Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
We arent pro illegal immigration. We are anti shitty hate based policy. It's really fked up that Trump lied so much about the illegals and got half the country to hate them. The reality of the situation is that 10-20 million illegals are already here and most are working and growing along side us. Some have been here for decades and have american kids. A wall does literally zero to reconcile this yet the enraged right conflates all of the illegal immigration issues into the border and the wall. It's not surprising considering they have an unstable oaf as their ideological leader.

I work in a field where solutions need to address specific problems and need to be proven to be effective at it or they are scrapped. It would be absurd to point out one symptomatic problem over here, then create a solution over there that ignores the root of the issue and the most glaring and damaging symptoms. That's not good problem solving.

Trump found a hot button slogan that captured and held the attention of his base. It's more powerful as a political slogan than a force for actually fixing anything. The smart thing would have been to initially highlight all of these concerns, but be factual and fair to the people. Then suggest a desire to fix it with a package of proven solutions that actually attack root and alleviate the symptoms. The problem is that doesnt tend to sell well and doesnt look pretty to an angry mob.

"We arent pro illegal immigration. We are anti shitty hate based policy. It's really fked up that Trump lied so much about the illegals and got half the country to hate them. The reality of the situation is that 10-20 million illegals are already here and most are working and growing along side us. Some have been here for decades and have american kids."

We swear we don’t want ‘open borders’, we just want to dissolve ICE, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.7 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted a form of citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.

Look bud, in the real world, operating by the "FEELZ" doesn't work. Your
Listen to yourself...listen to how retarded this sounds..."there's a bunch of criminals here who have alluded law enforcement long enough, its time to reward them by pretending they aren't criminals at all"...that is some retarded shit isn't it?
A good leader does and should turn good people against bad people...Did your parents teach you to hang with, love and respect criminals?
NEWSFLASH: Illegal wetbacks are bad people.

"A wall does literally zero to reconcile this yet the enraged right conflates all of the illegal immigration issues into the border and the wall. It's not surprising considering they have an unstable oaf as their ideological leader."

A wall mitigates future illegal crossings....BUT we plan to eradicate the 20-50 million here currently as well. Sorry Gustavo.
Your post is full of bs. You need to turn off the bad righty pundits that are lieing to you about who the center left is and what they want. Those guys present false and generalized caricatures based on the out of context blurbs of a few more radical politicians. It doesnt represent what the reasonable folks think or want just like we dont think all of the right fully commits to the radical rantings of the alt right politicians, pundits, and trump.

Dems arent for open borders. They just added border security funding in the bill and have been open to that in general forever. Proof. So stfu about that sad lie. Only a few want to dissolve ice and probably dont understand what it does or are overreacting to the abuses. I believe theres a place for ICE, although they should focus on the bad ones committing more crimes beyond just being here, otherwise all the hate speech by trump is for not and decent humans may be terrorized and evicted. And who else would perform the specific duty? The reports of abuses are unacceptable, though, and the buck stops at trump and his hateful and violent rhetoric and poor leadership.

I dont want an easy path to citizenship for illegals, and I havent seen many prominent dems articulate that desire either. I think they should be documented in a new special class that would include a fine and that would not lead to citizenship at all but would encourage them to come out of the shadows. The incentive to overcome the fine of entering illegally would be to give them a legal status so long as they are meeting some benchmarks of success and not involved in criminal activity.

For the daca kids...its compelling but I don't think they should get citizenship easily either. Maybe they can pursue it once they become a successful adult and after those immigrating legally have been prioritized.

For anchor babies...i think a good compromise is to reform birthright citizenship to have some exclusions or long delays and other requirements. Theres a problem though that the baby might not have any citizenship anywhere, so there may be some stuff to work out there.

Another point of compromise I could get behind is a national citizen ID - or something like that - that could be used to verify election eligibility. It should be subsidized for the impoverished or everyone and should be excessively accessible so as not to become an illegal poll tax. This along with an adherence to its use in state and national elections are reasonable and should put to bed the unsubstantiated rumors of widespread voting - not registration - of illegals. It should also place squarely on Republicans the mantle of illegal electioneering through voter ID poll taxes, intimidation, partisan gerrymandering, roll tampering, and other hijinks that we've seen in the recent past. This is unacceptable in our representative democracy and needs to be outlawed permanently.

Legal immigration should be the clear preferred route and the new classification would carry little punishment but force them to pay taxes and account for activities and usage of public services. Would not allow them to vote for state or national candidates based in their status, but local elections maybe. Maybe work visas can be expanded. Do you get the idea? This isnt unreasonable stuff. Its a realistic approach since 10s of millions of people are flat not economically feasible to deport.

