Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

You've said nothing of substance. All you've done is say it should be okay to oppress a segment of our society because of your repressed beliefs and then you weakly try to dodge any criticism or questions regarding your beliefs. You're a repressed closeted cocksucking moron.

Going on 36 hours membership here, and you are the first member of my ignore list. Congratulations. I never said anything about oppressing anyone. I have a right to my opinion, just as you do yours.

And your opinion is that same sex marriage should not be allowed, correct?

My opinion is that marriage is between a man and a woman. Nothing more, nothing less. Am I forcing it on anyone? Of course not.
Do you believe that gay marriage should be illegal because of what your faith teaches? Yes or no.

I believe in the lawful separation of Church and State actually. So no. But that doesn't mean I can't express my feelings on the subject.

Bigotry is legal if not socially acceptable

So is stupidity.

Good night.

(P.S. Bigotry works both ways. Stop preaching about tolerance unless you are willing to give it in return.)
Wow. Just wow. Do you have a real argument? Like ever?

The real question is who was this puppet before they signed up under this name? What was your last username on USMB?
just another dipshit

Here comes #2. It's probably good I get all of you miscreants on my ignore list now, rather than having to wait and do it later. All I want is a civil discussion, if you won't oblige I will simply place you there.

Stop wasting my time, please.
The fact we are all talking about it means it has had an impact on our lives.

How would gay marriage specifically impact your life?

It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

So outside of your own mind it wont affect your life one bit.

Sorry, that's not gonna cut it, son.
How would gay marriage specifically impact your life?

It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

So outside of your own mind it wont affect your life one bit.

Sorry, that's not gonna cut it, son.

It's obvious you aren't gay either, so how do you know what impact it has?

And I am nothing close to being your son. Sorry, your assumptions aren't arguments, friend, they are what they are. Assumptions.
The fact we are all talking about it means it has had an impact on our lives.

How would gay marriage specifically impact your life?

It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

What's this freedom of conscience crap? You're not forced to accept anything. You can sit and stew in your unacceptance from now til eternity. Go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage. There's plenty of them. BFD. Same-sex marriage has had NO IMPACT on your life at all and the only reason why you're discussing it is because you like sticking your nose in business where it doesn't belong.
It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

So outside of your own mind it wont affect your life one bit.

Sorry, that's not gonna cut it, son.

It's obvious you aren't gay either, so how do you know what impact it has?

And I am nothing close to being your son. Sorry, your assumptions aren't arguments, friend, they are what they are. Assumptions.

If the impact exists soley in your fragile little mind it's not going to cut it, son.
So outside of your own mind it wont affect your life one bit.

Sorry, that's not gonna cut it, son.

It's obvious you aren't gay either, so how do you know what impact it has?

And I am nothing close to being your son. Sorry, your assumptions aren't arguments, friend, they are what they are. Assumptions.

If the impact exists soley in your fragile little mind it's not going to cut it, son.

That's "solely," fyi.

Secondly, this infraction impacts more than just me. Millions of others share my view on this subject. Quite funny you have a picture of Eric Holder as your avatar. This only speaks to what you stand for.

Have a good morning.
I love it. 24 pages of semantical arguments. Rightyloons you hate gay people we get it. Leftytoons you can try to justify things all you want but Tab A is meant to go into slot B. Now that we have reality out of the way I say let them get gay married. They should have to deal with the same shit the rest of us do. Why should they be allowed a pass on custody battles and alimony and everything else?
How would gay marriage specifically impact your life?

It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

What's this freedom of conscience crap? You're not forced to accept anything. You can sit and stew in your unacceptance from now til eternity. Go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage. There's plenty of them. BFD. Same-sex marriage has had NO IMPACT on your life at all and the only reason why you're discussing it is because you like sticking your nose in business where it doesn't belong.

Sigh, if all you have to hurl at me are religious slurs, then my argument must have stuck a nerve. I don't see you effectively countering it with one of your own.
It's obvious you aren't gay either, so how do you know what impact it has?

And I am nothing close to being your son. Sorry, your assumptions aren't arguments, friend, they are what they are. Assumptions.

If the impact exists soley in your fragile little mind it's not going to cut it, son.

That's "solely," fyi.

