Why Bush and Cheney are lying idiots.

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no1tovote4 said:
He was asserting that most people on this thread have attacked him personally rather than respond to his posts or taken part in definition 1.

However this itself was a logical phallacy as I read through this and many people responded to the post with salient argument. Instead of answering most of the argument he often would pass up the points made to complain about a different Ad Hominem attack that was made.

I was pointing out that whining about somebody's Ad Hominem attack while ignoring salient points made was also a logical phallacy, actually Ad Hominem to answer Ad Hominem while ignoring other salient points made. I renamed it Whining because it is a clearer definition of what he was doing.

Oh I agree. Do you mean fallacy, rather than phallacy? After reading through a couple times, I know you did. At first, for obvious reasons, I thought you were calling him on being 'macho.' Then I realized not.
Kathianne said:
Oh I agree. Do you mean fallacy, rather than phallacy? After reading through a couple times, I know you did. At first, for obvious reasons, I thought you were calling him on being 'macho.' Then I realized not.

Of course I did, but I like the picture that Phallacy gives me better than fallacy. It made me laugh while I typed it.

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Actually I just misspelled the word. I guess I am tired and need to go to bed. I hate it when I misspell!
no1tovote4 said:
Of course I did, but I like the picture that Phallacy gives me better than fallacy. It made me laugh while I typed it.

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Actually I just misspelled the word. I guess I am tired and need to go to bed. I hate it when I misspell!

LOL I misspell all the time, no harm done. Just wanted to know if I should look for a ***** or a knife or is that nife?
Kathianne said:
LOL I misspell all the time, no harm done. Just wanted to know if I should look for a ***** or a knife or is that nife?


Please! :bow3:

No knifes need to be involved when speaking of phallacies!
Kathianne said:
LOL I misspell all the time, no harm done. Just wanted to know if I should look for a ***** or a knife or is that nife?

Gee Kathianne . . . when I first saw the 5 asteriskes I thought you ment d**k and had put too many of them . I then thought about it awhile and realized that you were talking about a word with a ph in it so I then thought it was about the word ph***c , but you didn't have enough asteriskes . I became really confused and then figured you meant p***s . Could you explain yourself further , I just don't know what to think . :duh3: :wtf: :D
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

sitarro said:
Gee Kathianne . . . when I first saw the 5 asteriskes I thought you ment d**k and had put too many of them . I then thought about it awhile and realized that you were talking about a word with a ph in it so I then thought it was about the word ph***c , but you didn't have enough asteriskes . I became really confused and then figured you meant p***s . Could you explain yourself further , I just don't know what to think . :duh3: :wtf: :D
no1tovote4 said:
Okay, look into whining as a logical phallacy. If you feel that one part of what somebody says is Ad Hominem you can "reject" all the other salient points of the argument and say they attacked you. That is whining and is just as much a logical phallacy as Ad Hominem itself.

I have read through much of the thread and there are points made that you have not responded to but have passed by to point out an Ad Hominem. Ignore the Ad Hominem attacks and give us your points. Always remember this is just a message board and if you have come for discussion you can always discuss rather than take part in the antics and Ad Hominem of others rather than using whining as part of your argument.

I responded to all salient points. Last I checked, people started calling me names at about page 9 and said I would stop worrying about this stuff when I actually started paying my own way through life. I am in no way offended. Its when people resort to mudslinging that you know that they don't have any real arguments to make anymore. I've made every effort to respond to real argument, but if you bring these salient points to my attention, I will be happy to address them.
oxbow3 said:
I responded to all salient points. Last I checked, people started calling me names at about page 9 and said I would stop worrying about this stuff when I actually started paying my own way through life. I am in no way offended. Its when people resort to mudslinging that you know that they don't have any real arguments to make anymore. I've made every effort to respond to real argument, but if you bring these salient points to my attention, I will be happy to address them.

Gee kid ,
Would you say that the title of this thread would qualify as mudslinging? People like that asswipe Dfresh ask for it with his assinine statements , you ask for it with your naive views . You two need to get a room . You clowns can throw out the crap but somehow you have a problem when it's thrown back . I am bored with twerps that can't form their own opinion badmouthing my President . If you can't come up with truely constructive criticism . . . go screw yourself .

Oh and please don't kick my ass , I'm old and feeble . :bangheads
sitarro said:
Gee kid ,
Would you say that the title of this thread would qualify as mudslinging? People like that asswipe Dfresh ask for it with his assinine statements , you ask for it with your naive views . You two need to get a room . You clowns can throw out the crap but somehow you have a problem when it's thrown back . I am bored with twerps that can't form their own opinion badmouthing my President . If you can't come up with truely constructive criticism . . . go screw yourself .