Illegals are illegal but it's not a terrible crime in itself. The legal route is too long while there is high demand for labor and willingness of american businesses to hire them. Simply stopping it and removing them all is unrealistic for a lot of reasons that not trump or anyone is addressing. And you'll never get them all out. Diminishing returns means the last few percent will be impossible to find and way too expenisve to anyway. Worse, the ones that stay hidden and continue crossing the border will probably be the connected criminals continuing on just fine while prepetrating all of the negative criminal aspects that trump disingenuously painted on all illegals.
Sooo, in this thread the Left has taught us that it feels good to help foreign degenerates with other people’s money and we need brown slaves....Sooo, that begs the question, how does the average American benefit from these “feelz” and how does the average American benefit from these 21st century slaves that the Left say we must have?
Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?
Diversity is the result of success, not the path.

I could agree to that. Lefties claim that success is result of diversity. Yet they can't point how do we benefit from it.
I have a thread go for 2500 posts on this subject, and about the only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food." Of course, that ignores all the bad things that come from diversity, like mass killings, gangs and drugs.

To left, everything is about identity politics, and they have to do it in order to stay "relevant".

Any political position that put someone's group identity ahead of their individuality is regression to tribalism that definitely become violent. Leftists are masters of dividing people into groups, either based on their gender, race, social status, class, etc.Every time they succeed in breaking single shared identity, such as being just American, result in fights, and that is the evidence of entire human race. They create non existent problem, than demand the solution for the same that usually lead to creating even bigger problem than we started with.
Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?
Diversity is the result of success, not the path.

I could agree to that. Lefties claim that success is result of diversity. Yet they can't point how do we benefit from it.
I have a thread go for 2500 posts on this subject, and about the only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food." Of course, that ignores all the bad things that come from diversity, like mass killings, gangs and drugs.

To left, everything is about identity politics, and they have to do it in order to stay "relevant".

Any political position that put someone's group identity ahead of their individuality is regression to tribalism that definitely become violent. Leftists are masters of dividing people into groups, either based on their gender, race, social status, class, etc.Every time they succeed in breaking single shared identity, such as being just American, result in fights, and that is the evidence of entire human race. They create non existent problem, than demand the solution for the same that usually lead to creating even bigger problem than we started with.

Not to mention, they want to replace the Americans. That's the one identity we should actually be paying attention to.
Oh look! A soggy race card...
I love it, thanks!!!

52 of them, a deck.

No, there are 365 race cards because they play the race card every freaking day.
Every day it's the same old chit.
It's almost all that the Left ever does.
It’s not a card.
It’s the truth proven over and over by dumbasses like you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No Democrat ever spoke the truth in his entire life. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie.

Polititions man. I’ll say, I love the mess Trump makes of them all. Both sides. If I’m wrong and there is no amnesty I’ll use the mast gay avatar you can find and I’ll use it until you say it’s been there long enough. DACA won’t count.
There will be an amnesty for DACA people if Trump gets a wall. Otherwise, forget it. They'll be illegal until a Democrat gets elected.
Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?
Diversity is the result of success, not the path.

I could agree to that. Lefties claim that success is result of diversity. Yet they can't point how do we benefit from it.
I have a thread go for 2500 posts on this subject, and about the only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food." Of course, that ignores all the bad things that come from diversity, like mass killings, gangs and drugs.

To left, everything is about identity politics, and they have to do it in order to stay "relevant".

Any political position that put someone's group identity ahead of their individuality is regression to tribalism that definitely become violent. Leftists are masters of dividing people into groups, either based on their gender, race, social status, class, etc.Every time they succeed in breaking single shared identity, such as being just American, result in fights, and that is the evidence of entire human race. They create non existent problem, than demand the solution for the same that usually lead to creating even bigger problem than we started with.

Not to mention, they want to replace the Americans. That's the one identity we should actually be paying attention to.
Dude that’s the Trojan horse
Diversity is the result of success, not the path.

I could agree to that. Lefties claim that success is result of diversity. Yet they can't point how do we benefit from it.
I have a thread go for 2500 posts on this subject, and about the only thing they could come up with is "Mexican food." Of course, that ignores all the bad things that come from diversity, like mass killings, gangs and drugs.

To left, everything is about identity politics, and they have to do it in order to stay "relevant".

Any political position that put someone's group identity ahead of their individuality is regression to tribalism that definitely become violent. Leftists are masters of dividing people into groups, either based on their gender, race, social status, class, etc.Every time they succeed in breaking single shared identity, such as being just American, result in fights, and that is the evidence of entire human race. They create non existent problem, than demand the solution for the same that usually lead to creating even bigger problem than we started with.

