Why can't gays accept civil unions and just be done with it?

you and your partner should be able to file a joint tax return. I have no issue with that. your mutual committment should be recognized as long as you both have legally agreed to it-----------but its not a marriage.

You've lost the semantics battle, but you will always be able to belong to a religion or church that discriminates. The government cannot be allowed to.

You are not discriminated against today. you have the same civil rights as anyone else. marriage is NOT a civil right.

no matter how you spin it, gay marriage is not a protected right under the constitution.

Just sign your civil union or mutual support contract and be done with it. That will get you what you want in term of survivors rights, insurance, inheritence etc.

But thats not your real goal now is it? Please tell the truth for just once and answer that question honestly.

I've told the truth every step of the way, you just refuse to accept it. Marriage is a fundamental right and in order to deny a fundamental right, your reason for doing so must pass a standard of reasonableness. Yours can't. Doing the "good enough foyer you people" thing ain't gonna cut it in court. (Wait and see)

It certainly won't cut it in the court of public opinion...
you and your partner should be able to file a joint tax return. I have no issue with that. your mutual committment should be recognized as long as you both have legally agreed to it-----------but its not a marriage.

Sure it is...just like mine is a marriage.

here's an idea, you and your male partner hook up with wytch and her female partner. You could have a 4 way "marriage" think of the possible sexual positions and variations. :eusa_hand:

Now I won't be able to sleep tonight

Or, wait a minute, instead of counting sheep????
you and your partner should be able to file a joint tax return. I have no issue with that. your mutual committment should be recognized as long as you both have legally agreed to it-----------but its not a marriage.

Sure it is...just like mine is a marriage.

here's an idea, you and your male partner hook up with wytch and her female partner. You could have a 4 way "marriage" think of the possible sexual positions and variations. :eusa_hand:

You seem to have an obsession with us "hooking up". Are you aware that Bod and I have partners to whom we are emotionally committed and legally married?

Perhaps your morals allow for that sort of thing. Mine do not.
Artificial insemination isn't procreation, the gays on their own cannot create a child, that is actually procreate. Sorry, you need someone of the opposite sex for that, always will.

Adoption isn't procreation, but I strongly support heterosexual couples who cant conceive adopting children thus forming a nuclear family. Gays can certainly adopt, but it isn't a family, because there isn't a mother and father. One being fem and one being butch does not equal different genders.

No one said those examples aren't real. But they are outliers, and irrelevant to he main purpose of marriage, which is to procreate.

I'm sorry, you don't get to define family. We are a family, my partner, children and I...legally and emotionally.

They aren't outliers.

Married without children: More couples opting to be ‘childless by choice’

good for you. are you teaching your kids that being gay is as normal as being straight? Or are you teaching the normal roles of males and females ?

I am really sorry that your genes got scrambled, but please don't pass it along to any kids.

Worry about your own kids and the kids of divorce. Our kids are better than fine.
Artificial insemination isn't procreation, the gays on their own cannot create a child, that is actually procreate. Sorry, you need someone of the opposite sex for that, always will.

Adoption isn't procreation, but I strongly support heterosexual couples who cant conceive adopting children thus forming a nuclear family. Gays can certainly adopt, but it isn't a family, because there isn't a mother and father. One being fem and one being butch does not equal different genders.

No one said those examples aren't real. But they are outliers, and irrelevant to he main purpose of marriage, which is to procreate.

I'm sorry, you don't get to define family. We are a family, my partner, children and I...legally and emotionally.

They aren't outliers.

Married without children: More couples opting to be ‘childless by choice’
I am not defining it, nature is, society has for thousands of years. You maybe be able to change a law on a piece of paper, but it doesn't make your "family" a real one.

I agree marriage and birthrates are going down, I mean, I am sure I am not the only one who doesn't want to get married or have kids right now. But showing one story of a couple who doesn't have kids doesn't disprove the fact that married couples without kids is an outlier.

Times change. Love makes a family, friend.
Very astute observation, it was initiated to protect property, that was also at a time where homosexual couldn't be married and churches or be recognized by law.

Yea, nothing to do with procreation, that is why they have given tax breaks for children and married couple, sure thing buddy.

I say again, civil marriage as it exist today, has nothing to do with procreation. I get the tax breaks for our kids whether we're married or not. Married folks get the tax breaks whether they procreate or not. (Except the gay ones)

you and your partner should be able to file a joint tax return. I have no issue with that. your mutual committment should be recognized as long as you both have legally agreed to it-----------but its not a marriage.

