Why Biden's chances are excellent.....

I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

I do not think that is something of any value that would affect the Democratic voter.

It may give him some laughs with his own voters at his rallies or via tweet, but his hot air with no substance on it, would do nothing to change democratic voters nor the free minded independents....

Remember since he started this Pocahontas thingy, he claimed his father was born in Germany, when he absolutely KNOWS he was not.... at least with Warren, she believed the verbal history of her genealogy that her mother had told her... enough so, that she was willing to do a DNA test, to prove it. and when it showed her Native American roots went back to Great Great Great grand parent etc., she backed down on it.
In spite of his intentional deception on the birthplace of his father, Trump will play his Pocahontas card

As ridiculous as it seems, the American voter will buy it

Worked with Hillary
True, it did.... to a degree, she still got near 3 million more votes than him, even with all the Russian help with the stolen emails and something for him to rant about at his rallies....

But, he WILL do the same thing to Biden.... or whomever the candidate is.... you can bet on it! And with no less vigor, than his Pocahontas rant.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)
Fake news.
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

I do not think that is something of any value that would affect the Democratic voter.

It may give him some laughs with his own voters at his rallies or via tweet, but his hot air with no substance on it, would do nothing to change democratic voters nor the free minded independents....

Remember since he started this Pocahontas thingy, he claimed his father was born in Germany, when he absolutely KNOWS he was not.... at least with Warren, she believed the verbal history of her genealogy that her mother had told her... enough so, that she was willing to do a DNA test, to prove it. and when it showed her Native American roots went back to Great Great Great grand parent etc., she backed down on it.
In spite of his intentional deception on the birthplace of his father, Trump will play his Pocahontas card

As ridiculous as it seems, the American voter will buy it

Worked with Hillary
True, it did.... to a degree, she still got near 3 million more votes than him, even with all the Russian help with the stolen emails and something for him to rant about at his rallies....

But, he WILL do the same thing to Biden.... or whomever the candidate is.... you can bet on it! And with no less vigor, than his Pocahontas rant.
Have to see how much Russia helps him this time
Can you see the Dem running for President calling out to Russia ""Russia if you have any films of trump peeing on a bed please send them to us""? Turn about is fair play ,,,No?
As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

I do not think that is something of any value that would affect the Democratic voter.

It may give him some laughs with his own voters at his rallies or via tweet, but his hot air with no substance on it, would do nothing to change democratic voters nor the free minded independents....

Remember since he started this Pocahontas thingy, he claimed his father was born in Germany, when he absolutely KNOWS he was not.... at least with Warren, she believed the verbal history of her genealogy that her mother had told her... enough so, that she was willing to do a DNA test, to prove it. and when it showed her Native American roots went back to Great Great Great grand parent etc., she backed down on it.
In spite of his intentional deception on the birthplace of his father, Trump will play his Pocahontas card

As ridiculous as it seems, the American voter will buy it

Worked with Hillary
True, it did.... to a degree, she still got near 3 million more votes than him, even with all the Russian help with the stolen emails and something for him to rant about at his rallies....

But, he WILL do the same thing to Biden.... or whomever the candidate is.... you can bet on it! And with no less vigor, than his Pocahontas rant.
Have to see how much Russia helps him this time
Can you see the Dem running for President calling out to Russia ""Russia if you have any films of trump peeing on a bed please send them to us""? Turn about is fair play ,,,No?
Then he or she can say ""we were only joking""
All I know is that no democrat on this board...except for wry will vote for Biden.
Biden and "the Burn" are old white hairs and nobody on this board, except for wry
would vote for them. I've heard it over and over their distaste for old white haired men.
true story
USMB is not a good representation of the nation. Few potential voters are paying any attention to the race. Being an early front runner doesn't mean much.

2020 is shaping up to be a big turnout election year. The voting looks like it's going to be a confirmation vote on Donald Trump. Biden is the polar opposite of Trump so anti-Trump voters will certainly have no problem supporting him. However, if during the election season democrats show that moving government further to the Left is more important that getting rid of Trump, Trump will probably win because it will unify republicans and create a split for democrats, where more centralist democrats sit on the sidelines. What democrats need to win at this point in the election cycle is Biden. He is the perfect anti-Trump candidate.
He is off to a great, slurring start:

Old Man Joe: Biden Slurs His Way Through First Speech as Presidential Candidate

‘The country wasn’t built by Wall St. bankers, CEOs, and hudge ... heh’

Apr 29, 2019 7:26 PM
By Tom Elliott

Read the rest with his slurring speech video
heh heh heh heh...……...

