Why buying health care across state lines is a terrible, terrible idea.

Your proposal would result in no requirements whatsoever.

you mean except that consumers will "require" the best possible coverage for their premium dollars, just as they will require the best quality for an auto they buy.

A liberal simply lacks the IQ to understand capitalism. What other conclusion is possible.
The government has retired folk sign up for Medicare part D coverage every year. Why? because their needs may have changed or a cheaper plan has come to light. Others switch auto insurance when they get a policy increase. More choices means better rates in general. Having said that, many choose a cheap plan that doesn't really fit their needs.
So rdean is only going to buy products made in his state huh? Good luck with that.

not a bad idea for all products if you dont mind very low quality and very high prices. Look what international competition did for cars and everything else. Free trade makes us rich, not poor
Why buying health care across state lines is a terrible, terrible idea.

I'm watching Morning Joe and their guest was going on about how being able to purchase health care across state lines is the "answer" to America's health care problems. And Meeka, bless her little dark roots, was cheering him on with "I don't know why that isn't an option". A normal response from her until things are explained and sometimes even after.

Republicans and HC Companies would LOVE being able to sell across state lines.

Imagine, you live in California, but you buy your health care in New York. You need an operation so they cut your policy. Who do you go to for help? It's not likely that you would hire a lawyer, after all, you went to New York to save money. You would have to find a lawyer in New York. See?

Imagine you were one of a thousand people in California living next to a company and all of you got sick from some kind of contamination. Your HC company in New York told the state of California, "You let them get sick, you take care of them". Once again, you would end up with no health care.

Look at what HC companies do now and it's not even across state lines. Until Obama, they could drop you for having a mammogram. Or use an allergy as a "pre existing condition" to cut off your policy if you got sick. Or cut off your entire family if your son had an appendectomy.

If you are going to start selling health care across state lines, you might as well just get rid of ALL laws and make this a country of "every man for himself". No speed laws. No regulations for food or car safety. Just give everyone a gun. That'll fix things. Republicans say that's what they want. But when faced with reality, they usually start crying a different tune.

Imagine if you were Ted Kennedy. You live in Massachusetts, you work in Washington DC, but you travel to North Carolina to buy health care for your brain tumor (Duke University).
People already travel across state lines to buy health care, including democrats. It happens everyday. It has been happening for generations.
Are you opposed to people traveling across state lines to buy health care?
Should Duke University in North Carolina prevent people from the other 49 states from buying health care at their hospital?
Should Stanford University in California prevent people from the other 49 states from buying health care at their hospital?
Why buying health care across state lines is a terrible, terrible idea.

I'm watching Morning Joe and their guest was going on about how being able to purchase health care across state lines is the "answer" to America's health care problems. And Meeka, bless her little dark roots, was cheering him on with "I don't know why that isn't an option". A normal response from her until things are explained and sometimes even after.

Republicans and HC Companies would LOVE being able to sell across state lines.

Imagine, you live in California, but you buy your health care in New York. You need an operation so they cut your policy. Who do you go to for help? It's not likely that you would hire a lawyer, after all, you went to New York to save money. You would have to find a lawyer in New York. See?

Imagine you were one of a thousand people in California living next to a company and all of you got sick from some kind of contamination. Your HC company in New York told the state of California, "You let them get sick, you take care of them". Once again, you would end up with no health care.

Look at what HC companies do now and it's not even across state lines. Until Obama, they could drop you for having a mammogram. Or use an allergy as a "pre existing condition" to cut off your policy if you got sick. Or cut off your entire family if your son had an appendectomy.

If you are going to start selling health care across state lines, you might as well just get rid of ALL laws and make this a country of "every man for himself". No speed laws. No regulations for food or car safety. Just give everyone a gun. That'll fix things. Republicans say that's what they want. But when faced with reality, they usually start crying a different tune.

Imagine if you were Ted Kennedy. You live in Massachusetts, you work in Washington DC, but you travel to North Carolina to buy health care for your brain tumor (Duke University).
People already travel across state lines to buy health care, including democrats. It happens everyday. It has been happening for generations.
Are you opposed to people traveling across state lines to buy health care?
Should Duke University in North Carolina prevent people from the other 49 states from buying health care at their hospital?
Should Stanford University in California prevent people from the other 49 states from buying health care at their hospital?

