Why Biden's chances are excellent.....

Here is Why Biden Can Retake Rust Belt to Defeat Trump in 2020...

"Biden could promise to build a wall and deport illegals selling black tar heroin to Rust Belt kids, filling up Rust Belt hospitals and schools and driving down Rust Belt wages."

Morons like you aren't "smart" enough to realize that the more you harp on Biden''s hugs, the MORE you remind voters of Trump's pussy grabbing history.

PLEASE DO KEEP THAT UP.................................LMAO

Where are the pictures of Trump pussy grabbing?

I've never seen one but I have seen all kinds of pictures with idiots wearing vagina hats.

Wonder what you call those clowns??? Pussy grabbers or pussy wannabee's??
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)

Boy are you dreaming. And his cabinet??

Good Lord. You better hope none of them make it on anyone's cabinet.
From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)


What bullshit, you were a hitlery sycophant like every other bed wetter and you've been pushing the russia hoax in spite of any logic or reality because your butt hurt still spikes when you wake up and realize she lost.

Biden has a better chance of being carted off to an intergalactic awards ceremony and crowned "Biggest Douche in the Universe".

Although that award ought to go to Jussie Smollette this year.

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One thing we know for sure, in the the 2020 presidential race there is no high road. It will be a mud-wrestling match in both the primaries and the general. I can't wait!! It should be spectacular!! OMG the dems will probably have their candidate in less than 10 months! Vegas has Biden winning the nomination, then losing to Trump in the general.
Hillary was not likeable, Trump exploited it
He won’t be so lucky with Biden

I don’t see Trump taking the Midwest like he did against Hillary
Hillary was unlikeable, lazy, stupid, corrupt, hateful, arrogant, dishonest, greedy, and incompetent.

Biden at least is sorta likeable, to haters anyway.

It's interesting so see Democrats admit that the best way to beat Trump is with a White, Male, Hetrosexual, Rich-by-Government, privileged politician that hasn't had a real job in 1/2 century.

If only Robert "Sheets" Byrd were alive, Biden would have a rival.
Biden will never make it out of the primary? The social justice democrats will destroy him and force him out in disgrace. Republicans will watch.
Foot in da mouth Joe may well solidify the Dim’s and make a run of it however the socialists will have a great deal to say about that which translates into a poop fest primary. Burnout remains the person to beat, will survive the dung heap, if for nothing more than payback for the DNC and Obama sabotaging his last run.
Also, 22 women complained about Trump

I've always wondered just how much Trump had to pay his ex TWO wives to keep quiet about Trump's perversions.
He had to pay Marla to claim he was the best sex she ever had

The Real Story Behind Donald Trump's Infamous "Best Sex I've Ever Had" Headline (Guest Column)

Marla," Trump yelled into the background. "Didn't you say it's the best sex you ever had with me?" From a distance, we heard a faint voice: "Yes, Donald." Only years later did we learn that Trump sometimes impersonated voices to reporters. I still can't be sure whether the voice in the room was really hers.
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One thing we know for sure, in the the 2020 presidential race there is no high road. It will be a mud-wrestling match in both the primaries and the general. I can't wait!! It should be spectacular!! OMG the dems will probably have their candidate in less than 10 months! Vegas has Biden winning the nomination, then losing to Trump in the general.
Trump will roll in the mud......only thing he knows
Biden will run on being Presidential.....something Trump knows nothing about
From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)

Foremost, Joe Biden's immutable characteristics do not align with or fulfill the ideological profile of the radical American Left. He is neither "ethnic" nor female, trans nor homosexual . . . although it's a tough call not to classify him as a pedophile lite. In short, Biden does not represent a protected victim class. The question then becomes, for Democrats everywhere, will the tenets of their neo-cultural religion be thrown out with the ideological bathwater in order to attempt defeating President Trump at all costs? Who really is in charge of the American Political Left these days? The Soros/AOC/Antifa/Liberal Arts Professors postmodernist? Or . . . after all your long cultural war battles fought in the name of Clown World, are your leaders still just a bunch of old white people? What a joke . . .
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

Warren would make an excellent head of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

I do not think that is something of any value that would affect the Democratic voter.

It may give him some laughs with his own voters at his rallies or via tweet, but his hot air with no substance on it, would do nothing to change democratic voters nor the free minded independents....

Remember since he started this Pocahontas thingy, he claimed his father was born in Germany, when he absolutely KNOWS he was not.... at least with Warren, she believed the verbal history of her genealogy that her mother had told her... enough so, that she was willing to do a DNA test, to prove it. and when it showed her Native American roots went back to Great Great Great grand parent etc., she backed down on it.
What is so bad about the country under Trump that would make most American want him replaced?

The economy?
Energy prices?
Regulatory environment?
Reduction of freedoms and liberties?
Threat of military invasion?
Stock markets?
Housing market?
Interest rates?

Hard to imagine a president with a strong economy and no wars having difficulty getting a second term

Trump is an exception

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