Why Blacks Vote Democrat

Is this the part where you play dumb? Tell us why Obama chose this incident to comment on when black kids were being murdered every day and he said nothing. What made this worthy of his attention?

The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

It shouldve never been a national news story. Turned out Trayvon was a trouble maker & George Zimmerman isn't even white in my book.

It was all hype.

Yes it should have been national news. Anytime an adult shoots a kid after profiling him it should be national news.
To stir up racial strife before the election...not so much to energiZe black voters, but to motivate the white guilt ridden liberals, who are his base.

See below, no guilt here. I voted for McCain with no hesitation, would have voted for Powell against most in public office in any election. Oddly, I find both Condi Rice and Herman Cain not an option, though I admire Rice's work as an academic, I hope she stays there.:D
You really don't seem like a dyed-in-the-wool leftist liberal. You seem more center-left to me. Glad you don't have any guilt. McCain? And you didn't for Romney? I voted Ron Paul '08, Gary Johnson '012. I almost voted for Obama in '08, but once I read his book....couldn't do it. He pretty much admitted being a Marxist & As a kid, I associated with enough marxists in LA to know putting one of them in the white house was not an option.

Yet, he governs closer to center. My biggest complaint with Obama is over analyzing, and waiting for consensus that will never arrive. Reminds me a bit of Adlai Stevenson, no I wan't alive, but American political and social history was my field of concentration, and remains fascinating. I remain center/slightly left. Did not like Ryan's legislative history, thought Romney was fine.
I'll walk you through it. Why was this a national news story? Black kids are murdered every day and Obama is never asked about it. What made this killing a national story?

I'll bite. The media.

Oh c'mon, you're very politically savy. Did the democrat party and the media work together to blow this up into a racial event? I have a bunch of democrats quotes if your memory fails. I'll give you a hint......Sharpton and MSNBC..... Well?

Quick question. Do you believe all conspiracies or just ones that support your assertions? I heard they use white rats to test in labs because they are not concerned with solving black medical problems. See how that works?
I'll walk you through it. Why was this a national news story? Black kids are murdered every day and Obama is never asked about it. What made this killing a national story?

I'll bite. The media.

Oh c'mon, you're very politically savy. Did the democrat party and the media work together to blow this up into a racial event? I have a bunch of democrats quotes if your memory fails. I'll give you a hint......Sharpton and MSNBC..... Well?

They didnt have to blow it up into a racial event. It became a racial event the moment GZ profiled him.
Not that being asked the same question by three hundred different people will ever result in a "wrong" answer.........Obama has faced way more heat than Bush II ever dreamed of, he & Reagan are the Teflon Presidents.

PS: I do not think Obama is the greatest thing since potato chips either, looks good, compared to Bush II. History will judge both.

I disagree, I consider the 9/11 attacks and all the aftermath to be the bigger messes
(which really should be counted in why the economy is going through these changes).

This changed the focus of govt, and led to decisions to go to war in two countries.

Maybe you are pointing out that it is harder to inherit and finish out what was handed to Obama, than going through the initial crisis and starting this war, etc.

I think the war and veteran issues should have been focused on first,
WITHOUT adding the crisis and conflicts over health care policy for everyone else.

We should have solved existing crises first, and those solutions would solve the other problems in turn.

Addressing veterans, immigration and prison reform would stop most of the bureaucratic waste. There was no need to add more on top of what already needed to be addressed.

I still say Bush got the worst of it, Obama took it on after that, and for whatever reason decided to focus on health care reform that distracted from Veteran and immigration reform which require the same longterm solutions anyway. Introducing this legal conflict over insurance was a distraction from investing in sustainable health care facilities and programs.

Perhaps that focus can still be used to organize solutions, if for example, the federal exchanges are used to enroll and document immigrants and criminals (both corporate or individual) who owe RESTITUTION and those resources/credits can be paid back to taxpayers and used to develop teaching hospitals and medical programs for more people.

