Why Blacks Vote Democrat

Not that being asked the same question by three hundred different people will ever result in a "wrong" answer.........Obama has faced way more heat than Bush II ever dreamed of, he & Reagan are the Teflon Presidents.

PS: I do not think Obama is the greatest thing since potato chips either, looks good, compared to Bush II. History will judge both.

I disagree, I consider the 9/11 attacks and all the aftermath to be the bigger messes
(which really should be counted in why the economy is going through these changes).

This changed the focus of govt, and led to decisions to go to war in two countries.

Maybe you are pointing out that it is harder to inherit and finish out what was handed to Obama, than going through the initial crisis and starting this war, etc.

I think the war and veteran issues should have been focused on first,
WITHOUT adding the crisis and conflicts over health care policy for everyone else.

We should have solved existing crises first, and those solutions would solve the other problems in turn.

Addressing veterans, immigration and prison reform would stop most of the bureaucratic waste. There was no need to add more on top of what already needed to be addressed.

I still say Bush got the worst of it, Obama took it on after that, and for whatever reason decided to focus on health care reform that distracted from Veteran and immigration reform which require the same longterm solutions anyway. Introducing this legal conflict over insurance was a distraction from investing in sustainable health care facilities and programs.

Perhaps that focus can still be used to organize solutions, if for example, the federal exchanges are used to enroll and document immigrants and criminals (both corporate or individual) who owe RESTITUTION and those resources/credits can be paid back to taxpayers and used to develop teaching hospitals and medical programs for more people.

Otherwise it looks to me like Obama just created more problems on top of what was there.
maybe it can still be used to solve these other problems at the same time, if we're smart.

Somewhat, yes. Bush was able to ride his approval after 9/11/01* for a long time. Obama was a Kenyan/Muslim/Marxist saboteur from day 1. I did not read his book, nor do I place a lot of decisions on what people did when younger. Bush's theft, D&D, and DUI were only issues to me because he hid them; I believe he quit drinking when he represents, and thought "truthers" were as nutty as fruitcakes. Cheney, on the other hand, never stopped, and two DUIs in one year should have been a LOUD warning to him.

*I approved of Bush after 9/11, until Iraq.
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Why do Black people accept the plantation mentality of the democrat party which claims that they aren't able to obtain a freaking photo I.D.?
From thinking. How do you come to your conclusions?

You're playing dumb again. What source did you think on?

If you mean what evidence I used it was the DA's affidavit in the case against GZ. That and prior experience with being profiled myself.

Why is one an imbecile to see Zimmerman as white? His mother was from Peru, usually, mixed Spanish/Nativo. I am not baiting, I would like an honest answer.
Why do Black people accept the plantation mentality of the democrat party which claims that they aren't able to obtain a freaking photo I.D.?

Well here is one who doesn't & never will fall for their BS.

Being against voter ID laws is stupid, most black folks I talk to aren't swayed by it, they HAVE I.D.'s like every other adult & wonder what the issue is?

Just because you see black democrat activist groups on tv getting all hyped about it doesn't mean the average black voter really cares what they're saying.
Why do Black people accept the plantation mentality of the democrat party which claims that they aren't able to obtain a freaking photo I.D.?

Whitehall, paternalistic racist crap like you just posted there is the biggest reason why so few blacks vote Republican. If you want that trend to continue, keep on posting more of your racist "plantation" crap.
But why are white people racist?

The same reason anyone else has biased perceptions.

All of us inherit problems and conflicts from past generations (beyond this lifetime)
and past experiences within this lifetime.

Whatever we don't forgive, we hold on to blame in order to assess responsibility.
And then we associate or project those emotions on people or groups that remind us
of those problems.

So we all make associations or generalizations, and have to be careful
when we start judging or assuming things about people who to us
"represent" a certain problem, issue, group or class.

If the association is strong, we can project those unforgiven emotions or
unresolved issues onto that person just because we associate them with it.

All people do this because we learn by association, we organize people and information by "groups or labels."
So we can also make mistakes that way.

We just have to be careful to forgive past problems, understand the causes,
and not blame "whole groups of people" for it which can lead to projection back and forth.
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Sorry mammoth but there really isn't too many black folks on this forum, I doubt that posting things like that are going to make a difference to the average black voter.
But why are white people racist?

The same reason anyone else has biased perceptions.

All of us inherit problems and conflicts from past generations (beyond this lifetime)
and past experiences within this lifetime.

Whatever we don't forgive, we hold on to blame in order to assess responsibility.
And then we associate or project those emotions on people or groups that remind us
of those problems.

So we all make associations or generalizations, and have to be careful
when we start judging or assuming things about people who to us
"represent" a certain problem, issue, group or class.

If the association is strong, we can project those unforgiven emotions or
unresolved issues onto that person just because we associate them with it.

All people do this because we learn by association.
We just have to be careful to forgive past problems, understand the causes,
and not blame "whole groups of people" for it which can lead to projection back and forth.

Is Al Sharpton a racist?
Why do blacks vote democrat? Because democrats control the schools and they are fed lies all day everyday about republicans.

How do democrats control schools in Red States?
Because even in red states, liberals Are the majority of people in public education. Because conservatives are not into getting jobs in order to indoctrinate people's children & generally like making good money.

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