Why Blacks Vote Democrat

Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?

There are maybe 5 percent of the voters who cannot secure an acceptable ID. But that is enough for Republicans to steal some elections
Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?
I'm black, Mark. And I don't know any black adults that don't have ID.
You think we're stupid or something? Too lazy? What is it?
Name the Red States with strong teachers unions

Want to talk about Wisconsin and Gov. Walker who took on the teacher union? Remember that? The teachers went to the capitol and trashed it. The Democrats ran out of State and hid. You call that good government? Oh, and then the democrats and their teachers union spent millions of taxpayer money on a recall that failed. Anything else?

Wisconsin has been a blue state in the last four election cycles. A republican governor tried to ruin their educational system

Now, name a Red State with strong teachers unions

He's still in office. Is their education system ruined?
Why do Black people accept the plantation mentality of the democrat party which claims that they aren't able to obtain a freaking photo I.D.?

Well here is one who doesn't & never will fall for their BS.

Being against voter ID laws is stupid, most black folks I talk to aren't swayed by it, they HAVE I.D.'s like every other adult & wonder what the issue is?

Just because you see black democrat activist groups on tv getting all hyped about it doesn't mean the average black voter really cares what they're saying.

My Caucasian (as far as I know, I do not research the bedroom activities lives of my of my ancestors.) mother had no photo ID, due to disability, had no problem voting. I am damn sure hyped up. In my area, one must go 30 miles to DMV and of course, shell out money to get Florida ID. A poll tax if the precinct does not have affidavits, and you have someone with you to sign it. (I had to go with someone I knew in 2002 to sign so he could vote, he had his license revoked, could not afford to pay speeding and parking tickets), didn't think he would need the "State ID". Its a long wait now to vote in my area of Florida, not enough money for luxuries like VOTING. Now, a birth certificate is required to renew a license or get the ID. I was a poll watcher in 2012, I am not buying the spin, I know when the precincts in "black areas" opened, saw only one that appeared upset when leaving, we have a good SOE. But, I learned of precincts without affidavits from other poll watchers.


He explains it at the 5 minute mark
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Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?

There are maybe 5 percent of the voters who cannot secure an acceptable ID. But that is enough for Republicans to steal some elections

You really believe that. If you want to talk about stealing elections, lets start with the IRS denying conservatives tax exemption for Tea Party groups. You don't want to talk about that because you don't really care about voter fraud. You just want to talk about the poor ignorant black people who aren't smart enough to get a photo ID. How insulting to black people. You should be ashamed of yourself. Racist.
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I agree, you'd have to be stupid to think of Zimmerman as white. Key word being "see".

And Peach, Did you mean Mestizo, not Nativo. By the way, his mom has Afro-Peruvian blood as well. He is mixed. He's not white, he's not Latino, he's not black....He is mixed.

Why is one an imbecile to see Zimmerman as white? His mother was from Peru, usually, mixed Spanish/Nativo. I am not baiting, I would like an honest answer.

Generally when there is a crime, is the Spanish speaking guy with Brown skin termed "white" by the party press?

Why do you think he was in this case?

I picture him as Caucasian, used Nativo, some I know in this area of the country do, they are native to Mexico. I can change that to Mestizo. But I meant to indicate a mix; I will not do a racial "analysis". Whatever his race, Zimmerman appears a danger, he had a past record, had another report of violence, which was withdrawn, and is not guilty of murder. He should have plenty of money, in my town collections were taken up to contribute to his legal expenses for months. And I live a long way from Seminole county. "Party press"? The Times Union, wherein he was refferred to as "white", is very conservative, but I will not conclude the newspaper is owned by the republican party.:D
Should blacks start another party that addresses our positions?

That's weird...I actually almost proposed the same thing on this thread today.

I don't know about starting an actual 3rd party, but we should stop voting in lockstep for the Democrats. I personally think we should go to the Libertarian Party, it's got the best platform for us at this point in time.
Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

There are maybe 5 percent of the voters who cannot secure an acceptable ID. But that is enough for Republicans to steal some elections

You really believe that. If you want to talk about stealing elections, lets start with the IRS denying conservatives tax exemption for Tea Party groups. You don't want to talk about that because you don't really care about voter fraud. You just want to talk about the poor ignorant black people who aren't smart enough to get a photo ID. How insulting to black people. You should be ashamed of yourself. Racist.

