Why Blacks Vote Democrat

What are you talking about? What hate site?

I had assumed it would be Stormfront, KOS, ThinkProgress, or Alternet - turns out to be something called "wise geek," whoever the fuck they are.

Do you think claiming something came from a hate site lends validity to your argument? Sorry but it only lowers your credibility even lower than it was before. Everything that proves you wrong is not a hate site. :lol:

What Is the Southern Strategy?

The Southern Strategy is the policy of the Republican Party in the United States to gain political support in the Southern section of the country. Politically, the concept generally uses themes traditionally supported by residents of the Southern states to win election in those locations. Since segregation continued well into the late 20th century in the region, the Republican Party officially attempted to utilize this wedge issue as a way of garnering support for their political faction in these states. In addition to the issue of segregation between white residents and African Americans, the party also utilized Southern values of religion, gun control and a distrust of counterculture to win votes.

So you can show these hated Republicans advocating for segregation, and promising to continue it, right?


Oh that's right, you're lying through your fucking teeth.

Hey, you're a democrat - you lie - it's what you do....
Is that supposed to be proof your POTUS is racist or are you just venting?

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

I'll walk you through it. Why was this a national news story? Black kids are murdered every day and Obama is never asked about it. What made this killing a national story?
LBJ: "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for 200 years."

Yeah, let's talk about racism.

A few historians believe that much of LBJ's crude, disgusting talk, and there was a LOT of it, was more of an act to get elected in TEXAS. I find it interesting that you can find thousands of sites about LBJ's racism, but almost none about the Bush family, odd.:lol:

Uh, that's verified fact.

Even the party press acknowledges that he made the statement.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

What happens if you are honest? Do you get demerits? I mean, by lying for your filthy party, do you rack up points in the after life that Obama is god of?

Party press? I know of many times, at least, Johnson used the N word actually; all very publicized. Publicized beyond belief.....much like Jackson's remarks about Jews. Get powerful, expect scrutiny. More on Johnson, factor the "times" the person lived in.

Johnson was a man of his time, and bore those flaws as surely as he sought to lead the country past them.
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A few historians believe that much of LBJ's crude, disgusting talk, and there was a LOT of it, was more of an act to get elected in TEXAS. I find it interesting that you can find thousands of sites about LBJ's racism, but almost none about the Bush family, odd.:lol:

Uh, that's verified fact.

Even the party press acknowledges that he made the statement.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

What happens if you are honest? Do you get demerits? I mean, by lying for your filthy party, do you rack up points in the after life that Obama is god of?

I know of TWO times, at least, Johnson used the N word actually; all very publicized. Publicized beyond belief.....much like Jackson's remarks about Jews. Get powerful, expect scrutiny.

Johnson grew up in 1910s West Texas. Saying ****** was commonplace. I heard it said on TV up till the late 60s. The outrage that Johnson would have said ****** in the 1960s is revisionist outrage
The key is that Johnson bullied the Civil Rights Bill through and signed it. If he wanted to stop it, he could have
Joe Biden "You gotta have a slight Indian accent just to go into a 7-11".

Not to mention how Obama is a "clean & well spoken black man".

I kind of give him a pass on the second one because He probably was cpmparing him to Al Sharptongue & Mumble Mouth Jackson when he was assessing Obama.

Obama sucks, but he is articulate when compared to those two phonies.

Thats not in the last 5 years but what the hell. Lets go back to 2008.


Do not forget NWA, black racists, and the list goes on.
Black children murdered every day by other blacks, yet Obama speaks about trayvon Martin. Why?

To stir up racial strife before the election...not so much to energiZe black voters, but to motivate the white guilt ridden liberals, who are his base.

See below, no guilt here. I voted for McCain with no hesitation, would have voted for Powell against most in public office in any election. Oddly, I find both Condi Rice and Herman Cain not an option, though I admire Rice's work as an academic, I hope she stays there.:D
You really don't seem like a dyed-in-the-wool leftist liberal. You seem more center-left to me. Glad you don't have any guilt. McCain? And you didn't for Romney? I voted Ron Paul '08, Gary Johnson '012. I almost voted for Obama in '08, but once I read his book....couldn't do it. He pretty much admitted being a Marxist & As a kid, I associated with enough marxists in LA to know putting one of them in the white house was not an option.
Uh, that's verified fact.

Even the party press acknowledges that he made the statement.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

What happens if you are honest? Do you get demerits? I mean, by lying for your filthy party, do you rack up points in the after life that Obama is god of?

I know of TWO times, at least, Johnson used the N word actually; all very publicized. Publicized beyond belief.....much like Jackson's remarks about Jews. Get powerful, expect scrutiny.

Johnson grew up in 1910s West Texas. Saying ****** was commonplace. I heard it said on TV up till the late 60s. The outrage that Johnson would have said ****** in the 1960s is revisionist outrage
The key is that Johnson bullied the Civil Rights Bill through and signed it. If he wanted to stop it, he could have

And that's why he said.."I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for 200 years.
Is that supposed to be proof your POTUS is racist or are you just venting?

