Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
The complex question fallacy.
How many times per day do you beat your wife?
How many school shootings should we tolerate before we change the gun laws?

Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

You need to describe what behavior is illegal when one crosses the border.

Trump has created a new and in my opinion an illegal policy. Before you answer you might look into immigration law and Asylum.

See: Asylum in the United States
Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

anyone can demonstrate that - anti immigration RW bigots are too F'n stupid to understand the explanation.

Read it again, the OP is talking about ILLEGAL immigration.
When did I say anything about diversity. Get your story straight.

Embrace your racist ass so the rest of us can laugh at ya.

Carry on racist.

Just like I said you would do. Literally fucking called it, not one post ago.

This is what I mean when I say we aren't debating. I'm calling your posts before you post them.

No your are seeing what you want to see. You see racists and bigots under every bush and behind every tree.

Carry on clueless.

You're right.


Of course I am. You prefer to think of your fellow Americans as racists when they don't agree with you.

You wouldn't know a real racist if one spit in your face.

Your good for a laugh though.

I know plenty of conservatives who aren't racist. I know plenty of liberals who are racist.

Because you defend racism, you are likely racist yourself. It's simple really.

And it's "You're". I didn't correct it the last time you did it, but your ignorance is showing.....again.

I'm not defending racists.

I am defending Americans who want illegals out of our country.

Don't care what color they are. They cost we tax payers billions every year. Those coming from Mexico bring drugs. Illegals murder, rape and rob Americans.

If you are okay with that then it just shows how little you care for your fellow Americans and how much you care about the illegals.
How many times per day do you beat your wife?

I think its only acceptable to democrats if Muslim men beat their wives
because all cultures are equal after all .....PFFFT
I know of a few progressive broads who could use a good backhand .

The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Why do libs hate white people ?

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-T-H-I-N-G south of our border all the way down to the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will be fine, why are libs in such a rush to make the entire hemisphere all brown
people ?
I’m liberal. I’m white. I love people of all colors, white black brown and rainbow. I dont use a person skin color to determine whether I like them or not. So what the hell are you talking about?

It is very clear that the Democratic Party needs illegal immigration to stay in power.
It's also clear that the Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about
All of them are.
See perfect example showing you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. If all of them embraced illegal immigration then they wouldn’t fund border security which they have done for decades. Sorry, you lose. That was easy
That was then. This is now. They aren't funding border security. They are doing everything they can to prevent it from being funded without the votes finding out that they are the main obstacle.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

I've asked this before. Don't expect a response with any sort of substance and certainly no evidence.

Playing stupid makes you guys look really stupid.
Then why don’t you just answer the question and show where leaders are embracing illegal immigration. The fact that you don’t show facts and instead resort to calling us stupid just tells me that you don’t have a real response. Do better
How about all those Dims who want to abolish ICE? How about the Dims demanding a reduction in the never of spaces for criminal illegal aliens awaiting trial?
Well you would first have to understand their reasonings for doing both. Have you given an objective listen to their arguements? From the sound of your posts you seem to do nothing more than distort and demonize to try and make them look bad. But those tactics don’t give you credibility or display an understanding of both sides of the argument. I’d love for you to prove me wrong and show that you really do understand the Dems reasoning for taking those positions... give it a try.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?
Utter horseshit. They do it because they want more illegals in the country.
No thank you for the laugh. You sure are laughable. Oh and I'm not embarrassed at all.

You are the one who should be embarrassed.

Calling American citizens who don't want illegals in our country racist. Just shows what an idiot you are. An idiot who sees racists behind every tree and under every bush. You are a laugh a minute.

The only ignorant biased idiot I see calling people racist is YOU.

These illegals cost we taxpayers billions every year yet you couldn't care less. How many do you have at your house?? How many are you paying for??

How bout NONE. You sure are laughable.

I can prove both he and you are a racist in one fell swoop.

What did he mean by "diversity"?

When you refuse to answer out loud, it's because you know what he meant. I know what he meant and you're just proving you're covering up for a racist because you are also in fact, a racist.

I only call racists, racists. Wanting to keep out illegal immigrants is fine. Being hell bent to the point of absurdity towards only the brown ones is racist.

Embrace your white hood or be embarassed by it. Your choice.

When did I say anything about diversity. Get your story straight.

Embrace your racist ass so the rest of us can laugh at ya.

Carry on racist.

Just like I said you would do. Literally fucking called it, not one post ago.

This is what I mean when I say we aren't debating. I'm calling your posts before you post them.

No your are seeing what you want to see. You see racists and bigots under every bush and behind every tree.

Carry on clueless.

You're right.

That's right, it doesn't, shit for brains.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

You need to describe what behavior is illegal when one crosses the border.

