Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration. Families are stabilizing elements in a society and having family members there to support an immigrant through the transition to American life is a good thing.

I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.

Wall schmall - I support increasing border security.

Do you have a whole bunch of family members that you want to bring in from another country?

No, and even if I did - I couldn't. It simply doesn't work that way.

It is that way for the dreamers if DACA passes without that part taken out.
The Dems are standing on hard line for it.

So change it for just the Dreamers or - hell, give in and if their parents have been law abiding let them get legal residency. It's not hurting us. Spend the money on increasing security at the border and more important - spend the energy on fixing an antiquated cumbersome lengthy immigration system.

We brought in a whole bunch of M-13 gang members through Obamas DACA Executive order.
While they were taking pictures of these kids, they were making M-13 gang hand signs.
So yes it does harm us.

Do you have a whole bunch of family members that you want to bring in from another country?

No, and even if I did - I couldn't. It simply doesn't work that way.

It is that way for the dreamers if DACA passes without that part taken out.
The Dems are standing on hard line for it.

So change it for just the Dreamers or - hell, give in and if their parents have been law abiding let them get legal residency. It's not hurting us. Spend the money on increasing security at the border and more important - spend the energy on fixing an antiquated cumbersome lengthy immigration system.

We brought in a whole bunch of M-13 gang members through Obamas DACA Executive order.
While they were taking pictures of these kids, they were making M-13 gang hand signs.
So yes it does harm us.


Thank you :)
However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Tell them to have their parents explain the crime.

Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

No, I brought you here for a better life and American citizenship for my grandchildren as soon as you drop one on this side of the border.
Tell them to have their parents explain the crime.

Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?
I cant believe democrats are so demoralized they need the votes of illegals to win elections. If not for their votes they could care less about them

1960 Dems lost a squeaker of a Presidential election to Nixon. They realized then that they had to come up with some votes for the future... After JFK's assassination it was imperative to come up with more votes... LBJ's legacy of Social Justice...

Uh, Nixon LOST in 1960.

uhh uhh ... Can I blame it on being really drunk at the time?... I am going to blame my error on subconscious maleficence...
I cant believe democrats are so demoralized they need the votes of illegals to win elections. If not for their votes they could care less about them

1960 Dems lost a squeaker of a Presidential election to Nixon. They realized then that they had to come up with some votes for the future... After JFK's assassination it was imperative to come up with more votes... LBJ's legacy of Social Justice...

Uh, Nixon LOST in 1960.

uhh uhh ... Can I blame it on being really drunk at the time?... I am going to blame my error on subconscious maleficence...

I really am embarrassed by this mistake... I was in first grade and the presidential election was my first political experience... My family was ex-military, conservative types and so I was just going with what I had learned at home... My man was Dick Nixon... This was the beginning of the end for me as there was this beautiful tow headed little girl that persuaded me to cast my ballot of JFK for her future considerations... I am 63 years old and women will be the death of me, but they will never be able to buy my vote for their Baubles...
No citizenship. Ever. They are permanently banned from citizenship, by any means.

The bad behavior of their shithole parents CANNOT be rewarded.

Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

The left has lied about the numbers. Also, they have no idea when some were bought here. Some asking for amnesty are in their 40s and yet still don't speak English.

Why haven't some, who have claimed to have lived here for decades, done anything on their own to become a legal immigrant?

The left claims the "dreamers" are Americans yet so many speak no English and many continue to march in protest and wave the flag of Mexico. Seems to me they'd be quite comfortable in their home countries since they speak the language and show loyalty to the flags of other countries. Or will the left claim that some other countries really are shitholes and that it would be wrong to send people there?

Mexico doesn't want it's own citizens back. Pretty telling. They want them to stay here and continue sending billions back to Mexico.

How is it good for the U.S. to have people enter illegally, get benefits, work and send billions out of the country? It's not good for us and yet that is the first question we should ask when deciding whether anyone is allowed to immigrate here. We should not have open borders. We should not have unlimited migration. We should not allow any illegal immigration.

Every time amnesty is talked about, it does nothing but encourage millions more to enter illegally.
“Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?”

Because Congress is controlled by Republicans with an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion; and many are simply bigots and racists.

They incorrectly believe that if we ‘go easy’ on DACA participants it will act as an ‘incentive’ for more black and brown people to come to the US – can’t have that.

Now, if all the DACA participants were from Norway, a bill would easily sail through Congress.
However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Tell them to have their parents explain the crime.

Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

No, I brought you here for a better life and American citizenship for my grandchildren as soon as you drop one on this side of the border.

That is true for all immigrants
Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay
But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.
Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Because amnesty in any form is a loosing issue.
The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar

Come here to work so they can live good in Mexico. They are only here because they don’t have food stamps in Mexico. Say, please school is and point to one wet back who has invented anything? The criteria is, it can not include spray paint, dick tape or gorilla glue. Bet you can’t.
But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

Why should we provide them with jobs?
The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar
You mean they come here to take Americn jobs. Let them find a job in their own country.
The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.

That is the overwhelming reason for crossing the border

The world looks at them as refugees.......Republicans look at them as criminals

Why are they refugees? Because they are uneducated and unskilled to compete for jobs in Mexico?

Isn't that the way it is with all immigrants?
If there were better jobs available at home, they would stay

There are better jobs at home, but they would rather be a ward of the state in the US.

Actually, the overwhelming majority come here to work

Unlike conservative depictions of them being murderers, rapists and drug dealers....most are hard workers trying to live under the radar

They are criminals. They snuck into our country ILLEGALLY!
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!
The wall is a useless horribly unamerican thing... All we need is a social security ID card with maybe Medical on it too that can't be faked, that the GOP has been blocking forever because it's a conspiracy LOL... Greedy assholes and their silly dupes... And worse than ever.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Vote for something that costs three times more than it should. Great.

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