Why Blacks Vote Democrat

I gave you three examples. The Beer Summit was racist. Do you deny that? Trayvon Martin was racist. Do you deny that? Pick one

Yes I do deny that. Your examples are not looking too good for your argument. Do you know what racist means?

Gee, a HUMAN President, can't keep THAT up. Sharpton is hustler, Jackson........a politician that erred big time.

Obama is a race hustler just like Sharpton and Jackson.
One more from The Council of CONSERVATIVE Citizens:

Statement of Principles

Bit of racism, just maybe? I can post 50 more but just look at how many Americans with African ancestry have served in Congress.

Who are these people, and why does anyone give a shit what they say?

Oh, and even with you digging for blogs, the most "racist" thing they said is that the USA is a European country.

Big whoop.

Shall we look at what your shameful party had to say about blacks before 1968 - and about whites after it?

You are so proud that you changed the target of your racism from black people to white people - and don't understand why decent folk still call you racist scum? I mean sure, you hate people for the color of their skin, but now you hate WHITE people, and they really deserve to be hated, right? Obama says so!
One more from The Council of CONSERVATIVE Citizens:

Statement of Principles

Bit of racism, just maybe? I can post 50 more but just look at how many Americans with African ancestry have served in Congress.

Who are these people, and why does anyone give a shit what they say?

Oh, and even with you digging for blogs, the most "racist" thing they said is that the USA is a European country.

Big whoop.

Shall we look at what your shameful party had to say about blacks before 1968 - and about whites after it?

You are so proud that you changed the target of your racism from black people to white people - and don't understand why decent folk still call you racist scum? I mean sure, you hate people for the color of their skin, but now you hate WHITE people, and they really deserve to be hated, right? Obama says so!

Since we are talking about why Blacks vote Dem what happened before 1964 really has no relevance.
5 will do in the last 5 years and you must have missed the white part. Please quote them for all to see.

Why only white faces? Racist.

Because thats what I asked for. In context of this thread a Black racist is not going to bother Black voters anywhere near the amount a white racist would.

Well, you're just going to have to learn some tolerance in this world because you're not always going to get your way.
Joe Biden "You gotta have a slight Indian accent just to go into a 7-11".

Not to mention how Obama is a "clean & well spoken black man".

I kind of give him a pass on the second one because He probably was cpmparing him to Al Sharptongue & Mumble Mouth Jackson when he was assessing Obama.

Obama sucks, but he is articulate when compared to those two phonies.
Joe Biden "You gotta have a slight Indian accent just to go into a 7-11".

Not to mention how Obama is a "clean & well spoken black man".

I kind of give him a pass on the second one because He probably was cpmparing him to Al Sharptongue & Mumble Mouth Jackson when he was assessing Obama.

Obama sucks, but he is articulate when compared to those two phonies.

They had to get used to him, since he used the front door.....
Well, there are more white folks on the dole than blacks, because there are more whites in this country, by far. Black folks make up 30+% of the welfare recipients last I checked, we are between 12-16% of the total population. That's not good.

I think when the next report comes out on this we will see a growth in the percentages across the board, an increase in all racial groups on welfare.

We already know over 40% of all Americans are on food stamps.

That's horrible as far as Im concerned.

When you factor in corporate welfare whites vastly outnumber the amount of people on the dole be that percentage wise or actual numbers. People tend to forget that little tidbit.
Black children murdered every day by other blacks, yet Obama speaks about trayvon Martin. Why?

Is that supposed to be proof your POTUS is racist or are you just venting?

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?
Yes I do deny that. Your examples are not looking too good for your argument. Do you know what racist means?

Gee, a HUMAN President, can't keep THAT up. Sharpton is hustler, Jackson........a politician that erred big time.

Obama is a race hustler just like Sharpton and Jackson.

But, but, ....his mother was white, so he must be too...(Ted Cruz citizenship argument) I do not see it openly in Obama, and all humans have biases. You are REQUIRED to keep them in check. A wild one, out of center field, Jesus is not likely to have had blue eyes and pale skin. I will not overcompensate for racism by voting for Herman Cain though.
The REPUBLICAN civil rights act? That isn't just racist, its insane.

LBJ: "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for 200 years."

Yeah, let's talk about racism.

A few historians believe that much of LBJ's crude, disgusting talk, and there was a LOT of it, was more of an act to get elected in TEXAS. I find it interesting that you can find thousands of sites about LBJ's racism, but almost none about the Bush family, odd.:lol:

Uh, that's verified fact.

Even the party press acknowledges that he made the statement.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist. | MSNBC

What happens if you are honest? Do you get demerits? I mean, by lying for your filthy party, do you rack up points in the after life that Obama is god of?
Joe Biden "You gotta have a slight Indian accent just to go into a 7-11".

Not to mention how Obama is a "clean & well spoken black man".

I kind of give him a pass on the second one because He probably was cpmparing him to Al Sharptongue & Mumble Mouth Jackson when he was assessing Obama.

Obama sucks, but he is articulate when compared to those two phonies.

Thats not in the last 5 years but what the hell. Lets go back to 2008.

I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
Well, there are more white folks on the dole than blacks, because there are more whites in this country, by far. Black folks make up 30+% of the welfare recipients last I checked, we are between 12-16% of the total population. That's not good.

I think when the next report comes out on this we will see a growth in the percentages across the board, an increase in all racial groups on welfare.

We already know over 40% of all Americans are on food stamps.

That's horrible as far as Im concerned.

When you factor in corporate welfare whites vastly outnumber the amount of people on the dole be that percentage wise or actual numbers. People tend to forget that little tidbit.
Black children murdered every day by other blacks, yet Obama speaks about trayvon Martin. Why?

Is that supposed to be proof your POTUS is racist or are you just venting?

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?
Black children murdered every day by other blacks, yet Obama speaks about trayvon Martin. Why?

To stir up racial strife before the election...not so much to energiZe black voters, but to motivate the white guilt ridden liberals, who are his base.

See below, no guilt here. I voted for McCain with no hesitation, would have voted for Powell against most in public office in any election. Oddly, I find both Condi Rice and Herman Cain not an option, though I admire Rice's work as an academic, I hope she stays there.:D
Well, there are more white folks on the dole than blacks, because there are more whites in this country, by far. Black folks make up 30+% of the welfare recipients last I checked, we are between 12-16% of the total population. That's not good.

I think when the next report comes out on this we will see a growth in the percentages across the board, an increase in all racial groups on welfare.

We already know over 40% of all Americans are on food stamps.

That's horrible as far as Im concerned.

When you factor in corporate welfare whites vastly outnumber the amount of people on the dole be that percentage wise or actual numbers. People tend to forget that little tidbit.

That is "economic stimulus" not welfare!:lol:

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