Rdean thinks only rich people should be allowed to get things across state lines.
Why should everyone be forced to succumb to your idea of minimum "requirements"? I certainly wouldn't think of standing in your way should you want to purchase insurance that exceeded my idea of maximum "requirements". Can't you just mind your own business?

Why should people not be able to make rules governing behavior? That's the entire basis of civilization. Your proposal would result in no requirements whatsoever. Why should the narrow interest of de facto slave state dictate policy to 300 million plus Americans?

That's exactly what the obama healthcare "plan" does. It represents a very narrow interest that wants to go way beyond just dictating policy. It seeks to control every aspect of healthcare in this country. So, why should your narrow interest trump someone else's?

A bill that passed by the majority of the people's elected representatives in one chamber, a super-majority of them in another, and signed by a president who was elected in a landslide is a "very narrow interest"? Would it have needed 100% of the vote for you to consider it legitimate?
That's not the problem with selling across state lines. The problem with selling across state lines is that without federal coverage standards, the result is that every insurance company will move to the state with the most lax requirements. Even realize that most credit card offers come from South Dakota? Same principle. Even better for the Republican proposal, they want to define territories as states for purchase of health insurance purposes. Hope you enjoy the consumer protections of the Northern Mariana Islands.

Of course that will happen, because no one in this country actually wants a policy that covers all the bells and whistles you are demanding.

Either that, or you are a fool.

It doesn't matter what people want. What matters is what is more profitable for health insurers. Do you think people really want all the shit in their credit card agreements?
I'm really glad you guys have magical boxes to see in to the future and know which illnesses you're going to contract. Sadly, most people don't have the clairvoyance you all seem to manifest.

I am really sad, but not surprised, you think insurance is supposed to prevent illness.

I never said that, but I'm not at all shocked that you'd lie.
The problem with selling across state lines is that without federal coverage standards, the result is that every insurance company will move to the state with the most lax requirements.

again, liberal and too stupid for words. If one company has lax standards they will encourage competition from companies with higher standards. We buy Japanese cars because they have higher standards for reliability regardless of what state or federal standards are.

A liberal is someone who simply lacks the IQ to understand capitalism. Sorry

Back in the real world, companies aren't out to make you happy. They do what is most profitable.
Of course, NEVER give ANYONE the FREEDOM to buy WHAT they want, WHEN they want.... or *WHERE* they want... we just CAN'T HAVE THAT. I may as well NEVER shop off ebay or Amazon.com EVER AGAIN!


It's called "COMPETITION" deanbag... get it? If insurance companies know that you'll buy insurance from SOMEONE ELSE if they continually DROP people, then they're not going to be in BUSINESS much longer. Sheeeeezuz... "FREE MARKET."

WHY do you liberal ZEALOTS *HATE* freedom so much?

If you are going to start selling health care across state lines, you might as well just get rid of ALL laws and make this a country of "every man for himself". No speed laws. No regulations for food or car safety. Just give everyone a gun. That'll fix things. Republicans say that's what they want. But when faced with reality, they usually start crying a different tune.
And ain't that funny, that's damn close to how this country was founded and became the greatest nation on earth, and here you are bitching about it because those "rugged individuals" gave you the right to whine your pathetic little face off.

And don't bother "giving me a gun." I've already got PLENTY.

Selling insurance across state lines changes absolutely nothing. You see, the end costs are the same whether the insurance originates in that state or on the other side of the country. An insurance company in Mississippi cannot charge someone in California or New York the same rates they charge in Mississippi because the cost of doing business is much higher in New York and California. Now Rdean does make a very good point. If they did sell across state lines, it's much more difficult to deal with them if they are out of state. Patients constantly find themselves in fights with their insurance company concerning coverage of one thing or another. Trying to deal with a company on the other side of the country would be much more difficult.

The idea sounds great, but in practice, it would not make much difference in price, but it would almost certainly lead to many more headaches for everyone involved.

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