Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

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Why do Brown people run away from Brown nations?
I wish there was a funny thank you emoji.
I wish Liberals would develop brains and stop asking dumb ass questions.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why do Brown people run away from Brown nations?
I wish there was a funny thank you emoji.
I wish Liberals would develop brains and stop asking dumb ass questions.
and reality shows them the fool each and every time.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

I don't know. Are you saying the Farmers which rely on immigrant labor throughout the midwest are "Democrats".

What about the companies like Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, and Trump modeling that for decades have built their empire on the work of illegal immigrants.

Seems like a no brainer pitch. I mean if Donald J Trump and his base need illegal immigrants so much they can't even be bothered to use E-verify, isn't that the selling point?

Here in the wetback capital of the nation, south Mexifornia, wetbacks work for barely legal family and friends such as Humberto’s Tacos, Rodrigos Tire Shop, Miguel’s Tree Trimming...etc
Let’s clear up your bullshit LefTarded theories.
Go ahead and try again wetback lover.
Dude, you got some anger issues... go take a yoga class or something and calm down. Clear the hate, it brings nothing good to life.

Nah, but thanks for your concern.
I channel all my hate toward wetbacks...I’ll rest when we eradicate 20-40 million, shut the border down and when our fucked up government stops forcing good, productive Americans to pay wetbacks to fuck this nation up.
You should find something to become equally as passionate about bud.
I got plenty of passionate but I don’t focus it on hate, division and unrealistic efforts like you... I got passion for my family, friends and my community and I put my energy into loving and helping those around me.

You keep bitching and moaning about wetbacks though if that’s what helps you sleep at night. I seriously doubt all that crap is making you a better person though.
Well you would first have to understand their reasonings for doing both. Have you given an objective listen to their arguements? From the sound of your posts you seem to do nothing more than distort and demonize to try and make them look bad. But those tactics don’t give you credibility or display an understanding of both sides of the argument. I’d love for you to prove me wrong and show that you really do understand the Dems reasoning for taking those positions... give it a try.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
well tell us then, cause it's obvious we are missing it. since you get it, then tell us.

I’ve debated this with Slade3200 a number of times. His position is the typical LefTarded position. It goes like this....
“I feel sorry for wetbacks therefore YOU should pay them to fuck your country up.”
BTW, he won't, he is a chicken shit leftist that throws poop on walls. never any factual data to present and never back a claim. I don't understand by his words, then explain it. but nope, won't be a single post to me.

LefTarded ideals can’t ever be founded on real data...it must always be rooted in “FEELZ”.
They have to feel noble...they are noble as fuck when armed with our checkbooks. Isn’t that right Slade3200 ?
How about all those Dims who want to abolish ICE? How about the Dims demanding a reduction in the never of spaces for criminal illegal aliens awaiting trial?
Well you would first have to understand their reasonings for doing both. Have you given an objective listen to their arguements? From the sound of your posts you seem to do nothing more than distort and demonize to try and make them look bad. But those tactics don’t give you credibility or display an understanding of both sides of the argument. I’d love for you to prove me wrong and show that you really do understand the Dems reasoning for taking those positions... give it a try.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
well tell us then, cause it's obvious we are missing it. since you get it, then tell us.

I’ve debated this with Slade3200 a number of times. His position is the typical LefTarded position. It goes like this....
“I feel sorry for wetbacks therefore YOU should pay them to fuck your country up.”
I’ve never said anything of the sort. I guess you fail to actually listen during our debates. I don’t promote paying them. I’m for securing the border, improving our immigration system and forming a realistic solution to get the millions of undocumented in this country out of the shadows and into the legal system.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
well tell us then, cause it's obvious we are missing it. since you get it, then tell us.

I’ve debated this with Slade3200 a number of times. His position is the typical LefTarded position. It goes like this....
“I feel sorry for wetbacks therefore YOU should pay them to fuck your country up.”
BTW, he won't, he is a chicken shit leftist that throws poop on walls. never any factual data to present and never back a claim. I don't understand by his words, then explain it. but nope, won't be a single post to me.

