Why Blacks Vote Democrat

The fact that 90% or more of one group defined by skin color voted one party mathematically illustrates that at least 45% do so in the name of skin color. That would make nearly half blatantly racist. And that is the mathematical, conservative estimate. Reality is more like 90% are racist. But culture doesn't compute mathematically.

Evidently you have no clue what a racist is even though you see one every time you look in the mirror.
The "white segregationist vote" has all kind of racial implications. Are you high or something?

You are not very well read on this issue. I suggest you do more research and then maybe you can come up with an intelligent argument.

I am much more informed than you are on the subject. I suggest you learn how to read more than just what you want to hear and stop pretending facts are not out there disputing some bloggers opinion.

"I am much more informed than you are on the subject."

No you're not.

You believe in the myth of the Southern Strategy
You are not very well read on this issue. I suggest you do more research and then maybe you can come up with an intelligent argument.

I am much more informed than you are on the subject. I suggest you learn how to read more than just what you want to hear and stop pretending facts are not out there disputing some bloggers opinion.

"I am much more informed than you are on the subject."

No you're not.

You believe in the myth of the Southern Strategy

The fact you believe it to be a myth proves my point. :lol:
What does that have to do with the Southern strategy?

Your lie - okay, I have to stop here, it isn't really your lie, is it? It's really the lie of the hate site you cribbed it from.

The lie of the democratic party that you are spreading here is that Republicans wooed racists to their party, except that the racists stayed democrats. So either the GOP was incompetent, or that was never the strategy.

Now the STATED strategy was to woo CONSERVATIVE voters who had only stayed with the dims because of the racism of the dims - once neither party provided a racist platform, they were more at home with the GOP.

Since this is what actually happened, it's pretty clear what the strategy was - and that you are spreading a lie on behalf of your filthy party.
Surprise. You are right about Paula Deen not being a republican.

She's a racist, of course she's a democrat - same as Sterling.

I know you heard Bundy and the duck guys comments so dont play stupid.

Opposing homosexual marriage? Yep - and what does that have to do with race?

I'll wait while you consult the hate sites.

Sterling is a registered Republican and has been for years.

Not in this universe.

Donald Sterling made donations to Dems - Burgess Everett - POLITICO.com
Pretty much, Bush. Though some rich white liberals seem to think they're humanitarians for voting to keep us enslaved on the government tit plantation.

Why do I know more Caucasians on welfare than other "races"? Yes, I know a good number of people of different races, up to and including my brother in law*.

Career Army, now Civil Service, would have no clue how to apply for welfare. On the other hand, I remembered, my mother got some money once from "Navy Relief" when my father was out to sea, and the allotment check was late, or so I was told. I was an infant then. I guess that is why my parents weren't mouth breathing, backwoods, redneck peckerwoods....no wait, i just described all the white people on welfare. :lol:
The majority of black democrats don't even know why they vote democrat other than because they're black & someone, usually their parents...told them republicans are racist. That's really all there is to it, in most cases. Atleast that is my experience. Others like Asclepia's atleast have some curiosity and educate themselves on it, but they never(Im not saying Asclepias doesn't)question their sources & do cross referencing to see if what they were told is correct. They get told to be a democrat, then they go to democrat & liberal sources, those sources tell them republicans are racist, and bam! There you go, mind's closed. I doubt this is limited to black folks, Jews tend to be the same way. They treat politics like it's a family tradition instead of being objective about the issues of the day & which policies will actually benefit them. Liberal Talking points rule their decisions.
Even most white Democrat voters usually don't know why they're democrats other than "My dad was in the union, union supports democrats".

It happens with people who vote republican too, though on a much smalle scale.

That's because the republican voters tend to fall into a few different strains of conservatism. You have Paleocons, Tradcons, Libertarians, Neocons, Tea Party recently.

These groups only agree to a certain point & then split. Liberals are just that. Progresive, liberal, same thing. There is no serious disagreements in the Democrat Party, they're pretty uniform on the issues that matter.

That is why I predict you'll see a small but steady stream of blacks leaving the Dems...especially if they're church going blacks in the south.

I'd rather they become Libertarians because we could use the help & also because I believe that's where black folks would fit in the most today.
What does that have to do with the Southern strategy?

Your lie - okay, I have to stop here, it isn't really your lie, is it? It's really the lie of the hate site you cribbed it from.