Trump has created a new and in my opinion an illegal policy. Before you answer you might look into immigration law and Asylum.

See: Asylum in the United States
Crossing the border without a valid visa is illegal, dumbass.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
what they're saying is Americans are stupid fks and too lazy to work. Not realizing they aren't tracking 1500 miles in desert with little water abusing themselves and their kids, and they are smarter than you and me. too fking funny. they can all go choke their chickens. I have no time for their stupid.

BTW, I can clean their clocks any day on this subject.
bripat9643 they're now openly calling the middle class stupid fks. Daring the middle class to challenge them. I guess they forget about trump. Not sure how since they eat and breath trump, but I just remember they are stupid fks.
Why do conservatives hate brown people?
You assume way too much.

1. You assume brown skin is the cause for our objections when we have clearly demonstrated repeatedly the reasons AGAINST illegal immigration.
2. You assume that we are all "conservatives"

The race card has become the argument of idiots lately. You have nothing else and no brain, so you scream "racism" and run away like little bitches.

No thank you for the laugh. You sure are laughable. Oh and I'm not embarrassed at all.

You are the one who should be embarrassed.

Calling American citizens who don't want illegals in our country racist. Just shows what an idiot you are. An idiot who sees racists behind every tree and under every bush. You are a laugh a minute.

The only ignorant biased idiot I see calling people racist is YOU.

These illegals cost we taxpayers billions every year yet you couldn't care less. How many do you have at your house?? How many are you paying for??

How bout NONE. You sure are laughable.

I can prove both he and you are a racist in one fell swoop.

What did he mean by "diversity"?

When you refuse to answer out loud, it's because you know what he meant. I know what he meant and you're just proving you're covering up for a racist because you are also in fact, a racist.

I only call racists, racists. Wanting to keep out illegal immigrants is fine. Being hell bent to the point of absurdity towards only the brown ones is racist.

Embrace your white hood or be embarassed by it. Your choice.

When did I say anything about diversity. Get your story straight.

Embrace your racist ass so the rest of us can laugh at ya.

Carry on racist.

Just like I said you would do. Literally fucking called it, not one post ago.

This is what I mean when I say we aren't debating. I'm calling your posts before you post them.

No your are seeing what you want to see. You see racists and bigots under every bush and behind every tree.

Carry on clueless.

You're right.

nice picture of the demobigots and racists. Another stupid fk that doesn't know the democrats own the klan.
Why do conservatives hate brown people?
You assume way too much.

1. You assume brown skin is the cause for our objections when we have clearly demonstrated repeatedly the reasons AGAINST illegal immigration.
2. You assume that we are all "conservatives"

The race card has become the argument of idiots lately. You have nothing else and no brain, so you scream "racism" and run away like little bitches.

Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?

In our food, in our clothing, by getting a fresh and differnt point of view on problems and issues. By seeing that people of different races and different cultures who come here really do want to embrace our way of life, and become part of our communities, and they are grateful for the opportunities we're providing.

I lived in one of the most diverse cities in the world, where white people make up 45% of the population, and the thing I miss most about the city is the lack of diversity here. Our large staff lunch room had tables being shared by blacks, whites, Asians and Middle Easterns, and all combinations thereof. School announcments were sent home in 50 separate languages to ensure all parents were well informed.

One of the women I worked with told me that Muslim women start their day with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey, for their complexions. At 40 years old, her skin was flawless. She shared recipes with me, and her hopes and dreams for her daughter, who is the same age as my youngest. Her daughter was "rebelling" by wearing a hijab. The mother did not and never had. There was mother/daughter conflict on this issue. She was proud of her daughter being named valedictorian at her high school, and that they would have the scholarship that came with it to help pay her tuition.

The family spent their Sundays at the Muslim community centre for prayers and a shared meal, just like my Prebyterian church, does. I suspect the shared meal consisted of entirely different foods, but the purpose of sharing fellowship with your faith community, raising our children to walk in God's path, seems to be exactly the same. I see these same patterns repeated in the Greek neighbourhoods, the Italian neighbourhoods, Little India, and all three Toronto Chinatowns. People want to live good lives filled with family, friends, food and laughter. These are the shared goals of nations.

I now live in an almost all white community - mostly Dutch and German descent. I miss the energy. I miss sharing persepctives and talking politics with the mostly Muslim cab drivers who drove me back and forth to work. We fear "others" because we don't know them. The people where I live now are much more frightened of Muslims than city dwellers are and that's because they don't know any.

