Why can't Public Assistance increase?

Wage disparity is caused by keeping employee pay artificially low while employer profits increase.

Here's a hard question for you; How much do you pay the people (employees) that make you all of your money?

The least you can without decreasing or losing your workforce.

And what do you mean by "artificially low?" WTF is that anyway.

Wrong, try again.

Artificially low wages by means of subjecting human beings work 'worth' to commodities such as soy beans.

Many of the jobs that earn the current minimum wage of $7.25 are being overpaid based on the skills necessary to do the job. That means the wages for those jobs are inflated not artificially low.

Which jobs?

Floor sweeper, trash emptier, and toilet cleaner to name just a few.

For the majority of workers doing those duties, that's only part of their daily duties.
Because people turned around at the border AREN'T being deported?

That's not what deported means. Even the DHS Secretary says that.

Deported is to expel a foreigner from a country.

You guys will do anything to cover for your BOY despite things being done for him in a manner that has never been done for another President. He truly is the Affirmative Action president. He can't do the way the white Presidents had to do it so they make it easier on him by counting it a different way.

Racial slurs aside, how is paying employees a living wage a bad thing?

You're confused. The black President is having things counted in his favor that none of the other Presidents, all white, had counted that way for them. I stated a fact. You simply didn't like the manner in which I said it.

There's nothing wrong with paying a worker a living wage AS LONG AS the skills they offer in return warrant that wage. If they don't offer skills that warrant it, the problem isn't with the one paying but with the one offering such low skills they can't EARN it.

You're confused. The black President is having things counted in his favor that none of the other Presidents, all white, had counted that way for them. I stated a fact. You simply didn't like the manner in which I said it.

If you'd have a point, then you'd post the numbers.

There's nothing wrong with paying a worker a living wage AS LONG AS the skills they offer in return warrant that wage. If they don't offer skills that warrant it, the problem isn't with the one paying but with the one offering such low skills they can't EARN it.

Name one job that doesn't require a certification degree that isn't low skill.
Wage disparity and wealth disparity are the result of legal racketeering.

Well, not only is that an oxymoron, it's also about the third baseless argument you've presented for wage/wealth disparity. You just keep getting sillier with your claims and you've not supported any of them.

I stand by what I've said and I explained exactly why we have wage/wealth disparity in a free market capitalist system... it's because that's natural in ANY free market system. The only kind of system you can have where there is never disparity in wages or wealth is a closed and isolated despotic system like North Korea.

There, the ruling class elite control all the wealth and everyone's "wages" are essentially the same.

'Wage disparity and wealth disparity are the result of legal racketeering.' How in the hell is that an oxymoron?

Racketeering, often associated with organized crime, is the act of offering of a dishonest service (a "racket") to solve a problem that wouldn't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service.Racketeering as defined by the RICO act includes a list of 35 crimes.

Racketeering is, by definition, illegal. Something can't be both legal and illegal... thus "legal racketeering" is an oxymoron... moron.

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Walmart is the largest 'legitimate racket' in the world. If you're a City or County and you want a Walmart to open in you respective area, YOU have to approach them with a handful of giveaways such as free/discounted land and or buildings, No employee tax. Keeping sales tax collected. No property tax. etc.

Of course the giveaways are for a limited time. What do you want to bet that all of those Walmart stores that closed because of 'plumbing problems' were at the end of their giveaway time.

Walmart IS the poster child of 'legitimate racketeering.'

When you have to quote a gangster for your wisdom, that's a sign the wheels have come off your rat rod of reason. As I pointed out, there is no such thing as "legal racketeering" ...it's an oxymoron.

So now we're back on Walmart again? Walmarts are closing because of your concerted efforts to destroy them.... so now, you're taking the results of your war campaign and using that to further bash Walmart and accuse them of even more unethical practices. It's like beating the shit out of your wife then claiming she deserved it because she's trailer park trash.

Municipalities have all kinds of ways to attract new business and industry. This isn't just something that happens with Walmart. I worked on an industrial development board for about 6 years back in the early 90s. We essentially built an entire industrial park on speculation and filled it with world-class industries. Yes indeed, we offered some attractive tax incentives, great property values and outstanding benefits to lure them to our community. But make no mistake, our community had to stand on it's own merit as well. We had good schools, recreation, a robust fiber optics communication network... things that appealed to the powers-that-be and won them over. Through these efforts, we converted a dying little textile mill town into a vibrant area of economic prosperity with abundant good-paying job opportunities.

