Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

The complex question fallacy.
How many times per day do you beat your wife?
How many school shootings should we tolerate before we change the gun laws?

Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?
So, don't just identify the symptoms of the disease, doctor. Diagnose and treat.

Don't just identify the fallacy and walk. That does NOTHING. ALL arguments are fallacy. That's why they are called "arguments" and not "truths". Identifying the fallacy only works to help you identify POTENTIAL weaknesses in the arguments and develop counter-arguments.

See again the doctor example above.

Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?

You need to describe what behavior is illegal when one crosses the border.

Trump has created a new and in my opinion an illegal policy. Before you answer you might look into immigration law and Asylum.

See: Asylum in the United States
Crossing the border without a valid visa is illegal, dumbass.

And.....these actions are felonies:

"The biggest misconception about the problem of non-citizen voting is that illegal aliens are "undocumented." That's nonsense. Some experts believe that up to 75% of illegals who work in America have fraudulent Social Security cards. Fake licenses, birth certificates, and green cards are incredibly common. The fake ID industry is worth more than $2 billion."
Report: As Many as 5.7 Million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008 Election
"In our food, in our clothing, by getting a fresh and differnt point of view on problems and issues. By seeing that people of different races and different cultures who come here really do want to embrace our way of life, and become part of our communities, and they are grateful for the opportunities we're providing."

So, basically your answer is "Mexican food." They sure as hell don't demonstrate that they embrace our way of life. Even if they did, how does that benefit me? When they come from third world shit holes, their point of view on how to solve problems is of no interest. They obviously aren't good at it.
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

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Why do libs hate white people ?

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-T-H-I-N-G south of our border all the way down to the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will be fine, why are libs in such a rush to make the entire hemisphere all brown
people ?
I’m liberal. I’m white. I love people of all colors, white black brown and rainbow. I dont use a person skin color to determine whether I like them or not. So what the hell are you talking about?

It is very clear that the Democratic Party needs illegal immigration to stay in power.

It’s also very clear that the Republicans need Russia to win elections.

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Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

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Same reason you hate Jews.

I don’t hate Jews.
I have no reason to.

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I don’t hate “brown people”. No reason to.
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

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Why do libs hate white people ?

Brown has E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-T-H-I-N-G south of our border all the way down to the southernmost tip of Argentina. They will be fine, why are libs in such a rush to make the entire hemisphere all brown
people ?
I’m liberal. I’m white. I love people of all colors, white black brown and rainbow. I dont use a person skin color to determine whether I like them or not. So what the hell are you talking about?

It is very clear that the Democratic Party needs illegal immigration to stay in power.
It's also clear that the Democratic Party regards Anglo Voters as its opposition.
I dont really care about the political games the two corrupt parties play. I was responding to a comment about liberals hating white people which was absolutely ridiculous
Clearly they know something we don’t... I don’t get it, why not share their knowledge?
Wouldn’t that be an easy way to get good Americans to embrace illegal immigration?
They pitch it as such a no-brainer yet not one of them have been able to articulate the notion....Shouldn’t it be simple to produce an illustration of just how much of a no-brainer it actually is?
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about
All of them are.
See perfect example showing you don’t know what the hell you are talking about. If all of them embraced illegal immigration then they wouldn’t fund border security which they have done for decades. Sorry, you lose. That was easy
That was then. This is now. They aren't funding border security. They are doing everything they can to prevent it from being funded without the votes finding out that they are the main obstacle.
They are funding border security, they literally just proposed a 3 billion dollar package and have funded every year in the past.

I see you now trying to move the goalpost by saying they aren’t doing everything they can. Don’t go down that road, you already lost the argument.
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

I've asked this before. Don't expect a response with any sort of substance and certainly no evidence.