LefTarded ideals can’t ever be founded on real data...it must always be rooted in “FEELZ”.
They have to feel noble...they are noble as fuck when armed with our checkbooks. Isn’t that right Slade3200 ?
I’ve got no clue what you are talking about. Are you done with the useless platitudes and ready to get back on subject?
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

It is a no brainer. Trump hires illegals. Can't get a better recommendation than that. Of course great leader gets in trouble sometimes like the time he was sued by some pollacks working in this country illegally, for non payment, lack of safety equipment on the job etc. Can't MAGA paying decent wages and having to buy safety equipment for a bunch of sub human foreigners, you know.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

It is a no brainer. Trump hires illegals. Can't get a better recommendation than that. Of course great leader gets in trouble sometimes like the time was sued by some polacks for non payment, lack of safety equipment on the job. Can't MAGA paying decent wages and having to buy safety equipment for a bunch of sub human foreigners, you know.
he does? let's see those records rather than flinging poop, chimp
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

You Russians are so fucking stupid, that you don't bother to check the historical record of either party on illegal immigration BEFORE you try posting today's troll farm talking points.

Democrats have been fighting illegal immigrants and the companies that employ them since they decried and opposed Ronald Reagan's amnesty of illegals in 1986. Reagan promised the Mexicans would stay home after NAFTA was signed, so he didn't bother making employing illegals a criminal act. Rich Republicans employ illegals.

Bill Clinton signed the strictest immigration and enforcement laws in history, into law in 1996, criminalizing the hiring of illegals and imposing fines on employers. In 1999, the Clinton Administration prosecuted nearly 400 companies for knowingly hiring illegals. In 2001, the Bush Administration prosecuted 4.

Prior to 9/11, W was already talking about another amnesty, but all talk of immigration reform ceased after 9/11. The Secure Fences Act was passed, but that attempt at building a sea to sea barrier, only served as a very expensive lesson as to how impossible, futile and useless such a task is. And it's the reason why Trump's election promise of a "great big beautiful wall from sea to shining sea", all paid for by Mexico, is getting such a rough ride everywhere but the White House.

Where fences are an aid, they've been built. Now they need to be maintained, but barriers are not THE answer. They aren't even the biggest part of the answer.

If someone wants to break into my house, they can do it. I've done it when I've locked myself out, my cat sitter who has my spare key isn't around.

It's happened once in my life. The kid up the street broke in and stole my husband's fully mature pot plant, that he was about to cut down and dry, one weekend while we were away at the cottage. The plant that sat next to the state of the art tower computer, in our sunroom. Behind my computer desk, sitting on bookshelf was the chest of sterling silver dinnerware my mother gave me as a wedding present, and my professional grade Canon camera, lens. More than $5000 in value and all easily pawnable. The kid took the 3 ounces of home grown pot..
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

It is a no brainer. Trump hires illegals. Can't get a better recommendation than that. Of course great leader gets in trouble sometimes like the time he was sued by some pollacks working in this country illegally, for non payment, lack of safety equipment on the job etc. Can't MAGA paying decent wages and having to buy safety equipment for a bunch of sub human foreigners, you know.

Well, nice try, but the real story goes....Trumps people hired a contractor who then hired illegal aliens who worked off the books.
You folks from LibTardia plug along from check to check without the potential for exposure...you can’t wrap your head around how there are people doing more TODAY through their businesses than you will do over the course of the rest of your life. You can’t really comprehend this, nor can you comprehend the level of exposure this leads to for such people/companies....I honestly don’t expect you bottom feeders to be able to understand how the real world works for big businesses.

Trump has 24,000 employees...he doesn’t know who works for him.
But you must be livid with those filthy wetbacks of Trumps huh? We should behead those muthafuckers in public for defrauding a successful American company that pays your way shouldn’t we?
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

You Russians are so fucking stupid, that you don't bother to check the historical record of either party on illegal immigration BEFORE you try posting today's troll farm talking points.

Democrats have been fighting illegal immigrants and the companies that employ them since they decried and opposed Ronald Reagan's amnesty of illegals in 1986. Reagan promised the Mexicans would stay home after NAFTA was signed, so he didn't bother making employing illegals a criminal act. Rich Republicans employ illegals.