But let's be perfectly clear... YOU want to destroy all of that. You don't want things like that to happen. You would rather have government control the mechanism of production because you're a brainwashed and mindless little Marxist.
OK, so lets put it this way; A company making $1M, pays 37% of 1/10 of all of the money collected.

No... Let's put it this way... it doesn't matter how much money is collected.

Each week, at my bistro, I collect close to $10,000. I'm not making $10k... that's how much I collect. Out of that, I have to pay for the food I serve, I have to pay my staff, I have to pay my utilities, etc. I have advertising costs, building maintenance, insurance. I may have to repair the refrigerator or air conditioning. I may have to replace a broken window or fix a broken toilet. I paid for my buildings up front or I would have to pay rent... still, owning my own buildings also has costs.

It doesn't matter to the state tax collector that I have all of these things to pay because they collect sales taxes on what I sell. In other words, I pay the sales taxes on $10k, which is 7% in my state. Of course, I don't actually pay these, my customers do, as I add it onto their bill. But I have to keep track of it and show documentation to the tax man. I provide that service free of charge.

At the end of the day, whatever little bit of money is left over is called "profit" and so far, I am not realizing a profit from my business. Every bit of what would be profit is going right back into the business. Eventually, I will realize a profit and that will be taxed at the Federal and State level as income. By then, I will have "collected" quite a bit of money, it has nothing to do with how much income I received from profit. So whenever you start throwing out your "facts" about what companies collect as opposed to what they pay in taxes, it's a pointless argument that has nothing to do with anything.

Furthermore, let's jump ahead a few years to when I actually do realize a profit. The following year, after realizing my first profit and paying income tax on it, I hope to show a "record profit" ... In other words, I hope to break the previous year's amount. I need to break the previous year's amount of profit by 10% or more or my business is failing to thrive and keep up with my competition. And again, this modest 10% increase can be called a "record profit" because it exceeds the amount from the previous year. This is called "growth."

Now.... the cook in my kitchen may think he is working for "slave wages" but it doesn't change the reality of my business or make more profits for me. If he isn't satisfied with his wages, he lives in a free country and is able to seek employment elsewhere if he so desires. He's not being shackled or held against his will and forced to work for me.

Another one of you smart-ass Marxists once quipped that I am a greedy fuck who takes advantage of his workers by not paying them what they are worth.... I disagreed that I am greedy but I absolutely agreed that I don't pay my employees anything near what they are worth. My staff are rock stars! They all go above and beyond the call of duty every single day to make me look good and help my business thrive and prosper. It would be impossible to pay them what they are worth to me. Still, my waiters are making over $100 a night in tips, so they will end up paying more Federal income taxes than I will. And Marxists will exploit that statistic to try and illustrate how I am a greedy capitalist.

What percentage of the $520,000/yr do you pay in federal tax? Should be about 2%.

Your bigger problem is you own a bistro and only have $520k in yearly revenue. Why don't you hire someone that knows what the fuck they're doing and enjoy $1.5M in revenue.
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If the employee makes all of the monies for the company how much are their services worth?

This has now been addressed at least a dozen times in this thread. You've never proven your claim that employees make all of the monies for any company. You have no response to the evidence which contradicts this on it's face. You simply continue to throw out this same meme about every page or so. We shouldn't have to just keep on pointing this out to you. Apparently, you believe that repeating it over and over will somehow make it come true?
Ray, I love you man-- but you're getting off into some murky territory here. You just posted a CBS News link... (that should be a sign.) This is emotive propaganda designed to appeal to nit wits who think the government needs to save us. Oh, the humanity... most people can't handle a $500 surprise! What to do, what to do?

I agree that we do have a problem with too much government-funded welfare but presenting an emotive argument that seeks more government welfare is counter-intuitive. The primary problem with the lack of jobs pointed out by Muhammed is the result of Obama policies like his ACA and it's mandates on employers. The only jobs available now are shit jobs that no one wants. Part-time work without any benefits because employers can get around the mandates that way.

While we may need some reforms on the government handouts, it does no good to "kick people off the dole" as you say, if they have no opportunity due to excessive government mandates on business. What you'll get is more suffering and crime which will be exploited by the Marxists to push for more welfare and castigate you for being the evil person who cut it in the first place.

