Why can't Obama compromise on the debt ceiling issue?

The media keeps blaming repubs for not raising the ceiling but if obozo would scale back a few welfare programs and agree to the present debt ceiling, we'd be back in business.

I think obozo wants the govt to fall apart so he can blame the collapse of obamacare on that.

What? All of you superpatriots who were gloating the last six months about running the Democrats into the ground, who would not appoint a conference committee on the budget, who booed members of the armed services and yelled "Let them die" in the Republican debates; now are reduced to WHINING? You wanted a death struggle to destroy the Obama presidency and you got it. Now you have lost. So man up and do what 80% of the American people want you to do; slink back under your rocks and never again come out.

There is a name for people who play at revolution and lose. As I commented a few weeks ago, the end of this game is that they are labeled TRAITORS and get to live the rest of their lives in shame. Decent citizens are disgusted by you. You have put personal ambition and racism above the good of the nation, and to me that makes you the lowest scum on earth. Animals know not to shit in their own beds, but apparently you don't; you wanted to destroy America if you didn't get your way, and America is rejecting you.

If you haven't figured it out, no one will ever do business with you again. You degenerated into hostage taking and banditry. The next president and Congress will have but one goal, to drive the traitors from the halls of government permanently (sound familiar?), to disgrace them and humiliate them to make sure their racist violent ilk never appear in politics again on the national scene. The Wall Street money has stopped and the next election will bury you.

Good riddance, and good luck with your succession movement. The country is sick of you and wish you would leave. I think the Taliban has some openings and you would fit right in.
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What have Republicans offered to compromise?

Changing your demands is not compromise. What are Republicans offering?

Repubs want to lower the debt ceiling but have agreed to keep it at its present level. That's their compromise. But obozo keeps saying GIMME MORE MORE MORE. He insists the ceililng be RAISED!!! He's the radical here.
If we keep the debt ceiling where it is the United States will default on its obligations for the first time in history. We either raise the debt ceiling OR we tell the world the US is not be be trusted to pay its bills.
[]It is clear you do not understand the situation. The problem is that we have more debt than money. This means that if we retain the status quo we WILL NOT be able to meet are financial obligations.

Hey stupid. If we cut out all welfare, we could meet our obligations. Don't tell me we have no choices but raise the ceiling or default.

[]It is clear you do not understand the situation. The problem is that we have more debt than money. This means that if we retain the status quo we WILL NOT be able to meet are financial obligations.

Hey stupid. If we cut out all welfare, we could meet our obligations. Don't tell me we have no choices but raise the ceiling or default.


Really? We could meet our obligations by simply cutting out "welfare"?

You are brilliant.
[If we keep the debt ceiling where it is the United States will default on its obligations for the first time in history. We either raise the debt ceiling OR we tell the world the US is not be be trusted to pay its bills.

That's a stinking lie, you moron. You crazy democrats keep telling us "nothing can be cut. all govt programs are absolutely essential" and that's obvious hogwash. THINK
Hey stupid. If we cut out all welfare, we could meet our obligations. Don't tell me we have no choices but raise the ceiling or default.

Really? We could meet our obligations by simply cutting out "welfare"?

You are brilliant.

Damn right. You democrats say "oh no, we have to have debt and more debt. It's impossible for a govt to spend only what it takes in and no more". You are an idiot and obvious paid govt shill.
Hey stupid. If we cut out all welfare, we could meet our obligations. Don't tell me we have no choices but raise the ceiling or default.

Really? We could meet our obligations by simply cutting out "welfare"?

You are brilliant.

Damn right. You democrats say "oh no, we have to have debt and more debt. It's impossible for a govt to spend only what it takes in and no more". You are an idiot and obvious paid govt shill.

Even if in some bizzare theoretical world of yours they "could" just cut all welfare (they can't...) it has no standing on the payments that are already owed.

Raising the current debt ceiling...here and now...in Oct 2013...is for money already spent. The bills are coming in the mail. If you drop all welfare programs tomorrow you still have to raise the current ceiling for the payments that will be due after Oct 17th of this month.
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You think they are not making Boehner their pull toy? You are either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, or malignantly motivated. I suspect you are all three.

