Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

He had the house, senate and the whitehouse. Trump is the same as Obama. Don’t get me wrong, I will vote trump again only because of how badly it triggers the political class in washing and the media, but I am, and never was under any delusions, Amnesty is coming. Illegals will pay signifolsss for collage while citizens have to go into debt, we will still have third world Illness will pop up in a first world country. Polititions are not serious about fixing this issue. It just don’t pay.
I understand the anger towards the political class, I am no fan of the two party system, but I don’t see how anybody can vote for or support Trump without humiliation. The guy has made an already broken system into even more of a joke. How do you continue to support that?! I’d take a president Starbucks any day over that!

See, I don’t so much support Trump as much as I support the disruption causes. Obama was radical? He was milk toast compared to AOC or the crazy Somali chick. Any heart burn that afflicts the turtle or Pelosi is what I support. This immigration thing is stupid. The republicans here need to get it, they were had on this immigration thing. They got sold exray vision glasses on it just like libs did with Obama and the Obama phone and free gas. Both sides bitch about how bad it is, and how the issues never get added so, yet cheer while their team fucks off instead of fixing them. Shit man, so we are what, a day away from a possible shut down and in the senate they are debating the impact of a thing that ain’t even a fucking bill? Amnesty is coming. Both sides need to get warm to the idea. Republicans need to get it. Illegals will be made legal. Democrats need to realize that we need a wall. We as voters need to hold the people we elect accountable and snap out of this tribal bull shit. And stop all this panic over dumb shit. Ranty. Sorry.
Don’t apologize, I think you are right on with many of your comments. Well said

What are your thoughts on Shultz? He did a town hall a few days ago, did you see it?
He's an idiot, just like you. No one is surprised that you agree with him.

It’s fine you say that. I understand. But the fact is you know I’m right and that’s what what piss’s you off so much. I’ll wait until it all shakes out and if I’m wrong I’m wrong, but just like the democrats want amnesty, republicans have pushed and legislated it just as hard. It’s all out there to see. Stop being a slave to your tribe.
Republicans politicians have pushed it, not Republican voters. The politicians are traitors and weasels. Stabbing their constituents in the back is part of their job description.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

First off, forget the whole democrats want illegals thing, republicans have gone for outright amnesty multiple times. Donald Trump right now, has a man working in his admistration who but illegals above his citizens and is an advocate for amnesty and open borders. The political ruling class wants cheap labor and a new, more docile voting block. This is why they don’t fix it for good.

Look, right now...today, Mexicrats are extremely transparent in their “WETBACKS FIRST” commitment. Trump has single-handedly embarrassed the fuck out of wetback loving Republicans....with the exception of a few, he has transformed the Party in that regard. The GOP, behind Trump, knows they have to stop the spread of wetbacks or this nation will be conceded to a one Party rule...anybody sane knows that is inevitable if we stay on the current trajectory.
What makes you think the GOP supports Democratic rule?

Mostly the actions of republicans.

TEXAS DREAM ACT [HOUSE BILL 1403]. House Bill 1403, widely known as the Texas DREAM Act, provides in-state tuition for Texans without legal status. House Bill (HB) 1403, passed by the Texas Legislature in 2001, provides Texans, regardless of legal immigration status, eligibility to be classified as state residents for the purpose of being charged in-state tuition rates at public Texas colleges and universities. Without this eligibility, institutions of higher learning would charge the higher out-of-state or international tuition rates. Texas was the first state in the nation to pass this type of legislation, and approximately twenty states followed with similar bills.

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama.
It was a Democrat bill, you lying douchebag. Republicans are trying to repeal it.


Greg Abbot already said he won’t repeal it.

Abbott Urges Reform, Not Repeal, of DREAM Act

Abbott Urges Reform, Not Repeal, of DREAM Act

Who gives a fuck what he wants? How do you reform it without repealing it?
Hahaha...so weird that you LefTarded folks always seem to “have a friend” or “I know this one guy” sort of story.
Look, nobody believes “your friend”
I have a number of businesses....I am tiny potatoes when compared to Trumps empire....I do not know everyone who works for me and I certainly don’t know the employees of general contractors who work for me.
This is simple for those outside of LibTardia.

