Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.

What's wrong with dual citizenship?

He feels it would be a lie. He cannot reconcile dual citizenship with the oath itself. Other people do it. Both of his parents (US Citizens now) hold other citizenship (mom Canada, dad both Canada and UK).

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;

This is the part he does not want to swear in oath. He does not want to vote in our elections bad enough to swear that oath knowing that he may retire in Canada when I'm gone.

Thank you for answering both of my questions.
This gives people more perspectives on different reasons as to why some don't want to become citizens. :)
I admire your husbands loyalty to his country.

You're welcome.

It's not loyalty to Canada, really. He hasnt lived there since he was 6 years old. It is more like a lack of loyalty to the US (or any country, really).

His family hold multiple citizenships to 4 countries. They were not raised to be patriotic and they didn't teach their children that either. They are of the mind that it is easy to just move to another country, and it seems to have proven true for them at least.

He does not know the future and he has good options without having to lie an oath. He looked into citizenship when he became an adult but there was that line in the oath that made him uncomfortable/unsure. There was no downside to remaining an alien. He would not lose anything by not naturalizing. There is no punishment and it is not a hardship in any way. Every now and then, he has to show his green card. Every 10 years, he has to renew it.

He may stay here until he dies. He may move to Canada when I pass (I'm older than him by 14 years). He doesn't know and doesn't give it much thought. It he was from a less similar country, he would renounce with no problem, having no desire to move to a truly foreign culture. It isn't that he is a patriotic Canadian. It is that he isn't a liar (according to him ... I've caught him in a couple over the years!)
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child?

There has to be consequence, otherwise there is nothing to deter future illegal crossings.

One thing is for sure, the border needs to secured...yesterday.
I agree except the kid usually does speak Spanish because because that is what his parents speak at home. The kid probably sucks at reading and writing in Spanish because he learned to do that in English going to public school.
I'm actually torn on this subject, after having thought about it. I know the right thing to do is to follow the law, as we have to make the law mean something. If we don't, then people will trample it all day every day.

However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Imagine The horror that child will experience when he arrives at his new school, not speaking any Spanish, not knowing any of the customs and traditions, and not knowing a single person.

I have to agree that, for the child, it would not be fair.

Herein lies the crux of the dilemma. How do you enforce our laws without severely damaging a child? ....

Disingenuous, as only a small subset of 'dreamers' fit that description.
I am not convinced on the pathway to citizenship issue. Why is it necessary?

I'm not convinced on the end to chain migration. Families are stabilizing elements in a society and having family members there to support an immigrant through the transition to American life is a good thing.

I'm not convinced we need to end the lottery. How about we quit talking about END to something and readjust proportions - increase merit based, decrease lottery.

Wall schmall - I support increasing border security.
Adjustments avoid hard decisions. Trump makes hard decisions. That's why he's president and she isn't.

He doesn't make hard decisions. He makes stupid ones based on his feelings of the moment.
Yeah...like I've decided to be the next president. And I've decided to get in the world's face and tell them America comes first...the days of wanting to be loved are over.

It doesn't exactly work that easily. Beyond immediate family (spouse and minor children) - it can take years to get a visa for other family members, so the impression you are giving that they bring in dozens and hundreds of remote relatives as soon as they get their green card is false.

If there are a million of them and they each average one person and those people invite a person, it adds up pretty fast.
Right now the Dreamer movement wants total amnesty for millions of undocumented Democrats.....which is all part of the plan....slowly wearing down the opposition.
CA just passed a law that makes it legal for everyone to vote in the next election, despite the fact that they've been swearing up and down this would never happen.
Many of them voted in the last election, but according to this new law, anyone who has a driver's license can register to vote, which means every illegal can get a DL and vote.
The reason CA was able to generate 2.4 million extra votes for Hillary is because of CA and their lax election laws.
CA doesn't require proof that you are a citizen when you register.....absolute insanity. Now they're thumbing their noses at the constitution and saying fuck you America.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Funny. That's not a DACA bill. That's rightwing immigration reform cocktail with a "let's not deport kids" chaser.

Disingenuous questions are easy for dishonest people to answer.
Republicans do not want DACA to come to a vote, even though it has the support it needs

First of all, they do not want to have to explain to the Deplorables why they voted for it
Secondly, they do not want to go on record as being anti-Hispanic

Damned if they do, damned if they don't
The average age of the "children" in DACA is 18 to 24. They are ADULTS, and the dems are SLATHERING over legalizing them so they can VOTE, and it isn't just 700,000 of them, it's more like 3.6 MILLION, and then add on their relatives through chain migration and all of a sudden we're talking more like AMNESTY the dems want for almost 11 MILLION illegal aliens... nice padding for their VOTES, and make no mistake, VOTES is what the dems are after...

Leaked Memo: DACA Amnesty Is 'Critical Component of Democratic Party's Future Electoral Success'

Only citizens can vote and you do not become a citizen overnight

Why can't DACA immigrants vote Republican?
There is no law against it
However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Tell them to have their parents explain the crime.

Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Funny. That's not a DACA bill. That's rightwing immigration reform cocktail with a "let's not deport kids" chaser.

Disingenuous questions are easy for dishonest people to answer.

There will be no "clean" DACA bill, turd. Amnesty for illegals without any additional controls on immigration isn't going to happen while Trump is in office.
However, how do you tell a 12 year old kid, who has only ever known america, "sorry kid, you're here illegally, were sending you to mexico".

Tell them to have their parents explain the crime.

Parent to DACA child

I brought you here for a better life

But I broke their laws, and now I must leave, and you with me.

Again...the law was broken out of love of family and wanting a better life for your children

Legally wrong/ Morally right

The law was broken because they wanted something they had no right to have. Only idiots are falling for this "love of family" horseshit.
Ok, lets clear out all the noise and partisanship. The Daca bill has been easily described as four pillars.

End to chain migration
End to lottery
The wall
Pathway to citizenship for dreamers

So fund the 20 billion for wall and security and pass the thing. I would vote for this in a heartbeat. It is a reasonable compromise. I would wager a hundred dollars that if this deal was presented to Americans for a vote it would pass by a super majority. Bring this bill in this simple form to the floor and vote on it. This is not rocket science. I can’t believe that even some of our libs would not support this. Get er done!

Actually agree Shrimpbox. Give the orange man-child his stupid wall - Leave Dreamers alone and move on to more important business.
Democrats want a clean DACA bill without any additional controls on illegal Mexican filth infiltrating our nation and corrupting it from within.

For this reason...

Fuck DACA and start shooting them and other illegals on sight.

No deal. Democrats can fuck off. You don't get to import a bunch of new voters to try and fuck over Americans.

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