I personally think we've made progress in cutting a lot of welfare programs... maybe not enough... maybe we need to cut some more, eventually... but right now, the problem is not the welfare programs, it's the massive government mandates choking business and eliminating the possibility of new jobs. When we see real jobs being created, unemployment dropping, economic growth that is no longer anemic, then we can discuss cutting more welfare programs. I actually prefer welfare-to-workfare type programs which transition people from welfare and ween them from the government teat over time.

I'm sorry to have to disagree with some of your points here, but as a tractor-trailer driver, I can tell you there are plenty of jobs out there. The problem is Americans don't want to work.

In my field alone, we need tens of thousands of workers we can't find. No, you're not going to get rich driving a truck, but you can provide yourself with a good living with many benefits other jobs don't have. With just a year or so of experience, you can get a job with a major carrier like FedEx or UPS. They are always looking for drivers and their local hourly pay is in the mid twenty dollar an hour range plus plenty of overtime and benefits.

My father is a retired bricklayer, and because he gets pension payments from the union, they stay in touch with their retirees. A few years ago they sent out their newsletter begging their retirees to find young workers interested in that line of work. Granted, it is tough work, but as a journeyman, you can make in the area of $50.00 an hour including benefits, and up north, you collect unemployment all winter. It's a promising career and my father did pretty well for himself considering how late he got into the profession.

As my day goes by, I ride through industrial areas all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Okay, maybe some of those jobs don't pay so well. But a few of our customers have those signs on their lawn, and from what I understand, the starting pay is pretty damn good.

So I don't buy this thing about not enough jobs. Maybe there are not enough jobs to go around to everybody, but there are more than enough jobs for people that say there aren't siting home dining on our tax dollars.
What percentage of the $520,000/yr do you pay in federal tax? Should be about 2%.

Your bigger problem is you own a bistro and on have $520k in yearly revenue. Why don't you hire someone that knows what the fuck they're doing and enjoy $1.5M in revenue.

Again... you are making my point. Marxists like you will cleverly pull the bait-n-switch by trying to conflate "collected revenue" with profits. I pay federal income tax on my income, not my revenue. I will probably not pay any income tax this year because I'll probably show a net loss for the year. This is common with most businesses in their first year and can be the case for several years, depending on the business.

When it comes to business and how to make one a success, I do know what I am doing. I have started over 40 of them in my lifetime. I've never had to declare bankruptcy on one that I started. I have had a few that didn't make money and I closed them, but I've never had to go the bankruptcy route. I did once purchase a business I had to declare Chapter 11 on because it was so fucked up when I got it that it couldn't be saved. That's the last time I bought someone else's business.

Now.... IF you need more lessons on business, I am available for personal tutoring at a reasonable fee. I think I have given away plenty of information here for free at this point.
Ray, I love you man-- but you're getting off into some murky territory here. You just posted a CBS News link... (that should be a sign.) This is emotive propaganda designed to appeal to nit wits who think the government needs to save us. Oh, the humanity... most people can't handle a $500 surprise! What to do, what to do?

I agree that we do have a problem with too much government-funded welfare but presenting an emotive argument that seeks more government welfare is counter-intuitive. The primary problem with the lack of jobs pointed out by Muhammed is the result of Obama policies like his ACA and it's mandates on employers. The only jobs available now are shit jobs that no one wants. Part-time work without any benefits because employers can get around the mandates that way.

While we may need some reforms on the government handouts, it does no good to "kick people off the dole" as you say, if they have no opportunity due to excessive government mandates on business. What you'll get is more suffering and crime which will be exploited by the Marxists to push for more welfare and castigate you for being the evil person who cut it in the first place.

I personally think we've made progress in cutting a lot of welfare programs... maybe not enough... maybe we need to cut some more, eventually... but right now, the problem is not the welfare programs, it's the massive government mandates choking business and eliminating the possibility of new jobs. When we see real jobs being created, unemployment dropping, economic growth that is no longer anemic, then we can discuss cutting more welfare programs. I actually prefer welfare-to-workfare type programs which transition people from welfare and ween them from the government teat over time.

I'm sorry to have to disagree with some of your points here, but as a tractor-trailer driver, I can tell you there are plenty of jobs out there. The problem is Americans don't want to work.

In my field alone, we need tens of thousands of workers we can't find. No, you're not going to get rich driving a truck, but you can provide yourself with a good living with many benefits other jobs don't have. With just a year or so of experience, you can get a job with a major carrier like FedEx or UPS. They are always looking for drivers and their local hourly pay is in the mid twenty dollar an hour range plus plenty of overtime and benefits.