“So, where’s the wall? Sooo, why are illegals still getting in by the thousands? Why are we having measles and mumps outbreaks? Why are illegals still hear? See, you suffer from the same tribalism as team blue. If I promised a certain amount of work would be done by a certain point and I failed to deliver that costs me money. I am heaps to account. Why not Trump? And then there is amnesty. It’s coming. You will swallow that pill no matter how nasty it taste. History is on my side here. My prediction is that in Trumps second term amnesty will be issued. If thats the case, will you support it wall or no?”

I’ll extend you the benefit of the doubt and assume you understand how government works....Trump has been up against firm opposition since swearing in, he has fought tooth and nail for everything he’s accomplished. He has fought GOP RINO’s and the Party Of Filth every step of the way. Your fantasy theory is cool and all, I totally dig theatrics and conspiracy theories but trust me, Trump is 100% anti wetbacks.
However, if I’m proven wrong and he turns into Donaldo Trumptinez I promise you I will be the first to motherfuck his filthy ass up and down.

He had the house, senate and the whitehouse. Trump is the same as Obama. Don’t get me wrong, I will vote trump again only because of how badly it triggers the political class in washing and the media, but I am, and never was under any delusions, Amnesty is coming. Illegals will pay signifolsss for collage while citizens have to go into debt, we will still have third world Illness will pop up in a first world country. Polititions are not serious about fixing this issue. It just don’t pay.
I understand the anger towards the political class, I am no fan of the two party system, but I don’t see how anybody can vote for or support Trump without humiliation. The guy has made an already broken system into even more of a joke. How do you continue to support that?! I’d take a president Starbucks any day over that!

See, I don’t so much support Trump as much as I support the disruption causes. Obama was radical? He was milk toast compared to AOC or the crazy Somali chick. Any heart burn that afflicts the turtle or Pelosi is what I support. This immigration thing is stupid. The republicans here need to get it, they were had on this immigration thing. They got sold exray vision glasses on it just like libs did with Obama and the Obama phone and free gas. Both sides bitch about how bad it is, and how the issues never get added so, yet cheer while their team fucks off instead of fixing them. Shit man, so we are what, a day away from a possible shut down and in the senate they are debating the impact of a thing that ain’t even a fucking bill? Amnesty is coming. Both sides need to get warm to the idea. Republicans need to get it. Illegals will be made legal. Democrats need to realize that we need a wall. We as voters need to hold the people we elect accountable and snap out of this tribal bull shit. And stop all this panic over dumb shit. Ranty. Sorry.
Don’t apologize, I think you are right on with many of your comments. Well said

What are your thoughts on Shultz? He did a town hall a few days ago, did you see it?

I did not. Aside from 30 mins in the morning to catch the weather befor work I stay away from cable news and “town halls”. Most town halls I have watched have been slow pitch batting practice for polititions.
They aren’t bad to get a sense of how a new politician carries themself. A 1 hour focus on a divers set of questions. You can quickly see how full of shit they are and where they sit on various positions. Most, I only make it 10-15 minutes through... but Shultz captured my Interest. Seems like a true independent thinker who despises the party extremes and is results oriented. It was however my first exposure to him so we will see...
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
well tell us then, cause it's obvious we are missing it. since you get it, then tell us.

I’ve debated this with Slade3200 a number of times. His position is the typical LefTarded position. It goes like this....
“I feel sorry for wetbacks therefore YOU should pay them to fuck your country up.”
I’ve never said anything of the sort. I guess you fail to actually listen during our debates. I don’t promote paying them. I’m for securing the border, improving our immigration system and forming a realistic solution to get the millions of undocumented in this country out of the shadows and into the legal system.
You are definitely not for securing the border. You're for every scheme that won't do any good, and you oppose the ones that have real potential for having an effect.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Who do you think you are to define what I am for and not?! Jesus, how ignorant can one person be!!
well tell us then, cause it's obvious we are missing it. since you get it, then tell us.