Which is un-Constitutional:

The right to marry has been historically and remains the
right to choose a spouse and, with mutual consent, join together
and form a household. FF 19-20, 34-35. Race and gender
restrictions shaped marriage during eras of race and gender
inequality, but such restrictions were never part of the historical
core of the institution of marriage.
FF 33. Today, gender is not
relevant to the state in determining spouses’ obligations to each
other and to their dependents. Relative gender composition aside,
same-sex couples are situated identically to opposite-sex couples
in terms of their ability to perform the rights and obligations of
marriage under California law.
FF 48. Gender no longer forms an
essential part of marriage; marriage under law is a union of

Plaintiffs do not seek recognition of a new right. To
characterize plaintiffs’ objective as “the right to same-sex
marriage” would suggest that plaintiffs seek something different
from what opposite-sex couples across the state enjoy —— namely,
marriage. Rather, plaintiffs ask California to recognize their
relationships for what they are: marriages.

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than
enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that oppositesex
couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California
has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and
because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its
constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis,
the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

Hollingsworth v. Perry
I say again, civil marriage as it exist today, has nothing to do with procreation. I get the tax breaks for our kids whether we're married or not. Married folks get the tax breaks whether they procreate or not. (Except the gay ones)

you and your partner should be able to file a joint tax return. I have no issue with that. your mutual committment should be recognized as long as you both have legally agreed to it-----------but its not a marriage.

Which is un-Constitutional:

The right to marry has been historically and remains the
right to choose a spouse and, with mutual consent, join together
and form a household. FF 19-20, 34-35. Race and gender
restrictions shaped marriage during eras of race and gender
inequality, but such restrictions were never part of the historical
core of the institution of marriage.
FF 33. Today, gender is not
relevant to the state in determining spouses’ obligations to each
other and to their dependents. Relative gender composition aside,
same-sex couples are situated identically to opposite-sex couples
in terms of their ability to perform the rights and obligations of
marriage under California law.
FF 48. Gender no longer forms an
essential part of marriage; marriage under law is a union of

Plaintiffs do not seek recognition of a new right. To
characterize plaintiffs’ objective as “the right to same-sex
marriage” would suggest that plaintiffs seek something different
from what opposite-sex couples across the state enjoy —— namely,
marriage. Rather, plaintiffs ask California to recognize their
relationships for what they are: marriages.

Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in
singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license.
Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than
enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that oppositesex
couples are superior to same-sex couples. Because California
has no interest in discriminating against gay men and lesbians, and
because Proposition 8 prevents California from fulfilling its
constitutional obligation to provide marriages on an equal basis,
the court concludes that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

Hollingsworth v. Perry

Right. /s

Gay marriage is as nonsensical as a four sided triangle.
I'm sorry, you don't get to define family.

And neither do you freaks. Marriage was defined a long time ago and two dudes buttfucking each other is not marriage.

So marriage only has to do with sex in your book? No wonder you guys are so twisted up over this. Marriage is about so much more than sex.

Are you aware that we can find a church in just about any denomination we'd like to perform a marriage ceremony? I knew two lesbians that got married in a Southern Baptist Church in 1987.

Are you aware that gays can get legally married in nine states (soon to be 10 when Prop 8 is struck down) as well as the District of Columbia and three native American tribes? Not only that, but marriages performed in any of those states is recognized by Rhode Island (who I hear is soon to pass full marriage equality)

So, yes, buttfucking, pussy licking and cock sucking IS a marriage. Just ask the thousands of heterosexual married couples that do all those things.
I'm sorry, you don't get to define family.

And neither do you freaks. Marriage was defined a long time ago and two dudes buttfucking each other is not marriage.

So marriage only has to do with sex in your book? No wonder you guys are so twisted up over this. Marriage is about so much more than sex.

Are you aware that we can find a church in just about any denomination we'd like to perform a marriage ceremony? I knew two lesbians that got married in a Southern Baptist Church in 1987.

Are you aware that gays can get legally married in nine states (soon to be 10 when Prop 8 is struck down) as well as the District of Columbia and three native American tribes? Not only that, but marriages performed in any of those states is recognized by Rhode Island (who I hear is soon to pass full marriage equality)

So, yes, buttfucking, pussy licking and cock sucking IS a marriage. Just ask the thousands of heterosexual married couples that do all those things.

Marriage is not about whatever you fucking think so don't use that love shit, its all children and passing down property and ensuring that the partner is taken care of in the event of death, my plan says give gays all of this under a civil union and you still reject it.
And neither do you freaks. Marriage was defined a long time ago and two dudes buttfucking each other is not marriage.

So marriage only has to do with sex in your book? No wonder you guys are so twisted up over this. Marriage is about so much more than sex.

Are you aware that we can find a church in just about any denomination we'd like to perform a marriage ceremony? I knew two lesbians that got married in a Southern Baptist Church in 1987.

Are you aware that gays can get legally married in nine states (soon to be 10 when Prop 8 is struck down) as well as the District of Columbia and three native American tribes? Not only that, but marriages performed in any of those states is recognized by Rhode Island (who I hear is soon to pass full marriage equality)

So, yes, buttfucking, pussy licking and cock sucking IS a marriage. Just ask the thousands of heterosexual married couples that do all those things.