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

Not that being asked the same question by three hundred different people will ever result in a "wrong" answer.........Obama has faced way more heat than Bush II ever dreamed of, he & Reagan are the Teflon Presidents.

PS: I do not think Obama is the greatest thing since potato chips either, looks good, compared to Bush II. History will judge both.
Is that supposed to be proof your POTUS is racist or are you just venting?

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

It shouldve never been a national news story. Turned out Trayvon was a trouble maker & George Zimmerman isn't even white in my book.

It was all hype.
Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

Not that being asked the same question by three hundred different people will ever result in a "wrong" answer.........Obama has faced way more heat than Bush II ever dreamed of, he & Reagan are the Teflon Presidents.

PS: I do not think Obama is the greatest thing since potato chips either, looks good, compared to Bush II. History will judge both.

Why was Trayvon Martin a national news story when black kids are murdered every day? Your dishonesty is glaring.
Don't people join and follow groups they relate to?

So if they don't relate to Republicans or conservatives,
they are not going to join, follow or vote for those groups.

Now if you want to change how they relate to different groups,
and you blame current associations on "misinformation or propaganda,"
that's a lot to work on. And I doubt you will succeed by insulting anyone.

There are emotional barriers, informational barriers, social and media segregation.
Insulting, attacking or blaming people just reinforces these barriers more.

If you want to change how people associate with different groups,
what are you doing to interact and change how YOU associate with different groups?

If you stick to your own comfortable group and current perception,
well, so will the people you separate from, standing safely behind their perceptions.

the only change I've ever seen has always been MUTUAL. The question is:
WHO is going to be first to cross over and interact and work with the other groups?
that is how perceptions and information start to change, and it happens "in tandem"
Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

I'll walk you through it. Why was this a national news story? Black kids are murdered every day and Obama is never asked about it. What made this killing a national story?

I'll bite. The media.
The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

I'll walk you through it. Why was this a national news story? Black kids are murdered every day and Obama is never asked about it. What made this killing a national story?

I'll bite. The media.

Oh c'mon, you're very politically savy. Did the democrat party and the media work together to blow this up into a racial event? I have a bunch of democrats quotes if your memory fails. I'll give you a hint......Sharpton and MSNBC..... Well?
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The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

Not that being asked the same question by three hundred different people will ever result in a "wrong" answer.........Obama has faced way more heat than Bush II ever dreamed of, he & Reagan are the Teflon Presidents.

PS: I do not think Obama is the greatest thing since potato chips either, looks good, compared to Bush II. History will judge both.

Why was Trayvon Martin a national news story when black kids are murdered every day? Your dishonesty is glaring.

It was because so many suffer and die without ever being addressed in full.

that when an opportunity came to jump on Martin and Zimmerman as "representing" what is wrong with our justice system, then all the angst, grief, anger and outrage poured out.

very little of that was directly about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman personally because only their personal friends and family know them on that level.

most of it was projection BECAUSE of the epidemic of problems we have that are complicated by racial perceptions, and then "represented" by this case in the media.

it was like using this case as a "whipping boy" for all the messes in the courts, prisons, police and media related to race or politics, directly or indirectly. anyone with an opinion about something could use this case to vent their complaints and grievances, so they did.
I know of TWO times, at least, Johnson used the N word actually; all very publicized. Publicized beyond belief.....much like Jackson's remarks about Jews. Get powerful, expect scrutiny.

Johnson grew up in 1910s West Texas. Saying ****** was commonplace. I heard it said on TV up till the late 60s. The outrage that Johnson would have said ****** in the 1960s is revisionist outrage
The key is that Johnson bullied the Civil Rights Bill through and signed it. If he wanted to stop it, he could have

And that's why he said.."I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for 200 years.

You will have to provide the context. Johnson was the ultimate politician. If he was talking to someone who wanted to hear the word the word ****** instead of something more politically correct, he would

If you think trading off the black vote for the once "solid south" was a good deal for Democrats you are crazy
Uh, that's verified fact.

Even the party press acknowledges that he made the statement.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

What happens if you are honest? Do you get demerits? I mean, by lying for your filthy party, do you rack up points in the after life that Obama is god of?

I know of TWO times, at least, Johnson used the N word actually; all very publicized. Publicized beyond belief.....much like Jackson's remarks about Jews. Get powerful, expect scrutiny.

Johnson grew up in 1910s West Texas. Saying ****** was commonplace. I heard it said on TV up till the late 60s. The outrage that Johnson would have said ****** in the 1960s is revisionist outrage
The key is that Johnson bullied the Civil Rights Bill through and signed it. If he wanted to stop it, he could have

Agreed, look at the context.
Black children murdered every day by other blacks, yet Obama speaks about trayvon Martin. Why?

To stir up racial strife before the election...not so much to energiZe black voters, but to motivate the white guilt ridden liberals, who are his base.

See below, no guilt here. I voted for McCain with no hesitation, would have voted for Powell against most in public office in any election. Oddly, I find both Condi Rice and Herman Cain not an option, though I admire Rice's work as an academic, I hope she stays there.:D

This is more of what America needs. I can respect someone voting for McCain without any guilt and no racist leanings.

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