Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

You are attributing quotes to me that I have not made.

I wasn't attributing them to you. I was responding to Redfish.

I know who you were addressing. no matter how many times you recite the gay marriage talking points, you can never make a case that a sanctioned civil union is any less than a gay marriage.

your issue is not equal rights, its trying to force your beliefs and lifestyle on the rest of us.

If you would be honest about it, you might make more progress.

If your real goal is for you and your partner to have the same rights as a man/woman couple then a civil union does that. But thats not really your goal now is it?
I wasn't attributing them to you. I was responding to Redfish.

I know who you were addressing. no matter how many times you recite the gay marriage talking points, you can never make a case that a sanctioned civil union is any less than a gay marriage.

your issue is not equal rights, its trying to force your beliefs and lifestyle on the rest of us.

If you would be honest about it, you might make more progress.

If your real goal is for you and your partner to have the same rights as a man/woman couple then a civil union does that. But thats not really your goal now is it?

Civil unions are fine. Are you willing to pay for all those statutes, laws, etc. on the books to be changed so that the word "marriage" is replaced with the word "civil union"?
I know who you were addressing. no matter how many times you recite the gay marriage talking points, you can never make a case that a sanctioned civil union is any less than a gay marriage.

your issue is not equal rights, its trying to force your beliefs and lifestyle on the rest of us.

If you would be honest about it, you might make more progress.

If your real goal is for you and your partner to have the same rights as a man/woman couple then a civil union does that. But thats not really your goal now is it?

Civil unions are fine. Are you willing to pay for all those statutes, laws, etc. on the books to be changed so that the word "marriage" is replaced with the word "civil union"?

no need to change anything regarding marriage. marriage is the union of one man and one woman. a civil union is the union of two men or two women. Both should have equal standing as to survivor rights, inheritance, insurance etc.

But again, equality is not really your goal is it? You want the govt to force the rest of us to condone gay "marriage".
I'm tired of all this civil union's ain't good enough and semantical bullshit, they can amend some aspects of civil unions to give equal legl rights to gays but leave marriage alone.

Why do you care? It has nothing at all to do with your life. Why can't you just mind your own business instead of wanting the government to be a legal Peeping Tom?

Why do you believe that some Americans should not have the same rights as the rest of us?

Gays are guaranteed the same rights YOU enjoy. Do you want to change the Constitution?

Bottom line is, we should all be fighting for equal rights for all, even if we disagree with them.

There are plenty of groups with whom I disagree but I would still fight for their rights because that's what Americans do.
Civil unions are fine. Are you willing to pay for all those statutes, laws, etc. on the books to be changed so that the word "marriage" is replaced with the word "civil union"?

no need to change anything regarding marriage. marriage is the union of one man and one woman. a civil union is the union of two men or two women. Both should have equal standing as to survivor rights, inheritance, insurance etc.

But again, equality is not really your goal is it? You want the govt to force the rest of us to condone gay "marriage".

Of course equality is the goal.

Same water came out of both fountains didn't it?


If you want Civil Unions for all non familial consenting adults, fine. If you want your "hets only" water fountain, that ain't gonna fly.
I'm tired of all this civil union's ain't good enough and semantical bullshit, they can amend some aspects of civil unions to give equal legl rights to gays but leave marriage alone.

Why can't you drop your ridiculous prejudices? Especially when it has absolutely ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, 0.00% impact on you and your life.


because we dont want to see fags kissing in public, it's disgusting....so no to you and your boyfriend making out.
I'm tired of all this civil union's ain't good enough and semantical bullshit, they can amend some aspects of civil unions to give equal legl rights to gays but leave marriage alone.

Why can't you drop your ridiculous prejudices? Especially when it has absolutely ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, 0.00% impact on you and your life.


because we dont want to see fags kissing in public, it's disgusting....so no to you and your boyfriend making out.

Look away.
Gays aren't happy unless they are flouting their perversions and pressing to have them accepted as the norm. They are a snippy, agressive lot more self-righteous than fundametalist preachers.

Gays just want the law to recognize their unions in the same way the law recognizes straight unions.

They are not trying to become the "norm", and they are not trying to force you out of your own personal heterosexual relationship.

Do you realize how contradictory that sounds? You say they want their relationship under the law to be equal to that of heterosexuals, that is the very definition of normalization. So you agree with me that homosexuality isn't normal?

I get the same drivers license, right to vote or get a concealed carry permit you do. Does that "normalize" gays? Why is a marriage license different?
I'm tired of all this civil union's ain't good enough and semantical bullshit, they can amend some aspects of civil unions to give equal legl rights to gays but leave marriage alone.

Because the 'leaders' of the gay focused voters are determined to keep their followers polarized enough to continue voting Democrat in national elections.
Do you realize how contradictory that sounds? You say they want their relationship under the law to be equal to that of heterosexuals, that is the very definition of normalization. So you agree with me that homosexuality isn't normal?

I get the same drivers license, right to vote or get a concealed carry permit you do. Does that "normalize" gays? Why is a marriage license different?
Those things don't normalized your sexual identity because they have no attachment to sexual identity, marriage does.

Really? Your identity is in question until you're married?
I get the same drivers license, right to vote or get a concealed carry permit you do. Does that "normalize" gays? Why is a marriage license different?
Those things don't normalized your sexual identity because they have no attachment to sexual identity, marriage does.

Really? Your identity is in question until you're married?

you have lost the argument on its merits, wytchy. continuing to repeat the same crap over an over just makes you look foolish. might be time to cut your losses and try to save what little credibility you have left.

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