Why can't Obama compromise on the debt ceiling issue?

The media keeps blaming repubs for not raising the ceiling but if obozo would scale back a few welfare programs and agree to the present debt ceiling, we'd be back in business.

I think obozo wants the govt to fall apart so he can blame the collapse of obamacare on that.
The media keeps blaming repubs for not raising the ceiling but if obozo would scale back a few welfare programs and agree to the present debt ceiling, we'd be back in business.

I think obxozo wants the govt to fall apart so he can blame the collapse of obamacare on that.

He wants the country to fall apart so its transformation into a democrat dictatorshio will be complete. It really is all set out in the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
Because he does not have to?

He knows the TPM have about 24 hours of life left before going on life support politically if they take the country over the debt ceiling cliff.

We the American electorate have permitted ourselves to be bullied by 30 to 35 crazy ass congress critters of the TPM.

If going over the cliff kills the TPM in Congress, then it will be worth it.

They're down to 21% job approval today. They're going to pull some ugly agreement at the last minute and hope that voters forget all this by next Fall. I hope we don't forget.
Because getting elected is more important than doing the right thing.....

How about some more of the, "Because he doesn't have to" childishness?
21% JAR and you don't think they're already being blamed?

Doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what Obama thinks.

They are being blamed. Any idea why America has turned on the Republican House so dramatically?

Well I haven't seen any polls that focused only on the House Republicans, but, again, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters in terms of this topic is what Obama thinks.
Obama goes in front of the cameras which he loves so much and tells the world he will negotiate

Then when it comes time to do such...
He says he won't negotiate.

If only the republicans were al Qaeda or Taliban, he might negotiate with them.
The sad thing is that al Qaeda or the Taliban could probably be trusted more than the republicans. One of the problems is that the TP republicans DO NOT want to negotiate. They want unconditional surrender. In the past couple of months the Democrats have offered several plans to avoid reaching where we are now. Eighteen (18) times they have asked republicans to join with then in a bipartisan committee to resolve the problem and eighteen (18) times their requests have been ignored. YOU CAN NOT NEGOTIATE WITH SOMEONE WHO WILL NOT NEGOTIATE.
21% JAR and you don't think they're already being blamed?

Doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what Obama thinks.

They are being blamed. Any idea why America has turned on the Republican House so dramatically?

You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. A. Lincoln
There are a lot of smart people in this country and a lot of them, after watching both sides in this debate, have come to the conclusion that it is the republicans who are at fault. They are bat shit crazy and as time passes it becomes clearer and clearer. Look at the following sequence of events and tell me it is the Democrats fault.
The right were asked for a 'clean' bill to avoid shutting down the government.
The right wants to shut down the government.
The right is warned about what will happen if they shut down the government.
The right ignored the warnings about shutting down the government.
The right cheered about shutting down the government.
Now the right is bitching about the shut down they wanted and caused.
Doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what Obama thinks.

They are being blamed. Any idea why America has turned on the Republican House so dramatically?

You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. A. Lincoln
There are a lot of smart people in this country and a lot of them, after watching both sides in this debate, have come to the conclusion that it is the republicans who are at fault. They are bat shit crazy and as time passes it becomes clearer and clearer. Look at the following sequence of events and tell me it is the Democrats fault.
The right were asked for a 'clean' bill to avoid shutting down the government.
The right wants to shut down the government.
The right is warned about what will happen if they shut down the government.
The right ignored the warnings about shutting down the government.
The right cheered about shutting down the government.
Now the right is bitching about the shut down they wanted and caused.

It does but I hated reading it in that big text you have. Think, formatting.
Because he does not have to?

He knows the TPM have about 24 hours of life left before going on life support politically if they take the country over the debt ceiling cliff.

But it's obozo who's demanding a RISE in the debt ceiling while the repubs are just asking for the status quo. Why are repubs the radicals in this?
They are being blamed. Any idea why America has turned on the Republican House so dramatically?