Otherwise it looks to me like Obama just created more problems on top of what was there.
maybe it can still be used to solve these other problems at the same time, if we're smart.
There are plenty of black folks that in their life and the way they live it...would fit more in the Republican Party or Libertarian Party, than the Democratic Party.

Fact is, most people vote as their parents do. Most voters are not well informed, be it R's or D's. They actually are swayed by those short tv ads...not like the folks who frequent forums like ourselves. A tv ad would never sway me, my mind is made up well before any election cycle unless something really big happens to change my mind.

Don't people join and follow groups they relate to?

So if they don't relate to Republicans or conservatives,
they are not going to join, follow or vote for those groups.

Now if you want to change how they relate to different groups,
and you blame current associations on "misinformation or propaganda,"
that's a lot to work on. And I doubt you will succeed by insulting anyone.

There are emotional barriers, informational barriers, social and media segregation.
Insulting, attacking or blaming people just reinforces these barriers more.

If you want to change how people associate with different groups,
what are you doing to interact and change how YOU associate with different groups?

If you stick to your own comfortable group and current perception,
well, so will the people you separate from, standing safely behind their perceptions.

the only change I've ever seen has always been MUTUAL. The question is:
WHO is going to be first to cross over and interact and work with the other groups?
that is how perceptions and information start to change, and it happens "in tandem"
I'll bite. The media.

Oh c'mon, you're very politically savy. Did the democrat party and the media work together to blow this up into a racial event? I have a bunch of democrats quotes if your memory fails. I'll give you a hint......Sharpton and MSNBC..... Well?

They didnt have to blow it up into a racial event. It became a racial event the moment GZ profiled him.

Heavy publicity in North Florida, round the clock, SA from Jax.
See below, no guilt here. I voted for McCain with no hesitation, would have voted for Powell against most in public office in any election. Oddly, I find both Condi Rice and Herman Cain not an option, though I admire Rice's work as an academic, I hope she stays there.:D
You really don't seem like a dyed-in-the-wool leftist liberal. You seem more center-left to me. Glad you don't have any guilt. McCain? And you didn't for Romney? I voted Ron Paul '08, Gary Johnson '012. I almost voted for Obama in '08, but once I read his book....couldn't do it. He pretty much admitted being a Marxist & As a kid, I associated with enough marxists in LA to know putting one of them in the white house was not an option.

Yet, he governs closer to center. My biggest complaint with Obama is over analyzing, and waiting for consensus that will never arrive. Reminds me a bit of Adlai Stevenson, no I wan't alive, but American political and social history was my field of concentration, and remains fascinating. I remain center/slightly left. Did not like Ryan's legislative history, thought Romney was fine.

He campaigned on reaching across the aisle and working with people. Since he has been stonewalled he has resorted to doing what is within his power and people now whine about him overstepping his power. He has been put in a no win situation and the Reps have basically guaranteed the majority of Black people will continue to vote Dem by not showing that they will work in good faith with a Black POTUS.
The fact it was a national news story and thats what presidents do on those topics?

It shouldve never been a national news story. Turned out Trayvon was a trouble maker & George Zimmerman isn't even white in my book.

It was all hype.

Yes it should have been national news. Anytime an adult shoots a kid after profiling him it should be national news.

Now we're getting somewhere. Who said Trayvon was racially profiled?
I'll bite. The media.

Oh c'mon, you're very politically savy. Did the democrat party and the media work together to blow this up into a racial event? I have a bunch of democrats quotes if your memory fails. I'll give you a hint......Sharpton and MSNBC..... Well?

Quick question. Do you believe all conspiracies or just ones that support your assertions? I heard they use white rats to test in labs because they are not concerned with solving black medical problems. See how that works?

My doctor must be racist: LIMIT white rice, white potatoes, white bread. I hate that mushy white bread anyway, but...........
They didnt have to blow it up into a racial event. It became a racial event the moment GZ profiled him.

It became a racial event when the democratic party press lied and claimed Zimmerman was white.

democrats needed a white to hate so badly that y'all created one....

GZ was half white. Any moron that thought he was full white must have been high. That wasnt the issue. The issue was a Black kid got shot after being profiled.

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