Why Can't the Pro-Choice Crowd Be Honest?

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Do cite. I've never called anyone here a murderer for having an abortion. Some of them do seem to believe themselves to be murderers, though, judging by their inability to admit what they've done and defend what it is they advocate.

If it's not murder, if their positions can be justified, why can't they face what they've done?

You wouldn't call someone who killed their 2 year old child a murderer?
You tell me. Is it murder?

Or is that not old enough for it to be wrong?

Why can't you answer the question.

Was Susan Smith convicted of murder? She drowned her 2 children. Was that a just and proper conviction?
How old were you when killing you went from being an okay thing to a not-okay thing and why did it suddenly become wrong to kill you?

I don't remember what the abortion laws were in my state when I was born, or thereabouts.
Did I ask what the law was? I don't give a damn what the law says. Slavery and spousal rape were always wrong, even when they were legal.

You have claimed time and again that somewhere during the human lifespan, killing another person in cold blood goes from being an okay thing to a not okay thing. You want to kill unborn babies but object to me shooting you in the face today. What is the magical transformation that made it no longer okay to kill you and when did it take place?

I already stated my position, clearly and in detail. I'm not going to keep repeating it.
Do cite. I've never called anyone here a murderer for having an abortion. Some of them do seem to believe themselves to be murderers, though, judging by their inability to admit what they've done and defend what it is they advocate.

If it's not murder, if their positions can be justified, why can't they face what they've done?

You wouldn't call someone who killed their 2 year old child a murderer?
You tell me. Is it murder?

Or is that not old enough for it to be wrong?

A sperm is also living material, with the same DNA as a human, so is an egg.

Which means, by your logic, that every time someone masturbates or menstruates, they are "Murderers".
You never stated you opinion.You refused to answer the question.

At what point in your life did what suddenly change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a no-okay thing?

You registered as a Democrat and that made killing you not-okay? :dunno:
You tell me. Is it murder?

Or is that not old enough for it to be wrong?

Why can't you answer the question.

Was Susan Smith convicted of murder? She drowned her 2 children. Was that a just and proper conviction?
No idea. You refuse to tell me how old you have to be before killing you in cold blood becomes not-okay :dunno:

You have no idea whether or not Susan Smith murdered her 2 children? Why are you trolling? Is your position that weak?
You wouldn't call someone who killed their 2 year old child a murderer?
You tell me. Is it murder?

Or is that not old enough for it to be wrong?

A sperm is also living material, with the same DNA as a human, so is an egg.

Which means, by your logic, that every time someone masturbates or menstruates, they are "Murderers".

Today's vocabulary words:


You are to write a 200-word essay detailing the relation between the two. This assignment is due back when you come to class tomorrow.
You never stated you opinion.You refused to answer the question.

At what point in your life did what suddenly change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a no-okay thing?

You registered as a Democrat and that made killing you not-okay? :dunno:

You would have to ask my mother.

I told you I support Roe v. Wade and essentially all the principles therein.
Why can't you answer the question.

Was Susan Smith convicted of murder? She drowned her 2 children. Was that a just and proper conviction?
No idea. You refuse to tell me how old you have to be before killing you in cold blood becomes not-okay :dunno:

You have no idea whether or not Susan Smith murdered her 2 children? Why are you trolling? Is your position that weak?
I'm not sure whether the kids were old enough to be human

you people can't seem to make up your mind on that
Where anyone stands on the is depended on when you think one becomes human. Abortionist and anti abortionist will never agree on when this happens. Within the group, abortionist disagree, right up to the birth. Senator Boxer "It not a baby until the parent decide to take it home"
If society had decided it is not human during the first trimester, Then this premise should apply to all laws governing embryos. When a pregnant woman is assaulted and the pregnancy is terminated as a result of the assault, The offender is guilty of manslaughter. So, if the father of the embryo wants to evade responsibility of parenthood, (Do embryo have fathers?) he should only be held responsible for only the assault, since he did not want a child.
You never stated you opinion.You refused to answer the question.

At what point in your life did what suddenly change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a no-okay thing?

You registered as a Democrat and that made killing you not-okay? :dunno:

You would have to ask my mother.

I told you I support Roe v. Wade and essentially all the principles therein.
What principles?


What happens when a child is 3 months along that makes killing her go from being an okay thing to a not-okay thing? The law is convenient for you, but you can't seem to tel me why it's right.
You never stated you opinion.You refused to answer the question.

At what point in your life did what suddenly change that made killing you in cold blood go from an okay thing to a no-okay thing?

You registered as a Democrat and that made killing you not-okay? :dunno:

You would have to ask my mother.
So she decides when killing you is okay or nto?