You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. A. Lincoln
There are a lot of smart people in this country and a lot of them, after watching both sides in this debate, have come to the conclusion that it is the republicans who are at fault. They are bat shit crazy and as time passes it becomes clearer and clearer. Look at the following sequence of events and tell me it is the Democrats fault.
The right were asked for a 'clean' bill to avoid shutting down the government.
The right wants to shut down the government.
The right is warned about what will happen if they shut down the government.
The right ignored the warnings about shutting down the government.
The right cheered about shutting down the government.
Now the right is bitching about the shut down they wanted and caused.

It does but I hated reading it in that big text you have. Think, formatting.
I have no problem with changing text size. Currently I am posting at "3." Where do I format the text for this site. I have looked but I have not found it. Currently the text of my screen is quite small which is why I have gone to the larger size. Thank you in advance!
What have Republicans offered to compromise?

Changing your demands is not compromise. What are Republicans offering?

Repubs want to lower the debt ceiling but have agreed to keep it at its present level. That's their compromise. But obozo keeps saying GIMME MORE MORE MORE. He insists the ceililng be RAISED!!! He's the radical here.
Because he does not have to?

He knows the TPM have about 24 hours of life left before going on life support politically if they take the country over the debt ceiling cliff.

But it's obozo who's demanding a RISE in the debt ceiling while the repubs are just asking for the status quo. Why are repubs the radicals in this?

Asking for the status quo????

Do you even know what you're talking about? go read before you talk please.
What have Republicans offered to compromise?

Changing your demands is not compromise. What are Republicans offering?

Repubs want to lower the debt ceiling but have agreed to keep it at its present level. That's their compromise. But obozo keeps saying GIMME MORE MORE MORE. He insists the ceililng be RAISED!!! He's the radical here.

Lower the debt ceiling?!?!

DUDE...you have no idea what you're talking about. Go read please, you're looking...not intelligent here.
You can fool some of the people some of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. A. Lincoln
There are a lot of smart people in this country and a lot of them, after watching both sides in this debate, have come to the conclusion that it is the republicans who are at fault. They are bat shit crazy and as time passes it becomes clearer and clearer. Look at the following sequence of events and tell me it is the Democrats fault.
The right were asked for a 'clean' bill to avoid shutting down the government.
The right wants to shut down the government.
The right is warned about what will happen if they shut down the government.
The right ignored the warnings about shutting down the government.
The right cheered about shutting down the government.
Now the right is bitching about the shut down they wanted and caused.

It does but I hated reading it in that big text you have. Think, formatting.
I have no problem with changing text size. Currently I am posting at "3." Where do I format the text for this site. I have looked but I have not found it. Currently the text of my screen is quite small which is why I have gone to the larger size. Thank you in advance!

Oh ok, that's alright. I just thought it would be more readable but if you have trouble with it being too small on your end, it's ok.
What have Republicans offered to compromise?

Changing your demands is not compromise. What are Republicans offering?

Repubs want to lower the debt ceiling but have agreed to keep it at its present level. That's their compromise. But obozo keeps saying GIMME MORE MORE MORE. He insists the ceililng be RAISED!!! He's the radical here.

Do you even know what the debt ceiling is?

The money is already spent. It can't be lowered. Republicans are refusing to pay our bills and default
Because he doesn't actually care as long as the Republicans get blamed, and he's pretty sure the Republicans are the ones going to end up with the blame.

I agree and it's because that idiot Boner does not make the point that repubs are willing to keep the present debt ceiling while obozo wants to raise it.
Because he does not have to?

He knows the TPM have about 24 hours of life left before going on life support politically if they take the country over the debt ceiling cliff.

But it's obozo who's demanding a RISE in the debt ceiling while the repubs are just asking for the status quo. Why are repubs the radicals in this?
It is clear you do not understand the situation. The problem is that we have more debt than money. This means that if we retain the status quo we WILL NOT be able to meet are financial obligations. Think of not being able to pay your credit card bill when it comes through! Not paying your bills can cause your credit rating to end up in the toilet. Raising the debt ceiling allows the government to borrow money to meet its obligation. Not meeting our obligations will lower the credit rating of America. A lowered credit rating means that if we wish to borrow money from other countries we will pay a higher rate. That will trickle through the country and interest rates will go up making it harder for people to make major purchases.

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