Playing stupid makes you guys look really stupid.
Then why don’t you just answer the question and show where leaders are embracing illegal immigration. The fact that you don’t show facts and instead resort to calling us stupid just tells me that you don’t have a real response. Do better
How about all those Dims who want to abolish ICE? How about the Dims demanding a reduction in the never of spaces for criminal illegal aliens awaiting trial?
Well you would first have to understand their reasonings for doing both. Have you given an objective listen to their arguements? From the sound of your posts you seem to do nothing more than distort and demonize to try and make them look bad. But those tactics don’t give you credibility or display an understanding of both sides of the argument. I’d love for you to prove me wrong and show that you really do understand the Dems reasoning for taking those positions... give it a try.
I've heard their bullshit arguments. The real reason is that they don't want to stop the flood of illegals into this country. Any other claims are pure sophistry..
I really don’t think you’ve heard or understand their arguments. Youve given no indication that you get it as you constantly misrepresent what they are saying.
Which democrats are embracing illegal immigration? Show the quote or plan that they are presenting cause I don’t know what you are talking about

Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
I literally just did in the statement that you are responding to. Did you even read it?
Sanctuary cities,ending ICE the refusal to hold criminal aliens for ICE.
Your stupidity is world class!!
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
I literally just did in the statement that you are responding to. Did you even read it?

Oh I read it.
Probleme being those who support it are criminals.
Sanctuary cities are done by those who feel it helps law enforcement do their jobs better not because they embrace illegal immigration. Abolishing ICE is called for by those who feel ICE is abusing their power, not because they embrace illegal immigration. Your third point is the same thing as sanctuary cities. Got any more genius revelations you want to share?

Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
I literally just did in the statement that you are responding to. Did you even read it?

Oh I read it.
Probleme being those who support it are criminals.
That’s all you got? Those who support it are criminals?! Ok buddy, well done.

I don’t fully agree with sanctuary cities and think they should cooperate with ICE when it comes to violent criminals. But I also understand why they don’t want to get in the business of deporting jaywalkers.
Actually the Democratic Party is a coalition of hate.
This is why the Democrats have so many hate groups.
It's why Democrat Voters put their race ahead of their country.
Nation of islam
La Raza
Black Panthers
Muslim Brotherhood

So u believe that the Klan is part of the Demo party

You just insulted ever Klan member

Duck and cover

Black Panthers and Nation of Islam

well they hate white people and unfortunately it would be a conflict of interest if they were part of the demo party as there are some white people in the party

Yet the should go to the repub party because the repub at least let them keep their guns

A match made in heaven

Duck and cover
Last edited:
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Same reason you hate Jews.

I don’t hate Jews.
I have no reason to.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don’t hate “brown people”. No reason to.

It’s unfortunate that the rest of the conservatives on this board don’t share your point of view.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The immigration issues shows that the Democratic Party regards educated middle class Americans to be their #1 opposition.

Why do conservatives hate brown people?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Same reason you hate Jews.

I don’t hate Jews.
I have no reason to.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don’t hate “brown people”. No reason to.

It’s unfortunate that the rest of the conservatives on this board don’t share your point of view.

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Eh? Such as
Why can’t Democrat’s easily demonstrate how Americans benefit from illegal immigration?

They can become republicans when they gain citizenship and then the party can truly represent the people
It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably -- probably -- from the Middle East. But we don't know. Because we have no protection and we have no competence. And it's got to stop, and it's got to stop fast.
Such a weak response...
Surely you can do better.
You call addressing each of your points a weak response?! Haha. Compare mine to yours. I give direct responses to each of your points and you lazily respond by calling it weak. I think the weak response in this discussion is obvious

You can't even address sanctuary cities.
I literally just did in the statement that you are responding to. Did you even read it?

Oh I read it.
Probleme being those who support it are criminals.
That’s all you got? Those who support it are criminals?! Ok buddy, well done.

I don’t fully agree with sanctuary cities and think they should cooperate with ICE when it comes to violent criminals. But I also understand why they don’t want to get in the business of deporting jaywalkers.

Always a but...

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