Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

We have no immigration clause or wall building clause.

We do have a general welfare clause and a commerce clause.

why are we losing money on border policy?
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
I literally just did in the statement that you are responding to. Did you even read it?

Oh I read it.
Probleme being those who support it are criminals.
That’s all you got? Those who support it are criminals?! Ok buddy, well done.

I don’t fully agree with sanctuary cities and think they should cooperate with ICE when it comes to violent criminals. But I also understand why they don’t want to get in the business of deporting jaywalkers.

Always a but...
Would you prefer me to be vague and not explain myself? Seems to be your style.

Look at how you respond to my statements... you do nothing to progress the conversation and provide no useful insight, opinion, facts or analysis. It’s like talking to a brick wall... worthless
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about
Any Democrat that is in favor of Sanctuary Cities or limits on ICE Detention Beds or wants Citizenship for legions of Illegal Aliens.

Throw a softball down the Left Side of the Aisle... you'll hit a hundred of 'em.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

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If you weren't so pathetic you'd be laughable.

Only you would pull the racist card.

No one hates brown people. But everyone hates illegals. They have no business in our country and cost we the tax payer billions each year.

No one cares what color their skin is except laughable you.

Conservatives posts that I read say otherwise.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

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Correct. Most hate themselves and it shows
Brown Menace, Brown Menace, Walls are immoral, walls want to kill you, AAAHHHH. Dems - we're not hateful and insane
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious
You believe quantity is more important than quality. You're answers are a joke.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about
All of them are.
See perfect example showing you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. If all of them embraced illegal immigration then they wouldn’t fund border security which they have done for decades. Sorry, you lose. That was easy
That was then. This is now. They aren't funding border security. They are doing everything they can to prevent it from being funded without the votes finding out that they are the main obstacle.
They are funding border security, they literally just proposed a 3 billion dollar package and have funded every year in the past.

I see you now trying to move the goalpost by saying they aren’t doing everything they can. Don’t go down that road, you already lost the argument.
They aren't funding jack shit. Why do you post these idiocies? No one believes them.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why do libs hate white people ?

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-T-H-I-N-G south of our border all the way down to the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will be fine, why are libs in such a rush to make the entire hemisphere all brown
people ?
I’m liberal. I’m white. I love people of all colors, white black brown and rainbow. I dont use a person skin color to determine whether I like them or not. So what the hell are you talking about?

It is very clear that the Democratic Party needs illegal immigration to stay in power.
It's also clear that the Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.
I dont really care about the political games the two corrupt parties play. I was responding to a comment about liberals hating white people which was absolutely ridiculous
It's absolutely true. For one thing, most liberals aren't white. The ones that are white are pitiful self-loathing worms.
Playing stupid makes you guys look really stupid.
Then why don’t you just answer the question and show where leaders are embracing illegal immigration. The fact that you don’t show facts and instead resort to calling us stupid just tells me that you don’t have a real response. Do better
How about all those Dims who want to abolish ICE? How about the Dims demanding a reduction in the never of spaces for criminal illegal aliens awaiting trial?
Well you would first have to understand their reasonings for doing both. Have you given an objective listen to their arguements? From the sound of your posts you seem to do nothing more than distort and demonize to try and make them look bad. But those tactics don’t give you credibility or display an understanding of both sides of the argument. I’d love for you to prove me wrong and show that you really do understand the Dems reasoning for taking those positions... give it a try.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
I understand them exactly. I'm just not fooled by bullshit.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
There are both positive and negative aspects of having undocumented immigrants in the country. On the positive side they provide low cost labor doing jobs that Americans won't do. On the negative side they live in poverty with little support from the government adding to the usually social consequences.

Many of the most serious problems of illegal immigration are often overlooked. The first being undocumented immigrants are undocumented. That means there are no good measures as to the size of the population so it is difficult to draw accurate conclusions. Being undocumented means living in the shadows, taking jobs that are safe from businesses often operating illegally, being a non-participate in civic affairs such as voting, reporting crimes to the police, volunteering, serving on juries, etc. In fear of the immigration police, parents don't register children for free healthcare such as vaccinations and free healthcare screenings. Lack of health insurance sends them to emergency rooms. Children are taught to avoid calling attention to themselves and the family by avoiding participation in school activities.

Democrats do not embrace illegally immigration. They believe we need better laws and better methods of enforcement.