I’ve debated this with Slade3200 a number of times. His position is the typical LefTarded position. It goes like this....
“I feel sorry for wetbacks therefore YOU should pay them to fuck your country up.”
I’ve never said anything of the sort. I guess you fail to actually listen during our debates. I don’t promote paying them. I’m for securing the border, improving our immigration system and forming a realistic solution to get the millions of undocumented in this country out of the shadows and into the legal system.
You are definitely not for securing the border. You're for every scheme that won't do any good, and you oppose the ones that have real potential for having an effect.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Who do you think you are to define what I am for and not?! Jesus, how ignorant can one person be!!
That's not ignorance. I base it on what you post in this forum.
It’s based on your ignorant interpretation of what I post on this forum. It’s not my fault that you can’t understand basic English, I don’t even use big words in my posts. I know how I feel about various positions and I see you misrepresenting the things I say on a regular basis... I can’t fix your stupid
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I understand the anger towards the political class, I am no fan of the two party system, but I don’t see how anybody can vote for or support Trump without humiliation. The guy has made an already broken system into even more of a joke. How do you continue to support that?! I’d take a president Starbucks any day over that!

See, I don’t so much support Trump as much as I support the disruption causes. Obama was radical? He was milk toast compared to AOC or the crazy Somali chick. Any heart burn that afflicts the turtle or Pelosi is what I support. This immigration thing is stupid. The republicans here need to get it, they were had on this immigration thing. They got sold exray vision glasses on it just like libs did with Obama and the Obama phone and free gas. Both sides bitch about how bad it is, and how the issues never get added so, yet cheer while their team fucks off instead of fixing them. Shit man, so we are what, a day away from a possible shut down and in the senate they are debating the impact of a thing that ain’t even a fucking bill? Amnesty is coming. Both sides need to get warm to the idea. Republicans need to get it. Illegals will be made legal. Democrats need to realize that we need a wall. We as voters need to hold the people we elect accountable and snap out of this tribal bull shit. And stop all this panic over dumb shit. Ranty. Sorry.
Don’t apologize, I think you are right on with many of your comments. Well said

What are your thoughts on Shultz? He did a town hall a few days ago, did you see it?
He's an idiot, just like you. No one is surprised that you agree with him.

It’s fine you say that. I understand. But the fact is you know I’m right and that’s what what piss’s you off so much. I’ll wait until it all shakes out and if I’m wrong I’m wrong, but just like the democrats want amnesty, republicans have pushed and legislated it just as hard. It’s all out there to see. Stop being a slave to your tribe.
Republicans politicians have pushed it, not Republican voters. The politicians are traitors and weasels. Stabbing their constituents in the back is part of their job description.

Republican voters have elected the Republican politicians who have consisitently refused to prosecute businesses which hire illegals. Trump's ICE has made a big deal of filing charges against businesses but the fact is that while arrests of illegal workers is up 700% over 2017, few employers have been convicted, although more arrests have been made.

Trump is making arrests of employers, but cases aren't coming to trial.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
See, I don’t so much support Trump as much as I support the disruption causes. Obama was radical? He was milk toast compared to AOC or the crazy Somali chick. Any heart burn that afflicts the turtle or Pelosi is what I support. This immigration thing is stupid. The republicans here need to get it, they were had on this immigration thing. They got sold exray vision glasses on it just like libs did with Obama and the Obama phone and free gas. Both sides bitch about how bad it is, and how the issues never get added so, yet cheer while their team fucks off instead of fixing them. Shit man, so we are what, a day away from a possible shut down and in the senate they are debating the impact of a thing that ain’t even a fucking bill? Amnesty is coming. Both sides need to get warm to the idea. Republicans need to get it. Illegals will be made legal. Democrats need to realize that we need a wall. We as voters need to hold the people we elect accountable and snap out of this tribal bull shit. And stop all this panic over dumb shit. Ranty. Sorry.
Don’t apologize, I think you are right on with many of your comments. Well said

What are your thoughts on Shultz? He did a town hall a few days ago, did you see it?
He's an idiot, just like you. No one is surprised that you agree with him.

It’s fine you say that. I understand. But the fact is you know I’m right and that’s what what piss’s you off so much. I’ll wait until it all shakes out and if I’m wrong I’m wrong, but just like the democrats want amnesty, republicans have pushed and legislated it just as hard. It’s all out there to see. Stop being a slave to your tribe.
Republicans politicians have pushed it, not Republican voters. The politicians are traitors and weasels. Stabbing their constituents in the back is part of their job description.