Secondly, this infraction impacts more than just me. Millions of others share my view on this subject. Quite funny you have a picture of Eric Holder as your avatar. This only speaks to what you stand for.

Have a good morning.

Yours and the millions of other allegedly impacted consciences are irrevelant, son, and it isn't a valid reason. Anyone can claim anything has a negative impact on their conscience.

Demonstrate something real.
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It strips me of my freedom of conscience. I will be forced to accept it as a way of the law, knowing that my faith teaches against it. The fact we discuss it's impact now means it has had an impact on our lives this very moment, as I have previously stated.

What's this freedom of conscience crap? You're not forced to accept anything. You can sit and stew in your unacceptance from now til eternity. Go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage. There's plenty of them. BFD. Same-sex marriage has had NO IMPACT on your life at all and the only reason why you're discussing it is because you like sticking your nose in business where it doesn't belong.

Sigh, if all you have to hurl at me are religious slurs, then my argument must have stuck a nerve. I don't see you effectively countering it with one of your own.

WHERE did I hurl a religious slur?

When I said go belong to a church that forbids same-sex marriage? You ALREADY belong to a church that forbids it. So how is that a slur?

You have no argument, therefore, no nerve struck.
This is a near perfect example of the need to limit government to the things that it is absolutely necessary to be involved in. The essential question is what is a 225 year old secular government doing trying to define a Religious Sacrament Marriage is a Sacred Religious Covenant that has been around for more than 5,000 years and it should have stayed that way. Instead someone got the bright idea to let The State butt it's nose into it not because it was necessary but because they didn't see where it would do any harm because at the time the idea of Same-sex Marriage would have seemed absolutely preposterous.

So now we're stuck in an untenable position, on the one hand you have the Religious community who see's those pushing for S/S Marriage as people who have no respect for their Sacred Religious beliefs trying to make them update this 5,000+ year old tradition for nothing more than modern Political Correctness.

On the other hand you have the Gay Community who feel they are being discriminated against by a group of narrow minded Religious bigots. If Marriage had been left alone as a Religious Covenant this would never have been an issue but since the Government got involved there are all kinds of legal issues. We've all heard the issues, inheritance, medical visitation and decision making and so on and the Gay community feels they are treated as second class citizens, as though their relationships, their feelings were any less genuine than those of Heterosexuals. And they are right to feel that way.

I'm a Born Again, Evangelical Christian and I would have a serious problem if my Pastor started performing Same-Sex Marriages but by the same token I am an American and it is far worse for my government to treat a Homosexual couple as though they were less than a Heterosexual couple in the eyes of the law.

The OP asked why "gays" can't accept Civil Unions and just be done with it? The simple answer is because no one is suggesting that Heterosexuals should have to so why should they. If the 9 people on the SCOTUS really wanted to put this to rest they could simply step back and say that from now on no government body shall perform Marriage ceremonies, only Civil Unions. If a couple wanted to be Married they go to a church and to simplify matters Pastors, Priests, Ministers and the like would be able to incorporate the Civil Union ceremony into the Marriage ceremony so that if a couple is Married in a church they are also joined in a legal Civil Union.

The Marriage ceremony would be strictly for Religious purposes and the Civil Union would cover legal matters. This would put Heterosexual and Homosexual couples on equal footing in the eyes of the law, no difference in their legal rights. I don't know of any Homosexual couples who are fighting for the right to be married in a church, they just want to be equal in the eyes of the law and I don't know of any Heterosexuals who care if Homosexual couples are given legal rights on par with their own it's only the tradition of the Religious Sacrament of Marriage and millenia of understanding what it meant that they didn't want changed based on the standards of the day
If the impact exists soley in your fragile little mind it's not going to cut it, son.

That's "solely," fyi.

Secondly, this infraction impacts more than just me. Millions of others share my view on this subject. Quite funny you have a picture of Eric Holder as your avatar. This only speaks to what you stand for.

Have a good morning.

Yours and the millions of other allegedly impacted consciences are irrevelant, son, and it isn't a valid reason. Anyone can claim anything has a negative impact on their conscience.

Demonstrate something real.

You asked me what impact gay marriage has on my life, I told you. If you don't like the answer, don't ask the question.

Stop sounding like a Shaft wannabe.

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