Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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So you would be filing a challenge against a state that had a law banning abortion and base your argument that it is unconstitutional because that law does not provide equal protection under the law?


Life > Convenience

If some persons are not given equal protection of their right to life under the law, then the law is unconstitutional.
There would have to be state laws BANNING IT for your argument to make any sense.

You aren't very bright, are you?

A right to life argument?
Show me some citations with that and crosses with equal protection under the law.
Where is it? Where is there any case law to support the nonsense you post?

Says who? You? Who elected YOU Supreme High Arbiter of How People Have To Feel

Yet another "Oh, the irony" posts from the Cesspit.

Tell me, you sanctimonious twat, do you EVER get sick of your own voice, and jaws yapping? It wouldn't surprise me one iota if some scientist discovered that the butterfly effect of you opening your fat jowls every five seconds is the cause of all those tornadoes happening stateside...
Think he'll ever tell his daughters what he thinks of them?

Look, I got two daughters - 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby
-Barrack H. Obama, President of the United States

When Bristol Palin campaigns against teen pregnancies, is she saying that she regrets having her baby?

No, she's saying that the circumstances under which she got pregnant with him were not a good idea. If she were campaigning for teenaged abortions, THAT would indicate that she regrets having her baby.

So now you admit that "circumstances" are different with each and every pregnancy in America. It takes a while to get the truth out but I am used to that in my work.
And you folks want the GOVERNMENT to be judge and jury as to which set of "circumstances" merit an abortion and which do not.
Closet liberal.
True patriots of liberty always FEAR THE GOVERNMENT and always want to LIMIT their power.
You will have to answer to someone.... eventually.

If you believe in the same God I do and I have always thought that you do, then forgiveness has long been extended.


Forgiveness being extended is not the same as being forgiven. For that, one must feel remorse, want forgiveness, and intend to change.

I have to disagree as this then takes the Grace of God out of the picture and puts salvation in the hands of the sinner, but this is off topic and should be discussed elsewhere. If I have to repent to receive forgiveness, then repentance is a "work". If I have to "accept" Jesus by some kind of magic prayer, then the Blood of Christ has no value at all. My salvation depends upon my speaking some magic words.

Eph 2:8-9.

When Bristol Palin campaigns against teen pregnancies, is she saying that she regrets having her baby?

No, she's saying that the circumstances under which she got pregnant with him were not a good idea. If she were campaigning for teenaged abortions, THAT would indicate that she regrets having her baby.

...And you folks want the GOVERNMENT to be judge and jury as to which set of "circumstances" merit an abortion and which do not.

Ah, no, actually us folks only want the government to protect the people who just happen to be living in the womb the same as they protect everyone else.
If you believe in the same God I do and I have always thought that you do, then forgiveness has long been extended.


Forgiveness being extended is not the same as being forgiven. For that, one must feel remorse, want forgiveness, and intend to change.

I have to disagree as this then takes the Grace of God out of the picture and puts salvation in the hands of the sinner, but this is off topic and should be discussed elsewhere. If I have to repent to receive forgiveness, then repentance is a "work". If I have to "accept" Jesus by some kind of magic prayer, then the Blood of Christ has no value at all. My salvation depends upon my speaking some magic words.

Eph 2:8-9.


Salvation depends on you grasping the hand attempting to pull your drowning butt into the boat, you're absolutely right about that. Nowhere does the Bible indicate that you get to do any stupid, evil thing you want, and then God scoops you up and saves you against your will.

We can certainly continue this elsewhere if you like.
So you would be filing a challenge against a state that had a law banning abortion and base your argument that it is unconstitutional because that law does not provide equal protection under the law?


Life > Convenience

If some persons are not given equal protection of their right to life under the law, then the law is unconstitutional.
There would have to be state laws BANNING IT for your argument to make any sense.
You aren't very bright, are you?

A right to life argument?

All rights rest on the right to one's life. If there is no right to life itself- to even exist- then there are no rights at all.
Show me some citations with that

You mean you didn't know homicide is criminal in many cases? You've never heard of wrongful death suits?
Half of all women in America will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime.

Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore abortion opponents are pro child abuse.
Half of all women in America will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime.

Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore abortion opponents are pro child abuse.