Comment in the link:

"Somebody close to him seriously needs to tell him to reconsider his run. I watched him yesterday and it was actually sad. He was a gaffe-prone bumbler even in his youth, which could be humorous at times, but this is something different. I had noticed that he shuffles now and that his speech has slowed considerably lately, as compared to his 1988 run and even in 2008. But this isn't just a matter of slowed speech. Something more serious is going on here. I've seen it before and I know the signs. He's starting to have issues and it's only going to get worse from here on in. I don't like his politics and wouldn't have supported him in any event but I have never actually disliked him personally. I hope his family and friends convince him that his time has come and gone and that he should concentrate on spending time with his family now."

I agree with Paladin, who wrote this comment. He needs to retire from politics and enjoy his remining time with his family. He is in obvious decline, not fit to meet the rigors of the office.
Where are the pictures of Trump pussy grabbing?

Audio and video tape versus a meme???......YOU judge.......LOL
Also, 22 women complained about Trump

Want to remind us all what happened to those "complaints" once the election was over?
As usual
Trump threatened them with lawsuits

Yeah people tend to do that when you try and smear them! If there was any real substance to their claims they wouldn't disappear like a fart in the wind once the election was over!
Biden can't handle the white hot heat of a campaign. the press will be digging deep into his past!

Media giant Comcast is backing and financing Biden. They also happen to own NBC, and MSNBC. Who is going to scrutinize him? Not CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, NYT nor Washpo. He will get a free pass from them unless one or more want Bernie.
All I know is that no democrat on this board...except for wry will vote for Biden.
Biden and "the Burn" are old white hairs and nobody on this board, except for wry
would vote for them. I've heard it over and over their distaste for old white haired men.
true story
USMB is not a good representation of the nation. Few potential voters are paying any attention to the race. Being an early front runner doesn't mean much.

2020 is shaping up to be a big turnout election year. The voting looks like it's going to be a confirmation vote on Donald Trump. Biden is the polar opposite of Trump so anti-Trump voters will certainly have no problem supporting him. However, if during the election season democrats show that moving government further to the Left is more important that getting rid of Trump, Trump will probably win because it will unify republicans and create a split for democrats, where more centralist democrats sit on sidelines. What democrats need to win is Biden. He is the perfect anti-Trump candidate.
Anti Hillary Dem voters who either didn't vote or voted for Trump will vote for Biden
Quite obviously they haven't been bad at their jobs...they've simply been under nonstop siege by the left and the main stream media! Being in the Trump White House isn't for the faint of heart. You're going to be attacked at every possible opportunity.

The Media is more hostile to the Trump Administration than any Presidential Administration I've seen previously, and I thought they were bad with Bush. Obama got support and was constantly lauded by the Media. Trump gets a Media complicit with the Democrat Coup attempts.
Actually, Trump has gotten away with more lies and offensive behaviors than any President in history

The media is too soft on him

Yeah, it's a regular "love fest" between the main stream media and Donald Trump! (eye roll) That's a dumb post even for you, Winger!
All I know is that no democrat on this board...except for wry will vote for Biden.
Biden and "the Burn" are old white hairs and nobody on this board, except for wry
would vote for them. I've heard it over and over their distaste for old white haired men.
true story
USMB is not a good representation of the nation. Few potential voters are paying any attention to the race. Being an early front runner doesn't mean much.

2020 is shaping up to be a big turnout election year. The voting looks like it's going to be a confirmation vote on Donald Trump. Biden is the polar opposite of Trump so anti-Trump voters will certainly have no problem supporting him. However, if during the election season democrats show that moving government further to the Left is more important that getting rid of Trump, Trump will probably win because it will unify republicans and create a split for democrats, where more centralist democrats sit on sidelines. What democrats need to win is Biden. He is the perfect anti-Trump candidate.
Anti Hillary Dem voters who either didn't vote or voted for Trump will vote for Biden

You mean the Bernie Sanders voters who rightfully felt they got screwed over by the DNC? Why would they vote for Biden when they really want Bernie? Biden needs to get past the Democratic primary first and THAT isn't happening!
Clearly, it’s Biden’s to lose.

