Why Can’t A Daca Bill Sail Through Congress?

So change it for just the Dreamers or - hell, give in and if their parents have been law abiding let them get legal residency. It's not hurting us. Spend the money on increasing security at the border and more important - spend the energy on fixing an antiquated cumbersome lengthy immigration system.

...or just use the same border protection Mexico has on its southern border....



The Mexico/Guatamala border doesn't have a wall or fence. In fact, most of that border consists of pretty rugged terrain: rain forests, mountains, rivers and lakes forming natural barriers.

That border is not a desert, as the fake image portrays. There are a lot of fake "border wall" images trying to bolster proponents of a US wall's justification for that tactic. Most of the images are actually of the Israeli/Palestinian wall....not sure what this one is.


The Mexican President says he is for strong boarder security for both our countries.
They have built a wall.
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence
You always need to stop and think, people are working hard to get into this country, why do many liberals find the place so bad?
Why not just give a one time amnesty for not only the kids but the entire family? In the same bill can be 50 billion for the wall and extra enforcement on our borders.

This explains it why we shouldn't allow the little shitheads or their criminal parents to become legal. It is despicable to even think about allowing the assholes to be here. We can't allow Mexico to import their poverty to this country.


This does not sound good.
But...what if you had thirty unused dilapidated houses.

The US is not a "dilapidated house". Or at least it wasn't before millions of illegals came here.
You always need to stop and think, people are working hard to get into this country, why do many liberals find the place so bad?

Seems like it's the conservatives who have been saying it's so bad. Ever listen to Trump?
So change it for just the Dreamers or - hell, give in and if their parents have been law abiding let them get legal residency. It's not hurting us. Spend the money on increasing security at the border and more important - spend the energy on fixing an antiquated cumbersome lengthy immigration system.

...or just use the same border protection Mexico has on its southern border....



The Mexico/Guatamala border doesn't have a wall or fence. In fact, most of that border consists of pretty rugged terrain: rain forests, mountains, rivers and lakes forming natural barriers.

That border is not a desert, as the fake image portrays. There are a lot of fake "border wall" images trying to bolster proponents of a US wall's justification for that tactic. Most of the images are actually of the Israeli/Palestinian wall....not sure what this one is.


The Mexican President says he is for strong boarder security for both our countries.
They have built a wall.
Mexico to Build Southern Border Fence

They may build some sectoins of fence, but a comprehensive fence or wall is not feasible due to the topography of the border so I question the claim. Look at the picture - that is the border and it has numerous natural barriers already.
Didn't Trump insist Mexico will pay for the wall? Why everyone is asking for the rest of us to pay for it?

We pay upfront.
Mexico pays it back through fairer tariffs and trade taxes.
Pohahahahaha so now Mexico will pay later?

It was always that way.
It was the Dems and news that didn't get it and still don't get it.
Mexico will charge us more for their good, at the end we the people will pay for it.
Trump was loud and clear. Now he is begging for money.
You should see all the garbage on the sidewalk and in the parkway along the street I'm currently living on. Only about a quarter of it are beer cans.
Didn't Trump insist Mexico will pay for the wall? Why everyone is asking for the rest of us to pay for it?

We pay upfront.
Mexico pays it back through fairer tariffs and trade taxes.
Pohahahahaha so now Mexico will pay later?

It was always that way.
It was the Dems and news that didn't get it and still don't get it.
Mexico will charge us more for their good, at the end we the people will pay for it.
Trump was loud and clear. Now he is begging for money.
Didn't Trump insist Mexico will pay for the wall? Why everyone is asking for the rest of us to pay for it?

We pay upfront.
Mexico pays it back through fairer tariffs and trade taxes.
Pohahahahaha so now Mexico will pay later?

It was always that way.
It was the Dems and news that didn't get it and still don't get it.
Mexico will charge us more for their good, at the end we the people will pay for it.
Trump was loud and clear. Now he is begging for money.

What part of getting us out of the red in unfair trade and tariffs don't you understand?
No citizenship. Ever. They are permanently banned from citizenship, by any means.

The bad behavior of their shithole parents CANNOT be rewarded.

Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

It's not punishment. Children cannot profit from the crimes of a parent.

It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.
Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

It's not punishment. Children cannot profit from the crimes of a parent.

It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.

What's wrong with dual citizenship?
No citizenship. Ever. They are permanently banned from citizenship, by any means.

The bad behavior of their shithole parents CANNOT be rewarded.

Ah. So punish the kids for the actions of their parents. The rightwing mantra.

It's not punishment. Children cannot profit from the crimes of a parent.