The lie of the democratic party that you are spreading here is that Republicans wooed racists to their party, except that the racists stayed democrats. So either the GOP was incompetent, or that was never the strategy.

Now the STATED strategy was to woo CONSERVATIVE voters who had only stayed with the dims because of the racism of the dims - once neither party provided a racist platform, they were more at home with the GOP.

Since this is what actually happened, it's pretty clear what the strategy was - and that you are spreading a lie on behalf of your filthy party.

What are you talking about? What hate site? Do you think claiming something came from a hate site lends validity to your argument? Sorry but it only lowers your credibility even lower than it was before. Everything that proves you wrong is not a hate site. :lol:

What Is the Southern Strategy?

The Southern Strategy is the policy of the Republican Party in the United States to gain political support in the Southern section of the country. Politically, the concept generally uses themes traditionally supported by residents of the Southern states to win election in those locations. Since segregation continued well into the late 20th century in the region, the Republican Party officially attempted to utilize this wedge issue as a way of garnering support for their political faction in these states. In addition to the issue of segregation between white residents and African Americans, the party also utilized Southern values of religion, gun control and a distrust of counterculture to win votes.
The majority of black democrats don't even know why they vote democrat other than because they're black & someone, usually their parents...told them republicans are racist. That's really all there is to it, in most cases. Atleast that is my experience. Others like Asclepia's atleast have some curiosity and educate themselves on it, but they never(Im not saying Asclepias doesn't)question their sources & do cross referencing to see if what they were told is correct. They get told to be a democrat, then they go to democrat & liberal sources, those sources tell them republicans are racist, and bam! There you go, mind's closed. I doubt this is limited to black folks, Jews tend to be the same way. They treat politics like it's a family tradition instead of being objective about the issues of the day & which policies will actually benefit them. Liberal Talking points rule their decisions.
Even most white Democrat voters usually don't know why they're democrats other than "My dad was in the union, union supports democrats".

It happens with people who vote republican too, though on a much smalle scale.

That's because the republican voters tend to fall into a few different strains of conservatism. You have Paleocons, Tradcons, Libertarians, Neocons, Tea Party recently.

These groups only agree to a certain point & then split. Liberals are just that. Progresive, liberal, same thing. There is no serious disagreements in the Democrat Party, they're pretty uniform on the issues that matter.

That is why I predict you'll see a small but steady stream of blacks leaving the Dems...especially if they're church going blacks in the south.

I'd rather they become Libertarians because we could use the help & also because I believe that's where black folks would fit in the most today.

I've asked other Black people why they vote democrat and I hear the same reason all the time. "Republicans have some good ideas but they have too many racists." I'm registered Independent because I dont want someone thinking they have my vote in the bag.
Pretty much, Bush. Though some rich white liberals seem to think they're humanitarians for voting to keep us enslaved on the government tit plantation.

Why do I know more Caucasians on welfare than other "races"? Yes, I know a good number of people of different races, up to and including my brother in law*.

Career Army, now Civil Service, would have no clue how to apply for welfare. On the other hand, I remembered, my mother got some money once from "Navy Relief" when my father was out to sea, and the allotment check was late, or so I was told. I was an infant then. I guess that is why my parents weren't mouth breathing, backwoods, redneck peckerwoods....no wait, i just described all the white people on welfare. :lol:

You know more Caucasians on welfare because you're white, your family is white, and you have mostly white people that you interact with.

I know plenty of rednecks & none are racist, don't smear all rednecks like that. I know rednecks with money. They come from blue collar working class upbringings...that doesn't make them racist. There are racist rednecks....not all are.
The fact that 90% or more of one group defined by skin color voted one party mathematically illustrates that at least 45% do so in the name of skin color. That would make nearly half blatantly racist. And that is the mathematical, conservative estimate. Reality is more like 90% are racist. But culture doesn't compute mathematically.

Evidently you have no clue what a racist is even though you see one every time you look in the mirror.

You see one every time you look at Obama, but it doesn't seem to matter.
The majority of black democrats don't even know why they vote democrat other than because they're black & someone, usually their parents...told them republicans are racist. That's really all there is to it, in most cases. Atleast that is my experience. Others like Asclepia's atleast have some curiosity and educate themselves on it, but they never(Im not saying Asclepias doesn't)question their sources & do cross referencing to see if what they were told is correct. They get told to be a democrat, then they go to democrat & liberal sources, those sources tell them republicans are racist, and bam! There you go, mind's closed. I doubt this is limited to black folks, Jews tend to be the same way. They treat politics like it's a family tradition instead of being objective about the issues of the day & which policies will actually benefit them. Liberal Talking points rule their decisions.
Even most white Democrat voters usually don't know why they're democrats other than "My dad was in the union, union supports democrats".

