Why can't our "intel" find ISIS' servers??

a small fiberglass boat carrying explosives and two suicide bombers approached the port side of the destroyer and exploded

but you do not have a video of that.

Sorry. A metallurgy expert from the US Marines was the first one to clue me in on that. Whatever hit the Cole was going way faster than a boat.
Where's your video proof that shows it WASN'T a boat? Why does lack of video prove your case but not ours?
Yup, you were in charge of fresh water for the city of Flint....

Wrong again, fig-breath.....there's ample evidence as to what happened to the Cole....you're either wrong or a liar...which is it?

Al-Qaeda had previously attempted a similar but less publicized attack on the U.S. Navy destroyer USS The Sullivans while in port at Aden on 3 January 2000, as a part of the 2000 millennium attack plots. The plan was to load a boat full of explosives and explode it near The Sullivans. However, the boat was so overladen that it sank, forcing the attack to be abandoned.[12][13]
SIS,just like Al Qaeda was invented and funded and armed by the US's CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only Al Qaeda was designed to fight to Russians in Afghanistan but ended up turning on the US....shocker I know. ISIS was invented to keep the "war on terror" going....more money for the military industrial complex.

I agree with most of that. Ossman was originally sent to Afghan by the CIA to help the Mujaheddin fight the Russian occupation. He decided to stay, fake a "conversion," and set up an orphanage... which became "Al Qaeda." Loyal only to Israel, Ossman's "role" in helping Israel re-conquer the "Promised Land" greatly expanded .... to "taking credit" for "terror attacks" done by the CIA and Mossad.

The main driver here is not the military industrial complex, although they are "on board" - ditto for oil.

The main driver is this


"1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates,"

The "Promised Land":extends to the Euphrates River...;. in IRAQ.

Now do you understand why Zionist Jews and puppet Christian Traitors kept telling us lie after lie about why it was necessary to invade Iraq????

The hard core Jew and Christian look at a map of Iraq today and declare all land south of the Euphrates belongs to ISRAEL.... and that's "God's will" which justifies anything.... including 911 and JFK.
SIS,just like Al Qaeda was invented and funded and armed by the US's CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only Al Qaeda was designed to fight to Russians in Afghanistan but ended up turning on the US....shocker I know. ISIS was invented to keep the "war on terror" going....more money for the military industrial complex.

I agree with most of that. Ossman was originally sent to Afghan by the CIA to help the Mujaheddin fight the Russian occupation. He decided to stay, fake a "conversion," and set up an orphanage... which became "Al Qaeda." Loyal only to Israel, Ossman's "role" in helping Israel re-conquer the "Promised Land" greatly expanded .... to "taking credit" for "terror attacks" done by the CIA and Mossad.

The main driver here is not the military industrial complex, although they are "on board" - ditto for oil.

The main driver is this


"1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates,"

The "Promised Land":extends to the Euphrates River...;. in IRAQ.

Now do you understand why Zionist Jews and puppet Christian Traitors kept telling us lie after lie about why it was necessary to invade Iraq????

The hard core Jew and Christian look at a map of Iraq today and declare all land south of the Euphrates belongs to ISRAEL.... and that's "God's will" which justifies anything.... including 911 and JFK.

Oh boy...
Where's your video proof that shows it WASN'T a boat?

"The steel doesn't lie"

That's what a metallurgical expert says. The steel tells you that whatever hit the Cole was going way faster than a boat, which tops out around 200 mph....

I don't need a video. I need to inspect the damage to know that.
Our "Homeland Security" can find servers when they want to.

There exist servers that spew ISIS' hate filled recruiting all over the globe.

Why can't we find those servers?

A: our "intel" doesn't want to
Pretty sure they are tracking/monitoring them. If they are not, fire them and hire some competent people. Under obama they had plenty of time to illegally monitor US citizens, so I would think they would keep an eye on obama's JV team.
SIS,just like Al Qaeda was invented and funded and armed by the US's CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only Al Qaeda was designed to fight to Russians in Afghanistan but ended up turning on the US....shocker I know. ISIS was invented to keep the "war on terror" going....more money for the military industrial complex.

I agree with most of that. Ossman was originally sent to Afghan by the CIA to help the Mujaheddin fight the Russian occupation. He decided to stay, fake a "conversion," and set up an orphanage... which became "Al Qaeda." Loyal only to Israel, Ossman's "role" in helping Israel re-conquer the "Promised Land" greatly expanded .... to "taking credit" for "terror attacks" done by the CIA and Mossad.

The main driver here is not the military industrial complex, although they are "on board" - ditto for oil.

The main driver is this


"1 Now after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD it came to pass, that the LORD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, 2 Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. 3 Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 4 From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates,"

The "Promised Land":extends to the Euphrates River...;. in IRAQ.

Now do you understand why Zionist Jews and puppet Christian Traitors kept telling us lie after lie about why it was necessary to invade Iraq????

The hard core Jew and Christian look at a map of Iraq today and declare all land south of the Euphrates belongs to ISRAEL.... and that's "God's will" which justifies anything.... including 911 and JFK.
There any books on any of this stuff? I know all about Greater Israel I have seen the maps.
There any books on any of this stuff? I know all about Greater Israel I have seen the maps.

What you need to know is in Exodus... which is fascinating. First, separate Exodus into

that which EVERYONE SAW and "other."

What did EVERYONE see?

When the Exodus crowd crosses the Red Sea/Sea of Reeds, they are attacked by the Amalek. What happens there is the "smoking gun." Every tribe runs for cover except the Levites, who take the field, know Joshua is their commander, and whup the Amalek quickly. Moses (the "levite" cough cough) runs up a hill with his powerless wood stick and does nothing.

Weapon of the Exodus - the Levites, not a worthless powerless piece of wood
Brains of the Exodus - Joshua, brilliant general, not Moses, uneducated slave and shepherd

Another thing everyone saw was that Moses "looked different" when he came down from Mt Sinai. He also had a slight change of heart regarding the Midianites, who gave him shelter, food, woman, job after he escaped. The "looked different" Moses repays the hospitality of the Midianites by exterminating them - all except the hot young virgins...

Time for America to wake up = we are playing the part of the Midianites in this version.

In short, the "40 days" on top of Mt Sinai is all about a freshly freed levite priest growing a beard - all ancient drawings of Egyptian "construction workers" shows them clean shaven... because of lice. The Exodus crowd was all clean shaven... so to replace Moses with a Levite, the Levite had to grow a BEARD....which takes..... more or less 40 days...

Try Battles BC for more good stuff here

The "Battle of Kadesh" is clearly when Exodus happened - see Ramses

Pretty sure they are tracking/monitoring them

Then why not TAKE THEM OUT!!!!

If the "intel" knows where ISIS servers are, why are those servers still up and running?

A: because our "intel" is ISIS, the PR, the recruiting, the money, the arms...

ISIS,just like Al Qaeda was invented and funded and armed by the US's CIA and Israel's Mossad. Only Al Qaeda was designed to fight to Russians in Afghanistan but ended up turning on the US....shocker I know. ISIS was invented to keep the "war on terror" going....more money for the military industrial complex.

Things that make you go hmmmmmm.
A movie is filmed in 1996 in which a CIA Officer tells OTHER officers that they are going to kill 400 American's and blame it on Islam. Oh hell, it was just a coinkydink.

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