It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

I never said it was a punishment. My response was to the specific comment: "permanently banned from citizenship by any means".

Right, there is either a path to citizenship or there isn't. If there is no path, that means there is no ability to gain citizenship ... banned from citizenship. It is never a punishment to gift resident alien status to someone here illegally. They are currently (and since the day they arrived on our soil) banned from citizenship. We are not punishing them with that. Their parents did. Their parents didn't think it was a punishment at all. Why do you find it a punishment to not give citizenship to those who never had that possibility, but give them resident alien status? It boggles me that such a blessing for them (resident alien) could be considered a punishment.
Why not just give a one time amnesty for not only the kids but the entire family? In the same bill can be 50 billion for the wall and extra enforcement on our borders.
Congratulations you broke the laws of a sovereign nation now here's your reward. That's just shitting on every person who came to this country legally.
Why do you find it a punishment to not give citizenship to those who never had that possibility, but give them resident alien status?

Ma'am you just asked the $64,000.00 question... And you have all ready answered your own question...

Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

If the progressives can't rely on the vote with existing laws, they must be changed...
It's not punishment. Children cannot profit from the crimes of a parent.

It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.

What's wrong with dual citizenship?

He feels it would be a lie. He cannot reconcile dual citizenship with the oath itself. Other people do it. Both of his parents (US Citizens now) hold other citizenship (mom Canada, dad both Canada and UK).

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;

This is the part he does not want to swear in oath. He does not want to vote in our elections bad enough to swear that oath knowing that he may retire in Canada when I'm gone.
It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.

What's wrong with dual citizenship?

He feels it would be a lie. He cannot reconcile dual citizenship with the oath itself. Other people do it. Both of his parents hold other citizenship (mom Canada, dad both Canada and UK).

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;

This is the part he does not want to swear in oath. He does not want to vote in our elections bad enough to swear that oath knowing that he may retire in Canada when I'm gone.

I admire his sense of allegiance...:thup:
No citizenship EVER. 25 years in prison for their crimial parents.

That's it.

Take it or GET THE FUCK OUT!!!!

Next round, we execute the parents.
It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

They have never had a path to citizenship. Nothing is being taken from them at all. My husband is a resident alien and has been since he was 6. He can get govt grants, collect SS or disability if/when needed. How is it a punishment to grant illegal aliens the status of resident alien. It just isn't. Resident alien status is a HUGE gift.

Why does he not want to become an American Citizen?

The oath of citizenship has a line in it that says "I" renounce my current citizenship. He does not want to swear that oath. He has family in Canada, and BC is a great place to retire. Resident alien status gives him most of the benefits of citizenship: legal status, ability to work legally, same access as citizens to government loans and grants and even welfare if ever needed, same access to permits and licenses as citizens (even gun permit), govt backed mortgage, social security, medicaid, Obamacare and on and on. He cannot vote. That's it.

Oh, and if he ever gets another resident alien (or illegal alien) pregnant, and they have their baby while vacationing in Cancun, the baby won't be a US citizen.

What's wrong with dual citizenship?

He feels it would be a lie. He cannot reconcile dual citizenship with the oath itself. Other people do it. Both of his parents (US Citizens now) hold other citizenship (mom Canada, dad both Canada and UK).

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen;

This is the part he does not want to swear in oath. He does not want to vote in our elections bad enough to swear that oath knowing that he may retire in Canada when I'm gone.

Thank you for answering both of my questions.
This gives people more perspectives on different reasons as to why some don't want to become citizens. :)
I admire your husbands loyalty to his country.
They didn't choose to come here and for many of them this is the only country they know.

And how does this make it right? No good deed goes unpunished, send them back.

They are as American as you or I

WHY? Because you say they are? You need to deal with the facts, they are here illegally. If you want a nation with loose enforcement of their laws, why don't you move to Mexico...

they just lack the paperwork

WOW, so simple "just the paperwork", it's comical how irresponsible you portray the solution. With your logic we slap the rapist or the thief or the drug dealer on the back of the hand and send them on their way. Our laws are the basis for a civilized society, without there enforcement we would live in chaos.

And, if we're going to bring up the long waits for LEGAL migration - why does it take so long?

This is a reasonable question, I agree the system is broken and it is my sincerest belief the DNC has wanted it this way all along and they have never wanted it corrected.

Shouldn't we look at ways of opening up that bottleneck instead?

An accountable work program is what needs to be adopted, currently our government issues ITIN's without citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, such hypocrisy. Both the D's and the R's know this is true, yet they use these poor people like pawns.

It is a punishment. Whitewashing that will not change it.

Yes it is, that's what occurs when you break the law...

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