If he stay’s healthy, keeps his nose clean - he is the next POTUS.

Trump, even with the economy looking good - even though it really isn’t - he still can’t get about 50% in any any pole except that joke Rasmussen (and save the nonsense that Rasmussen was the best in 2016. I have shown time and again that they were MILES from the best at predicting the 2016 election outcome).

Trump is a laughing stock and a senile loser. He’s toast
Clearly, it’s Biden’s to lose.

If he stay’s healthy, keeps his nose clean - he is the next POTUS.

Trump - even with the economy looking good - even though it really isn’t - he still can’t get about 50% in any respect and poles.

The guy is a laughing stock and a senile loser. He’s toast

The economy isn't good? You base that on what, McRocket? Your fervent desire for it not to be good? I'm sorry but Trump is killing it with the economy and has been for two years now! I know you don't want to admit that but it's hard to dispute. So why would someone want to vote for the people who DON'T know how to create jobs and grow an economy?
I personally do not see Biden winning the primary

I'd be fine if he were the next president, but there is nothing about him that I find exciting or new or progressive leaning, as a good deal of our electorate would like to see.

I think he could be a spoiler, so to say.

Yes he has experience, yes he is smart and has lots of know how behind him on government running, and foreign affairs, and domestic issues, BUT this is not what excites the electorate enough to go out and vote.

Bill Clinton had it, Obama had it, Trump had it....

McCain did not, Romney did not, Al Gore did not, Hillary did not...

She did have enough to get 3 million more votes than candidate Trump... BUT it was not enough that would win the presidency in the electoral college process.

If the young and black voters are not excited enough to go out and vote and added to the general and middle of the road Democratic voters, then it will be a likely loss.

And if the middle of the road Democratic voters are not excited about one of these youngster candidates or Bernie Sanders who is pretending be one, promising the world with no solid plans on how to achieve it, they may not go out and vote.

It's a real pickle! imo

Personally, I think Elizabeth Warren's pie in the sky plans are the kind of plans that can bring excitement from the young and middle class, much like Bernie....

But what is different about Warren, is she actually has a plan on how to achieve each and every one of those plans financially... she has no intention of putting us in debt more than up to our eyeballs and over the head...

Basically, she's not a bunch of hot air, with promises and nothing to back them up. She's the real deal candidate when it comes to making things better for the middle class and not just for the wealthiest or just for the poorest.

She only has one issue the right wing can exploit, Pocahontas...

While Biden has lots and lots of things that will turn voters off that the right wing and Russian bots and trolls, guaranteed, will exploit, to divide us.... Anita Hill hearings, his touchy feely-ness, the crime bill of 3 strikes you are out, etc.

I just do not think Biden can overcome some of his baggage, at this time in our History where fake news is more prevalent than real news on the internet and social media.

I know the candidates will support whomever the winner is and try to push their followers to vote for the candidate that wins the primary.... but, but, but.... there is no guarantee their followers will do such...

I expect that this will and could give the win to President Trump again...

Much like Bush 2 winning his reelection, even when the polling on him, indicated he should not have won.

As silly as it is..

Trump would Pocahontas Warren to death

I do not think that is something of any value that would affect the Democratic voter.

It may give him some laughs with his own voters at his rallies or via tweet, but his hot air with no substance on it, would do nothing to change democratic voters nor the free minded independents....

Remember since he started this Pocahontas thingy, he claimed his father was born in Germany, when he absolutely KNOWS he was not.... at least with Warren, she believed the verbal history of her genealogy that her mother had told her... enough so, that she was willing to do a DNA test, to prove it. and when it showed her Native American roots went back to Great Great Great grand parent etc., she backed down on it.
In spite of his intentional deception on the birthplace of his father, Trump will play his Pocahontas card

As ridiculous as it seems, the American voter will buy it

Worked with Hillary
True, it did.... to a degree, she still got near 3 million more votes than him, even with all the Russian help with the stolen emails and something for him to rant about at his rallies....

But, he WILL do the same thing to Biden.... or whomever the candidate is.... you can bet on it! And with no less vigor, than his Pocahontas rant.
Have to see how much Russia helps him this time
The only candidate I can see Russia being concerned with, because they definitely would not want this candidate to win,

is BIDEN....

same view of Russia, with good reason, as Clinton and Obama.