Actually, you seem to think 30-35 people are in control of 435 people, I don't.
If you were hanging out with 434 of your coworkers (all with equal authority and power), would you let 30-35 of them tell you what to do, how to behave?
Don't be ridiculous.

Thank you for proving you are one, two, or all three above.

I wouldn't, but John Boehner does because he wants to be speaker, and they will deny him the votes he needs in caucus.

Now please stop pretending, or trolling, that such is not the case, and thus the TPM controls Boehner.
Wow, there are 435 members of the House and you think 30-35 are controlling its direction?
(Nice use of the word "bully") NOT


The tea party stupids are yelling at Boehner "DO AS WE SAY OR WE WON'T VOTE FOR YOU AS SPEAKER!!!!"

...and Boehner is like "Okay Sir, Mr Tea Party Caucus, Sir!"

Because all 30-35 of them can determine that. :cuckoo:

Yes, and you know it.
You think they are not making Boehner their pull toy? You are either mentally feeble, woefully ignorant, or malignantly motivated. I suspect you are all three.

Actually, you seem to think 30-35 people are in control of 435 people, I don't.
If you were hanging out with 434 of your coworkers (all with equal authority and power), would you let 30-35 of them tell you what to do, how to behave?
Don't be ridiculous.

In post #2, Starkey claims it would be "worth it" to go over the cliff if it kills the TPM.

And you are telling him not to be ridiculous? :eusa_hand:

Yup, because it would be worse to let the TPM tell America what to do, far worse.
What have Republicans offered to compromise?

Changing your demands is not compromise. What are Republicans offering?

Repubs want to lower the debt ceiling but have agreed to keep it at its present level. That's their compromise. But obozo keeps saying GIMME MORE MORE MORE. He insists the ceililng be RAISED!!! He's the radical here.
If we keep the debt ceiling where it is the United States will default on its obligations for the first time in history. We either raise the debt ceiling OR we tell the world the US is not be be trusted to pay its bills.

Not the first time the U.S. has defaulted.

The Defaults of 1933, 1862, ... and 2013? | The Beacon
Rising the current debt ceiling...here and now...in Oct 2013...is for money already spent. The bills are coming in the mail. If you drop all welfare programs tomorrow you still have to raise the current ceiling for the payments that will be due after Oct 17th of this month.

HAHAHAHA. Do you have a shred of evidence for that? No you don't - the govt just says its so and you accept it. Fact is america can print all the money it wants. Now that's a bad idea cause it leads to inflation, but it can be done and is being done right now to keep the bankers happy.

GOP need to tell obozo to pay the bills with that same phony money you give your banker buds and then CUT spending so we don't go thru this every year. THINK!!!
[]If we keep the debt ceiling where it is the United States will default on its obligations for the first time in history. We either raise the debt ceiling OR we tell the world the US is not be be trusted to pay its bills.

Not the first time the U.S. has defaulted.

The Defaults of 1933, 1862, ... and 2013? | The Beacon

Yup - the govt defaulted in the 1930s when they devalued the dollar and voided the gold clauses in many contracts. Some don't call it a default but it is.
Like Romney, Boner is not a fighter. Obozo got the ceiling raised just last May and now he's gone beyond that. Idiot Boner needs to say that.
Like Romney, Boner is not a fighter. Obozo got the ceiling raised just last May and now he's gone beyond that. Idiot Boner needs to say that.

Pretty hard for Boehner to say that when the budget Boehner and GOP passed required its own raising of the debt ceiling,

even if the President and the Senate had agreed to it word for word.
Like Romney, Boner is not a fighter. Obozo got the ceiling raised just last May and now he's gone beyond that. Idiot Boner needs to say that.

You don't know who spends money in the US government do you?

You are too stupid to be here.

HAHAHA The board notes that all you have is personal attacks. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
Like Romney, Boner is not a fighter. Obozo got the ceiling raised just last May and now he's gone beyond that. Idiot Boner needs to say that.

Pretty hard for Boehner to say that when the budget Boehner and GOP passed required its own raising of the debt ceiling,

Well hell. Lets just start making stuff up around here.

Obozo is the one demanding more debt and you blame the gop. !!!!

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