Why Blacks Vote Democrat

The fact that 90% or more of one group defined by skin color voted one party mathematically illustrates that at least 45% do so in the name of skin color. That would make nearly half blatantly racist. And that is the mathematical, conservative estimate. Reality is more like 90% are racist. But culture doesn't compute mathematically.

Evidently you have no clue what a racist is even though you see one every time you look in the mirror.

You see one every time you look at Obama, but it doesn't seem to matter.

You still havent proven that your POTUS is a racist. Have you got a link or something? I would think it would be front page news.
Can someone name 5 white racist Dems in the past 5 years that have stood up and proven their racist views from their own mouths?

So far we have Paula Deen.
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No period. He is a racist registered Republican.

No cherry picking. Be honest. He's racist registered republican who donates to both parties, and democrats like his money just as well as registered democrat money.

I'm not cherry picking. He is a racist and he is a registered republican. He donates to both sides based on business practices and image. Of course he is a racist first but his choice of party is what proves my opinion that racists are much more attracted to the Rep. party.

Then how come Obama, Sharpton, Jackson, Wilson, etc are members of the democrat party? They're all racists.
Evidently you have no clue what a racist is even though you see one every time you look in the mirror.

You see one every time you look at Obama, but it doesn't seem to matter.

You still havent proven that your POTUS is a racist. Have you got a link or something? I would think it would be front page news.

I gave you three examples. The Beer Summit was racist. Do you deny that? Trayvon Martin was racist. Do you deny that? Pick one
Pretty much, Bush. Though some rich white liberals seem to think they're humanitarians for voting to keep us enslaved on the government tit plantation.

Why do I know more Caucasians on welfare than other "races"? Yes, I know a good number of people of different races, up to and including my brother in law*.

Career Army, now Civil Service, would have no clue how to apply for welfare. On the other hand, I remembered, my mother got some money once from "Navy Relief" when my father was out to sea, and the allotment check was late, or so I was told. I was an infant then. I guess that is why my parents weren't mouth breathing, backwoods, redneck peckerwoods....no wait, i just described all the white people on welfare. :lol:

You know more Caucasians on welfare because you're white, your family is white, and you have mostly white people that you interact with.

I know plenty of rednecks & none are racist, don't smear all rednecks like that. I know rednecks with money. They come from blue collar working class upbringings...that doesn't make them racist. There are racist rednecks....not all are.

My father's term, he was Caucasian, despised segregation, he suffered though it in WWII. I know my brother in law better than most of my cousins, some of whom are on welfare. And I know a great mixture of people from my line of work.
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You see one every time you look at Obama, but it doesn't seem to matter.

You still havent proven that your POTUS is a racist. Have you got a link or something? I would think it would be front page news.

I gave you three examples. The Beer Summit was racist. Do you deny that? Trayvon Martin was racist. Do you deny that? Pick one

Yes I do deny that. Your examples are not looking too good for your argument. Do you know what racist means?

There are different kinds of racism.

One kind of racism involves bigotry against those who simply happen to look different.

Another kind is a de facto racism that divides people by skin color, isolates blacks and tells them they're not good enough to make it without someone else's help.

Both are horrible and destructive to generations of blacks.

You still havent proven that your POTUS is a racist. Have you got a link or something? I would think it would be front page news.

I gave you three examples. The Beer Summit was racist. Do you deny that? Trayvon Martin was racist. Do you deny that? Pick one

Yes I do deny that. Your examples are not looking too good for your argument. Do you know what racist means?

The Beer Summit was racist. Black professor pal of Obama gets arrested and Obama and Biden use the media to blow it up.....white cop who acted stupidly by arresting Obama's black friend. Racist.
Well, there are more white folks on the dole than blacks, because there are more whites in this country, by far. Black folks make up 30+% of the welfare recipients last I checked, we are between 12-16% of the total population. That's not good.

I think when the next report comes out on this we will see a growth in the percentages across the board, an increase in all racial groups on welfare.

We already know over 40% of all Americans are on food stamps.

That's horrible as far as Im concerned.
You still havent proven that your POTUS is a racist. Have you got a link or something? I would think it would be front page news.

I gave you three examples. The Beer Summit was racist. Do you deny that? Trayvon Martin was racist. Do you deny that? Pick one

Yes I do deny that. Your examples are not looking too good for your argument. Do you know what racist means?

Gee, a HUMAN President, can't keep THAT up. Sharpton is hustler, Jackson........a politician that erred big time.
Well, there are more white folks on the dole than blacks, because there are more whites in this country, by far. Black folks make up 30+% of the welfare recipients last I checked, we are between 12-16% of the total population. That's not good.

I think when the next report comes out on this we will see a growth in the percentages across the board, an increase in all racial groups on welfare.

We already know over 40% of all Americans are on food stamps.

That's horrible as far as Im concerned.

No, it is NOT good that a higher percentage of any racial group is on welfare. And Asians have a lesser percentage than Caucasians. Welfare doesn't bother me as much as it does some; there but for the grace of God, and it goes into the US economy. I know my family took aid when they needed it.

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