My father is a retired bricklayer, and because he gets pension payments from the union, they stay in touch with their retirees. A few years ago they sent out their newsletter begging their retirees to find young workers interested in that line of work. Granted, it is tough work, but as a journeyman, you can make in the area of $50.00 an hour including benefits, and up north, you collect unemployment all winter. It's a promising career and my father did pretty well for himself considering how late he got into the profession.

As my day goes by, I ride through industrial areas all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Okay, maybe some of those jobs don't pay so well. But a few of our customers have those signs on their lawn, and from what I understand, the starting pay is pretty damn good.

So I don't buy this thing about not enough jobs. Maybe there are not enough jobs to go around to everybody, but there are more than enough jobs for people that say there aren't siting home dining on our tax dollars.
Then trucking companies want experience, and there are problems getting training. Never seen an ad looking for bricklayers...I think you're dreaming again, dupe. I HAVE seen stories on TV about 100 good jobs and thousands of applicants.

Seems like we have to forgive crime records since most UE blacks have them...
You're wrong. Greedy CEO's are the reason we need public assistance AND are the reason we have wage disparity.

We don't "need" public assistance, we have public assistance. Big difference.

Wage disparity is due to more Americans finding their dream. We make a new millionaire every day in this country just with lotteries alone. With more things to buy than ever before, those who provide goods and services deserve what they earned.

CEO's have control over the company they work for and not society. CEO's don't provide social programs--Democrats provide social programs.

Since wages haven't kept par with costs, the NEED for public assistance has increased.

Wage disparity is due to Americans finding their dream and wanting more than their dream is worth. During the Visa card economy of W., investors received record returns which they still want to receive, but the Visa card is maxed out, so companies take the easy way out and off-shore to slave workers.

I believe that CEO's have a responsibility to their companies and society and a whole. I talk-the-talk AND walk-the-walk by staring my employees at $23.50/hr plus benefits. None of my employees are a burden to society. Can Walmart say the same?

You start your employees at $49k a year?


It's actually $48,880.00/yr not including over-time for hourly employees, and a travel Per Diem, plus a $12k/yr benefits package.

Want to know how I do it?
Ray, I love you man-- but you're getting off into some murky territory here. You just posted a CBS News link... (that should be a sign.) This is emotive propaganda designed to appeal to nit wits who think the government needs to save us. Oh, the humanity... most people can't handle a $500 surprise! What to do, what to do?

I agree that we do have a problem with too much government-funded welfare but presenting an emotive argument that seeks more government welfare is counter-intuitive. The primary problem with the lack of jobs pointed out by Muhammed is the result of Obama policies like his ACA and it's mandates on employers. The only jobs available now are shit jobs that no one wants. Part-time work without any benefits because employers can get around the mandates that way.

While we may need some reforms on the government handouts, it does no good to "kick people off the dole" as you say, if they have no opportunity due to excessive government mandates on business. What you'll get is more suffering and crime which will be exploited by the Marxists to push for more welfare and castigate you for being the evil person who cut it in the first place.

I personally think we've made progress in cutting a lot of welfare programs... maybe not enough... maybe we need to cut some more, eventually... but right now, the problem is not the welfare programs, it's the massive government mandates choking business and eliminating the possibility of new jobs. When we see real jobs being created, unemployment dropping, economic growth that is no longer anemic, then we can discuss cutting more welfare programs. I actually prefer welfare-to-workfare type programs which transition people from welfare and ween them from the government teat over time.

I'm sorry to have to disagree with some of your points here, but as a tractor-trailer driver, I can tell you there are plenty of jobs out there. The problem is Americans don't want to work.

In my field alone, we need tens of thousands of workers we can't find. No, you're not going to get rich driving a truck, but you can provide yourself with a good living with many benefits other jobs don't have. With just a year or so of experience, you can get a job with a major carrier like FedEx or UPS. They are always looking for drivers and their local hourly pay is in the mid twenty dollar an hour range plus plenty of overtime and benefits.

My father is a retired bricklayer, and because he gets pension payments from the union, they stay in touch with their retirees. A few years ago they sent out their newsletter begging their retirees to find young workers interested in that line of work. Granted, it is tough work, but as a journeyman, you can make in the area of $50.00 an hour including benefits, and up north, you collect unemployment all winter. It's a promising career and my father did pretty well for himself considering how late he got into the profession.