Marriage is not about whatever you fucking think so don't use that love shit, its all children and passing down property and ensuring that the partner is taken care of in the event of death, my plan says give gays all of this under a civil union and you still reject it.

No, actually I don't reject it. I think it is a fine idea...as long as it applies to all non familial consenting adult couples. If your "idea" (which isn't at all original) gives civil unions only to gays and legal marriage only to straights...well, I'm afraid that one simply won't work.

Here's a simple picture to tell you why it won't work...


Same water came out both of those fountains didn't it?
So marriage only has to do with sex in your book? No wonder you guys are so twisted up over this. Marriage is about so much more than sex.

Are you aware that we can find a church in just about any denomination we'd like to perform a marriage ceremony? I knew two lesbians that got married in a Southern Baptist Church in 1987.

Are you aware that gays can get legally married in nine states (soon to be 10 when Prop 8 is struck down) as well as the District of Columbia and three native American tribes? Not only that, but marriages performed in any of those states is recognized by Rhode Island (who I hear is soon to pass full marriage equality)

So, yes, buttfucking, pussy licking and cock sucking IS a marriage. Just ask the thousands of heterosexual married couples that do all those things.

Marriage is not about whatever you fucking think so don't use that love shit, its all children and passing down property and ensuring that the partner is taken care of in the event of death, my plan says give gays all of this under a civil union and you still reject it.

No, actually I don't reject it. I think it is a fine idea...as long as it applies to all non familial consenting adult couples. If your "idea" (which isn't at all original) gives civil unions only to gays and legal marriage only to straights...well, I'm afraid that one simply won't work.

Here's a simple picture to tell you why it won't work...


Same water came out both of those fountains didn't it?

Kind of an old picture to illustrate separate but equal, now post photo's of a Men's Restroom and a Woman's restroom.

Hey, sometimes it work!
Marriage is not about whatever you fucking think so don't use that love shit, its all children and passing down property and ensuring that the partner is taken care of in the event of death, my plan says give gays all of this under a civil union and you still reject it.

No, actually I don't reject it. I think it is a fine idea...as long as it applies to all non familial consenting adult couples. If your "idea" (which isn't at all original) gives civil unions only to gays and legal marriage only to straights...well, I'm afraid that one simply won't work.

Here's a simple picture to tell you why it won't work...


Same water came out both of those fountains didn't it?

Kind of an old picture to illustrate separate but equal, now post photo's of a Men's Restroom and a Woman's restroom.

Hey, sometimes it work!

Hey! Shades of the ERA debate!
Sure it is...just like mine is a marriage.

here's an idea, you and your male partner hook up with wytch and her female partner. You could have a 4 way "marriage" think of the possible sexual positions and variations. :eusa_hand:

You seem to have an obsession with us "hooking up". Are you aware that Bod and I have partners to whom we are emotionally committed and legally married?

Perhaps your morals allow for that sort of thing. Mine do not.

Yeah...is Redfish a swinger? It sure sounds like it, doesn't it?
And neither do you freaks. Marriage was defined a long time ago and two dudes buttfucking each other is not marriage.

So marriage only has to do with sex in your book? No wonder you guys are so twisted up over this. Marriage is about so much more than sex.

Are you aware that we can find a church in just about any denomination we'd like to perform a marriage ceremony? I knew two lesbians that got married in a Southern Baptist Church in 1987.

Are you aware that gays can get legally married in nine states (soon to be 10 when Prop 8 is struck down) as well as the District of Columbia and three native American tribes? Not only that, but marriages performed in any of those states is recognized by Rhode Island (who I hear is soon to pass full marriage equality)

So, yes, buttfucking, pussy licking and cock sucking IS a marriage. Just ask the thousands of heterosexual married couples that do all those things.

Marriage is not about whatever you fucking think so don't use that love shit, its all children and passing down property and ensuring that the partner is taken care of in the event of death, my plan says give gays all of this under a civil union and you still reject it.

Civil unions for all who get a government license. That will fit the bill too. But then we have to change all those statutes, laws etc. that use the term "marriage".
No, actually I don't reject it. I think it is a fine idea...as long as it applies to all non familial consenting adult couples. If your "idea" (which isn't at all original) gives civil unions only to gays and legal marriage only to straights...well, I'm afraid that one simply won't work.

Here's a simple picture to tell you why it won't work...


Same water came out both of those fountains didn't it?

Kind of an old picture to illustrate separate but equal, now post photo's of a Men's Restroom and a Woman's restroom.

Hey, sometimes it work!

Hey! Shades of the ERA debate!

Funny, separate but equal never works unless it obviously does in certain common sense ways.:eek:

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