No TeaParty groups were denied tax exemptions

Try again
Mestizo means mixed Spanish & Indian. Zimmerman doesn't look white at all.

And LOL @ he's dangerous. Maybe now that he is scared the black panthers age going to get him he is, his prior record wasn't shit!

You mean to tell me you worked in a prison with murderers & real criminals, and you think Zimmerman is a scarey guy? I'm sorry, I just have to laugh at that!
I agree, you'd have to be stupid to think of Zimmerman as white. Key word being "see".

And Peach, Did you mean Mestizo, not Nativo. By the way, his mom has Afro-Peruvian blood as well. He is mixed. He's not white, he's not Latino, he's not black....He is mixed.

Generally when there is a crime, is the Spanish speaking guy with Brown skin termed "white" by the party press?

Why do you think he was in this case?

I picture him as Caucasian, used Nativo, some I know in this area of the country do, they are native to Mexico. I can change that to Mestizo. But I meant to indicate a mix; I will not do a racial "analysis". Whatever his race, Zimmerman appears a danger, he had a past record, had another report of violence, which was withdrawn, and is not guilty of murder. He should have plenty of money, in my town collections were taken up to contribute to his legal expenses for months. And I live a long way from Seminole county. "Party press"? The Times Union, wherein he was refferred to as "white", is very conservative, but I will not conclude the newspaper is owned by the republican party.:D
There are maybe 5 percent of the voters who cannot secure an acceptable ID. But that is enough for Republicans to steal some elections

You really believe that. If you want to talk about stealing elections, lets start with the IRS denying conservatives tax exemption for Tea Party groups. You don't want to talk about that because you don't really care about voter fraud. You just want to talk about the poor ignorant black people who aren't smart enough to get a photo ID. How insulting to black people. You should be ashamed of yourself. Racist.

No TeaParty groups were denied tax exemptions

Try again

That's a lie. You shouldn't be here if you're not informed. You just muddy the waters.
yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?

i cannot get private messages. Yes, I am crazy to think each precinct should have affidavits required by law, not require ID which costs $60.00, not require every voter to be fingerprinted, and accommodate the disabled and poor. Turnouts gets lower & lower here, just like Cantor's district.......wonder who benefits from low turnout? Must be the "illegals", they can talk to the police guarding precincts and take hours to vote.........

Seriously, "let anyone vote" was the mantra 60 years ago, and it has returned. The great unwashed are discouraged from voting. :(
Right to work does not mean NO unions. It means that they cannot make a business a union-only shop. That's it. There are teachers unions here in AZ, we are a right to work state.
Changing voter ID laws (some every year) are obvious attempts to keep people from voting.

....No one sincerely thinks anything else
people who have voted for years suddenly are asked to buy an ID from the government for the right they already had..

..that's Klan stuff

yes it is a right...for people allowed to vote. You're crazy if you think we should just let anyone vote just because they're here. How are we supposed to make sure they're legally allowed to vote w/o I.D.?

Legally allowed to exercise constitutional rights; sure thing. But cutting SOE budgets are also a part of the picture. 12% turnout in Virginia two days ago! Ridiculous, they need to have physical fitness tests too; we need them in my area of Florida, not much parking in some very rural precincts I have seen. Some residents may need to hike miles, with varying degrees of handicap access, the disabled may need to be carried.
You really believe that. If you want to talk about stealing elections, lets start with the IRS denying conservatives tax exemption for Tea Party groups. You don't want to talk about that because you don't really care about voter fraud. You just want to talk about the poor ignorant black people who aren't smart enough to get a photo ID. How insulting to black people. You should be ashamed of yourself. Racist.

No TeaParty groups were denied tax exemptions

Try again

That's a lie. You shouldn't be here if you're not informed. You just muddy the waters.

No TeaParty groups were denied an exemption

Why don't you prove me wrong?

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