So drowning a two-year-old isn't murder when the mother does it? After all, she seems to have decided it was okay
Wow another pro-choice coward who has to justify their pov by referring to an unborn human as 'not-quite-human-yet'.

You didn't actually show the courage to answer my question. What penalty do we impose on women having 1st trimester abortions, including the use of something like RU486, once you have outlawed abortion according to your principles?

Where did I ever say abortion will be outlawed? You're putting words in my mouth that I never spoke then expect me to answer a question based upon that? Please.

Why can't any of you pro-choice types admit that abortion ends/destroys/kills another human being? Why must you hide behind blobs of tissue, viability and the like?

Why haven't you answered JB's questions?

Here, try answering this:


or this:


You believe that abortion is the killing of an innocent person, and yet you wouldn't make it illegal?

What the fuck is that? What's your position on infanticide? Should that also not be a crime?

(I swear you can certainly measure the irrationality of the anti-abortion crowd simply by the irrational shit they throw around, jeezus.)
Where anyone stands on the is depended on when you think one becomes human.
One never becomes human. Humans have human children. The new organism is human from creation. This is a biological fact.

There is no more room for debate or opinion on that than there is over whether Earth is flat.
You tell me. Is it murder?

Or is that not old enough for it to be wrong?

A sperm is also living material, with the same DNA as a human, so is an egg.

Which means, by your logic, that every time someone masturbates or menstruates, they are "Murderers".

Today's vocabulary words:


You are to write a 200-word essay detailing the relation between the two. This assignment is due back when you come to class tomorrow.

Sweet, here's some vocabulary words for you:


I'll give you my essay when you give me yours. K?
Where anyone stands on the is depended on when you think one becomes human.
One never becomes human. Humans have human children. The new organism is human from creation. This is a biological fact.

There is no more room for debate or opinion on that than there is over whether Earth is flat.

So are fingernail clippings. That is a "biological fact".

But really, nothing I say is going to affect your hyperbolic statements, so there's no point.
Where anyone stands on the is depended on when you think one becomes human.
One never becomes human. Humans have human children. The new organism is human from creation. This is a biological fact.

There is no more room for debate or opinion on that than there is over whether Earth is flat.

Did You read my entire post or just the point, you choose to argue with?
ah but your flaw again is using something that is illegal and after birth.
which seems to be a massive failure of pro-life people. /they consider these thing equal and they are not.

i am being honest.My wife who is 7 months right now as a baby inside her. notice how its inside her? You kind of need the female to have the baby..thats how it works till science can take over. we are not there yet.

you cant escape the fact the fetus comes after the woman.Your logic fails again. Your argument fails again over and over because pro-life people cant handle the simple concept of the facts.

i know exactly what is being aborted. i know exactly the choices that are being made. But i feel it is none of your business and i do not nor ever will need to consult you or anyone else on the matter with how i run my family and life.

Now you need to go and try to use rape to justify your argument? I guess if you flail wildly something might land eventually.

This is just sad.

Murderers always feel it's nobody else's business who or why they kill. It's a TRAIT OF ALL MURDERERS.

And I can certainly escape the "fact" that the woman comes before the fetus. Maybe she will choose to come before the fetus..but I know of women who choose to stop cancer treatments because they are pregnant, knowing their time is very limited if they do. They choose to put the "fetus" before themselves. Usually when the "fetus" isn't even a fetus yet.

What were you saying about flailing wildly? Because that post is a really good example of it.

See the bold......And if they decided to do such, that is their right.
Their body, their rules.
Please make up your mind

Does my right to do as I will with or to my own body and property extend to acts which cause harm to another or does it not?

No, by definition if you are harming others then their rights are being violated

Why this even needed to be asked is sad.

, you reveal that one or both of the following is true:
-You do not know what it is you advocate; you are guided purely by your emotion and your programming. You should shut your fucking mouth and not speak about things you do not understand

-You know your position is indefensible; you must lie about what it is you advocate because you cannot honestly defend your position

Why can't you people ever honest?
A sperm is also living material, with the same DNA as a human, so is an egg.

Which means, by your logic, that every time someone masturbates or menstruates, they are "Murderers".

Today's vocabulary words:


You are to write a 200-word essay detailing the relation between the two. This assignment is due back when you come to class tomorrow.

Sweet, here's some vocabulary words for you:


All stages in the life-cycle of a human being

We're dealing with a human life at all stages, as you seem to be trying to point out now
Where anyone stands on the is depended on when you think one becomes human.
One never becomes human. Humans have human children. The new organism is human from creation. This is a biological fact.

There is no more room for debate or opinion on that than there is over whether Earth is flat.

So are fingernail clippings. That is a "biological fact".

No, it's not. A human being is a human organism. Fingernail clippings are not organisms of any kind.

Why can't you people ever be honest?
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