerate."
You want to steal all their money, what about all those people that work for them? They can just go on welfare I guess?
How did the Walton heirs, for example, earn their fortunes?
By telling their employees to apply for food stamps.
Do you get the feeling capitalists earn their fortunes at the expense of society as a whole?
I've read both and that statement about a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us is correct with respect to the writings of both men

Class conflict - Wikipedia

"Although Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) led the United States as president from 1801–1809 and is considered one of the founding fathers, he died with immense amounts of debt.

"Regarding the interaction between social classes, he wrote,

"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.

"Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere.

"Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep.

"I do not exaggerate."

I've read both and that statement about a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us is correct with respect to the writings of both men

Class conflict - Wikipedia

"Although Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826) led the United States as president from 1801–1809 and is considered one of the founding fathers, he died with immense amounts of debt.

"Regarding the interaction between social classes, he wrote,

"I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments.

"Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere.

"Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep.

"I do not exaggerate."
Like I said, government is the problem.

I am glad you have seen the brilliance of Thomas Jefferson.

There is hope for curing you of your commie disease.

You want to steal all their money, what about all those people that work for them? They can just go on welfare I guess?
How did the Walton heirs, for example, earn their fortunes?
By telling their employees to apply for food stamps.
Do you get the feeling capitalists earn their fortunes at the expense of society as a whole?
Sam Walton earned his fortune and was entitled to leave it to whomever he chose.

Goodbye. Roll the credits. End of story.

But beneath this artificial enthusiasm, and these obsequious attentions to the preponderating power, it is easy to perceive that the wealthy members of the community entertain a hearty distaste to the democratic institutions of their country
Chris Hedges was a scholarship student at an elite boarding school where he made observations similar to de Tocqueville's 200 years later:

Let's Get This Class War Started

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor — despite well-publicized acts of philanthropy — and the middle class.

"These lower classes are viewed as uncouth parasites, annoyances that have to be endured, at times placated and always controlled in the quest to amass more power and money.

"My hatred of authority, along with my loathing for the pretensions, heartlessness and sense of entitlement of the rich, comes from living among the privileged.

"It was a deeply unpleasant experience.

"But it exposed me to their insatiable selfishness and hedonism.

"I learned, as a boy, who were my enemies."
But beneath this artificial enthusiasm, and these obsequious attentions to the preponderating power, it is easy to perceive that the wealthy members of the community entertain a hearty distaste to the democratic institutions of their country
Chris Hedges was a scholarship student at an elite boarding school where he made observations similar to de Tocqueville's 200 years later:

Let's Get This Class War Started

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor — despite well-publicized acts of philanthropy — and the middle class.

"These lower classes are viewed as uncouth parasites, annoyances that have to be endured, at times placated and always controlled in the quest to amass more power and money.

"My hatred of authority, along with my loathing for the pretensions, heartlessness and sense of entitlement of the rich, comes from living among the privileged.

"It was a deeply unpleasant experience.

"But it exposed me to their insatiable selfishness and hedonism.

"I learned, as a boy, who were my enemies."
So, it is the job of government to punish the snobs for their snobbery?

Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget

"Aristotle, Niccolò Machiavelli, Alexis de Tocqueville, Adam Smith and Karl Marx grounded their philosophies in the understanding that there is a natural antagonism between the rich and the rest of us.

"The interests of the rich are not our interests.

"The truths of the rich are not our truths.

"The lives of the rich are not our lives.

"Great wealth not only breeds contempt for those who do not have it but it empowers oligarchs to pay armies of lawyers, publicists, politicians, judges, academics and journalists to censure and control public debate and stifle dissent."

In the link, Chris Hedges explains why the rich are happy to talk about race, sexual identity, gender, patriotism, religion, immigration, abortion, and gun control.

Because those issues divide the public into multiple warring tribes of culture combatants, and, in the process, demonstrating why malignant parasites like Trump and Bloomberg can switch effortlessly from one party to the other.

"Once oligarchs seize power, Aristotle wrote, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution."

If he was right, what's your choice?
Why Bernie Wins in One Word: Class

I just saw this thread and its hilarious.

Let's talk about Bernie's "class".

These are Bernie's tweets when he was not a millionaire. Pay attention to dates and messages.




Then Bernie became a millionaire, and suddenly, millionaires are not a problem anymore, he stopped talking about them... only billionaires are.




Not looking so hot now for Bernie.

POLL-Back on top: nationally, Democrats are again rallying around Biden

NEW YORK, March 5 (Reuters) - Just days after Joe Biden's commanding wins in most of the Super Tuesday primaries, Democrats across the country are again rallying around the former vice president as their best hope for defeating Republican President Donald Trump in November, according to a Reuters/Ipsos national opinion poll.