As my day goes by, I ride through industrial areas all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Okay, maybe some of those jobs don't pay so well. But a few of our customers have those signs on their lawn, and from what I understand, the starting pay is pretty damn good.

So I don't buy this thing about not enough jobs. Maybe there are not enough jobs to go around to everybody, but there are more than enough jobs for people that say there aren't siting home dining on our tax dollars.

Ray, the big thing here is, we are on a topic that is actually multi-layered and complex. There is not a "one right answer" on this, the problem is complicated. Yes, there are certain fields where finding employees is difficult.. hence the high pay rates. This can also vary widely from region to region. I try not to make generalized statements or arguments because the variables are so different between individuals. Saying something like "Americans won't work" is an example... do you mean that all Americans won't work? Certainly, there are some who would rather stay home and collect government checks. I get your point on that, but that's not the only part of the problem.

Obamacare obliterated the private sector job creation in America. It added a massive employer mandate which essentially killed millions upon millions of jobs, created more outsourcing and downsizing and massive unemployment. Those jobs are not coming back and the Marxists are giddy about that... it's the perfect excuse for them to implement more Marxist measurements to "take care" of us. Corporations are "too greedy" and we need government to step in and do something.

What we NEED... is to get government the hell out of our lives and let free market capitalism do what it does, provide a bounty of economic prosperity for all. Once we have done that, we can look at eliminating the waste, fraud and abuse in our welfare system. We have no business whatsoever using our tax dollars to pay benefits out to illegal aliens and those who aren't American citizens. Our public assistance programs should target the truly needy. People who ARE citizens, who have a legitimate need for our help.
Wage disparity and wealth disparity are the result of legal racketeering.

Well, not only is that an oxymoron, it's also about the third baseless argument you've presented for wage/wealth disparity. You just keep getting sillier with your claims and you've not supported any of them.

I stand by what I've said and I explained exactly why we have wage/wealth disparity in a free market capitalist system... it's because that's natural in ANY free market system. The only kind of system you can have where there is never disparity in wages or wealth is a closed and isolated despotic system like North Korea.

There, the ruling class elite control all the wealth and everyone's "wages" are essentially the same.

'Wage disparity and wealth disparity are the result of legal racketeering.' How in the hell is that an oxymoron?

Racketeering, often associated with organized crime, is the act of offering of a dishonest service (a "racket") to solve a problem that wouldn't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service.Racketeering as defined by the RICO act includes a list of 35 crimes.

Racketeering is, by definition, illegal. Something can't be both legal and illegal... thus "legal racketeering" is an oxymoron... moron.

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Walmart is the largest 'legitimate racket' in the world. If you're a City or County and you want a Walmart to open in you respective area, YOU have to approach them with a handful of giveaways such as free/discounted land and or buildings, No employee tax. Keeping sales tax collected. No property tax. etc.

Of course the giveaways are for a limited time. What do you want to bet that all of those Walmart stores that closed because of 'plumbing problems' were at the end of their giveaway time.

Walmart IS the poster child of 'legitimate racketeering.'

I once served on the Zoning and Planning Commission where I live. We didn't have to approach Walmart when they wanted to build two of their Neighborhood Market grocery stores. The approached us.

You didn't, but your predecessors did.

What kinds of goodies did you give them? Don't lie now.
Ray, the big thing here is, we are on a topic that is actually multi-layered and complex. There is not a "one right answer" on this, the problem is complicated. Yes, there are certain fields where finding employees is difficult.. hence the high pay rates. This can also vary widely from region to region. I try not to make generalized statements or arguments because the variables are so different between individuals. Saying something like "Americans won't work" is an example... do you mean that all Americans won't work? Certainly, there are some who would rather stay home and collect government checks. I get your point on that, but that's not the only part of the problem.

Obamacare obliterated the private sector job creation in America. It added a massive employer mandate which essentially killed millions upon millions of jobs, created more outsourcing and downsizing and massive unemployment. Those jobs are not coming back and the Marxists are giddy about that... it's the perfect excuse for them to implement more Marxist measurements to "take care" of us. Corporations are "too greedy" and we need government to step in and do something.