Republican voters have elected the Republican politicians who have consisitently refused to prosecute businesses which hire illegals. Trump's ICE has made a big deal of filing charges against businesses but the fact is that while arrests of illegal workers is up 700% over 2017, few employers have been convicted, although more arrests have been made.

Trump is making arrests of employers, but cases aren't coming to trial.
That's the fault of local Dim politicians and Dim judges.
Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?
Diversity is the result of success, not the path.

I could agree to that. Lefties claim that success is result of diversity. Yet they can't point how do we benefit from it.
I have a thread go for 2500 posts on this subject, and about the only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food." Of course, that ignores all the bad things that come from diversity, like mass killings, gangs and drugs.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is an untrue slander propagated by clowns like you in order to stifle debate. When you cannot logically counter a position, you just scream racist. Clown.
Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.
Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Polititions man. I’ll say, I love the mess Trump makes of them all. Both sides. If I’m wrong and there is no amnesty I’ll use the mast gay avatar you can find and I’ll use it until you say it’s been there long enough. DACA won’t count.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
We arent pro illegal immigration. We are anti shitty hate based policy. It's really fked up that Trump lied so much about the illegals and got half the country to hate them. The reality of the situation is that 10-20 million illegals are already here and most are working and growing along side us. Some have been here for decades and have american kids. A wall does literally zero to reconcile this yet the enraged right conflates all of the illegal immigration issues into the border and the wall. It's not surprising considering they have an unstable oaf as their ideological leader.

I work in a field where solutions need to address specific problems and need to be proven to be effective at it or they are scrapped. It would be absurd to point out one symptomatic problem over here, then create a solution over there that ignores the root of the issue and the most glaring and damaging symptoms. That's not good problem solving.

Trump found a hot button slogan that captured and held the attention of his base. It's more powerful as a political slogan than a force for actually fixing anything. The smart thing would have been to initially highlight all of these concerns, but be factual and fair to the people. Then suggest a desire to fix it with a package of proven solutions that actually attack root and alleviate the symptoms. The problem is that doesnt tend to sell well and doesnt look pretty to an angry mob.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
We arent pro illegal immigration. We are anti shitty hate based policy. It's really fked up that Trump lied so much about the illegals and got half the country to hate them. The reality of the situation is that 10-20 million illegals are already here and most are working and growing along side us. Some have been here for decades and have american kids. A wall does literally zero to reconcile this yet the enraged right conflates all of the illegal immigration issues into the border and the wall. It's not surprising considering they have an unstable oaf as their ideological leader.

I work in a field where solutions need to address specific problems and need to be proven to be effective at it or they are scrapped. It would be absurd to point out one symptomatic problem over here, then create a solution over there that ignores the root of the issue and the most glaring and damaging symptoms. That's not good problem solving.

Trump found a hot button slogan that captured and held the attention of his base. It's more powerful as a political slogan than a force for actually fixing anything. The smart thing would have been to initially highlight all of these concerns, but be factual and fair to the people. Then suggest a desire to fix it with a package of proven solutions that actually attack root and alleviate the symptoms. The problem is that doesnt tend to sell well and doesnt look pretty to an angry mob.

"We arent pro illegal immigration. We are anti shitty hate based policy. It's really fked up that Trump lied so much about the illegals and got half the country to hate them. The reality of the situation is that 10-20 million illegals are already here and most are working and growing along side us. Some have been here for decades and have american kids."

We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.

Look bud, in the real world, operating by the "FEELZ" doesn't work. Your
Listen to yourself...listen to how retarded this sounds..."there's a bunch of criminals here who have alluded law enforcement long enough, its time to reward them by pretending they aren't criminals at all"...that is some retarded shit isn't it?
A good leader does and should turn good people against bad people...Did your parents teach you to hang with, love and respect criminals?
NEWSFLASH: Illegal wetbacks are bad people.

"A wall does literally zero to reconcile this yet the enraged right conflates all of the illegal immigration issues into the border and the wall. It's not surprising considering they have an unstable oaf as their ideological leader."

A wall mitigates future illegal crossings....BUT we plan to eradicate the 20-50 million here currently as well. Sorry Gustavo.
Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

That statement tells me you are 100% clueless.
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

That statement tells me you are 100% clueless.
Thanks for making my point.

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