It happens with people who vote republican too, though on a much smalle scale.

That's because the republican voters tend to fall into a few different strains of conservatism. You have Paleocons, Tradcons, Libertarians, Neocons, Tea Party recently.

These groups only agree to a certain point & then split. Liberals are just that. Progresive, liberal, same thing. There is no serious disagreements in the Democrat Party, they're pretty uniform on the issues that matter.

That is why I predict you'll see a small but steady stream of blacks leaving the Dems...especially if they're church going blacks in the south.

I'd rather they become Libertarians because we could use the help & also because I believe that's where black folks would fit in the most today.

I hope you are correct, LockeJaw, I really do. That, to me, would be a good sign; unlike you, I remember a lot of racism in my life. Behind closed doors, so called "educated" people using the N word just because they knew it disgusts me. My father told me about being on a ship in WWII that could have used more sailors, I asked why didn't 'they' send you some? The answer was obvious, the closest, available were not white. War at young age opened HIS mind. My father was a TRUMAN Democrat, I remain proud of him.
Then he's a racist, period.

No period. He is a racist registered Republican.

No cherry picking. Be honest. He's racist registered republican who donates to both parties, and democrats like his money just as well as registered democrat money.

I'm not cherry picking. He is a racist and he is a registered republican. He donates to both sides based on business practices and image. Of course he is a racist first but his choice of party is what proves my opinion that racists are much more attracted to the Rep. party.
Where are you from anyway? Maybe it's a regional reason why I don't find many folks of any color outside of the Internet that can give more than a few points on why they are democrats and they're all the same?
The majority of black democrats don't even know why they vote democrat other than because they're black & someone, usually their parents...told them republicans are racist. That's really all there is to it, in most cases. Atleast that is my experience. Others like Asclepia's atleast have some curiosity and educate themselves on it, but they never(Im not saying Asclepias doesn't)question their sources & do cross referencing to see if what they were told is correct. They get told to be a democrat, then they go to democrat & liberal sources, those sources tell them republicans are racist, and bam! There you go, mind's closed. I doubt this is limited to black folks, Jews tend to be the same way. They treat politics like it's a family tradition instead of being objective about the issues of the day & which policies will actually benefit them. Liberal Talking points rule their decisions.
Even most white Democrat voters usually don't know why they're democrats other than "My dad was in the union, union supports democrats".

It happens with people who vote republican too, though on a much smalle scale.

That's because the republican voters tend to fall into a few different strains of conservatism. You have Paleocons, Tradcons, Libertarians, Neocons, Tea Party recently.

These groups only agree to a certain point & then split. Liberals are just that. Progresive, liberal, same thing. There is no serious disagreements in the Democrat Party, they're pretty uniform on the issues that matter.

That is why I predict you'll see a small but steady stream of blacks leaving the Dems...especially if they're church going blacks in the south.

I'd rather they become Libertarians because we could use the help & also because I believe that's where black folks would fit in the most today.

I've asked other Black people why they vote democrat and I hear the same reason all the time. "Republicans have some good ideas but they have too many racists." I'm registered Independent because I dont want someone thinking they have my vote in the bag.
Bundy suggested black Americans with African heritage were better off as slaves.

No, he sure didn't.

Deen isn't a "major" anything.

Bullshit, she hosted a dinner for Barack and Michelle.

Phil Robertson is not a Democrat,

Of course he isn't - he isn't a racist.

Sterling supported Democrats AND Republicans because they had "influence", denigrated black athletes constantly.

Sterling is a typical dem - a racist puke.
The REPUBLICAN civil rights act? That isn't just racist, its insane.

LBJ: "I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for 200 years."

Yeah, let's talk about racism.

A few historians believe that much of LBJ's crude, disgusting talk, and there was a LOT of it, was more of an act to get elected in TEXAS. I find it interesting that you can find thousands of sites about LBJ's racism, but almost none about the Bush family, odd.:lol:

What's odd about that. The Bush family isn't racist. Al Gore's father was a racist and so was Bill Clinton's mentor.

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