Not to mention, they want to replace the Americans. That's the one identity we should actually be paying attention to.
Dude that’s the Trojan horse

That’s why Obama did it, and bush tried and why republicans are turning into n trump. All the 45 year old DACA people, their “parents” who have been here then and the rest. DACA is amnesty period and all the republicans are for amnesty just as much as any democrat is.
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....
why did obammy put them in cages then?

Why wasn't that an issue then?
Last edited:
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
it's really simple, she can answer why obammy put them in cages, and why she didn't say shit when he did.
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
it's really simple, she can answer why obammy put them in cages, and why she didn't say shit when he did.

I just don’t understand how they believe there is a better option...better for Americans.
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
it's really simple, she can answer why obammy put them in cages, and why she didn't say shit when he did.

I just don’t understand how they believe there is a better option...better for Americans.
dude, these fks are useless parrots. they have no intention of debating shit with you or me. they are just condescending dicks that race around acting like idiots they are.

The poster stated she hated cages yet didn't say shit when obammy did it and then stays silent on why she didn't. if that ain't a giveaway nothing is. They have no intentions as I said. they are parrots.
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

Hispanic population is around 56.6 million and they been around for a long time. They do pay taxes and they own businesses.

There are 9 Hispanics in the senate

They do contribute to the economy and it is fairly obvious to most
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?

"What would you do with the “refugees”?"

the ILLEGAL refugees that are here already?

round them up without beating or tazing them or putting them in cages.

check them out to decide if they should be processed properly for entry to the USA or sent back to where they came from.

"Are they being “hunted” for bounties?"

No but lots of conservatives on THIS MESSAGE BOARD suggested it as a fun option.
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
it's really simple, she can answer why obammy put them in cages, and why she didn't say shit when he did.

"Family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy. President Barack Obama had no such policy and Trump’s repeated attempts to pin one on him flies in the face of reality. Trump only ended — or suspended — what Trump had started, and that was after a judge ordered that the practice be sharply curtailed and as an international uproar grew.

Moreover, the American Civil Liberties Union now says in a legal challenge that more than 900 children were separated from their parents at the border in the year after the judge’s order.

The Obama administration also separated migrant children from families when a child’s safety appeared at risk with the adults or in other limited circumstances. But the ACLU says children have been removed after the judge’s order for minor transgressions by the adults, like traffic offenses, or for unfounded suspicions of wrong doing"

Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

Hispanic population is around 56.6 million and they been around for a long time. They do pay taxes and they own businesses.

There are 9 Hispanics in the senate

They do contribute to the economy and it is fairly obvious to most
So what? We’re talking about illegals not immigrants
Lots of debate still out there...this is downright perplexing, why do Democrats refuse to enlighten us?
End the fight and tell us how Mexican, Central and South American immigrants ENHANCE our nation and BENEFIT the American public.
This should be such a simple request to fulfill...no?

As a rational person who would never vote for trump and truly believes that todays modern conservative movement is just another form of fascism and irrational hatreds I'll answer that question my way.

Mostly they probably don't.

and just like you, I, too, do not want ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS (some of whom are no doubt dangerous to our health) roaming the streets at will.

I have no problem with LEGAL IMMIGRATION as long as immigrants are processed legally, logically and fairly.

I would limit legal immigration to;

people who can speak enough english and have employment or family waiting for them

regardless of country or religion or race.

They would, of course, also have to pass a rigorous security check.

The things I would NOT do is put them in cages or hunt them down for bounties....

Fair enough...thanks
What would you do with the “refugees”?
Are they being “hunted” for bounties?
it's really simple, she can answer why obammy put them in cages, and why she didn't say shit when he did.

"Family separations as a matter of routine came about because of Trump’s “zero tolerance” enforcement policy. President Barack Obama had no such policy and Trump’s repeated attempts to pin one on him flies in the face of reality. Trump only ended — or suspended — what Trump had started, and that was after a judge ordered that the practice be sharply curtailed and as an international uproar grew.

Moreover, the American Civil Liberties Union now says in a legal challenge that more than 900 children were separated from their parents at the border in the year after the judge’s order.

The Obama administration also separated migrant children from families when a child’s safety appeared at risk with the adults or in other limited circumstances. But the ACLU says children have been removed after the judge’s order for minor transgressions by the adults, like traffic offenses, or for unfounded suspicions of wrong doing"

Nope, obammy did it first and it never bothered you then

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