My guess is they will be working overtime, to not have him be the winner.

Warren who is more of a middle class focused guru at this point with no Russia in sight and Gillibrand, Booker, Harris, Mayor Pete, Beto, haven't really talked about Russia that I have seen.... though Mayor Pete, as a Rhodes scholar and ex military man could be a risk for the Russians, but he is not a likely primary winner....(though in my opinion, the guy is brilliant and honest to boot!) I don't think they will care about Bernie being in there either...

Amy Klobuchar a centrist, and Castro....(since he was in the Obama Admin for a period, though I believe it might have been Housing and Human Development area?) could be two others in addition to Biden, that the Russians might put a good effort in to their bots, Ads, trolls, social media, spreading of division, algorithms, and contributions hidden in PACS etc. to keep them out of the running....

though imo, Biden will have Russians giving a Herculean effort over and above, what they would put in to interfere than on others....

Of course this is all just shooting in the breeze of of speculation.... the unknown! :p
From the onset, let me state that I never liked Hillary's attitude of entitlement to occupy the oval office AND my dislike has grown because her attitude and campaign incompetence helped to place an incompetent demagogue and megalomaniac in power.

That stated, Biden stands an excellent chance to be our next president for the following reasons;

First, he is not Hillary

Second, his record in those few states that managed to get the electoral college to go for the current moron-in-chief, is a powerful one.....The meager 77,000 votes that Trump managed to get in such states as PA, MI and WI will no longer be in play for Trump.

Third, many voters who thought that Trump was an idiot BUT also disliked Hillary and chose to stay home in 2016, have had a rude awakening to what their apathy has wrought.....and they WILL vote next year.

Fourth, the 2018 mid-term election certainly showed us that as blacks and Hispanics voters witnesses the catastrophe of the Trump administration, they WILL be showing up at the polls....as they did last November.

Fifth, Biden is seen as the real adult and as the former trusted right-hand individual to the very popular presidency of Obama.......

BUT, the most important reason for someone like Biden to be nominated, is Trump himself....his record, his excesses, his incompetence and his record of hiring the most corrupt cabinet members and staff since the Grant administration.

The rest of the diverse and stellar cadre of democrat contenders will, most likely, be excellent prospects in Biden's future cabinet (especially folks like Sanders, Warren, Harris, Castro, Booker, et al.)
hois chances are good up until he has to answer for colluding with russia and china to get his and john kerrys sons billion dollar deals
Clearly, it’s Biden’s to lose.

If he stay’s healthy, keeps his nose clean - he is the next POTUS.

Trump - even with the economy looking good - even though it really isn’t - he still can’t get about 50% in any respect and poles.

The guy is a laughing stock and a senile loser. He’s toast

The economy isn't good? You base that on what, McRocket? Your fervent desire for it not to be good? I'm sorry but Trump is killing it with the economy and has been for two years now! I know you don't want to admit that but it's hard to dispute. So why would someone want to vote for the people who DON'T know how to create jobs and grow an economy?

That the equity markets have been basically flat for over a year, that 2018 was their first down year since the GR, that growth under Trump (Real GDP) has only been 2.55%, that the trade deficit is worse under Trump then since he took office, that the fiscal deficit is completely out of control (which helps to artificially stimulate the economy), that Trump himself called for more QE (which you ONLY use when times are tough), that the economy is still COMPLETELY dependent on the Fed, that the employment-population ratio is still worse then it was before the GR (and for get the U-3, Trump himself - rightly - said it was a ‘hoax’), the M2 Money Velocity is still worse then at any time since the 1950’s (that means money is not changing hands - the economy is being fueled by new, cheap debt...which is bad).

And those are just to name a few.

The economy stinks...it is propped up by the Fed, huge deficits and cheap money.

When the Fed can end QE, balances it’s books, puts rates back to historical norms and Trump stops running a gigantic deficit AND the Real GDP growth is consistently over 3%...Only then is the economy good and sustainable.
All Trump has to do is put some Girl Scouts in the front row of the debate with Biden. Not that there will be a debate a with Biden

Do you REALLY want to go there, Frankie.???.......I feel a bit "dirty" just posting these pictures...Don't go there....


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