Bill Clinton signed the strictest immigration and enforcement laws in history, into law in 1996, criminalizing the hiring of illegals and imposing fines on employers. In 1999, the Clinton Administration prosecuted nearly 400 companies for knowingly hiring illegals. In 2001, the Bush Administration prosecuted 4.

Prior to 9/11, W was already talking about another amnesty, but all talk of immigration reform ceased after 9/11. The Secure Fences Act was passed, but that attempt at building a sea to sea barrier, only served as a very expensive lesson as to how impossible, futile and useless such a task is. And it's the reason why Trump's election promise of a "great big beautiful wall from sea to shining sea", all paid for by Mexico, is getting such a rough ride everywhere but the White House.

Where fences are an aid, they've been built. Now they need to be maintained, but barriers are not THE answer. They aren't even the biggest part of the answer.

If someone wants to break into my house, they can do it. I've done it when I've locked myself out, my cat sitter who has my spare key isn't around.

It's happened once in my life. The kid up the street broke in and stole my husband's fully mature pot plant, that he was about to cut down and dry, one weekend while we were away at the cottage. The plant that sat next to the state of the art tower computer, in our sunroom. Behind my computer desk, sitting on bookshelf was the chest of sterling silver dinnerware my mother gave me as a wedding present, and my professional grade Canon camera, lens. More than $5000 in value and all easily pawnable. The kid took the 3 ounces of home grown pot..

Sorry but you can’t be taken seriously...you just revealed yourself as a stoned Canadian crazy cat lady all in one short post. Thanks for that.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

First off, forget the whole democrats want illegals thing, republicans have gone for outright amnesty multiple times. Donald Trump right now, has a man working in his admistration who but illegals above his citizens and is an advocate for amnesty and open borders. The political ruling class wants cheap labor and a new, more docile voting block. This is why they don’t fix it for good.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

First off, forget the whole democrats want illegals thing, republicans have gone for outright amnesty multiple times. Donald Trump right now, has a man working in his admistration who but illegals above his citizens and is an advocate for amnesty and open borders. The political ruling class wants cheap labor and a new, more docile voting block. This is why they don’t fix it for good.

Look, right now...today, Mexicrats are extremely transparent in their “WETBACKS FIRST” commitment. Trump has single-handedly embarrassed the fuck out of wetback loving Republicans....with the exception of a few, he has transformed the Party in that regard. The GOP, behind Trump, knows they have to stop the spread of wetbacks or this nation will be conceded to a one Party rule...anybody sane knows that is inevitable if we stay on the current trajectory.
What makes you think the GOP supports Democratic rule?
Its not easy to demonstrate anything anymore. unsubstantiated talking points are held tightly, when spoken by those we agree with. we just believe on blind trust, & now we have been told that no place is trustworthy to check facts.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

First off, forget the whole democrats want illegals thing, republicans have gone for outright amnesty multiple times. Donald Trump right now, has a man working in his admistration who but illegals above his citizens and is an advocate for amnesty and open borders. The political ruling class wants cheap labor and a new, more docile voting block. This is why they don’t fix it for good.

Look, right now...today, Mexicrats are extremely transparent in their “WETBACKS FIRST” commitment. Trump has single-handedly embarrassed the fuck out of wetback loving Republicans....with the exception of a few, he has transformed the Party in that regard. The GOP, behind Trump, knows they have to stop the spread of wetbacks or this nation will be conceded to a one Party rule...anybody sane knows that is inevitable if we stay on the current trajectory.
What makes you think the GOP supports Democratic rule?

Mostly the actions of republicans.

TEXAS DREAM ACT [HOUSE BILL 1403]. House Bill 1403, widely known as the Texas DREAM Act, provides in-state tuition for Texans without legal status. House Bill (HB) 1403, passed by the Texas Legislature in 2001, provides Texans, regardless of legal immigration status, eligibility to be classified as state residents for the purpose of being charged in-state tuition rates at public Texas colleges and universities. Without this eligibility, institutions of higher learning would charge the higher out-of-state or international tuition rates. Texas was the first state in the nation to pass this type of legislation, and approximately twenty states followed with similar bills.

