Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

Criminals is the wrong word to use for these immigrants as a group. If that's the case, please notice that there are a lot of people around where I live that run red lights and stop signs and they, too, are criminals.
They pay a fine if they are caught doing that, and they are citizens. Illegals are not citizens.
I am not convinced on the pathway to citizenship issue. Why is it necessary?

I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration. Families are stabilizing elements in a society and having family members there to support an immigrant through the transition to American life is a good thing.

I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.

Wall schmall - I support increasing border security.

Can you answer my question re: the necessity factor?

It isn't necessary but I think it's a good thing. They didn't choose to come here and for many of them this is the only country they know. They are as American as you or I, they just lack the paperwork. So why not - what is so bad about it?

And, if we're going to bring up the long waits for LEGAL migration - why does it take so long? Shouldn't we look at ways of opening up that bottleneck instead?

How many more roofing crews do we need in America?

The houses on either side of me today were having their roofs replaced due to a hailstorm. There were about 6-7 crewmembers on each house. I spent a good deal of time outside walking my dogs and not a single word or English was heard the entire day!
I am not convinced on the pathway to citizenship issue. Why is it necessary?

I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration. Families are stabilizing elements in a society and having family members there to support an immigrant through the transition to American life is a good thing.

I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.

Wall schmall - I support increasing border security.
Adjustments avoid hard decisions. Trump makes hard decisions. That's why he's president and she isn't.

He doesn't make hard decisions. He makes stupid ones based on his feelings of the moment.

He does just like you do!
I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.
Fuck lottery. Merit-based ONLY. Immigration should be used to improve America and for no other reason.

Who do you think comes in via the lottery? A one in a million chance at a better life: will the US green card lottery survive?

If it was strictly merit you'd be seeing a lot of Indians and Chinese coming in and then you'd be screaming about the end of the white race in America.

My pastor is Cuban, one of my doctors is 1st generation American from Korea, and my former pastor is Korean. One of my Mom's eye doctors was Pakistani. I had a fellow teacher from Australia and knew several from Columbia.

The crews roofing houses next door on both sides are Mexicans and probably illegals. A good number of ex-cons I encountered in the parole offices were Hispanic.

Which group adds more value to America?
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child?

There has to be consequence, otherwise there is nothing to deter future illegal crossings.

One thing is for sure, the border needs to secured...yesterday.

As a former teacher, I can assure you that just about every child of an illegal alien speaks Spanish fluently. Otherwise, you nailed my feelings personally.
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child?

There has to be consequence, otherwise there is nothing to deter future illegal crossings.

One thing is for sure, the border needs to secured...yesterday.

You don't punish innocent people to act as a deterence.

Yeah, you do! It prevents other illegal immigrants from bringing their kids here!
No citizenship. Ever. They are permanently banned from citizenship, by any means.

The bad behavior of their shithole parents CANNOT be rewarded.

Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

So punish the kids for the actions of their parents.

The kids, some as old as 36, aren't citizens.
They aren't here legally.
They should return to their country of origin.

A country they have no memory of. You are still punishing them for actions their parents took when they were children.

Their parents should have thought of that!
...I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration...
Others ARE convinced, and they hold the political power to enforce their (and the American People's) will...

Chain migration and the immigration lottery are headed for the trashcan...
I didn't move any goal posts, you neglected to read my preceding posts that clarified what chain migration is and who they can sponsor. Immediate family can usually get a VISA through this means fairly easily. For extended family members it can much longer - 20 years is not uncommon.

You realize that if you bring your sister in, she has a family too, so the brother-in-law is now eligible. Then he helps a sister-in-law and now half of Mexico can get in.

Well if it takes 20 years for each of them to get in then it's not going to add up to a lot fast and - legal immigration takes a long time. In fact shouldn't we focus our energy on fixing that bottleneck?

Where did you dig up this 20 year BS?

My pastor has been in the US for a little over 5 years. He is a US citizen now. He has been married for 3 years. His wife is completing her citizenship paperwork now. Those are the limits, by the way!

So knock off the lies!
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!
It’s not what the democrats want. Never will
...I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration...
Others ARE convinced, and they hold the political power to enforce their (and the American People's) will...

Chain migration and the immigration lottery are headed for the trashcan...

Not sure all that is the "will of the people": What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say
November 8, 2016

You seem to be under the impression that we elected a dictator.
I didn't move any goal posts, you neglected to read my preceding posts that clarified what chain migration is and who they can sponsor. Immediate family can usually get a VISA through this means fairly easily. For extended family members it can much longer - 20 years is not uncommon.

You realize that if you bring your sister in, she has a family too, so the brother-in-law is now eligible. Then he helps a sister-in-law and now half of Mexico can get in.

Well if it takes 20 years for each of them to get in then it's not going to add up to a lot fast and - legal immigration takes a long time. In fact shouldn't we focus our energy on fixing that bottleneck?

Where did you dig up this 20 year BS?

My pastor has been in the US for a little over 5 years. He is a US citizen now. He has been married for 3 years. His wife is completing her citizenship paperwork now. Those are the limits, by the way!

So knock off the lies!

I already linked to it earlier in this thread.
...I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration...
Others ARE convinced, and they hold the political power to enforce their (and the American People's) will...

Chain migration and the immigration lottery are headed for the trashcan...

Not sure all that is the "will of the people": What The Latest Immigration Polls Do (And Don't) Say
November 8, 2016

You seem to be under the impression that we elected a dictator.

I am under the impression that the Republicans gained control of the White House, Senate, House and Supreme Court, in very large part, because the Democrats were seen as standing alongside Illegal Aliens rather than their own fellow countrymen...

The same reason applies to why the Democrats blinked over the January 2018 shutdown...
I cant believe democrats are so demoralized they need the votes of illegals to win elections. If not for their votes they could care less about them

1960 Dems lost a squeaker of a Presidential election to Nixon. They realized then that they had to come up with some votes for the future... After JFK's assassination it was imperative to come up with more votes... LBJ's legacy of Social Justice...

Uh, Nixon LOST in 1960.
I didn't move any goal posts, you neglected to read my preceding posts that clarified what chain migration is and who they can sponsor. Immediate family can usually get a VISA through this means fairly easily. For extended family members it can much longer - 20 years is not uncommon.

You realize that if you bring your sister in, she has a family too, so the brother-in-law is now eligible. Then he helps a sister-in-law and now half of Mexico can get in.

Well if it takes 20 years for each of them to get in then it's not going to add up to a lot fast and - legal immigration takes a long time. In fact shouldn't we focus our energy on fixing that bottleneck?

Where did you dig up this 20 year BS?

My pastor has been in the US for a little over 5 years. He is a US citizen now. He has been married for 3 years. His wife is completing her citizenship paperwork now. Those are the limits, by the way!

So knock off the lies!

I already linked to it earlier in this thread.

So why are you still lying about citizenship?

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