You are the poster child for abortion.
Half of all women in America will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime.

Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore abortion opponents are pro child abuse.

You are the poster child for abortion.

Chris is incapable of saying anything that isn't a load of hogwash.

If widespread abortion on demand is a cure for child abuse, why is it that child abuse rates haven't decreased drastically since we started killing over a million babies a year? (Leaving aside the fact that killing them is about as extreme a form of child abuse as I can imagine.)

And how the fuck are we defining "unwanted"? I assume with a ludicrous number like "half of all women", we aren't talking about a strict, "Oh my GOD, I just gave birth to Chris! Aaaaggghhh!!!" scenario.
Half of all women in America will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime.

Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.

Therefore abortion opponents are pro child abuse.

Logical fallacy.

Besides being untrue. There are absolutely no statistics which support that ridiculous statement. And, in fact, the stats show an INCREASE in child abuse since the advent of legalized abortion.

Therefore abortion advocates want not only to kill children, but to abuse them as well.
Half of all women in America will have an unwanted pregnancy in their lifetime.

Maybe more of them should have kept their legs closed?
Unwanted children are MUCH more likely to be abused.
As are black babies..
Therefore abortion opponents are pro child abuse.
And anyone who opposes sterilization of blacks :eek:

Using Chris's reasoning, blacks, poor people, anyone with a history of depression... must be sterilized!

For the children
No, she's saying that the circumstances under which she got pregnant with him were not a good idea. If she were campaigning for teenaged abortions, THAT would indicate that she regrets having her baby.

...And you folks want the GOVERNMENT to be judge and jury as to which set of "circumstances" merit an abortion and which do not.

Ah, no, actually us folks only want the government to protect the people who just happen to be living in the womb the same as they protect everyone else.

With what, your words?
You have yet to state ONE EXAMPLE of how you would legislate abortion.
Give us how it would be set up and how it would work anyway OTHER THAN individual states with their individual criminal codes.
Or is it the fact that since you have not addressed that you have no clue as to how any of that works?
So all we end up with is your words and no substance as to how the laws would differ in each state.
Admitting it was killing a human being would mean he'd have to face his conscience. That's why they can't be honest with themselves or others- their conscience tells them they're murderers.

I doubt many people having abortions walk away from the experience with a pristine conscience.
Admitting it was killing a human being would mean he'd have to face his conscience. That's why they can't be honest with themselves or others- their conscience tells them they're murderers.

I doubt many people having abortions walk away from the experience with a pristine conscience.
Why? You people insist it's not a baby, it's not human, it's not alive... So why the troubled conscience?

Why can't you even be honest with yourselves?
Admitting it was killing a human being would mean he'd have to face his conscience. That's why they can't be honest with themselves or others- their conscience tells them they're murderers.

I doubt many people having abortions walk away from the experience with a pristine conscience.
Why? You people insist it's not a baby, it's not human, it's not alive... So why the troubled conscience?

Why can't you even be honest with yourselves?

I'm still trying to figure out why they keep saying that "No one's in favor of abortion" and "We want it to be rare" if there's nothing wrong with it. And if there's something so wrong with it that "No one supports it", why are they so against inhibiting it? Is abortion a bad, undesirable thing, or isn't it? And if it is, why are we allowing it virtually unfettered?
Admitting it was killing a human being would mean he'd have to face his conscience. That's why they can't be honest with themselves or others- their conscience tells them they're murderers.

I doubt many people having abortions walk away from the experience with a pristine conscience.
Why? You people insist it's not a baby, it's not human, it's not alive... So why the troubled conscience?

Why can't you even be honest with yourselves?

It's a human in the making, stopped in its track.
I doubt many people having abortions walk away from the experience with a pristine conscience.
Why? You people insist it's not a baby, it's not human, it's not alive... So why the troubled conscience?

Why can't you even be honest with yourselves?

It's a human in the making, stopped in its track.

So if it's just "a human in the making" rather than an actual human (not that any single scrap of medical science supports that assertion), why is that a bad thing? As pro-aborts keep telling us, that's comparable to an appendix or one's tonsils: human tissue, but not a person. And who has a troubled conscience over having their appendix out, right?

What's the problem here?
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