In the March 4-5 poll, released on Thursday, 55% of registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents said they would support Biden for the Democratic nomination if the only other choice was U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. Another 45% said they would vote for Sanders.

POLL-Back on top: nationally, Democrats are again rallying around Biden
"da rich" anyone want to define "da rich"? is da Pope "da rich"
Is Obama "da rich" is NYC mayor Diblasio "da rich" ? is
"minister" Farakhan "da rich"? Is AOC who cries POVERTY on a $174,000.00
salary DA POOR? Am I da rich?
How do you kill snakes?

Cut off their heads.

You have a link to those really bad numbers?
Or did you make it up yourself?
I agree, they should have lined up all the Party members and shot them.
What about Wall Street capitalists?

Summers Hated in Russia for His 1990s Record

"April 3—Academician Sergei Glazyev's book Genocide: Russia and the New World Order (English edition, EIR: 1999) documented the devastation of living standards and industrial capacity in Russia during the 1990s, under the liberal reforms implemented during the Presidency of Boris Yeltsin.

"While nailing the role of the International Monetary Fund in that process, Glazyev mentioned few names of individuals.

"After all, the book was written only five years after Yeltsin deployed the Russian Army to crush the elected Russian Parliament, which had resisted the IMF-mandated privatization policy.

"A notable exception was Larry Summers, who today heads President Obama's National Economic Council. Glazyev wrote about the August 1998 collapse of the Russian short-term government bond (GKO) pyramid..."
What about Wall Street capitalists?

I wouldn't mind if all the Communist Party members had been shot by Wall Street capitalists.
We could have auctioned off the privilege. Raised billions for the Russian victims of Communism.
Of course he was wrong. At least among us in the American heartland. Just because someone thinks they are elite, they get neither antagonism or support from the average John Q Twelvepack out there.
Aristotle wrote once oligarchs seize power, a society must either accept tyranny or choose revolution.

Are you saying there's another option?


How is President Bloomberg working out for you?
You want to steal all their money, what about all those people that work for them? They can just go on welfare I guess?
How did the Walton heirs, for example, earn their fortunes?
By telling their employees to apply for food stamps.
Do you get the feeling capitalists earn their fortunes at the expense of society as a whole?

How did the Walton heirs, for example, earn their fortunes?

Their father earned it.
By providing something that people freely chose to buy.

Do you get the feeling capitalists earn their fortunes at the expense of society as a whole?

No one forces customers to walk into WalMart everyday. Moron.
But beneath this artificial enthusiasm, and these obsequious attentions to the preponderating power, it is easy to perceive that the wealthy members of the community entertain a hearty distaste to the democratic institutions of their country
Chris Hedges was a scholarship student at an elite boarding school where he made observations similar to de Tocqueville's 200 years later:

Let's Get This Class War Started

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor — despite well-publicized acts of philanthropy — and the middle class.

"These lower classes are viewed as uncouth parasites, annoyances that have to be endured, at times placated and always controlled in the quest to amass more power and money.

"My hatred of authority, along with my loathing for the pretensions, heartlessness and sense of entitlement of the rich, comes from living among the privileged.

"It was a deeply unpleasant experience.

"But it exposed me to their insatiable selfishness and hedonism.

"I learned, as a boy, who were my enemies."

"The rich have a snobbish disdain for the poor

Yup. I'm not rich and I have disdain for you. You whiney twat.
As the great majority of those who create the laws are possessed of no property upon which taxes can be imposed..."

Perhaps the income tax changed the Founder's conception of property? In today's America those with the most money are far more likely to influence their legislators than a majority of voters.
It is very natural for a taker like Bernie to wanna take from the makers.
The rich are parasites.
They don't "make" wealth; they extract wealth.
They bribe politicians for favorable tax, trade, and INHERITANCE entitlements

The rich are parasites, not wealth creators

"Fortunes may be acquired by asset-stripping businesses that are then left to collapse.

"They may derive from grossly irresponsible extractive industry, the super-exploitation of sweatshop workers or the gaming of property markets.

"'The term 'entrepreneur,' so beloved of capitalism’s advocates, is inappropriate for these people.

"They are parasites."
As the great majority of those who create the laws are possessed of no property upon which taxes can be imposed..."

Perhaps the income tax changed the Founder's conception of property? In today's America those with the most money are far more likely to influence their legislators than a majority of voters.
This is true. But if what they are influencing has LIMITED power, it will not matter.


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