What we NEED... is to get government the hell out of our lives and let free market capitalism do what it does, provide a bounty of economic prosperity for all. Once we have done that, we can look at eliminating the waste, fraud and abuse in our welfare system. We have no business whatsoever using our tax dollars to pay benefits out to illegal aliens and those who aren't American citizens. Our public assistance programs should target the truly needy. People who ARE citizens, who have a legitimate need for our help.

I don't disagree with most of what you said, especially the illegals who are coming here and keeping our wages down. But as far as work goes, yes, DumBama killed a lot of jobs. In fact in my lifetime, I've never witnessed such an anti-business President.

New good jobs are a good thing, but that's not going to attract the people that won't work period. As I said, there are millions of good jobs now, it's just that Americans (some) won't do the work.

If you are hungry enough, you'll figure out how to get food. But if food is being virtually brought to your doorstep, then what's the point of getting food yourself? If you are standing in a public place with 17 other people, two of them are on food stamps. That's a lot of people.

We've created a new generation of irresponsible government dependents, and eliminating that is the first step to filling all those jobs out there. When we run out, then not enough jobs will be a problem. Right now, it's not.
I can
Well, not only is that an oxymoron, it's also about the third baseless argument you've presented for wage/wealth disparity. You just keep getting sillier with your claims and you've not supported any of them.

I stand by what I've said and I explained exactly why we have wage/wealth disparity in a free market capitalist system... it's because that's natural in ANY free market system. The only kind of system you can have where there is never disparity in wages or wealth is a closed and isolated despotic system like North Korea.

There, the ruling class elite control all the wealth and everyone's "wages" are essentially the same.

'Wage disparity and wealth disparity are the result of legal racketeering.' How in the hell is that an oxymoron?

Racketeering, often associated with organized crime, is the act of offering of a dishonest service (a "racket") to solve a problem that wouldn't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service.Racketeering as defined by the RICO act includes a list of 35 crimes.

Racketeering is, by definition, illegal. Something can't be both legal and illegal... thus "legal racketeering" is an oxymoron... moron.

Capitalism is the legitimate racket of the ruling class...Alphonse Gabriel Capone

Walmart is the largest 'legitimate racket' in the world. If you're a City or County and you want a Walmart to open in you respective area, YOU have to approach them with a handful of giveaways such as free/discounted land and or buildings, No employee tax. Keeping sales tax collected. No property tax. etc.

Of course the giveaways are for a limited time. What do you want to bet that all of those Walmart stores that closed because of 'plumbing problems' were at the end of their giveaway time.

Walmart IS the poster child of 'legitimate racketeering.'

I once served on the Zoning and Planning Commission where I live. We didn't have to approach Walmart when they wanted to build two of their Neighborhood Market grocery stores. The approached us.

You didn't, but your predecessors did.

What kinds of goodies did you give them? Don't lie now.

If you think they did or I did, why don't you provide a list. While you at it, provide proof of your claim.
Then trucking companies want experience, and there are problems getting training. Never seen an ad looking for bricklayers...I think you're dreaming again, dupe. I HAVE seen stories on TV about 100 good jobs and thousands of applicants.

Seems like we have to forgive crime records since most UE blacks have them...

Really? Then try to hire a bricklayer here in Cleveland like my employer tried to do. He can't find anybody to build him a stone mailbox for his tree lawn. He even requested I ask my father to see if he knows anybody, and my father really doesn't.

Not all trucking companies want experience. Some will hire you without knowing how to spell Truck. They will not only train you, but pay you while you learn. They will not only guarantee you a job, but as part of the training, you have to sign a one or two year contract with them.

More and more foreigners are on our roads today piloting a vehicle that weigh over 75 thousand pounds, and they don't know how to speak the language yet alone read it. They are terrible drivers to boot. And several times a year, some foreigner will come running up to my truck and ask me if I would back their trailer in for them because they don't know how. I have no idea HTF these foreigners even get a drivers license in this country, but somehow they do.

But even if you don't want to get stuck working for a company under contract, most driving schools are only a couple thousand bucks, and all have financial assistance.
That's not what deported means. Even the DHS Secretary says that.

Deported is to expel a foreigner from a country.

You guys will do anything to cover for your BOY despite things being done for him in a manner that has never been done for another President. He truly is the Affirmative Action president. He can't do the way the white Presidents had to do it so they make it easier on him by counting it a different way.

Racial slurs aside, how is paying employees a living wage a bad thing?

You're confused. The black President is having things counted in his favor that none of the other Presidents, all white, had counted that way for them. I stated a fact. You simply didn't like the manner in which I said it.