I appreciate you laying out your position, however increased 'methods of enforcement' makes no sense without the fencing the border patrol has requested. More drones just isn't going to do it. Having so much open exposed territory is impossible to defend without a barrier. Technology just isn't enough. As for better laws, I agree with you there 100%. Neither party seems to have cared about border security for at least 40 years. Both parties need to put on their big boy pants and come up with legislation that makes it tougher on those who hire illegal immigrants. Our system is totally broken.
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious
You believe quantity is more important than quality. You're answers are a joke.
No I believe in being direct and actually providing insight and opinion as ways to progress discussions. You have not seemed to grasp that concept yet so you promote petty immature insult arguments that mean nothing.
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about
All of them are.
See perfect example showing you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. If all of them embraced illegal immigration then they wouldn’t fund border security which they have done for decades. Sorry, you lose. That was easy
That was then. This is now. They aren't funding border security. They are doing everything they can to prevent it from being funded without the votes finding out that they are the main obstacle.
They are funding border security, they literally just proposed a 3 billion dollar package and have funded every year in the past.

I see you now trying to move the goalpost by saying they aren’t doing everything they can. Don’t go down that road, you already lost the argument.
They aren't funding jack shit. Why do you post these idiocies? No one believes them.
This week they proposed 3 billion to border security. Last year the funded border security with billions of dollars. You’re digging your hole deeper. These are facts
How much of that is just funding what we already have in place? Also, why are the dems trying to hinder our ability to detain people by eliminating beds. Cutting people loose is dangerous. Again, you are wasting your time without a barrier. The Border Patrol wants it, claims it is necessary. I believe them. Huge wide open expanses cannot be effectively defended. That seems to be common sense. Does it make sense to beef up ports of entry if huge expanses of land are wide open? Does it make sense to pour billions into the problem just to let them go because beds were eliminated?
Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why do libs hate white people ?

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-T-H-I-N-G south of our border all the way down to the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will be fine, why are libs in such a rush to make the entire hemisphere all brown
people ?
I’m liberal. I’m white. I love people of all colors, white black brown and rainbow. I dont use a person skin color to determine whether I like them or not. So what the hell are you talking about?

It is very clear that the Democratic Party needs illegal immigration to stay in power.
It's also clear that the Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.
I dont really care about the political games the two corrupt parties play. I was responding to a comment about liberals hating white people which was absolutely ridiculous
It's absolutely true. For one thing, most liberals aren't white. The ones that are white are pitiful self-loathing worms.
Another useless comment from you. thanks for sharing but your blather is laughable
It also seems pretty clear that mass illegal immigration costs far more than just fixing the problem. To answer the question, no, illegal immigration is not good for the country. I don't care about the food, and the argument that jobs won't get done is bs. It is costing us a fortune, and this should bother democrats sense they are now debt hawks.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
There are both positive and negative aspects of having undocumented immigrants in the country. On the positive side they provide low cost labor doing jobs that Americans won't do. On the negative side they live in poverty with little support from the government adding to the usually social consequences.

Many of the most serious problems of illegal immigration are often overlooked. The first being undocumented immigrants are undocumented. That means there are no good measures as to the size of the population so it is difficult to draw accurate conclusions. Being undocumented means living in the shadows, taking jobs that are safe from businesses often operating illegally, being a non-participate in civic affairs such as voting, reporting crimes to the police, volunteering, serving on juries, etc. In fear of the immigration police, parents don't register children for free healthcare such as vaccinations and free healthcare screenings. Lack of health insurance sends them to emergency rooms. Children are taught to avoid calling attention to themselves and the family by avoiding participation in school activities.

Democrats do not embrace illegally immigration. They believe we need better laws and better methods of enforcement.

I appreciate you laying out your position, however increased 'methods of enforcement' makes no sense without the fencing the border patrol has requested. More drones just isn't going to do it. Having so much open exposed territory is impossible to defend without a barrier. Technology just isn't enough. As for better laws, I agree with you there 100%. Neither party seems to have cared about border security for at least 40 years. Both parties need to put on their big boy pants and come up with legislation that makes it tougher on those who hire illegal immigrants. Our system is totally broken.
We have built hundreds of miles of fencing over the past few decades so I cant agree with your claim that nobody has cared about it. We’ve also seen that the majority of smuggling and illegal crossings are NOT happening through exposed areas of the border, they happen through ports. I’m not saying that a border fence isn’t useful I just don’t think it is at the top of the priority list and there are better things to spend money on. Trump is going after a political win, if it was just about border security then everybody would let DHS choose where to spend the funds based on their needs.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Fuck you and your premise. We don’t like illegal employers. Get them the immigrants go home.

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