Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

What's this freedom of conscience crap? You're not forced to accept anything. You can sit and stew in your unacceptance from now til eternity. Go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage. There's plenty of them. BFD. Same-sex marriage has had NO IMPACT on your life at all and the only reason why you're discussing it is because you like sticking your nose in business where it doesn't belong.

Sigh, if all you have to hurl at me are religious slurs, then my argument must have stuck a nerve. I don't see you effectively countering it with one of your own.

WHERE did I hurl a religious slur?

When I said go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage? You ALREADY belong to a church that forbids it. So how is that a slur?

You have no argument, therefore, no nerve struck.

You meant it as a pejorative. Lets try not to play coy, please. I have a really good argument. You fail to acknowledge it.
Sigh, if all you have to hurl at me are religious slurs, then my argument must have stuck a nerve. I don't see you effectively countering it with one of your own.

WHERE did I hurl a religious slur?

When I said go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage? You ALREADY belong to a church that forbids it. So how is that a slur?

You have no argument, therefore, no nerve struck.

You meant it as a pejorative. Lets try not to play coy, please. I have a really good argument. You fail to acknowledge it.

You've explained NOTHING.

All you did was state that gay marriage strips you of your freedom of conscience.

That's not an argument, that's a statement.

How does gay marriage strip you of your freedom of conscience? Do gays getting married change your marriage in any way? Are you afraid the government will force your church to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies? You need to discuss how your conscience is being affected and then maybe you can begin having an argument.
That's "solely," fyi.

Secondly, this infraction impacts more than just me. Millions of others share my view on this subject. Quite funny you have a picture of Eric Holder as your avatar. This only speaks to what you stand for.

Have a good morning.

Yours and the millions of other allegedly impacted consciences are irrevelant, son, and it isn't a valid reason. Anyone can claim anything has a negative impact on their conscience.

Demonstrate something real.

You asked me what impact gay marriage has on my life, I told you. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.

Stop sounding like a Shaft wannabe.

And I told you that your answer doesn't cut the mustard.

So sorry to inform you that your conscience is not a factor in this matter.
When it becomes way of law, it has been forced on me. Whether it has any impact on me is irrelevant. My faith teaches against it, but I have never forced it on anyone. Please ditch the assumptions, kind lady. I have to live with the fact that now those in authority over me condone it and support it, therefore robbing me of my right to think gay marriage is wrong. When the consensus agrees with that lifestyle, it alienates those who don't. There is your impact, if you seek one.

Your argument can be used just as well to support gay marriage. You advocate gay marriage to be unlawful, so it has also become “way of law, and it has been forced on me”. And the fact that it (disallowing gay marriage) most certainly does have a negative impact on me and thousands of others is very relevant. My faith teaches for gay marriage, but I have never forced gay marriage on anyone. If we continue to disallow gay marriage, I have to live with the fact that those in authority over me condemn it and do not support it, therefore robbing me of my right to think gay marriage is right. When the consensus disagrees with that lifestyle, it alienates those who don't disagree. There is your impact, if you seek one.

So using your same argument, disallowing gay marriage impacts me just as much as allowing gay marriage impacts you. However….add to those trifling (and questionable) impacts you’ve claimed, the tangible and very real impacts; it deprives me of 1,138 benefits and privileges which are allowed to opposite sex marriage but disallowed to same sex marriage.

Basic math:
Impacts from disallowing gay marriage=4 intangible and questionable impacts
Impacts from allowing gay marriage =4 intangible and questionable impacts plus 1,138 tangible impacts.

Obviously then the far greater harm which has the most impacts is caused by disallowing same sex marriage.

BTW, “robbing” you of your “right to think gay marriage is wrong”, is camel caca. You still have that right. Rap music and eating mushrooms is legal. Does that fact rob me of my right to think rap sucks and is not really music and mushrooms are gross? Of course not. I still have that right to think so.