There's nothing wrong with paying a worker a living wage AS LONG AS the skills they offer in return warrant that wage. If they don't offer skills that warrant it, the problem isn't with the one paying but with the one offering such low skills they can't EARN it.

You're confused. The black President is having things counted in his favor that none of the other Presidents, all white, had counted that way for them. I stated a fact. You simply didn't like the manner in which I said it.

If you'd have a point, then you'd post the numbers.

There's nothing wrong with paying a worker a living wage AS LONG AS the skills they offer in return warrant that wage. If they don't offer skills that warrant it, the problem isn't with the one paying but with the one offering such low skills they can't EARN it.

Name one job that doesn't require a certification degree that isn't low skill.

I don't need to post numbers. All I need to post is that the Secretary of DHS said it was being counted differently for the affirmative action President. Just like AA gives blacks advantages in hiring based on race, things incorrectly labeled deportation were counted that way for the black President, although never for the white ones, and it gives false numbers.

I can name plenty of jobs that are one step above what a monkey could be trained to do that aren't worth the current $7.25 minimum wage. I learned to sweep floor and empty trash at a young age doing chores at home. You want a skill that a 5 year old can learn to be paid a wage for which those skills will never be worth.
Ray, I love you man-- but you're getting off into some murky territory here. You just posted a CBS News link... (that should be a sign.) This is emotive propaganda designed to appeal to nit wits who think the government needs to save us. Oh, the humanity... most people can't handle a $500 surprise! What to do, what to do?

I agree that we do have a problem with too much government-funded welfare but presenting an emotive argument that seeks more government welfare is counter-intuitive. The primary problem with the lack of jobs pointed out by Muhammed is the result of Obama policies like his ACA and it's mandates on employers. The only jobs available now are shit jobs that no one wants. Part-time work without any benefits because employers can get around the mandates that way.

While we may need some reforms on the government handouts, it does no good to "kick people off the dole" as you say, if they have no opportunity due to excessive government mandates on business. What you'll get is more suffering and crime which will be exploited by the Marxists to push for more welfare and castigate you for being the evil person who cut it in the first place.

I personally think we've made progress in cutting a lot of welfare programs... maybe not enough... maybe we need to cut some more, eventually... but right now, the problem is not the welfare programs, it's the massive government mandates choking business and eliminating the possibility of new jobs. When we see real jobs being created, unemployment dropping, economic growth that is no longer anemic, then we can discuss cutting more welfare programs. I actually prefer welfare-to-workfare type programs which transition people from welfare and ween them from the government teat over time.

I'm sorry to have to disagree with some of your points here, but as a tractor-trailer driver, I can tell you there are plenty of jobs out there. The problem is Americans don't want to work.

In my field alone, we need tens of thousands of workers we can't find. No, you're not going to get rich driving a truck, but you can provide yourself with a good living with many benefits other jobs don't have. With just a year or so of experience, you can get a job with a major carrier like FedEx or UPS. They are always looking for drivers and their local hourly pay is in the mid twenty dollar an hour range plus plenty of overtime and benefits.

My father is a retired bricklayer, and because he gets pension payments from the union, they stay in touch with their retirees. A few years ago they sent out their newsletter begging their retirees to find young workers interested in that line of work. Granted, it is tough work, but as a journeyman, you can make in the area of $50.00 an hour including benefits, and up north, you collect unemployment all winter. It's a promising career and my father did pretty well for himself considering how late he got into the profession.

As my day goes by, I ride through industrial areas all littered with HELP WANTED signs. Okay, maybe some of those jobs don't pay so well. But a few of our customers have those signs on their lawn, and from what I understand, the starting pay is pretty damn good.

So I don't buy this thing about not enough jobs. Maybe there are not enough jobs to go around to everybody, but there are more than enough jobs for people that say there aren't siting home dining on our tax dollars.
Then trucking companies want experience, and there are problems getting training. Never seen an ad looking for bricklayers...I think you're dreaming again, dupe. I HAVE seen stories on TV about 100 good jobs and thousands of applicants.

Seems like we have to forgive crime records since most UE blacks have them...

Trucking companies want new CDL holders out of farm schools so they can exploit them and pay so little that they have to live in their truck. Then, and the most disgusting fact of the industry are the company lease programs where EVERY company that has one has been charged, fined, and convicted of fraud.

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