Oh and please don't kick my ass , I'm old and feeble . :bangheads
Where is your argument? Should we run thread titles by you before posting them? Just in case it somehow attacks you're beloved president? Where is the debate if we all have the same opinions? Maybee Dfresh isn't the greatest debater, but from what I've seen of oxbow3, you just can't counter his arguments. Stop it right there, you're making a fool of yourself, I say that with the uppermost respect.
j07950 said:
Where is your argument? Should we run thread titles by you before posting them? Just in case it somehow attacks you're beloved president? Where is the debate if we all have the same opinions? Maybee Dfresh isn't the greatest debater, but from what I've seen of oxbow3, you just can't counter his arguments. Stop it right there, you're making a fool of yourself, I say that with the uppermost respect.
Oxbow can certainly provide a well documented presentation but he's been effectively responded to several times if you read the thread----the title of the thread was merely to inflame anyway.
dilloduck said:
Oxbow can certainly provide a well documented presentation but he's been effectively responded to several times if you read the thread----the title of the thread was merely to inflame anyway.
Hey nice to talk to you again. Yeah I'm not saying he was never responded to well, just that as a whole he clearly wins I think. You guys are always asking for facts and proof and all, he's clearly provided it...you're not going to change the rules about what good posts are now are you?
j07950 said:
Hey nice to talk to you again. Yeah I'm not saying he was never responded to well, just that as a whole he clearly wins I think. You guys are always asking for facts and proof and all, he's clearly provided it...you're not going to change the rules about what good posts are now are you?

I'm not changing any rules---I'm not in charge of anything.
j07950 said:
Hey nice to talk to you again. Yeah I'm not saying he was never responded to well, just that as a whole he clearly wins I think. You guys are always asking for facts and proof and all, he's clearly provided it...you're not going to change the rules about what good posts are now are you?

Repeating the same statement after it was responded to is not effective argument. The responses were effective because they clearly showed evidence to the contrary. Saying that he won the evidence battle is simply incorrect. Salient argument was made, evidence was put forward when matched after reading through the thread the more effective argument was made on the opposing side.
no1tovote4 said:
Repeating the same statement after it was responded to is not effective argument. The responses were effective because they clearly showed evidence to the contrary. Saying that he won the evidence battle is simply incorrect. Salient argument was made, evidence was put forward when matched after reading through the thread the more effective argument was made on the opposing side.
Yup if you say so...ain't about to contradict you, that would be wrong right? ;-)
j07950 said:
Yup if you say so...ain't about to contradict you, that would be wrong right? ;-)

No, it wouldn't. Mine was an opinion that I used previous postings as evidence of. Contradicting my opinion is fine. However saying he came up with better facts when each of his assertions was debated with more facts to the contrary isn't an opinion. Later reasserting the same opinion already refuted by facts isn't winning an argument, it is simply restating a position that was already lost.

You can be wrong repeatedly and it still doesn't make one right or the winner in a debate. You can even be more elequent in a debate and still be wrong especially when only reasserting a position that was already refuted.
no1tovote4 said:
No, it wouldn't. Mine was an opinion that I used previous postings as evidence of. Contradicting my opinion is fine. However saying he came up with better facts when each of his assertions was debated with more facts to the contrary isn't an opinion. Later reasserting the same opinion already refuted by facts isn't winning an argument, it is simply restating a position that was already lost.

You can be wrong repeatedly and it still doesn't make one right or the winner in a debate. You can even be more elequent in a debate and still be wrong especially when only reasserting a position that was already refuted.

LOL and any "wins" here are merely a state of mind---how many times do you see anyone say "damn, you're right and I was wrong. "? There's always a new attempt defend one's position be it soon or later.
dilloduck said:
LOL and any "wins" here are merely a state of mind---how many times do you see anyone say "damn, you're right and I was wrong. "? There's always a new attempt defend one's position be it soon or later.

LOL it's the circle of life!!!
dilloduck said:
LOL and any "wins" here are merely a state of mind---how many times do you see anyone say "damn, you're right and I was wrong. "? There's always a new attempt defend one's position be it soon or later.

It is also difficult to "win" when it is opinion that you are arguing. There are facts to back up nearly any opinion. A win in this case would be both people learning more about the opposing opinion and either changing their opinion or finding new and better ways to argue and back up their own.
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