Also your claim that when it becomes law it has been forced on you is also false. You will not be required to marry anyone; you will not be required to even acknowledge gays’ marriages. You won’t be required to do anything. Nothing real or tangible has been forced upon you.

That would be akin to someone making the claim that allowing blacks to become full citizens, vote, go to school, etc; impacts them negatively because when it becomes way of law, it has been forced on you. Your faith teaches against blacks being complete citizens. You would have to live with the fact that now those in authority over you condone blacks being free and full citizens and supporting them, therefore robbing you of your right to think allowing blacks to be equal to whites is wrong. When the consensus agrees with blacks’ lifestyle, it alienates those who don't agree. There is your impact, if you seek one. Your argument paints a false picture trying to rationalize your hatred where if you are not allowed to impose your views on others, it somehow makes you the victim.

It is typical fallacious twaddle. Those who seek to impose and oppress, quite often employ the strategy of using propaganda and spin to paint themselves as the victims. Very similar to what Al Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists do. Very similar to what racists did in the 60s and 70s. Claiming victim status gives them the seeming rationalization and justification to continue to oppress their victims: whether those victims are gays, blacks, or kafir (”infidel”).

“I’m victimized because I can no longer victimize others. Oh my!”

If you think same sex sucking each other is not repugnant, you are without a doubt a Furtive Coward.
Well, If you think same sex sucking each other is not repugnant, you are without a doubt a Furtive Coward.

Please explain why it is repugnant and why they would be a "Furtive Coward".

I reckon we could say the same thing about mushrooms. "Well, if you think eating mushrooms is not repugnant, you are without a doubt a Furtive Coward." :)
I'm tired of all this civil union's ain't good enough and semantical bullshit, they can amend some aspects of civil unions to give equal legl rights to gays but leave marriage alone.
ask the lady from new york the 80 year old something .... when her other half died instead of the other person in that civia union retaining their wealth of the civil union, you republicans said they can't do that ... that they have to pay taxes on it ... that they haven't any wrights to each others social security benefits or any benefit that you receive as a married person .... marriage has nothing to do with establishing 1 man 12 woman ... it has to do with all the beneifits that married people get ... period
Yours and the millions of other allegedly impacted consciences are irrevelant, son, and it isn't a valid reason. Anyone can claim anything has a negative impact on their conscience.

Demonstrate something real.

You asked me what impact gay marriage has on my life, I told you. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.

Stop sounding like a Shaft wannabe.

And I told you that your answer doesn't cut the mustard.

So sorry to inform you that your conscience is not a factor in this matter.

No, you're not. And I wouldn't be, either.

Yours and the millions of other allegedly impacted consciences are irrevelant, son, and it isn't a valid reason. Anyone can claim anything has a negative impact on their conscience.

Demonstrate something real.

You asked me what impact gay marriage has on my life, I told you. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.

Stop sounding like a Shaft wannabe.

And I told you that your answer doesn't cut the mustard.

So sorry to inform you that your conscience is not a factor in this matter.
It does with him, and everybody has a right to their own opinion on what does and doesn't.

Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

.............. I think they would if Civil Unions applied equally to all and were used for same-sex and different-sex couples to reflect the establishment of a family relationship where one did not exist before.


Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

.............. I think they would if Civil Unions applied equally to all and were used for same-sex and different-sex couples to reflect the establishment of a family relationship where one did not exist before.


Indeed we would. It's not like we're turning down even the skim milk version of Civil Unions when states pass them.
How would gay marriage specifically impact your life?

It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

So outside of your own mind it wont affect your life one bit.

Sorry, that's not gonna cut it, son.

Lots of faiths believe things that are illegal or have issues with civil law. Maybe people like TemplarKormac should do the principled thing and flee the USA like Mitt Romney's family did when polygamists disagreed

If you think same sex sucking each other is not repugnant, you are without a doubt a Furtive Coward.

So what is the difference between a man who sticks his dick in a woman's mouth, and a man who sticks his dick in the mouth of another man? Either way, he's getting a blowjob, so what difference does it make what sex the other person is?


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