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama

Reagan And Bush Made The Same Immigration Move That Has The GOP Enraged At Obama.
So really, we need to be honest and stop this “democrat want amnesty bull shit when republicans want it just as bad, if not more.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

It is a no brainer. Trump hires illegals. Can't get a better recommendation than that. Of course great leader gets in trouble sometimes like the time he was sued by some pollacks working in this country illegally, for non payment, lack of safety equipment on the job etc. Can't MAGA paying decent wages and having to buy safety equipment for a bunch of sub human foreigners, you know.

Well, nice try, but the real story goes....Trumps people hired a contractor who then hired illegal aliens who worked off the books.
You folks from LibTardia plug along from check to check without the potential for exposure...you can’t wrap your head around how there are people doing more TODAY through their businesses than you will do over the course of the rest of your life. You can’t really comprehend this, nor can you comprehend the level of exposure this leads to for such people/companies....I honestly don’t expect you bottom feeders to be able to understand how the real world works for big businesses.

Trump has 24,000 employees...he doesn’t know who works for him.
But you must be livid with those filthy wetbacks of Trumps huh? We should behead those muthafuckers in public for defrauding a successful American company that pays your way shouldn’t we?
You bend over backwards to make excuses for him. It’s kinda cute, but more funny than anything.

A close friend of mine worked for Trump. He told me that Trump was involved in every aspect of his businesses especially the hiring process. He personally interviewed most of not all managers including my friend who had to give regular updates about operations.

Where are you getting your intel from? Or are you just making it up?
So really, we need to be honest and stop this “democrat want amnesty bull shit when republicans want it just as bad, if not more.

I call super bullshit.
You’re a little stuck in the past on this one bud.
Trump is the ingredient you are missing from your THEORY.
Here’s what we know as fact TODAY, what is not THEORY....follow me here.
1.) Wetbacks are the Mexicrats first priority
2.) The GOP is saying FUCK WETBACKS
So really, we need to be honest and stop this “democrat want amnesty bull shit when republicans want it just as bad, if not more.

I call super bullshit.
You’re a little stuck in the past on this one bud.
Trump is the ingredient you are missing from your THEORY.
Here’s what we know as fact TODAY, what is not THEORY....follow me here.
1.) Wetbacks are the Mexicrats first priority
2.) The GOP is saying FUCK WETBACKS
Here goes the angry little man again... you feeling better?
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

It is a no brainer. Trump hires illegals. Can't get a better recommendation than that. Of course great leader gets in trouble sometimes like the time he was sued by some pollacks working in this country illegally, for non payment, lack of safety equipment on the job etc. Can't MAGA paying decent wages and having to buy safety equipment for a bunch of sub human foreigners, you know.

Well, nice try, but the real story goes....Trumps people hired a contractor who then hired illegal aliens who worked off the books.
You folks from LibTardia plug along from check to check without the potential for exposure...you can’t wrap your head around how there are people doing more TODAY through their businesses than you will do over the course of the rest of your life. You can’t really comprehend this, nor can you comprehend the level of exposure this leads to for such people/companies....I honestly don’t expect you bottom feeders to be able to understand how the real world works for big businesses.

Trump has 24,000 employees...he doesn’t know who works for him.
But you must be livid with those filthy wetbacks of Trumps huh? We should behead those muthafuckers in public for defrauding a successful American company that pays your way shouldn’t we?
You bend over backwards to make excuses for him. It’s kinda cute, but more funny than anything.

A close friend of mine worked for Trump. He told me that Trump was involved in every aspect of his businesses especially the hiring process. He personally interviewed most of not all managers including my friend who had to give regular updates about operations.

Where are you getting your intel from? Or are you just making it up?

Hahaha...so weird that you LefTarded folks always seem to “have a friend” or “I know this one guy” sort of story.
Look, nobody believes “your friend”
I have a number of businesses....I am tiny potatoes when compared to Trumps empire....I do not know everyone who works for me and I certainly don’t know the employees of general contractors who work for me.
This is simple for those outside of LibTardia.

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