When the Toronto van massacre happened, the Muslim faith community of a young woman who was killed, was there delivering meals and assistance to all of the victims and their families, not just their parishoner. Signs, messages and tributes appeared at the sites in every possible language, citing every possible religion. Funerals were held in synagogues, mosques, cathedrals, and storefront churches. When people blamed "diversity" for the killing, the mayor of Toronto said that diversity had nothing to do with the killing, but it had everything to do with the response. Humans as a species are inclined to fear and hate that which they do not know. Diversity destroys those fears and removes that hate.

Americans are always focusing on people's differences - race being a huge thing for them. When you strip away the colour of peoples' skins, we are all the same inside. We want to do right by our families. We want to be safe, and secure. We all want our kids to grow up straight and true, and have good jobs and do well in life. That is priority number one for everyone regardless of whether you are an aboriginal in the Amazon jungle, or a Wall Street banker.
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When did I say anything about diversity. Get your story straight.

Embrace your racist ass so the rest of us can laugh at ya.

Carry on racist.

Just like I said you would do. Literally fucking called it, not one post ago.

This is what I mean when I say we aren't debating. I'm calling your posts before you post them.

No your are seeing what you want to see. You see racists and bigots under every bush and behind every tree.

Carry on clueless.

You're right.


Of course I am. You prefer to think of your fellow Americans as racists when they don't agree with you.

You wouldn't know a real racist if one spit in your face.

Your good for a laugh though.

I know plenty of conservatives who aren't racist. I know plenty of liberals who are racist.

Because you defend racism, you are likely racist yourself. It's simple really.

And it's "You're". I didn't correct it the last time you did it, but your ignorance is showing.....again.
how does one defend racism? explain how you do that.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

Similar question, how do we benefit from diversity?

In our food, in our clothing, by getting a fresh and differnt point of view on problems and issues. By seeing that people of different races and different cultures who come here really do want to embrace our way of life, and become part of our communities, and they are grateful for the opportunities we're providing.

I lived in one of the most diverse cities in the world, where white people make up 45% of the population, and the thing I miss most about the city is the lack of diversity here. Our large staff lunch room had tables being shared by blacks, whites, Asians and Middle Easterns, and all combinations thereof. School announcments were sent home in 50 separate languages to ensure all parents were well informed.

One of the women I worked with told me that Muslim women start their day with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey, for their complexions. At 40 years old, her skin was flawless. She shared recipes with me, and her hopes and dreams for her daughter, who is the same age as my youngest. Her daughter was "rebelling" by wearing a hijab. The mother did not and never had. There was mother/daughter conflict on this issue. She was proud of her daughter being named valedictorian at her high school, and that they would have the scholarship that came with it to help pay her tuition.

The family spent their Sundays at the Muslim community centre for prayers and a shared meal, just like my Prebyterian church, does. I suspect the shared meal consisted of entirely different foods, but the purpose of sharing fellowship with your faith community, raising our children to walk in God's path, seems to be exactly the same. I see these same patterns repeated in the Greek neighbourhoods, the Italian neighbourhoods, Little India, and all three Toronto Chinatowns. People want to live good lives filled with family, friends, food and laughter. These are the shared goals of nations.

I now live in an almost all white community - mostly Dutch and German descent. I miss the energy. I miss sharing persepctives and talking politics with the mostly Muslim cab drivers who drove me back and forth to work. We fear "others" because we don't know them. The people where I live now are much more frightened of Muslims than city dwellers are and that's because they don't know any.

When the Toronto van massacre happened, the Muslim faith community of a young woman who was killed, was there delivering meals and assistance to all of the victims and their families, not just their parishoner. Signs, messages and tributes appeared at the sites in every possible language, citing every possible religion. Funerals were held in synagogues, mosques, cathedrals, and storefront churches. When people blamed "diversity" for the killing, the mayor of Toronto said that diversity had nothing to do with the killing, but it had everything to do with the response.

Americans are always focusing on people's differences - race being a huge thing for them. When you strip away the colour of peoples' skins, we are all the same inside. We want to do right by our families. We want to be safe, and secure. We all want our kids to grow up straight and true, and have good jobs and do well in life. That is priority number one for everyone regardless of whether you are an aboriginal in the Amazon jungle, or a Wall Street banker.
dragon, you don't live here so how can you make this statement?

By seeing that people of different races and different cultures who come here really do want to embrace our way of life

You aren't here, you have no fking clue what you are saying. YOU DON"T LIVE IN OUR CITIES use our LAWS. you know fking nothing except what you hear on tv. please spare us your ignorance. Go get on a canadian message board and do your bullshitting there.
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Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
The complex question fallacy.
How many times per day do you beat your wife?
How many school shootings should we tolerate before we change the gun laws?

Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?
Here why don't you answer this one question about guns, what gun law can identify a bad guy that isn't one yet?

I'll talk gun laws once you can identify that one solution.

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